Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 11

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Does he ever smile?”

  She throws back her head in laughter. “Oh yes, he smiles. He is actually a very warm person. But he must like you, and you must understand the Italian food. If you come in here demanding for something that is wrong, he will tell you to leave. I’ve seen it before. You should see the looks on the faces of people when he tells them to leave. So funny.”

  A waiter drops two large glasses of water off for us, and I gulp it down. I’m overwhelmed, excited, joyful, and a hundred other emotions I can’t articulate at this moment. I’m going back to room 115 at Girasole tomorrow morning and coming home to a beautifully redecorated apartment. I hear the familiar ring of my cell phone. A smile spreads across my face.

  “Ciao Enzo.”

  “Ciao bella. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I’m with Checca and we just finished shopping. You spoil me.”

  “Yes I do and I will continue to. I just arrived in Boston and am heading to my hotel. I wanted to say hello, I miss you, and I met no drunken but amazingly beautiful women on my flight.”

  I laugh. “Only me then?”

  “Still only you. I will call you later when you are ready for bed.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  “Ciao bella.”


  Francesca is doing her best not to listen to me, but I can tell she’s curious.

  “Only you.” Her voice is quiet. “Yes, this is true. He has only done this for you. You are special to him Ava.”

  I just can’t believe all this is happening. A week ago I was in Denver, broken hearted and pissed off. Now I’m sitting in Phoenix with my own interior designer and an amazingly hot man catering to my every whim. Who would’ve thunk it.

  “He’s special too Checca.”

  “Yes I agree. Of course, I have a bias, no.” Her accent is so adorable.

  Marcello returns with a platter of grilled fish and a huge tossed salad.

  “This fish, I had it flown here yesterday right from the coast of Italy. It’s very very fresh.” We each take a piece and some salad. This is a perfect meal for the intense heat outside. I’m not usually a huge fan of fish but this is very mild, flaky, with a wonderful marinade of some sort, garlic and lemon maybe?

  We eat with gusto, and I’m excited to see that Francesca’s appetite matches mine. She adds an espresso after her meal. I just sit and take in all the action in this small but lively atmosphere.

  “Yes okay, let’s get you back to your place. Grayson will pick you up in the morning to take you to Girasole, and then I will get to work.” Her eyes gleam with excitement. This must be quite the challenge to her.

  I grip my seat again as Francesca races back to my apartment. I’m relieved when the car pulls up to my place without police cars or ambulances involved.

  “Ciao Checca. See you soon.” I call out as Francesca drives away. I call Cassie back and give her all the juicy bits.

  “Okay tell me what happened blow by blow.” Cassie listens as I tell her about the plane, the hotel, the shower, all of it.

  “Look at you Miss Thang, already making your mark in P-Town.”

  “Cassie you know I hate it when you use your gangsta voice.”

  I giggle.

  “I’m going to need a picture of Prince Charming soon.”

  “I don’t have one yet.”

  “Yea well get on it girl. Literally!” Cassie breaks into laughter at her own joke. “But seriously Ava, you deserve a man who will roll out the red carpet for you. You deserve to be treated like a princess. Don’t over think it and just enjoy the ride.”

  “You’re right Cassie. But you know this wasn’t in the plan. It’s all just so new and different.”

  “Different is good. You want a broke ass punk like the mayor of Loserville you were dating? Of course not. It’s time to grow up and have a man who lifts you up not takes you down.” Her words sting a little but only because it’s true.

  “I know Cassie. I know.”

  “If this guy is crazy about you let him be. Work your charm and you’ll be alright.”

  “It’s just that it feels wrong somehow to accept such lavish gifts. I don’t want him to think it’s all about the money because it’s really not. And I came here to learn how to take care of myself yet I’m letting this man I barely know take care of all my needs. It’s confusing Cass.”

  “Okay well let me clear it up for you then.”

  Oh shit I feel a Cassie Cunningham ‘Come to Jesus Revival’ coming. I’m about to get my ass chewed.

  “You’re pissing me off with all this independent bullshit. You’ve always taken care of yourself. The only mistake you made was hanging out with Steve for so long. He made you think you weren’t strong and capable. But you are. You put yourself through college, created a successful career and make pretty good money for your age. You pay your bills on time and have a savings account. You make good decisions. Don’t let one bad one make you second guess your worth.”

  Cassie is totally right. Before Steve, I was self-assured and fearless. After Steve, I felt like I couldn’t trust my own instincts anymore.

  “Now what’s confusing again?”

  “Alright Cassie, you’re totally right, and I needed this talk.”

  “And honestly Ava, from what it sounds like he can smell a gold digger a mile away. If he thought you were in it for the money he’d be long gone by now. Wham bam thank you ma’am.”

  “Another valid point Cass. But something weird keeps happening to me. He’s really hot and every time I think of him talking to another woman I get all crazy jealous. When have you known me to be the jealous type?”

  “Never. But it makes sense if you think about it Ava. Steve did a real number on your self-esteem. I don’t know if you noticed or not, but you’re hot too sister. He probably feels the same about you.”

  “I guess so.” I really don’t think about myself that way.

  “You guess so. You’re so stupid. You are gorgeous. Everyone thinks so. He obviously thinks so. So you should think so too. Got it?”

  I sigh. “I get it. I’ll work on it.”

  “And the next time you call I want to hear about the big bang got it?” The big bang- Cassie’s code for sex.

  Laughing I answer, “You got it Cassie. Talk to you soon.”

  “Miss you girl.”

  “Miss you too Cass.”

  I really needed that reality check, and Cassie had to be the one to do it. No one can get right to the point like she can. It's nine o’clock my time now, which means its midnight in Boston. Enzo is probably out or asleep by now. I brush my teeth and climb into my bed still assimilating everything that has happened in the past few days.

  Dare I say I could fall in love with this guy? Shit. No. Not yet. Put your guard back up girl. Don’t start thinking love yet. It’s way too soon. You’re just lonely and he is filling a space for you right now. Plenty of time for love. I drift to sleep exhausted from the day’s events.

  My phone rings and wakes me.


  “Ciao bella. I’m sorry I’m waking you.”

  “It’s okay. What time is it?”

  “It’s one thirty my time. Ten thirty for you.”

  “Why are you up so late?”

  “I just made the deal of a lifetime.” His voice increases in volume as he speaks.

  “What happened?” I’m more awake now and interested.

  “I sold all of my shares in my Boston properties.”

  “Oh that’s great.” I have no idea why, but if he’s excited so am I.

  “Let me explain,” he continues. “I want to build properties all over Italy and this one sale just gave me enough buying power to last for three years, enough time to get at least two properties up and running. I don’t need to deal with investors or banks. I can just move forward.” He’s talking so fast he’s breathing hard.

  “That’s wonderful Enzo.”

  “You’re the first person I wanted to
tell. I wanted to share my happiness with you.” He’s quiet now, letting his words sink in for both of us. I feel my heart softening as he speaks.

  Don’t fall Ava, keep your grip.

  “That makes me very happy to hear Enzo. I miss you already.”

  “I miss you too. Isn’t this crazy? We just met and I can’t remember what I felt like a week ago. I can’t go back to how my life used to be. I realize now it was so empty.”

  I don’t know what to say. I am stunned silent.


  “I’m here. I just don’t know what to say.”

  “Say that you’ll try. You’ll try with me. And you’ll be patient with me.”

  “Of course I’ll try. And being patient is easy.”

  “I mean, about the sex.”

  “I will Enzo. I think it’s a good idea too.” I can hear his grin across the phone lines.

  “Trust me Ava, it’s harder than you know for me to keep my hands off of you. You’re quite a catch, and I feel lucky I’m the one that caught you.”

  Now I’m the one smiling.

  “I know now that you were made just for me Ava. You’re completely mine.”

  His words shock and excite me. Just for him.



  “What are you thinking? Am I scaring you away?”

  I laugh. “No Enzo, not at all. I’m just soaking in your words. My whole life has been leading me here so you could find me.” Warm, happy tears glide down my cheek.

  “Say it Ava. Tell me you’re mine, completely mine.”

  “I am completely yours Enzo. Just yours.”

  He sighs. We sit silently for a moment.

  “Hey, go back to sleep. If things keep going well here, I may wrap up a few days early. I’ll let you know. Ciao bella.”

  “Ciao Enzo.”

  How am I supposed to sleep now? I’m completely his. That’s amazing. I roll over and try hard to sleep.

  “Buon giorno Ava.” I hear Francesca’s sing songy voice calling through the apartment. I let some installers in about twenty minutes ago who are now measuring my kitchen floor. I’m in my room trying to pack a bag.

  “In here.” I call out. Francesca enters my bedroom.

  “Grayson is here for you.”

  “I have a car Checca. I could have driven myself back.”

  She shrugs. “Enzo said have Grayson drive, I have Grayson drive, no?”

  “I’m almost ready.” I grab my toothbrush and slip on my shoes.

  “Yes, Grayson will bring you back this evening or maybe the morning. Depends.”

  “Ok. Thank you again. I’m excited.”

  Her eyes shoot across the room. “Yes, so am I.”

  Grayson is standing at the door waiting for me.

  “I thought you’d be in Boston with Enzo.”

  “No ma’am. I’m not needed this trip.” Grayson opens the car door for me.

  How odd to be driven around town. But I like it. I’m still unsure of my surroundings.

  “How long have you worked for Enzo?”

  “Years.” He answers. Maybe I should call him Mr. Stoic.

  “Thank you for driving me Grayson.” I try again to make conversation.

  “Of course.” He answers stoically again.

  “Do you have a family?” His eyes shift quickly to mine in the rear-view mirror.

  “No. I’m not married. But my parents live in Wisconsin and I visit twice a year.”

  Hey, I got a full sentence out of the guy. “Do you like working for Enzo?”

  He shifts uncomfortably. “Yes, of course.”

  I sit trying to think of something else to say.

  “He’s very generous.” He adds.

  “I’ve noticed.” I catch the glimmer of a smile across Grayson’s lips.

  “Not just with money. He’s a generous soul.” Yes! Grayson is giving me some information.

  “I’ve never seen him spend this much time with the same woman Miss Bradshaw. I hope that doesn’t sound bad.”

  It’s not the first time I’ve heard this. Now I’m sure I have a recovering womanizer on my hands.

  “No, not bad Grayson.” I offer him a warm smile and get one in return.

  “Is Grayson your first name or your last?”

  “Last. My first name is Eric. We’re here ma’am.”

  We pull into the valet, and Grayson comes around to open my door. I step out to the sidewalk and turn to thank him, noticing a strange look on his face.

  “Miss Bradshaw, may I be candid with you?” Such formal prose.

  “Yes, of course.” I’m curious as hell now. Grayson wants to be candid.

  “Mr. Milano is a good man. He deserves a good woman. Please be kind to him.” I am surprised and touched by this statement.

  “I intend to be Grayson.”

  He nods his head appreciatively at me.

  “Hello George.”

  “Miss Bradshaw, nice to see you again. Here is your key.” He hands me the wooden key chain with 115 written on the front. “It’s all ready for you.”

  “Thank you George.” I cross the courtyard back to my room ready for some relaxation. I brought my swimsuit and a book I’ve been dying to read. In my room, I pin my hair up and put my suit on. I throw on a sarong, grab my sunglasses, and head out. I don’t know how long I can face the Arizona sun, but I’m gonna try.

  I look up to see The Bitch walking towards me. She hasn’t seen me yet, and I’m hoping I can get past her without her noticing. She looks up and immediately recognizes me, stopping in her tracks.

  “You. I thought you were gone.”

  “Anna I have no idea why you hate me so much but after the other day I think you should be nicer to me.”

  She scoffs.

  “I could’ve thrown you right under the bus. Instead, I haven’t told Enzo how nasty you’ve been.”

  She stares at me without saying a word. I can tell she is seething. What is her deal?

  “I don’t need you to stick up for me, you gold-digging bitch.”

  Wow. Really?

  “Okay Anna. I’ve had just about enough of this. I haven’t done a thing to you, and I will report your inappropriate behavior.”

  “Who you gonna tell? George? He’s afraid of me. Enzo? He won’t believe you. I’ve worked for him for years. He’s known you for days.” She says, mocking me.

  “Would you like to test that theory Anna?”

  She narrows her eyes.

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are Anna, but I’m not afraid of you. You’re obviously jealous of me, and you should be. I have something you don’t and never will.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I feel like bitch slapping her in the middle of this courtyard. I exhale deeply, resuming my composure.

  “Maybe I don’t Anna. But I know I don’t have to put up with this from you.”

  I walk around her and ignore her. I get to the pool, and I can’t believe that just took place. Gold digging bitch? Unbelievable. I have to tell Enzo about this. I don’t feel comfortable being here knowing she hates me like this. I dial his phone and it immediately goes to voicemail. I decide not to leave a message. I try to distract myself in my book.

  Thirty minutes later Enzo calls.

  “Ciao bella, I see I missed your call. I was in a meeting.”

  My icy resolve regarding Anna has dissipated, and I hesitate.

  “It was nothing. I shouldn’t bother you while you’re working.”

  “You’re not bothering me. It’s a pleasant distraction to hear from you.”

  “Enzo, is there anything I should know about you and Anna?” I don’t know where the question came from. It just popped out.

  “Why do you ask?” His tone has definitely changed.

  “I shouldn’t pry into your life before me. It’s just that, well she obviously hates me, and I don’t know why.”

  “Did she do something to you?�
� He sounds angry now.

  I don’t know what to do. He’s already mad, and I haven’t even said anything.

  “Not really. It’s just obvious to me.” I try to avoid answering him directly. I have no idea why I’m protecting her. Maybe I just don’t want him to be mad.

  “Tell me the truth. If she’s done something to you, I want to know.”

  “Is there something more than what you’ve told me?” I press.

  “No. I’ve told you everything. I have nothing to hide from you.”

  “You never had a relationship with her?” I’m afraid of his answer.

  “Of course not. I told you the truth about that. What did she do Ava?” Now, he’s really mad and it might be at me if I don’t fess up.

  “She didn’t really do anything. She just has major attitude towards me. I’m fine really.”

  He sighs. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “I will address it with her when I get back.”

  “Okay.” I guess at least she’ll find out which one of us has Enzo’s ear.

  “I’ll call you later bella.” We hang up and I feel better knowing it’s not romantic, at least not for Enzo. I just have to avoid her.

  A few hours later, I decide to go shopping in the little boutique stores inside the hotel, avoiding Sassy at all costs. Besides, I don’t need fancy clothes. I walk through the halls stopping and peeking in the window of all the shops along the way. At the end of a long hallway, I see Anna and George. Anna is poking her fingernail in George’s chest, and he cowers in her presence. Well, she was right about that, George is definitely afraid of her.

  George scampers away, and I’m in the line of Anna’s fire. Shit. Another showdown. If I walk away, I will look weak. If I stay, things could get nasty. Slowly, I decide to turn on my phone’s record feature. For some reason, I feel I need proof of her hostility. I look away and go quickly into a shop. She follows me right in, cornering me near a back wall.

  “Are you following me?”

  “You followed me in here Anna. Besides why would I follow you?”

  “I don’t know. Why would you?” She’s acting very strange, even for her.

  “You seem worried about something. Should I be suspicious?” I throw it out there to gauge her reaction.


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