Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 5

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Enzo, would you mind?” I hold up the sunscreen.

  I can’t read his expression with his sunglasses on, but it seems like twenty minutes before he responds.


  I flip over waiting for him to start rubbing it on me. His hands are about to be all over my body! The sound of sunscreen pressed between his palms causes me to tense with anticipation.

  Really Ava, it’s sunscreen.

  His smooth hands start at my shoulders and rub very softly, long stroking motions, as he moves across my back. He moves his hands slowly back up and slides just briefly under the strap of my suit. This is the most sensual experience I’ve ever had with sun protection. I move my hair to the side, and he rubs cream on my neck.

  Leaning into me, he whispers, “just a little bit longer Ava.”

  Just a little bit longer for what? I turn and smile, hoping he has no idea how turned on I am at the moment. Thank you is all I can manage to say.

  I don’t address his comment. I don’t know how. I lay my head down and hit play on the iPod, trying to erase the feeling of his hands over my skin.

  Twenty minutes later, Enzo taps me on the shoulder. “Ava, I think we should move to a cabana. We’ve both had enough sun now.”

  I look up and nod. Our server gathers our things and leads us to a spacious cabana, and by cabana, I mean small bedroom. There is a large double lounger in the middle that looks to be at least as big as a full-size bed. A blue and yellow striped canvas gazebo surrounds us, opening out to the pool. Misters cool down the internal temperature and a small fan blows from its canvassed roof.

  Enzo sits down and pats the lounger, inviting me to sit. I do so and settle in. I put the iPod back on and steal glances of the stunning man sitting next to me. I would prefer if he were on top of me. Maybe someday. Damn this man already has me thinking about sex. I close my eyes and giggle to myself.

  “Yes…I can take a message for her…okay…when…very well.”

  I stir, realizing I’ve fallen asleep. Why is Enzo talking on my phone?

  “Hello there sleeping beauty.” He smiles at me. “I’ve got some news for you.”

  I sit up. “Yes?”

  “The moving company just called. They’ve been delayed because of mechanical problems and won’t be in Phoenix until Wednesday.”

  “Wednesday! That’s bullshit.”

  “Hey, it’s not so bad. You can stay here. With me.”

  “But I don’t want to impose any further.”

  “You are not imposing and I insist. I enjoy your company.”

  “Um, okay. Thank you.” Where else am I going to go?

  “Good. Settled. Now go change. We should leave here around five. Oh and I have a car for you. Grayson will bring the keys around later.”

  “Thanks Enzo. This is really so sweet.”

  He seems intent on avoiding eye contact. “I’ll come to your room at five. Be ready.”

  His moods are all over the place- one minute he seems so relaxed, the next he’s all business. And I still have no idea why he’s doing all of this for me.

  To get in your pants silly girl.

  I can’t really shake the thought. And frankly, I can’t say I wouldn’t like it. I remember Camilla telling me he must be interested. Interested in what though? He’s hot and cold, and I’m confused.

  Still, his presence is very appealing. Unlike the loser I left behind in Denver. Ugh, I don’t want to think about him anymore. I just want to enjoy the moment.

  “Okay I’ll see you later then Enzo.” He nods. I leave to head back to my room. I glance back, and I swear he was watching me. Could it be?

  This all seems so unreal, like I stepped into some fantasy world, except that Prince Charming can be blunt and moody sometimes. This room, this entire hotel, is magical. I’ve already pinched myself, and I’m definitely awake. A small knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. Anna is there with a shit look on her face.

  “Your dress.” Her voice is flat as she hands me the dress bag and sandals.

  “Thank you Anna.” I really want to close the door, but she’s standing in the doorway sizing me up.

  “Can I help you with something?” What is her problem?

  She crosses her arms, glaring at me and dripping with hostility. “I just wanted to see the next notch on Enzo’s bedpost up close.”

  I cannot believe she just said that! I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm.

  “Well here I am. Would you like to take a picture?”

  Anna pulls her head back in surprise. I can play this game too, bitch.

  “Now if you’re done staring at me, I have an event to prepare for.” I hold her stare, not backing down. She turns on her stiletto sandaled heel and stomps away.

  Well, that was pleasant. Either she wants him and can’t get him, or she had him and couldn’t keep him. Didn’t know I’d be defending myself over a man I’m not even with.

  I decide I won’t say a word to Enzo. I have a feeling that wouldn’t bode well for Anna. Besides, I can handle a little jealousy.

  My shower washes away just as much sexual tension as sunscreen. I recall how Enzo’s hands felt as he rubbed cream into my skin. I can only imagine what else those hands can do. Being this close to a man so sexy makes me realize how long a year really is. I’m sure tonight he’ll move in for the kill, but I can’t give in that easy. No matter how hot he is, I’m not interested in actually becoming the next notch.

  I hated washing away Camilla’s handiwork but my hair dried in pretty waves, and I decide to keep it down. Amazing what a difference a good haircut can make.

  Now I’m glad I listened to Cassie and brought so much with me instead of sending it all with the movers. I find some pretty panties to wear and decide a regular bra won’t do under this dress. Fortunately, I have a strapless that will work. I slip on the sandals.

  I keep my makeup light but line my eyes with my favorite purple liner. My eyes are definitely my best feature, so I like to play them up a little. I apply a soft pink gloss to my lips and spritz myself with perfume. Finally, I step into my dress. I check myself in the full-length mirror. Not bad Ava. Not bad.

  I look at the clock. He should be here in five minutes. I grab my handbag and smooth my hair one more time when I hear the knock at my door. I hope he likes how I look.

  “Oh hi Grayson.” Not who I was expecting.

  “Miss Bradshaw. Your key. It’s the silver Mercedes parked in spot six in the garage.” Mercedes!

  “I’ll take you to Mr. Milano now.”

  “Okay thank you.” We walk silently through the courtyard. I focus on not catching my stilettos on the cobbled pavement as we make our way to the front of the hotel. Enzo is waiting for me in a sleek black sports car. It’s elegant and sexy. He steps out and walks over to my side, opening the door for me. He’s wearing a full-blown tuxedo, bow tie and all. Yum! He looks scrumptious. I climb in the luxurious car.

  “You look wonderful Ava. Here, open this.” He hands me a small red bag. I peer inside to find a delicate gold necklace and matching earrings. They are lovely and go perfectly with the dress- of course. At this moment, I’m feeling very Pretty Woman and wondering how this night is going to end.

  “Do you like them?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “They’re for you…to keep.”

  “Thank you.” My voice is small, overwhelmed by this gift.

  I wonder if all his unknown women get this kind of treatment. Jewelry the second day you know the guy?

  We arrive at the event at another lavish hotel. We pull into valet, and I wait for Enzo to open my door.

  Walking into the hotel, he leans over and whispers, “Don’t tell anyone your name. If you are asked directly, tell them you are a friend of mine.”

  “Okay.” I can already see tomorrow’s headlines.

  We enter the large ballroom. Silk panels line the walls, and small crystal chandeliers hang over each table. Round tables dot the room with
pale blue linens and dramatic floral centerpieces. It could be an elegant wedding reception if I didn’t know better. People look in our direction and offer greetings as we walk to our table. I decide being silent is my best move, so I just keep a polite smile on my face. I realize quickly it’s an award dinner honoring Enzo.

  Waiters clad in formalwear serve dinner. Enzo talks nonstop to people as the evening goes on, barely eating his food.

  A woman walks to the front and proceeds to clink her glass with a spoon to get the crowd’s attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to honor a man with incredible talent and vision who is slowly but elegantly transforming the Arizona landscape. Please join me in congratulating this year’s recipient of the Best in Design award, Enzo Milano.”

  Everyone stands, clapping and smiling for this breathtaking man as he strides to the front. He takes a small crystal plaque from the woman and turns towards the podium. He smiles and clears his throat.

  “Thank you for this honor. As you know, I am very passionate about my work, and it is truly rewarding to receive this recognition.”

  He talks for a few minutes about the award then adds, “I also want to thank Miss Ava Bradshaw for sharing this evening with me.”

  He gestures towards me, and I hear gasps around the room. Everyone is looking at me and the heat of my blushing cheeks burns through me. What the hell is he doing? He told me not to tell anyone my name, and then he announces it to the whole room? I don’t get it.

  I offer a strained smile. He’s beaming as he begins to walk back to our table. He sits again as everyone continues clapping. He lifts my hand and kisses the back of it. Excitement and confusion course through my veins. Finally, everyone shifts back to their own conversations. Several people walk up to congratulate Enzo. I don’t say a word and just finish my cocktail.

  “Well Miss Bradshaw. It’s so nice to meet one of Enzo’s girls.” A short round man is speaking to me. Then flushing, he stutters, “Well I meant…uh—”

  “What Ted meant to say,” Enzo starts, “is that it is a pleasure to meet you.” He is glaring at Ted now. So I’m one of his girls now am I?

  “Yes, that is exactly what I meant.” Ted rushes off to the next table.

  “Mr. Milano, can we get a photo with you and Miss Bradshaw?”

  Enzo turns and sees two photographers. He sighs but rises, gripping my hand in his. Okay Ava, here’s your newspaper photo. Make it good. I smooth my hair and smile. The flash goes off, and Enzo’s smile disappears as quickly as it appeared. We sit again and Enzo chats with several people for the next half hour while I sit trying to make sense of it all.

  “Let’s go.” He stands and excuses us from the table. Back in the car, Enzo seems to relax.

  “Ava. I must apologize. I shouldn’t have done that. I really don’t know what I was thinking. Your name just seemed to pop out of my mouth. It was very impulsive of me.” His mouth is tight, and he looks upset.

  “Well what’s wrong with people knowing my name?”

  “You don’t want to be associated with me. It’s better for your privacy. And now I’ve made it news to find out who you are.” He shakes his head.

  “Are you sure it’s you that doesn’t want to be associated with me?” I mean really, that seems to be more the case here. Why bother introducing a girl when she’ll be gone soon enough?

  He sighs. “Ava. That is not the case at all. There isn’t a man in that room that wouldn’t want to be associated with you. My life isn’t normal. For reasons I’ve never understood, the locals in Phoenix are interested in my personal life. I’m very private, but they hound me sometimes. I’m just concerned that someone may try to find out more about you.”

  This is new. I’ve never been with a man who has to protect his privacy.

  You’re not with him Ava. Don’t get your hopes up.

  “I’m sure it won’t be a problem. By Wednesday, I’ll be gone and out of your life again.”

  He turns away from the road as if to speak but remains silent. We drive back to the hotel in silence. I pause in front of my room. Is he going to kiss me? Is he angry? I can’t read his mood, but it seems heavy. Saying my name is that big of a deal?

  “Okay well good night Enzo. I had a great—” He moves suddenly, pressing me up against the door to my room, his hands wrapped around the back of my neck and in my hair. His hot mouth finds mine, and I’m lost, completely consumed by this sudden and explosive passion.

  I tangle my hands in his hair and pull him closer, inhaling his amazing scent. I want to reach down and stroke the hardness pressed against my thigh, but he pulls away.

  He runs his fingers through his hair, pacing like a prowling cat.

  “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “It’s okay Enzo. I wanted it too.” I touch his arm. His eyes fill with a look I can’t quite place, confusion maybe?

  “It’s not right. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  “Enzo, we’re both adults here.”

  His expression hardens. “Good night Ava. I’ve had a wonderful evening with you.”

  He turns and quickly retreats into his own room. I walk into my room, stunned.

  What the hell was that about? I remove the earrings and necklace and return them safely to their box. I step out of my dress and hang it up. Why didn’t he want me? Is there something wrong with me?

  I walk in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I don’t get it. He kisses me but then runs away. I pull on my favorite Betty Boop pajamas and climb into my too big for one person bed. I wonder what this guy’s deal is.

  I like him and he seems to like me, but then he runs away. I don’t even know what I want or expect. I just know I want more.

  Maybe I should just let it go. For whatever reason he doesn’t want me. I’m not supposed to be entertaining the thought of a man anyway.

  I hear a small knock on the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Enzo.”

  Oh! I open the door to see Enzo standing there, tux still on but with his jacket and tie removed and his shirt unbuttoned at the top. Double Yum!

  “May I come in?” Tension creases his brow. I step back, allowing him to enter. I cross my arms over myself, feeling silly with my childish pj’s on.

  His expression softens for a moment, his voice alarmingly seductive. “You look pretty dressed like that. I like it.”

  He likes me in no makeup and Betty Boop pajamas?

  He clears his throat. “Ava. I need to explain.” He runs his fingers through his hair and paces again. “I don’t want you to be just another girl. There’s something about you. I like you. I want to get to know you more. I’m very attracted to you, but I want to take it slow. I don’t want to hurt you.” He blurts out.

  That’s a lot of information. I don’t know what to say.

  “I like you too Enzo. Why do you think you would hurt me?”

  He says nothing, as he moves closer to me, sadness filling his eyes. “You should just believe me on this one.”

  He reaches out and caresses my cheek. I move closer, letting him know I want his touch.


  I press up against him. “You can kiss me again, if you want to Enzo.”

  He closes his eyes as I press harder against his body.

  “Only if you want to.” I whisper. I can’t believe I’m throwing myself at him like this. Right now, I want this man’s lips on my mouth. I’m practically begging for God’s sake. Screw the rules.

  “Enzo, look at me.”

  He shifts his cool blue eyes down to me. He leans in and puts his lips on mine, gently at first. I wrap my arms around his neck and throw myself in his kiss. We kiss passionately for what seems like days. He turns me around and lays me on the bed, pressing his body against me. Now that’s what I’m talking about.

  Breaking away, a smile spreads across his face.

  “Miss Bradshaw, you are delicious.” He rubs my cheek. “But I’m leaving now.”


  He rises and runs his hands through his thick hair, regaining his composure. I pull myself upright in the bed.

  “I will see you tomorrow. I promise.” He winks and walks out the door.

  I’m at a loss. He breezes in here, works me up, and then just leaves? I’m not sure if round two made me feel better or worse. How am I supposed to go to sleep after all that? He’s admitted he’s attracted to me, and that he likes me. But he doesn’t want to hurt me? Is that what he does? He loves ‘em and leaves ‘em?

  Maybe he’s doing me a favor. I don’t need a tangled romantic mess the minute I hit town.

  But I’m intrigued. There is so much to know about him. I want to talk to him, be close to him. I need to try to get some sleep. Maybe everything will be clearer in the morning.

  I finish brushing my teeth and smoothing my hair. I feel refreshed and clear headed, which is good. I need to keep calm around Mr. Mood Change. Maybe I’ll go out and explore my new city. In my Mercedes. Ha! Almost forgot about that. It’s going to be hard to go back to a little economy car after driving that around.

  The knock at my door surprises me. I open it to see Enzo grinning from ear to ear. I don’t know how I didn’t notice his amazing teeth before. He’s wearing a pale blue linen shirt and white shorts, his feet ensconced in flip flops, the signature Phoenix footwear. He has a cart behind him, flashing a dazzling smile.

  “Buon giorno Ava, I hope you’re hungry.” He enters my room, not waiting for an invitation.

  “I’ve brought breakfast.” He says, pushing the cart in. We walk over to the little dining table in my room.

  “What are your plans for today?” He starts placing our meal on the table. My attention fixates on his strong hands pouring coffee.

  “I don’t know. Thought I might go out and explore the city. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to finish my designs for the conference that starts today at one. I’ll be there until six.” He pauses. “Then I’d like you to join me for dinner again.” He shifts his blue eyes up to meet mine.

  “Sure Enzo. I’ll have dinner with you. Another event?”


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