Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 8

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Yes, Ava, tell us what you think. Purple is very in right now, but is it right for a hotel lobby?”

  I can’t tell from his tone how he would like me to respond. I remember what he said, be yourself. You do you. I hear Cassie using her pretend gangsta voice in my head. So here goes.

  “Well,” I start unsure, “I think it would depend on the style of the hotel and the target demographic. A young hip crowd would probably appreciate a bold trendy style. A more mature crowd not so much.” I hope this is the right answer. The group is quiet for a moment. Enzo grins from ear to ear.

  The man who asked me the question, speaks. “Well that’s market research for you. The young and hip Ava thinks purple will work. I say we move forward with it as it aligns with previous focus groups. If we want to bring some Vegas to Phoenix, I agree with Enzo, and I vote purple.” An older woman in the group purses her lips but nods in agreement. I boldly add another statement.

  “I suppose if purple falls out of favor in a few years, you could add it as an accent piece so it would be easy and inexpensive to swap out with another color. That way, you could always follow the trends, if that is the direction you want to go.”

  Enzo squeezes my hand and winks. The woman who was pursing her lips a moment ago widens her eyes and smiles.

  “Oh I like that. Maybe we go purple and white.” The group launches into a discussion about this new option.

  “Miss Bradshaw, that’s a fantastic idea,” another woman says.

  “Maybe you should add her to the payroll Enzo.” The stout man chuckles, but I can tell it’s a compliment.

  I watch Enzo as he talks to the group. I can tell that they hold him in high esteem even though he’s much younger than anyone else. Every now and then, he glances at me and winks or offers a seductive smile. I can’t get over how attractive he is. It shouldn’t be legal really.

  When he talks about work his face lights up and his whole body is involved in the discussion. He’ll be describing an idea for a fixture and grandly gesture with his arms. I know it’s an Italian thing to talk with your hands, but it’s also his passion for the topic. If he directs half as much of that passion towards me, I’ll be one lucky lady.

  “Are you ready to go, Ava?” He turns to me and extends his hand.

  I take it and stand. “Yes Enzo. I’m ready.”

  Enzo walks so fast to the valet I struggle to keep up. This is the first time I’ve seen his cool demeanor give way to excitement.

  “Ava, you have no idea how much you helped me in there. I’ve been trying for three months to convince them to go bold and go with the purple. One word from you and they are sold.” We speed down the highway back to Girasole.

  “I’m going to build a Vegas style hotel in downtown Phoenix. We want all the glitz and glamour that people travel there for but generate that excitement here.”

  “Would it have a casino?”

  “Not yet, we need to work that out still with the state. We are in negotiations. But I think we could do it without the casino. It’s not about the gambling. It’s about the other exciting offerings that Vegas nightlife provides. Even Vegas has luxury hotels now without casinos. Ava, I really think you just sealed the deal for me.”

  We arrive at the hotel, and he practically jumps out of the car. He opens the door for me and pulls me into his arms. Heading into the lobby, he walks to the front desk. What a revelation to see him so excited.

  “Send the best bottle of champagne you have to my room. Prosecco if you have it.” He tells the girl behind the front desk. He is still grinning.

  “You’re coming back to my room.” Enzo announces. We walk across the courtyard, and my heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. Maybe tonight’s the night.

  He opens the door to his room, and it’s different. The linens, furniture, even the fixtures.

  “This room looks very different than mine.”

  “Do you like it? There are five different themed rooms because I couldn’t pick one.”

  His linens are a charcoal gray, and all his furniture is dark brown.

  “This one feels very masculine. My room definitely has a feminine vibe to it.”

  He smiles again. “You get it Ava. That is exactly it. We try to match our guests to the rooms using that scheme. We have several gender-neutral rooms as well, for couples.”

  “This is definitely a room for a man.” I run my hands across his bedding.

  “Well you’re here now, so it’s a room for both of us. You really impressed me tonight with your ideas about the new hotel. You’re very intuitive.”

  “I just know what I like, that’s all.”

  “So do I.” He wraps his hands around my hips, slowly swaying me back and forth to imaginary music. We hear a knock on the door. Room service brings in a cart with chilled Prosecco, two glasses, and a bowl of delectable looking strawberries. Enzo walks to a table, and presses play on his iPod, filling the room with romantic music. He lights two candles and turns off the lights in the room. He stands across the room looking at me, his face expressionless. I have no idea what he’s thinking.

  I don’t move a muscle. He walks towards me, loosening his tie. He reaches for a strawberry and lifts the red orb to my lips.


  I open my mouth and take a bite of the sweet, juicy fruit, keeping my eyes locked on his. He puts the rest of the strawberry in his mouth, chewing slowly. Who knew fruit could be this fucking sexy.

  He drops to his knees, completely surprising me.

  “These shoes must be tiring. Let me take them off for you.” I place one hand on his shoulder and lift my leg slightly. I watch as he removes my shoe. I’m aware that his face is dangerously close to the hemline of my dress. He removes my other shoe and rubs his face slowly across both my thighs, releasing hot breath as he does. I steady myself on his shoulders, catching my breath. Is he going to do something already? I don’t know if I can take this. He looks up and rises slowly, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

  “This dress Ava, is so stunning, so alluring, so perfect for you.” His words, slow and accented, hang on me like silk. He runs his fingers over my shoulders and walks slowly behind me. I stand completely still, pretty sure I stopped breathing five minutes ago. He traces his finger down the bareness of my back. I shiver. He pulls me close to him, my back pressed against his front, and whispers in my hair.

  “Ava, Ava, Ava. You must know how much I want you.” He buries his face in my hair. “You smell so fucking good.”

  I close my eyes, absorbing his closeness, saying nothing. He turns me around and slides his hands down my back, stopping briefly over my ass and continuing down my thighs. I moan softly.

  “Enzo.” My chest rises rapidly as my breathing quickens. I lift my eyes to meet the stunning blue of his. His hands start at my shoulders again, running down the length of my body, avoiding my breasts. I start to close my eyes again.

  “Open.” I do as he says. His hands run up my neck and into my hair as he pulls me towards him for a kiss. I fall into him, allowing his kiss to invade me. I haven’t been touched like this in a long time. No wait. Ever. It’s so sensual, evoking all my senses. It’s almost better than actual sex. He sure knows how to get a girl worked up.

  I break away from the kiss. “Enzo. I want you to make love to me.”

  He frowns and shakes his head no. No? Is he serious? What is this seduction about?

  “Ava. We need to talk about this.” He paces the room a few times, running his fingers through his thick hair.

  “I know you don’t understand. I don’t either entirely, but I know the right thing to do is to wait and not rush into this.”

  “What’s with the big seduction scene then? Why are you teasing me?” I feel tears welling in my eyes. Oh shit, I don’t want to cry.

  “You keep saying you like me, you want me. And then you touch me like this. And kiss me like that. And then talk about waiting. I don’t get it Enzo.” I turn away, frustration releasing
in the hot tears flowing down my cheeks.

  “Ava, don’t cry. Not over me. Please.” He gives me a helpless look.

  “What is it Enzo? I know there’s more to it. If it’s not me, then what is it? You have to tell me.”

  “Please sit.” I walk to a chair and sit down. He uncorks the Prosecco and pours us two glasses, then turns the music down a bit. He sits down across from me trying to catch my eye, but I look away. I just want to leave.

  “Ava, I don’t even know why, but I feel like I need to be honest with you. I have… a history.” He looks anxious.

  “I’m listening.”

  “I’ve never been interested in pursuing a relationship before. The women I meet come and go and I don’t get attached. It’s always been sexual and nothing else.”

  I wince at the thought of him having sex with someone else.

  “My life is very busy. I didn’t get to where I am by letting a woman distract me. Besides none of them ever kept my interest. Usually the women who pursue me are chasing my money, and I know it. So I keep my guard up.” He runs his fingers through his hair.

  I remain silent, remembering his reaction to the beautiful flight attendant.

  “I tried to ignore you on the plane, but I couldn’t. I thought you were beautiful. Your smile is intriguing, and you’re feisty. You seemed down to earth, natural, and comfortable with yourself, it’s really sexy. You caught my attention. At first, I admit I just wanted sex from you, and that was my plan.”

  I know this but for some reason, I am still astonished to hear it.

  “But after spending just a few hours with you, I quickly realized there was something about you I was interested in. Something more. I wanted to know you and spend real time with you. I tend to get bored with a woman as soon as I’ve had her. I think it’s important for us, for me, to take this slowly.”

  I pout. He rises from the chair and kneels down in front of me, taking my hands in his.

  “You think you’ll get bored with me Enzo?”

  “Honestly? No I don’t. But now there’s more between us. It’s not just a physical attraction, at least not for me.” He looks so vulnerable right now.

  “I know making love to you is going to be amazing, and I want it more than you know. I want you to get to know me, and I want to know you. I know it’s hard to wait but trust me my beautiful Ava, the day will come that I am going to make love to you.”

  He pulls me closer and kisses me again. I feel better. Happier. I still don’t get it a hundred percent, but I can tell he is being sincere and I will respect his choice. I’m still wrapped in his arms as we continue kissing. I break away and hold his face in my hands.

  “Enzo. I’m enjoying myself with you, and I want to spend more time with you too. But the whole seduction thing is confusing me.”

  “This is new for me, entertaining a woman. I’m just doing what I know Ava.”

  I don’t like the idea of lots of other women going through this with him. I cross my arms trying to process everything he is saying to me.

  “You look sad. What can I do?”

  “I’m not sad. I just…it’s just weird to me that so many women get this treatment, and it ends in sex for them but not for me.”

  His eyes widen. “No Ava, let me explain. This is not what I do with other women. I pick them up, escort them to an event, then take them back to their house for…well.” He looks away. “Honestly, I’m ashamed even telling you this. I told you there’s no dating, talking, or romance. It’s different with you. I want to give you the world and I’m doing my best to show you that.”

  So I’m being emotionally seduced but not physically. Well, if that’s his plan, I’d say it’s working just fine then.

  “Okay Enzo. I understand.” I kiss him again. He picks up our glasses and hands me one. I take a gulp and regain my composure. I’ve been taking care of my own needs for months, what’s a little longer? Besides, it’s sweet to know he actually wants to get to know me. I smile inside.

  “I should go back to my room Enzo.” I say, not really wanting to leave.

  “Please stay. Sleep here with me.” His eyes are convincing.

  “But that will just make it harder to, you know, to just date.”

  He grins. “Let’s try it. We’re not teenagers that can’t control ourselves.” Maybe he’s not!

  “Come here.” He pulls me from my chair and reaches around me to unbutton the top of my dress. It falls loosely around my shoulders. Oh shit, the sticky bra thing! How am I going to explain this? How do you get them off? Is he going to undress me? Shit. Shit!

  “What’s the matter baby? I just want to see your body.” He whispers in my ear.

  “I want you to but I’m wearing something under this dress that I don’t know what to do about.”

  “Let me help.”

  I release my breath and let my shoulders fall, which allows the dress to slide down to my waist. He pauses and studies me closely, then walks into the bathroom. He comes back holding a small glass filled with water and a washcloth.

  “I’ll get them off for you.” He tugs at the corner of one of the sticky patches and thankfully, it comes off easily. He releases the second one. He stands in front of me gazing at my breasts without touching them. His eyes warm me like the glow of the sun, and I feel perfectly comfortable standing half naked in front of him. He dips the washcloth in the glass filled with warm soapy water and begins to wash my naked breasts. I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation. He moves the washcloth across my stomach and up to my neck. He leans towards me and kisses my neck then my shoulder. My skin tingles as my breasts rub up against his shirt.

  “Your skin is so beautiful.”

  I want him to touch me with his hands, but I know he won’t. He places the washcloth and glass on the table and walks behind me. He pulls my dress down and helps me step out of it. I’m standing in pale pink panties and nothing else. He pulls me to him and brushes his lips against my neck.

  “Come to bed Ava.” He leads me to his bed, lifting me onto it. Standing in front of me, he unbuttons his shirt keeping his eyes on me the entire time. He unbuttons his pants and lets them fall to the ground, kicking them and his shoes off at the same time. He bends down and strips off his socks. I can’t take my eyes off of his sculpted body. He’s toned and lean without being too muscular. A light spattering of dark chest hair creates a seductive trail down his stomach and disappears beneath the waistband of his boxer briefs. I sigh and bite my lip.

  He walks towards me and spreads my legs so he can stand between them. “I want to wake up with you.”

  How am I going to relax enough to sleep with this half-naked god lying next to me? He steps back, and I slide beneath the sheets. He climbs in and pulls me close. He buries his face in my hair and wraps his arms around my torso just below my squeaky-clean breasts.

  “Thank you for letting me see your body. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. Buona notte.”

  Surprisingly, I drift comfortably to sleep.

  “Buon giorno bella.” Enzo is staring at me as I wake.

  “Bella?” I squeak, trying to clear my scratchy morning voice. Enzo is bright-eyed and ready for the day. Oh no, a morning person!

  I stretch and remember I’m nearly naked under the sheet. He notices my reaction.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I went to your room and brought you something to wear. It’s Wednesday you know.”

  Wednesday! The movers are supposed to be at my new place between ten and twelve.

  “I’ve ordered breakfast so get dressed. You can shower here.” This is the first time I’ve woken up with a man I didn’t have sex with, but I have to admit it was a very nice evening. I throw on his shirt from last night and go into the bathroom. My clothes are laid out on the lounger in the bathroom along with my hairbrush and toothbrush. He thinks of everything. I jump in the shower and wash quickly. My hair can air dry. I can’t bear the hairdryer again in this heat. I throw my clothes on and join Enzo, who is reading th
e paper.

  “Anything interesting?”

  “Not as interesting as you.” He puts the paper down. “Come sit and eat.”

  I gobble two pancakes and have a hot cup of coffee.

  “You have a fantastic appetite Miss Bradshaw.”

  “For everything Mr. Milano.”

  He grins. “We should get going soon.”

  “I need to go pack my things.”

  “I did that for you this morning while you slept.”

  He’s joking right?

  “I hope you don’t mind.”

  He’s not.

  “No, I don’t mind but you didn’t have to.”

  “You will soon realize that I do a lot of things I don’t have to do simply because I want to. I’ll have Grayson drive your things over with your car.”

  “How long can I keep the car?” I need to plan this out.

  “How long do you want it?”

  “Well I’m sure it’s costing—” He cuts me off.

  “It doesn’t cost me anything. We keep a company car for visitors. For now, consider yourself a visitor until we get you settled.”

  I smile. “Oh Francesca called. It’s really sweet that she’s going to help me.” He’s watching me as I talk.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I’m remembering your naked body.”

  Okay Mr. Sexy.

  “And I know you don’t want to accept my help but thank you for letting me. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes I am.” I grab my handbag, and we head out the door.

  I see Anna walking in our direction. “Mr. Milano.” She addresses him and completely ignores me. “I need to speak with you about the Fall order.”

  “What do you need Anna?” Enzo asks. She glances at me as though this is a private discussion.

  “Anna. We have somewhere to be so tell me what you need.” His tone is very impatient.

  She sighs. “The supplier for the Maca dresses is moving their distribution center. As a result, they are raising the prices thirty percent which will require us to increase our budget of course. The dresses are very popular in this location, so I think we should, but I will need your approval.”


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