Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 7

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Let’s move over there, Ava.”

  We move to the fluffy pillows. I lean myself up against him for support and lay my head against his chest. He strokes my hair and I tilt my head up to him. I know we need to talk about what happened earlier.

  “Enzo, about today.”

  He looks down at me. His blue eyes seem to glow in the candlelight. “It’s my fault Ava. You barely know me and I’ve been quite ungentlemanly toward you.”

  How can he say that? I’ve never met a man more chivalrous.

  “We started off wrong. I shouldn’t have been so blunt with you at Milano. I just couldn’t help myself. You are a very beautiful woman, and I’m afraid my interest in you overrode my manners. I don’t blame you for being upset with me.”

  “Enzo, I don’t think you’ve been ungentlemanly. Direct yes, but I can appreciate that. The gifts are overwhelming though, the dress, the jewelry, and then the card today. That’s a lot to take in. I don’t know how to react.”

  “You don’t need to react. The gifts are just that, gifts. I have no ulterior motive other than to please you.”

  I don’t know what to say. Any lingering anger just dissipated into thin air. I want him now. More than anything.

  “Can I have my kiss now?” I ask, as seductively as I can. He looks in my eyes, studying me.

  “I want you Ava. All of you.” He caresses my cheek. “I want your kisses. I want your body. I want your heart. And yes, you can definitely have a kiss now.”

  He pulls me up to him engrossing me in the heat of his body. His words bounce around in my head as we kiss. I want to give him all of those things. How is this possible? I just met him a few days ago, and I have this connection already? It’s exhilarating and scary and every exciting emotion all at once. I run my fingers through his thick hair savoring every moment of his closeness, exploring his mouth with mine. I would climb inside him if I could. He moves away and continues staring into my eyes, holding my face in his hands.

  “You are so desirable Ava. I don’t know if I can control myself.”

  “So don’t Enzo. Just trust yourself. Trust me.” I try to convince him. He looks so conflicted. He kisses me again and shakes his head no.

  “We need to wait Ava. A little bit longer.” He pulls me to him, so I can’t look at his face anymore and cradles me in his arms.

  “What I said before Ava, you’re not a woman who should be fucked. You should be made love to. You have to know that every ounce of me wants you right now. I want to be the one to make love to you, and I hope one day I will. Very soon.”

  I don’t know what to say to that, so I say nothing. I feel excited and confused, but I also feel something new. Respected maybe?

  Why am I throwing myself at him? Maybe he’s just too hot to believe, and I want to connect with him before he realizes he should move on to someone more…sophisticated.

  He obviously runs in crowds out of my reach. I have nothing to talk about with these people. I still can’t even figure out why I’m here. Why me? Why does he want me around? I’m pretty enough but based on the women I’ve seen him with he’s used to super skinny, done up women and that’s not me. And why the sudden passion and just as sudden shut down. I just don’t know that I’m enough for him. I twist to catch a look at his face. He’s gazing down at me.

  “Enzo I have a question.” I just have to know. “Am I enough for you?”

  His body tenses underneath me. “What? What kind of question is that? It’s obvious I find you attractive isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I mean…it’s just that—”

  “Ava, what are you trying to say?” Enzo’s eyes are soft, coercing me to spill my guts to him.

  I take a deep breath. Let me just get this out in the open. “I know what you said about why you want to wait for sex, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s something about me you’re not sure of, something holding you back. I just feel sort of plain in comparison to the other women I’ve seen you with. Maybe I’m not exciting enough for you.”

  “It’s just the opposite. You are different than the other woman I’ve been with, better. The only thing I’m unsure about is if I’m good enough for you, if I have what it takes to make you happy. I know I can give you everything you need materially. I just want to make sure I can give you what you need emotionally.” He pulls me tighter.

  “I’ve never let a woman into my personal world, you’re the first. I want you here with me very much. I like being able to think about how I feel without blurring the lines with sex. It’s new for me, but I think it’s important. Can you understand?”

  His words hit me like a freight train. That’s it. That’s what’s bothering me. I can’t figure out how to impress him, how to show him how he makes me feel inside without sex. This is truly uncharted territory. For both of us. I feel tears start to well in my eyes and try to blink them back.

  “Yes Enzo, I understand. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For everything.” I bury my face in his chest, relishing this moment of closeness.

  “What am I going to do with you?” He murmurs in my hair.

  “We’ll figure it out Enzo.”

  “We should pack up and get going.” He moves to stand. Oh, no I don’t want this evening to end. I plant myself on the floor, not budging.

  “Seriously, we have to go. I have a busy day tomorrow.” He blows out the candle. I watch a cool demeanor wash over him, replacing the romantic one that was present just seconds before.

  I reluctantly pull myself off the floor. He turns off the single lamp illuminating the room, blanketing us in darkness. He takes my hand as we walk towards the door.

  “What about all of this?” I ask.

  “It will be taken care of.”

  He opens my door to the car, and I wonder if he will always do this and if I will ever get tired of it.

  “So tomorrow, what are your plans?” He interrupts my replay of the evening.

  “I don’t know. I was thinking I would do some more exploring and drink water all day.”

  “Yes, the water is a good idea.” He grins. “Do you need anything? I can send Grayson with you.”

  “No I’m good. I can entertain myself all day.”

  “I’ll be tied up all day in the conference from 9-4. After that, I’d like to spend the evening with you again. There’s another dinner I’d like you to attend with me. Would you like that?”

  “I would.” Is he kidding? I just want to be wherever he is right now.

  “Good. Go get another dress for the evening. Cocktail. And Wednesday, I’d like to help you get settled in your new place, make sure it all goes well.”

  “Okay.” Crap, when he sees my hand me down sofa and beat up bookshelves, there will probably be another showdown.

  “You can go back to Sassy for your dress.”

  Oh great. Back to Bitchville.

  “Sure Enzo.”

  We pull into valet and step out of the car. Enzo takes my hand and walks me back to the room.

  “I’m not coming in there.” He says it with such resolve I decide not to try to persuade him.

  “Well then kiss me here.” He leans in and kisses me. Then grinning, he plants a deeper kiss. He pulls away and keeps his hand on my cheek, shaking his head.


  “I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t stay away.”

  “Nothing wrong with that is there?”

  “Not at all Miss Bradshaw.”

  This time the Miss Bradshaw thing makes every nerve in my body stand at attention. We stand, silently exploring each other’s eyes.

  His eyes shift downward. “I have to leave town on Thursday.”

  “Oh.” I have less than two days left of him.

  “I’ll be back after I take care of some business in Boston.”

  “I’ll be getting settled and starting my job anyway.” I feel sad, which is totally ridiculous. I just met him, I have no reason to feel anything at this poin

  “Hey, look at me. I’m going to see you again Ava. I’m going to see lots of you.”

  A lot of me. I sure hope so.

  “But tonight, it’s time for sleep.” He kisses my cheek and bids me good night. “Buona notte Ava.”

  Ugh! This man is exciting and frustrating and intense and amazing. I have never met a man like this before. He comes into my life like a tornado and sweeps me up. I need to get some clarity though. It would be very easy to get caught up in all of this and lose my footing. Still, it’s so nice to be a part of his world for as long as I can. Maybe the best I can do is just see where things go.


  I wake feeling refreshed. I can’t believe how good my skin looks, and I’m still loving my hair. Today I need to swing by Sassy and get a dress from Cruella Deville then I want to find this area called Kierland Common. Apparently, outdoor shopping malls are very popular in Arizona. I guess the six or seven months a year when the weather is pleasant makes it worth it. Unfortunately, today is not one of those days. I’ll just have to bear the heat. They have a lot of great stores I want to check out. By the time I get out of Sassy and shop around there for a while, it should be time to get ready for my evening with Mr. Hotty. I hear my phone ringing as I walk over to Sassy. I don’t recognize the number.


  “Ava?” I hear a heavily accented female voice.


  “Ciao Ava, it’s Francesca, Enzo’s sister. How are you?”

  “Oh hi! I’m good, thank you. You?”

  “Yes, I’m very well. My brother, he says you are moving into your place tomorrow, no?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Yes okay, I meet you there tomorrow, and we see what you need.”

  Shit, already? I haven’t even gotten into the place yet.

  “Sure Francesca. That’s great. Thank you.”

  “Yes, it’s no problem.” Her accent is different from her brother’s accent. Enzo has the slightest British slant to his accent. Francesca’s is pure Italian, and she has the cutest way of saying yes before most of her sentences.

  “Okay thanks again. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “Yes, Ava. Ciao.”

  I walk into Sassy. There she is, Anna in all her bitchy glory. She’s dressed in black again, which suits her attitude. I walk in and wait to be addressed. A cute girl with long, honey blond curls folds sweaters nearby. Anna looks up and scowls.

  “You’re back Miss Bradshaw. What can we help you with today?” Her voice strains with sarcastic venom. The other girl looks up and smiles in my direction.

  “I need another dress Anna.” I’m already tired of dealing with her.

  “Well Stephanie here will be happy to assist you.”

  “And I would be happy to have Stephanie assist me.” I emphasize Stephanie’s name to make a point.

  Stephanie walks towards me, her eyes looking back and forth, clearly sensing the hostility between Anna and me.

  “What would you like to see ma’am?”

  “Please call me Ava.” I smile. “I need a cocktail dress for this evening.” She nods and walks me to a section in the back of the store with a variety of little black dresses.

  “What size do you wear?”

  I always hate this question. I’m hardly fat, but I feel like a cow in this town. I must be at least three or four sizes bigger than both Stephanie and Anna.

  “I’m a size six or eight depending on the cut.”

  “Must be nice.” She sighs.

  “What must be nice?”

  “To have curves. I’ve been working out for months trying to create a little booty on me.” She confides.

  “Well maybe you should try cupcakes, that’s what I do.”

  Her eyes open wide and she laughs. “Why don’t you go to the dressing room and I’ll select some options for you?”

  “Sounds good.”

  She selects several dresses in various sizes for me to try on. I intentionally avoid looking at the price tags knowing it will only upset me that he’s spending so much money on me again.

  “Can you bring me some shoes too Stephanie? Size six please.”

  “Of course.” She hurries off. The third dress I try is pretty. It’s got a crew neck with cap sleeves. It’s blousy on top but then becomes more form fitting as it goes down, stopping just above the knee. The back of it is the best part though. It has a button at the neckline but then opens dramatically to the waist. I have no idea how I will contain my ample bosom in this dress, but I love it. Stephanie knocks at my dressing room door.

  “So what do you think?” I step out of the dressing room.

  “Really hot.”

  “How do I deal with the girls?” I motion to my chest. Her face lights up and she runs off for a moment, returning with a stick-on bra.

  “No straps.” She smiles.

  “Will those little patches hold me up?”

  “Oh yes, even better than a bra.” She assures me.

  “Great.” I slip on the shoes she brought me. They are a simple pair of black platform pumps at least three inches, perfect for this dress.

  “Your legs look amazing in that Ava.” Staring at my reflection, I actually have to agree. This dress is very flattering. I feel confident.

  “The shoes are perfect Stephanie. Thank you. I’ll take them.”

  “Would you like to add some accessories?” She asks like a good salesgirl. I know I don’t have anything dressy enough to go with this outfit, so I grab a clutch bag and find a necklace and earrings that complement the dress.

  Stephanie grins. “This dress is great. It’s classy in the front and sex kitten in the back.”

  I hope that is exactly what Enzo thinks when he sees it. We walk to the front to ring up my purchases.

  “Um, these will be charged to Mr. Milano.” Stephanie looks up, and I can see she’s figured out why Anna hates me.

  “Of course.” Her tone is professional, but I see a smirk across her face. Is she aiming that at Anna or me? I can’t tell. She walks me to the door with my purchases.

  “Ava,” she whispers, “you don’t have to deal with her when you come in, I’m always happy to help.” She nods in Anna’s direction.

  “She really hates me.”

  “It would be very easy for an insecure woman to hate you Ava. You’re very beautiful. And now you’ve got him.” She is obviously referring to Enzo.

  “Fortunately,” she adds, “I’m not insecure, and I’ve got my own man.” She giggles. I knew I liked this girl.

  “Thank you Stephanie.”

  “You’re welcome Ava.” I decide Enzo needs to hear what a great asset Stephanie is to his business.

  “Bye Anna.” I wave in her direction. She scowls. Mission accomplished.

  Note to self: no outdoor malls in the middle of an intense heat wave. I lasted only a couple of hours before I gave up. I’m tired again but much better than yesterday. This heat takes a lot out of a girl, but I did remember to drink water all day. I got three adorable glass vases at Crate and Barrel for my place, and I did some damage at Ann Taylor. My professional wardrobe is now locked and loaded for Monday morning.

  I shower and shave my legs and attempt to get this stick-on bra in the right place. I straighten my hair with a flat iron and like how it lays with its new layers. I keep my makeup light again with a swipe of blush, some mascara and lip gloss. The dress is provocative enough without heavy makeup. I slip on the dress and pumps. I really hope Enzo likes it. I feel different. Sexier. He should be here soon. I want him to be proud to be seen with me. I hear his knock and take a deep breath. Here we go.

  “My God Ava.” His face breaks into a full smile. “I get to take you out tonight. Every man in town will be jealous of me.”

  “And every woman of me.”

  He’s still looking me over and amazingly, I don’t feel self-conscious at all. I want him to approve. He hasn’t seen the back yet so I take a little spin. He quickly walks
back behind me, then back in front of me and stands close.

  “How am I going to keep my hands off of you tonight?”

  “I guess we’ll just have to see.” I tease. He puts out his arm for me to take, and we head out.

  “This dinner is going to be very boring, but it’s important. Many of my investors and potential clients attend.”

  “What would you like me to do Enzo?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m a reflection of you and I want to represent you well.”

  He stops walking. “Ava, you’re amazing. You know what I want you to do? I want you to be exactly yourself. You represent me perfectly.” He pulls me to him and kisses me.

  We drive to downtown Phoenix. Enzo explains that it’s still an underdeveloped area and there are lots of opportunities down here.

  The restaurant we’re eating at tonight specializes in contemporary American cuisine, whatever that is. We pull into valet and are ushered to a private dining room. There must be about 150 people in here. As soon as we walk in, everyone in the room breaks into applause for Enzo. I wonder what that feels like to have people clap at you for being you. I realize they are all intently staring at me too. Enzo reaches over and puts his arm confidently around my waist, escorting me to our table. The clapping dies down, and conversations begin again.

  There are discussions of buildings, plans, locations, and scale. I smile politely pretending to pay attention but understanding nothing. The restaurant is modern with stark walls, soft pendant lighting, and pale wood floors. The menu features an eclectic mix of familiar foods made in unique ways. I’m thankful the dinner choices were preselected, and I can sample numerous dishes.

  Enzo keeps his hand on mine the entire dinner. I shove pasta in my face as delicately as a girl with my appetite can do. Just as I take a huge bite, one of the visitors decides to engage me in the conversation.

  “Ava, let’s get your perspective.”

  I look up startled and chew quickly. A stout man in a black, tight-fitting suit addresses me. I have no idea what I’m being asked. Five people and Enzo are looking at me waiting for me to speak. Enzo, realizing I have no clue how to respond, provides some context.


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