Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 10

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Grazie Silvio.” Enzo replies. We sample the selection, and I realize how hungry I am after my morning. Hungry for food or for Enzo. A smile spreads across my face.

  “What’s funny?” Enzo asks, returning my smile.

  “I was just thinking about how hungry I am.” I wink.

  “Well you will be fed very soon.”

  Oh, I do hope so.

  Silvio approaches again and places a plate of pan fried chicken cutlets and a plate of pasta in front of us. He stands back and smiles waiting to see us take a bite. Enzo puts a piece of chicken and some pasta on my plate. I cut the tender piece of chicken with my fork and take a bite. I’m surprised to taste garlic, lemon, and white wine. It looked like a plain piece of chicken.


  Silvio’s smile widens. I twirl my fork around my pasta and take a bite.

  “So good.”

  Silvio smiles at Enzo, and I realize both men are watching me eat. I try to be dainty, but it’s so good I just keep eating. Enzo eats slowly, watching me.

  “You like it bella?” I like that he calls me that.

  “Yes. It’s yummy.”

  “Good. I’m pleased.” He lowers his eyes. “We have just a few hours before I need to get packed for my trip tomorrow.”

  “I know.” Dang. I’m going to have to go back to the real world soon. He squeezes my hand again.

  After our meal, we bid Silvio goodbye and hop back in the car. We return to my apartment. He stops but makes no attempt to get out.

  “You’re not coming in Enzo?” I can already tell where this is going. He’s backing off in preparation for his trip.

  “I should go and prepare. It will just make it harder if I go back in there.”

  I nod my head. “I understand. Thank you for a lovely day. And for everything.”

  “I’ll be back and when I return I want to see you right away.”

  Insecurity washes over me. Maybe some new girl in Boston will woo him away from me. Maybe he should promise me.

  “There won’t be any other women for you either Enzo.” My voice sounds harder than I intended.

  His eyes widen for a moment, then relax. “Of course not. I assure you I only have eyes for you.”

  “Maybe. But from what I’ve seen, plenty of women have eyes for you.” I hate that I feel jealous right now.

  He leans over and softly kisses my lips. “Look at me.” I drag my eyes up to meet his. “I give you my word. You are the only woman. If I could cancel this trip I would.”

  His eyes are warm, and his tone soothes me. “Okay Enzo. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure. I must admit, it warms my heart that you feel this way about me.”

  My body tenses. I don’t want to feel anything about him yet, but he’s got me. I can’t take back what I just said or deny how I feel inside. I nod my head.

  “See you soon bella.” He kisses me once more.

  I step out and watch him drive away.

  Looking around my apartment, I realize this is going to be harder than I thought. His presence is so big, it’s very noticeable that he’s gone. He’ll be back Ava. He said he would. He said I was just for him. I just have to believe it. In the meantime, I have plenty to do to distract myself.

  First, I load his cell phone number in my phone with his new code name, Hot and Bossy. Next, I pull out my planner and start making a list of things I need to do. I could use another shower too. The heat here is going to take some getting used to.

  I decide to jump in the shower and then relax for a few hours before bed. I turn on my stereo and plug in my iPod. I just downloaded some new pop songs, and I put it on as loud as I can without annoying my new neighbors. I dance around my living room. My phone vibrates across the coffee table, alerting me to a text message.

  Hot and Bossy: I can’t sleep without tucking you in.

  Yes, I wish he were here to tuck me in. I start to reply when I hear a knock. I peek out and see Enzo standing at my door. He’s here! I open the door, smiling.

  “May I come in?”

  “Of course.”

  He walks in and grabs me around the waist.

  “I’m in trouble Ava. I can’t stop thinking about you.” He grins and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he spins me around.

  “I’m glad Enzo.” He kisses my neck, causing me to squeal like a gleeful child.

  “I want to sleep here with you tonight.” He whispers.

  “I want you to stay.”

  Enzo puts his bag down and walks over to my sofa, plopping down on it.

  “What did you do while I was gone?”

  “I took a shower.” I wink at him. He smiles back.

  “Then I made a list of things I need to do before Monday. I like to be organized.”

  He sits back and grins at me. I start to dance again and walk over and turn the music up louder.

  I smile suggestively and keep dancing.

  He’s still just staring at me.


  “I just like to watch you. I like the way you move and the way you put your hair behind your ear. Come here. Sit with me.” I sit down and lean back against him. He places a soft little kiss on the top of my ear. Holding my hand, he sighs.

  “I’m going to miss you. I’ve only known you a few days, and already I’m constantly thinking of you. This has never happened to me before.”

  I turn to face him. He’s so beautiful at this moment, his features softened with vulnerability. I want to beg him to take me now, but I know he wants to hold back. What happened in his life that he thinks this is the best way to handle things? I just hope I don’t get hurt in all this.

  “Why don’t we just enjoy it and see where it goes, Enzo?” I need to remember to follow my own suggestion. He pulls me closer.

  “You’re right. Now let’s go to bed. It’s a long flight to Boston.”

  I turn the music off and head into the bedroom.

  I pull back the sheets and we climb in. He reaches over and pulls my hand to him.

  “Buona notte bella.”

  “Buona notte Enzo.” I try.

  He rolls on top of me. “Say that again.”

  “Buona notte.”

  “We must teach you Italian. Your pronunciation is so good. It sounds even more beautiful out of your mouth.” He kisses me again.

  “And I love that you are trying to speak my language.”

  He rolls off and back to his side of the bed, keeping my hand entwined with his. I’m going to be an Italian speaking fool if it causes that reaction in him.


  Turn Towards the Sun


  I hear the beeping of the alarm, but it’s still dark outside. Enzo sits up and turns his phone off.

  “What time is it?”

  “Four thirty.” His voice is chipper like it’s the middle of the day. Morning person confirmed. I roll over and pull the sheet over my head. I feel him kiss the top of my head over the sheet.

  “Stay in bed. I’ll be quiet.” I hear the sound of water running in the bathroom as I go back to sleep.

  “Bella, wake up.” Enzo softly shakes me awake.

  “Come and lock the door behind me.” I look up and Enzo is standing above me, dressed, shaved, and ready to leave. I get up and walk to the front room. Enzo picks up his bag and then pulls me to him. He smells so good- freshly showered with some fantastic smelling cologne.

  “Don’t go picking up any drunk girls on the plane this time.” I tease even though I’m dead serious.

  “I don’t think I’m even capable of noticing another woman Ava. I’m coming back. For you.” He kisses my forehead and then he’s off. I stagger back to bed exhausted.

  I wake to the sound of my cell phone ringing.


  “Ciao Ava, its Francesca.”


  “Yes, I come in twenty minutes okay?” I glance at my wall clock. It’s ten o’clock already!

  “Yes, of
course. I’ll be ready.” I jump out of bed and back in the shower.

  Francesca is so sophisticated I feel like I should glam up a bit. I leave my hair wavy but put full makeup on. I add gold hoop earrings, a dangling chain, and a bracelet. I pick out a cute summer dress I like. It’s red and goes great with gold. I slip on some gold flip flops I bought the other day. Francesca will be here any minute, so I grab my handbag.

  “Ciao Ava.” Francesca greets me, kissing both cheeks.

  “Ciao Francesca.”

  “Yes, call me Checca please.”

  “Does that mean anything in Italian?”

  “No, it’s just, em, short for my name. Like a nickname, no?” I like the way nickname sounds like nick a namah coming out of her mouth.

  “Okay a nickname.” I smile. “So where are we headed today?”

  “Yes, today I take you down to a showroom. There are so many things to choose from we will find everything you need.”

  “What kind of showroom?”

  “Oh it has everything, the linens, the kitchen things, the furniture, accessories. Everything.” She smiles at me.

  We jump in her car, and I grip the seat as she peels out. Man she drives fast! She’s a tiny little female Mario Andretti.

  “Don’t be scared Ava. I’m a good driver.”

  I laugh nervously. “I’m not scared.” I lie.

  “Yes, so how did you meet my brother?”

  “On the plane from Denver to Phoenix.”

  “Oh?” Her tone fills with curiosity. “And from there, you have all this?” She waves her hand in the air at nothing. I assume ‘all this’ means the shopping with his sister who is going to decorate my entire apartment part.

  “I guess you could say we hit it off.”

  “Yes. Obviously.” The word obviously has way more syllables when she says it.

  “Yes, it’s so interesting to me. I’ve never seen him with a woman. I mean I’ve never met a woman he was with. He doesn’t bring them around. So he must like you, no?”

  “I like him too.”

  “I am hopeful.” She adds.

  “Hopeful for what?”

  “Babies! I want Enzo to have babies. I think he will be a good father.”

  Flustered I reply, “I don’t know about that just yet Checca.” I in no way want to get my hopes up that high.

  “Not yet but I hope soon, no?”

  I try to change the subject. “Enzo tells me you are from Calabria? My grandparents on my mother’s side are from there too.”

  She lights up. “Yes, have you been?”

  “No, I’ve never been to Italy. But I’d like to go someday.”

  “You will go with Enzo, no? He goes several times a year.”

  I ignore the comment and try to redirect her. “How did you all end up in the US?"

  “It was Enzo’s idea. Right after college, he decided to come here and build his career. When things started to take off for him, he encouraged us to move here too. It was a hard decision to leave Italy at first, but it’s been good for all of us. We have one sister there still, in Florence.”

  “Yes, Enzo told me that. What about your parents? Are they still there?”

  She glances in my direction as she pulls into a parking spot.

  “Enzo didn’t tell you. Our parents, they are deceased.”

  “Oh I’m so sorry.”

  “Yes, it was a long time ago. My mother died, then two years later my father died too.” She looks sad for a moment and then waves her hands in the air again. “Yes, let’s not be sad. We have shopping to do.”

  We enter the huge showroom.

  “Are you married Checca?”

  “No. I’m dating a nice man though so I am hopeful. Babies for me too!” She laughs this wonderful throaty laugh. I laugh too.

  “Okay, yes. Let’s start with the living room. We need a new sofa and new tables, art, and drapes.”

  “Wait a minute, what?” She pulls out a piece of paper with a room by room inventory of my apartment.

  “Yes, this is the list I made of the things you need.”

  “But I wasn’t planning to get so much.”

  She looks at me and laughs again. “Ava. You must know my brother by now. This is his gift to you.”

  I don’t know what to do. He’s going to furnish my apartment? A man I’ve known less than a week? Who can I talk to about this? My parents would freak. Cassie!

  “Checca, can you excuse me for a moment? I need to make a quick call.”

  She nods already engrossed in fabric samples.


  “Ava! Hey girl, it’s so good to hear from you.” She answered. I’m suddenly thankful for her flexible hairdresser hours.

  “Listen Cassie I can’t talk long, but I really need your advice.”


  I explain as quickly as I can all that has happened in the last few days with the promise to call and provide details soon.

  “Now I’m standing in a showroom with his interior designer sister, and she’s planning to furnish my entire place. What do I do? Do I just accept this?”

  Cassie is silent for a moment. “Are you fucking serious Ava? What should you do? You walk the fuck back over there and pick out what you like. That’s what you do.” I can always count on Cassie to tell it like it is.

  “But Cass I don’t even know what kind of relationship he plans on having.”

  “The kind where he buys you a bunch of shit. End of story.”

  I sigh. The Great and Powerful Cass has spoken.

  “I want pictures and details stat.” She adds.

  “You got it girlfriend. Talk to you soon.

  Francesca is still focused on her task when I walk back over.

  “Everything is good Ava?”

  “Perfect Checca.”

  We proceed to pick out everything for the living room, dining room, and bedroom, including kitchen dishes, a wine rack, bedroom linens, drapes for each room and everything I could possibly need for a bathroom. We choose art for the living room, hallway, and bedroom. We pick out all sorts of accessories I have no idea what she is going to do with. I’ve never shopped without a price limit before. This is fun. We finally walk to the back of the showroom, and we are in the area where they keep paint, tile, and carpet.

  “Why are we here?”

  “Yes, I’m going to paint of course and tile the kitchen and bath.” She acts like it’s normal to redecorate a rented apartment.

  “You can’t do that. I’m only renting.”

  “Yes I can, Ava. I called the rental office, and they said as long as the apartment is the same as it was when you leave they don’t care. So we change it back when you leave.” She smiles at me.

  I am speechless. How do you remove tile?

  “Um, okay.” I agree not knowing what else to say. She shows me her ideas for the living room. She wants to put a charcoal gray on one wall in the living room and paint the other walls a lighter shade of gray. The kitchen and dining areas are to be a pale yellow. My bedroom and bathroom will be purple.

  “I love purple.”

  Francesca smiles. “Yes Enzo likes it, so we make the bedroom purple.” She winks.

  “The place sounds like it will be very colorful.”

  “Yes but it all works together. You’ll see. You approve?”

  “I approve.” What else am I going to say? I have my own interior designer for an apartment.

  “Yes, tomorrow you go back to the hotel, and I will get your apartment done.”

  “I have to be gone?”

  “Yes it’s easier. And a surprise then, no?”

  “Okay Checca.”

  “Do you want to get lunch?” She asks.

  “I could definitely eat.” I watch Francesca walk to the counter with her list of items we selected and hands it to the girl behind the desk.

  “Yes, charge this to Disegno Inc. please.”

  “Yes ma’am.” The salesgirl replies. Francesca waves to me.

  “Andiamo, let’s go.” We walk out and get back in the car while I practice saying that word she used.


  “Yes good Ava. Your pronunciation is very good.” I think that the Italians are just very forgiving with their language, but I accept the compliment.

  She takes me to an adorable Italian market that is also a restaurant. The owner makes the food in-house or imports directly from Italy. There’s a huge daily special board with all sorts of tantalizing options.

  “This place is wonderful. My brother and I, we discovered it one time, and we come here at least once a week. You will love the food, it reminds me so much of home. Even the owner, he is so very Italian.” Her throaty laugh fills the car.

  “Checca, I love this place, it’s so cute.” We walk inside to find a small but very inviting room filled with antiques. Each table is different as are the chairs. People fill the room with laughter, and several men sit at one table, speaking in Italian. It’s perfect.

  We find a seat while Francesca explains its casual dining but high end food. A man sees us and walks over to welcome us. He looks to be in his fifties and is wearing a black apron covered in flour, a good sign if you ask me.

  “Ciao Checca, come stai?” He kisses her on both cheeks.

  “Bene Marcello, tu?”

  Instead of a response, the man sort of half nods and extends his arms half way in the air, which must be some sort of response because Francesca is pleased.

  “Ecco la mia amica, Ava.” She turns to me and since I heard my name, I’m assuming I am being introduced. I extend my hand in reply.

  “Ciao Ava, very good to meet you.”

  Oh thank God, he speaks English. I smile in response.

  “Yes, Marcello, today we will have the linguine special. You like clams Ava?”

  I nod.

  “No.” Marcello replies in his gruff voice. “Not the clams today, I have something better. I’ll be back.”

  He hollers something to someone in the back and then leaves. I’m enjoying this interaction and his insistence that we order something else. Italians are so focused on a quality meal, a girl with my zest for food can really appreciate that.

  “Marcello is the owner I assume?”

  “Yes, his food is spectacular and the best you can possibly hope to get outside of Italy. This is my favorite restaurant by far.”


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