Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 6

by Jennifer Domenico

  “No, just the two of us.”

  Alone. With Enzo. Sounds divine.

  “Do you have a job yet?”

  “Yes, I start next Monday. It’s a company called Monroe Financial Services. I’m going to be a project manager. I took a week to myself to get settled and learn my way around town.”

  He nods. “Excellent. I can give you some ideas of where to spend your time today, if you wish.”

  “That would be helpful Enzo, thank you.”

  “And please Ava, if there is anything you need at the hotel, just ask for it, and it will be taken care of.”

  I feel a little thrill. I’ve never had an experience like this before, and I like it. I need to remember though that this isn’t real life.

  “Ava?” He interrupts my thoughts. “What are you thinking?” He’s studying me now. Think of something.

  “I was wondering where you live?”

  “I don’t really live anywhere. I travel to several cities but don’t have a home base. I spend the majority of my time in Phoenix though. I like it here and most of my family lives in the area.”

  “But you don’t have a home here?”

  “It’s being built. It should be done in two months. I’ll take you to see it later. If you want.”

  “I would like that.”

  “Finish eating.” He grins back. “I hope you like the car.”

  “I’m sure I will. You’re spoiling me Enzo. I could never hope to drive a Mercedes on my own.”

  He reaches over and strokes my hand. “I would like to spoil you Miss Bradshaw. Nothing would please me more.” His eyes burn through me.

  Nothing would please me more than to climb over this table and ride you like a pony.

  Calm yourself down girl.

  He picks up the newspaper and opens it, turning directly to the business page. There we are, splashed in color on the front page.

  “Local Architect Honored at Phoenix Award Ceremony,” the headline blares. Well Ava, here’s your unknown woman caption.

  I read below the picture. “Enzo Milano attends the event with Miss Ava Bradshaw.”

  I flip to the lifestyle page, and there’s the picture of Enzo kissing my hand. A caption next to it says, “Who is Ava Bradshaw? Ava Bradshaw was local architect and notorious bachelor Enzo Milano’s date for the annual Best in Design awards ceremony last night. Mr. Milano openly thanked Miss Bradshaw for attending the event, highlighting the first time his female companion has been acknowledged.” Really? That’s news in this town? Now I see what he meant about the name thing.

  “Enzo.” I hand him the paper. He reads it over, mouth tensing in disapproval. Then he places the paper down, saying nothing. I stare at him, searching his face for something. Notorious bachelor? What the hell does that mean?

  “Are you mad?” I ask.

  “No. I’m not mad. Just concerned that you might be followed a bit.”

  “Why would I be followed?”

  “Some photographers might try. I’ve told you, my private life is unfortunately a very intriguing topic here in Phoenix. Now that I’ve said your name, you are an intriguing topic.”

  “Well like I said, I’ll be out of your hair in a few days. I’m sure interest in me will die down quickly.”

  “You keep saying that like I want you to leave, but I don’t.” He places his hand on top of mine. Ah, the familiar tingle.

  “Ava, I want to spend time with you. I’m happy your furniture isn’t here yet. It’s kept you around longer.” He takes a deep breath.

  “You should know I don’t date. I rarely see a woman twice.” He seems unsure if he wants to keep talking. “I’m kind of a dick when it comes to women Ava. I don’t want to treat you that way. I would like to try dating you.”

  He’s staring at me, waiting for a response. What a strange request. I feel like he just asked me to go steady. What am I supposed to say that? I’m all at once thrilled and befuddled.

  “Sure Enzo. We can try dating.”

  “You seem hesitant Ava.”

  “No, it’s just that normally these things just evolve naturally.”

  “I like people to know exactly what I expect and what they can expect from me. I don’t want you to guess my intentions.”

  “So why did you leave last night?”

  He rubs his hands together. “Like I said last night, I would rather get to know you before moving on to a physical relationship. It’s just better if we do it that way.” His eyes soften and all of a sudden, he looks so fragile. I can tell there is more behind this, but I accept his answer.

  Besides, deep inside I know I don’t have any business rushing back into a relationship. Dating slowly is the right thing to do. I’ve been in Phoenix for three days, and already I’m revising the plan.

  “Okay Enzo. It’s fine with me really. We can take it slow.” He exhales then smiles and squeezes my hand.

  “Now about the day today. I had Grayson enter some addresses in your GPS in the car. It will direct you to some of the best shopping centers in the city. Then I’ll come pick you up after my conference for dinner. I know a great place we can go.” His eyes twinkle.

  “Oh good. I need some new clothes for work, so I’ll get some shopping done.”

  “Very good Ava. I’ll see you soon.” He stands and gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek. I feel myself inhale as soon as he gets close to me. He pauses, but then stands and walks towards the door.

  “Ciao Ava.”

  I love that whole ciao business, and I love the way my name rolls off his accented tongue. I much prefer it to his Miss Bradshaw act, but let’s be honest, that’s becoming a fire starter for me too.

  Oh, man I’ve already got it bad. I need to keep my head. Yes, he’s hot. Yes, I’ve been lonely. And yes, he has something between his legs I’d like to use. But he is right. Slow is better. If it works out, there’s plenty of time for the rest. Take a deep breath girl.

  I put on a little blue sundress with a yellow daisy print. I’m glad I got some summer clothes before I got here. It’s supposed to be 116 degrees today! I go look for my spot with the waiting Mercedes. Adorable! It’s a little silver coupe. I glance at the back and see a bunch of letters and numbers. CLK something, whatever that means. All I know is I like it. I pop in the front seat and start it up. It purrs like a kitten.

  A card on the passenger seat catches my attention. “To Ava”. I open it to find an American Express gift card inside. It’s for $1000! I read the note. “Cara Ava, please accept this as my welcome to Phoenix gift, Enzo.”

  My face flushes with heat. I can’t accept this. But I know he’ll insist. What’s the right thing to do? Maybe he thinks I don’t have any money. Yes, that’s it. He thinks I’m some broke helpless woman who needs his money. Well, he’s wrong. I have plenty of money in my savings, and I don’t need his. I grip the steering wheel. I just need to think about how to handle this with him. I hear my cell phone vibrate inside my handbag.

  “Ciao Ava. It’s Enzo.”

  “Yes?” My voice is flat.

  “What’s wrong, you sound angry?” Observant isn’t he?

  “Why would I be angry? Because I’m sitting in an expensive Mercedes with a gift card in my hand after I’ve had gifts and dinner lavished upon me? Certainly, a poor helpless girl like me should be grateful for such… generosity.”

  Sarcasm drips from my voice. He is silent. I hear his breathing quicken, and I brace myself for a full-scale argument.

  “Ava, you think that’s what this is?” He asks, sounding a bit hurt.

  “I don’t need your money Enzo. I have money. You don’t need to buy my attention. And if this is some ploy to get me to sleep with you, then let me be clear, if I want you, and that’s a big if, it won’t cost you a dime.”

  “Stop it.” His tone is clipped. “You’re way out of line here.”

  “I’m out of line? What line? You have no right to talk to me like that.” My voice rises, surprising even me.

  “Ava, ple
ase.” His voice softens considerably. “I would never try to buy you, and I’ve told you my intentions as far as sex goes. I’m just trying to do nice things for you, and this is all I know how to do.”

  I want to be mad, but my heart melts. Is it possible I’ve misread him completely?

  “Enzo, I’m just not used to anything like this. I didn’t mean to be rude about it. But you’re overstepping a little here.”

  He doesn’t respond.

  “Enzo?” Oh no! Did he hang up?

  I look up, and he’s standing at the car window. I roll it down and hang up my phone. He offers his hand through the window, and I accept it graciously. He leans down through my window, close to my face.

  “Ava.” He says my name so softly it’s a whisper. “You’re making me crazy.” There’s a hint of a smile in his eyes. “I was honest with you about my intentions. I just like to do things for people that I… that I care about. Will you please go shopping and enjoy the gift?”

  He cares about me?

  “Yes Enzo. I will. I just wanted—” He puts his fingers across my lips to stop me.

  “I know. I get it. We’ll talk at dinner. Deal?”


  “Okay now go.” He smiles and plants a soft kiss on my lips that sends tingles through my body.

  I turn on the GPS and select an address. Guess I’m heading to Scottsdale Fashion Square with mad money burning a hole in my pocket.

  What a day. That mall was huge. I can’t wait for my first cupcake-a thon after my trip to Williams Sonoma. I could barely carry my bags loaded with a cupcake cookbook and baking trays. I also bought three other cookbooks, all Italian. Maybe I’ll have a reason to learn to cook some of these dishes.

  I’m exhausted. It’s so hot and I walked a lot. I did get some amazing shopping done though, and I have tons of bags to show for it. Wonder if I can get a bellhop to do it for me.

  Oh already assuming the lifestyle eh?

  Walking into the hotel, I see George.

  “Hello again Miss Bradshaw. Can I help you?”

  “I was wondering if I could get some help with my bags.”

  “Of course. I’ll send someone out right away and bring them to your room. Next time you can leave the car in valet. We’ll park it for you.”

  “Thank you George.” Whew, that’s a relief. I spot Anna in the shop talking to a customer as I pass by. Her gaze shifts to me, and I’m pretty sure she just scowled. What the hell did I do?

  I continue through the hotel and through the courtyard to my room. Glancing at my watch, I see it’s three o’ clock. Good time for a nap before dinner. I feel wiped. A few minutes later, my bags are delivered, and I shut the door and throw myself in the bed to rest.

  The sound of frantic knocking on my door startles me awake. Groggy I rise and answer.

  “Enzo?” I’m a little confused. What time is it?

  “I tried your phone, you didn’t answer. Are you alright?” His handsome face fills with concern.

  “I guess so. I took a nap.”

  “It’s ten after seven. I started to worry something had happened to you.”

  “No, I’m fine. I just felt really hot and tired when I got back.” I run my hands through my hair. A four-hour nap?

  “How much water did you drink today?” His brow furrows. I think back and realize- none. Oh dear. He knows my answer without me saying a word. He walks across the room and opens the small fridge. He grabs a bottle of water and twists off the top.

  “Drink.” It’s an order.

  I gulp it down.

  He hands me another one. “Drink.”

  “I’m drinking.” I roll my eyes but have to admit the water feels so good going down. Already I’m feeling better. I look up and smile.


  I nod.

  “I have an idea.” He grins. “Just put something casual on and I’ll take you to the best place to eat. You must be hungry.”

  “Starving. Just give me a few minutes.” I grab some black capris and a blue sleeveless blouse.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  I look directly in his eyes. “Nope.” I saunter to the bathroom.

  I pee, brush my teeth, throw on some deodorant, and spritz with perfume. I fluff my hair that still looks amazing despite my nap. I put on my clothes and finish with lip gloss.

  “I’m ready.”

  He looks up and smiles, eyes twinkling. “I like casual Ava. It’s refreshing. Let’s go.”

  We walk towards the valet who must have seen him coming since the car is in front of us before we reach the sidewalk. Anna is standing at the far end of the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. I cannot help myself, and I loop my arm through Enzo’s. He looks surprised but accepts the gesture, rubbing my hand in return, as he opens my door. I look up at Anna, and I know she knows I’m looking at her. I don’t know what her problem is. I wonder if I should just shake it off. Or not.

  “Enzo?” He glances at me keeping one eye on the road.

  “Anna seems to have a real problem with me. She gives me pretty ugly looks.” I stop there, leaving out our heated exchange.

  “Anna is unimportant.”

  That’s all he’s going to say. I sigh.

  “She probably doesn’t like you. A few years ago, she came onto me. I had to tell her I wasn’t interested, and I don’t fraternize. She’s been aloof but professional since. I would assume she is simply jealous of you Ava.”

  “Why doesn’t she quit? I would be embarrassed to face you after that.”

  “I pay very well Ava. I make it worth it to work for me. Besides, she’s a very good manager.” Oh, she’s the manager.

  “Don’t let it bother you.”

  “It doesn’t. I just noticed.” He touches my hand again lightly. I really like that.

  We are on the 101 freeway heading north. Enzo pulls out his phone and presses a speed dial button. He launches into Italian, and I can tell he intentionally doesn’t want me to know what he’s saying. I can’t pull my eyes off of him as he speaks. What a sensual language. We exit and continue driving up a narrow road with nothing but desert ahead of us. We round a corner and suddenly the barren landscape is dotted with expansive homes.

  “Where are we going?”

  He ignores me, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. We approach a large wrought-iron gate, and he punches in a code. We drive up a long driveway and stop in front of what I would describe as a mansion. It looks like a beautiful Tuscan farmhouse, with stacked stone and a terra cotta tiled roof. On the left of the rounded driveway is a four-car garage with huge wood doors that resemble antique barn doors. The driveway is paved with cream colored cobbled stones in a circular pattern. There is no landscaping yet, and I can tell it’s still very unfinished. He stops the car in front of the steps that lead up to the large front door.

  “Stay.” He tells me as he jumps out of the car and around to my side.

  He opens his arms towards the structure. “This is my house. We’re having dinner here tonight.”

  “It’s beautiful Enzo. It looks like Tuscany.”

  “Wait until I’m done with it. I’ve had most of the materials imported from Italy. Those doors, for the garage, came off of a 15th century farmhouse that fell into ruin.”

  Oh, they really are antiques. “But the house is empty isn’t it?”

  “Not for long.” He smiles, leaning against a column on the front porch. A van roars up the driveway and pulls up behind us. Grayson jumps out with two other men.

  “Hi boss.” Grayson nods at me.

  They open the van and pull out a small table, two chairs, three huge pillows, and a large basket. A woman steps out from the back seat and smiles. She is very short and very thin with long straight jet-black hair and blue eyes. Her resemblance to Enzo is striking. She’s wearing a bright pink strapless dress and black wedge sandals. She says something I can’t hear to Grayson, who nods and grabs a rug from the truck. Then she walks towards Enzo and me.

nbsp; “Ciao Enzo!” She kisses him on both cheeks, and then she turns towards me and smiles.

  “Ava, this is my little sister Francesca. Also known as my interior designer.” Francesca hugs me and kisses both cheeks.

  “Yes, pleased to meet you.” Her throaty voice drips with Italian accent.

  “Yes, Enzo I know it’s hot, but wait ten minutes for me. Okay?” Francesca clearly has a plan.

  “Let’s wait in the car Ava.” Enzo opens my door. We wait outside in the coolness of the air-conditioned car. I’m all twitterpated with excitement wondering what is happening in the house. Moments later, Francesca steps outside and waves us in. I feel tiny as I walk through a massive wood door that must be twenty feet tall. The grand foyer culminates in a dramatic mosaic design in the center surrounded by pale yellow tiles. My breath catches as I step into the main room. Francesca set up an incredibly romantic scene in this unfinished, unfurnished home.

  “Casa mia. My house Ava.” Enzo leads me by the arm into the living room. Francesca put the vast throw rug on the floor surrounding it with the pillows. Soft music plays in the background. The table is set with candles and dishware and Grayson is setting out our Chinese takeout.

  “This is perfect.” I grin at Enzo.

  He beams and walks to hug his sister. He is so warm and affectionate with her, it warms my heart.

  “Yes, well you two, I’ll leave you to your dinner.” Francesca looks satisfied. Walking close to me, she leans in, “Ava, take care of my big brother.”

  “I will.” For some reason, I don’t want to disappoint her.

  “Okay everyone, clear out. Thank you for your help.”

  I stand looking around as Enzo walks everyone out. He comes back into the main room.

  “Well this is it. I would show you around but there’s not much to see yet. The walls are up, and the air is on but that’s about it. I hope you like it here.”

  “How could I not like it here? It’s amazing, even in its unfinished state.”

  “Let’s eat.” He pours me a cold glass of water. “Only water for you tonight.” He grins and plates my food. “Buon appetito.”

  We eat quietly, the heat generating between us hotter than the blazing sun in Phoenix.


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