Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 12

by Jennifer Domenico

  “No.” She answers quickly. Too quickly I think.

  “What were you doing with George, Anna?”

  Her already pale skin is suddenly paler. “None of your business gold digger.” She shoots back.

  The salesgirl looks nervously in our direction, and I shake my head no at her. This is getting good, and I hope my phone is picking it all up.

  “Now now Anna. No need to be so hostile. After all, you have nothing to hide right?”

  She glares at me. “I can’t wait until he dumps you like the rest of them. You’ll be a nothing and a nobody to him soon enough, and I won’t have to look at you ever again.” She seems satisfied with her insult.

  I look Anna deep in the eyes and move as close to her face as I can. She pulls back, slightly surprised by my boldness.

  “I don’t give a damn what you think about me. But here’s what you should care about. Right now, I am not a nothing and nobody to him. Right now, he listens to me. And right now, I don’t trust you, and I don’t think he should either. So watch your back.”

  I turn and walk out of the store hurrying back to the relative safety of my room. I pass by George, who is typing frantically on a computer looking flushed. Something is definitely up with these two.

  I decide to stay in my room the rest of the day and order room service for dinner. I was planning to go back to Milano but couldn’t chance another run-in with The Bitch. I just can’t figure out what her problem with me is if it isn’t romantic. Well, it’s not romantic for Enzo, but maybe it is for her. I don’t know. This is just a lot of drama. It will take a lot of convincing to get me to come back here again. I hit the play button on my phone and hear my exchange with her loud and clear. I’ll have to think about what I’m going to do with this information. I tuck into bed and send Enzo a quick text.

  Me: Buona notte.

  The phone immediately rings.

  “Hi.” He says.

  “Hi.” I say back. Neither of us speaks for a moment.

  “I guess I just wanted to say good night to you Ava.”

  I smile. “Good night.”

  “Dream of me.”

  “I always do Enzo.”

  I wake to sunlight streaming into my room. I can’t believe it’s been a week since my whole life changed. I’m in a foul mood though and just want to get out of this hotel room. I rise, brush my teeth and my hair, and put my things back in my overnight bag. I hope Francesca is done soon, and I can leave this place. I dial her number.

  “Ciao Ava. Yes, you can come home in one hour okay?”

  “One hour is perfect. Thanks.”

  I call Grayson next. “Good morning. Can you come get me please? I want to leave.”

  “Yes, but Francesca said you can’t come back for an hour.”

  “I know. Can you take me somewhere to get coffee?”

  “Sure no problem. I’ll be out front in five.” I open my door cautiously. It looks clear, and I take the long way to the front to avoid the lobby. Grayson is already waiting for me.

  “You okay Miss Bradshaw?”

  “I’m fine. Thank you Grayson.” I step into the safety of the car and exhale. This is ridiculous. I’m hiding from The Bitch. I’m just emotionally depleted from dealing with her.

  “Starbucks okay with you ma’am?”

  “Perfectly fine. Thank you.”

  We head back to my place and pull up just as the trucks are leaving. Francesca is standing outside waving to me. She’s clearly excited to show me her work.

  “Yes, you are ready?”

  “Yes, I’m ready.” She opens the door, and I gasp in surprise. I cannot believe the room. Everywhere I look, I see details- pillows, vases, knick-knacks. One huge ornate structure replaces my old bookcases, the books artfully placed and interspersed with various accessories. All my old things are gone replaced by new and stunning items in their place. It’s breathtaking.

  “Oh Checca, this is beautiful.” I run around the room touching everything and soaking it all in. In the new kitchen/dining area, the table is set with linens and beautiful dishware. My kitchen is stocked with new plates, glasses, barware, and cooking accessories. My new cookbooks sit front and center on a beautiful wood shelf. She’s even stocked the fridge and pantry. She grabs my arm and leads me into the bedroom. It’s dark, cool, and luxurious. The bed linens are the best, deep purple and cream. The soft and voluminous bedding invites you to sink in and forget the day’s stresses. All the walls are painted and dark walnut hardwood covers the floors. I am stunned.

  “How did you do all of this?”

  She’s beaming. “Yes, the floors are removable. It’s new technology designed for renters. I love it.”

  “So do I.” The place is sumptuous, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing. And unbelievably this is where I live.

  “Yes, I must go now Ava. Enjoy your new space.” She squeezes me and kisses both cheeks and in a flutter, she’s gone.

  I’m thankful that Saturday and Sunday passes in a blur. I tried to keep busy to distract myself from Enzo’s absence. Between ironing my work clothes and just general preparation, I find myself getting ready for bed Sunday night. Enzo has called at least three times a day and is hoping he can come back on Tuesday now. He’s sweeter with each call, making sure I have everything I need, and always wanting to make sure I’m happy. I can’t wait until he comes back. Without Enzo here I’m feeling a bit homesick, but I know it’s just a matter of time before I’ll make friends. I need to start creating a life that doesn’t revolve around him so it’s not so difficult every time he leaves town.

  I wake up a half an hour earlier than usual to give myself time to get ready for my new job. I pick out a black skirt and black pumps and a sleeveless gray blouse. With a cardigan over it, it’s work appropriate, but I can take the sweater off outside to avoid melting away. I flat iron my hair for a more professional look.

  I find my new office easily. It’s exactly 3.6 miles from my apartment. The structure’s beauty is awe inspiring. It’s a five-story building, covered in reflective glass and a pinkish colored brick. The brick seems to rise out of the ground and intertwines elegantly with the glass that climbs from the ground up. A massive stone fountain dominates the front of the building separated by a paved circular drive and parking area. It looks completely different than all the non-descript office parks surrounding it. Stepping into the lobby, it looks more like a swank hotel than an office. Modern cream couches line one wall, defined by a large terra cotta colored area rug on creamy travertine tiled floors. Dark gray slate tiles define the elevator area. The various doors around the lobby are glass, and the handles blend in giving the appearance of openness. I walk around in awe for a moment until I find Human Resources.

  “Hello, my name is Ava Bradshaw. I’m starting today.” I tell the chipper blond behind the HR reception desk.

  “Have a seat and someone will be right with you.”

  Moments later, my new boss comes down to meet me.

  “Hello. Ava Bradshaw?” I stand. “I’m Andrea Jameson. Pleased to meet you. Did you have trouble finding us?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Great. I’ll take you upstairs, and we’ll get you some paperwork to fill out.”

  I follow Andrea to the bank of elevators. She’s a strikingly tall, lean woman who appears to be close to my age. I marvel at her mane of thick curly black hair and can’t help but notice how shiny and healthy it looks. I’m glad I wore what I did; her outfit is very similar to mine so at least I know how to dress for this office. She shows me around the office and then sits me in a conference room where I fill out paperwork for the next two hours. My hand is cramping, but all of this is necessary when you work with other people’s money. Andrea comes in the room with another girl whom she introduces as Gabrielle Daniels.

  “Gabrielle will be your buddy manager. She will get you acclimated.”

  Gabrielle smiles wide at me. I return her smile hoping we get along. She immediately starts explaining ev
erything I need to know.

  “Your desk is right next to mine. Anything you need, you ask me okay?” Gabrielle has a sweet smile. She’s taller than me, about five foot five, and very slender but shapely, with long brown hair cut in layers that frame her face. Her skin has a lovely light tan tone that I can see is natural and big blue eyes that seem to shine. She’s wearing an adorable plum dress with a wrap tie waist and black Mary Jane pumps. I love how feminine the women dress in this town.

  “At noon, I’ll take you to the cafe and we can grab lunch and I’ll introduce you to some people around the office.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Monday comes and goes in a blur of paperwork and introductions. I found my desk and the bathrooms, and that’s about it. I met a lot of people who seem to be nice, so I hope it’s a good career move for me. Walking out to my car, I look at my phone and see that Enzo sent four text messages to me throughout the day.

  Hot and Bossy: Ciao bella. I miss you. Have a good day.

  Hot and Bossy: I still miss you.

  Hot and Bossy: I’m thinking about your beautiful body.

  Hot and Bossy: And your kiss.

  Pretty sexy stuff. I open my apartment door and still can’t believe this is where I live. I peel off my work clothes and take a quick shower. After putting on some comfy pj’s, I settle down with my computer to check email. My phone vibrates. Another text.

  Hot and Bossy: I want to tuck you in tonight.

  Me: I would like that.

  Hot and Bossy: Then open your door.

  What? I rush to the front door. Enzo is standing there in the flesh holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. Huge yellow sunflowers pepper the bouquet.

  “Surprise.” He whispers in his beautifully accented voice. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him inside.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I finished my business and couldn’t wait to see you.”

  “The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.”

  “For your first day of work.” He holds me close and kisses me. I melt in his arms, and all the drama with Anna seems completely worth it right now. We kiss for few minutes, squeezing each other tight.

  “Let’s not start this again.” His eyes shift downward, revealing the beginning of an erection.

  A warm tingle spreads over my body. Not only am I excited to see him, but I’m thrilled that I cause such a physical reaction in him. One day very soon, I hope I’ll get to see what I’ve been missing.

  “Let’s celebrate your Boston success with some wine.” I take the bottle from him and head to the kitchen.

  “The place looks amazing Ava. Do you like it?”

  “Of course, I love it actually. I can’t believe I live here.”

  “You deserve it.” He uncorks the wine and pours two glasses. I grab a dish with some olives and cheese, and we go sit on the couch. Enzo kicks his shoes off and leans back.

  “Tell me about your day and your weekend. Tell me what you did when I was gone.” He has the most gorgeous smile on his face.

  “I didn’t do anything exciting. I mean other than all the shopping and setting up of my apartment. That was the highlight of course. Over the weekend, I just did things around here. Work today was good. People seem nice, but I didn’t do much but fill out paperwork. Pretty boring really.”

  He’s staring at me intently again. I sigh.

  “Enzo why do you always stare at me?”

  “Because you are so beautiful I can’t take my eyes off of you.”

  How do you argue with a response like that?

  “Tell me more about Boston.” I try to change the subject.

  We drink a couple of glasses of wine while Enzo tells me more details about the sale. We walk into the bedroom, undress and climb into my new lush bedding. As we’ve been talking, the situation with Anna has been on my mind. Here he is building this massive empire, and some little bitter woman is scheming against him. At least, that’s my gut feeling. I decide it’s time to bring it up again.

  “Enzo. I don’t want to ruin our evening, but something is bothering me.”

  “You can tell me anything. Except that you want me to leave.”

  I laugh. “No, not that. Not at all. It’s about Anna.” I feel him stiffen.

  “I witnessed something that might be nothing, but I think it’s best if I tell you and let you decide.” I tell him all about my interactions with her, then what I witnessed between her and George and his behavior later.

  “I recorded it on my phone. In case you wanted to hear it.” The whole time I’ve been talking, he has listened intently, but kept a tense expression.

  His jaw clenches. “I will want to play it later Ava but not now. I’ve heard enough.”

  “Are you angry with me?”

  “With you? Of course not. I’m glad you’re telling me this. I’ve had my suspicion that Anna’s been up to something for a while now. I think she might be skimming profits.” His face looks drawn. “But I’ve never been able to catch her doing anything and the store always makes money. This is interesting information you have but still not enough. And I’m so sorry she treated you like this.”

  “You could just fire her for how she’s treated me.”

  “She could find a way to sue me. I want this over once and for all.”

  I think I know a way we could nail The Bitch. “I have an idea.”

  He looks at me wearily. “No Ava. I don’t want you mixed up in this more than you are.”

  “But Enzo, she hates me and for some reason, she puts her guard down and says things. Let me try. Just once.”

  He ponders the idea. “What will you do?”

  “I thought I might go to the store and try on the Maca dresses.”

  He smiles.

  Enzo picks me up from work, and we drive straight to Girasole. Our plan is for me to try to get Anna to admit she’s up to something. We go inside Sassy together. Anna and Stephanie are behind the counter. Stephanie’s face brightens when she sees us, and Anna does her best to hide her scowl. Stephanie approaches.

  “Stephanie, you’re a joy to work with, but I’d really like Anna’s help this evening.” Enzo is standing right next to me so Anna has no choice but to come over. Surprise, then interest, washes over Stephanie’s face.

  Anna walks graciously towards us. “But of course Miss Bradshaw.” I can see she’s already steaming mad.

  “Enzo was going on and on about the Maca dresses, and I just had to come over and try one on.” An overly sweet smile graces my face.

  Her eyes burn with hatred.

  “You heard her Anna, go get some of the dresses.” Enzo insists.

  “We don’t have any right now. Our order was delayed.” Her eyes shift nervously around the room.

  “Delayed? I remember signing the delivery invoice and paying the order.” Enzo pushes.

  “Yes, but the truck was delayed at the last minute.” She’s flustered, and it’s obvious.

  “Well, why don’t you bring me the next best thing then?” I flash a smile.

  She looks relieved and rushes off to bring me something to try.

  “Showtime.” I wink at Enzo and saunter off towards the dressing rooms. I click record on my phone once more. I feel like an undercover cop conducting a sting operation. Anna arrives to the area, and I attempt to get her talking.

  “Surprised to see me Anna?”

  She glares and hands me a dress.

  “Where are the Maca dresses? Enzo says they are the hottest selling dress, and you never let them sell out. So where are they?”

  Thinking we are out of Enzo’s earshot, she responds. “Mind your own business gold digger.”

  I don’t even flinch knowing I have the upper hand.

  “This is my business Anna. Where are the dresses?”

  She crosses her arms. “God, what’s it to you? You don’t even know what a Maca dress is. You think just because he puts you in fancy clothes you’
re better than me.”

  “I never said I was better than you Anna. You’ve been the hostile one, not me. I’m going to ask him to bring me back next week for the Maca.”

  She blanches. “They won’t be here next week. Try in two weeks.” She looks frantic.

  “Okay Anna. Two weeks. I won’t be needing this.” I hand her the dress and walk back to Enzo.

  “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll wait for the Maca.”

  “As you wish bella.” He says. We start to walk out but then hold back a moment, standing at the front counter with Stephanie. A moment later Anna shoots out from the dressing room area and heads straight to the front desk, not noticing Enzo is still in the store. I quietly follow her and hide behind a corner, Enzo closely behind me. She stomps over to George, who is visibly turning red as she approaches.

  “Shut it down George. The gold digger knows something is up. Stop the transfer.”

  “I can’t Anna. I’ve already put the money in the account.”

  “Well you have to get it back. Enzo is going to find out, and we’ll both be fired. Put the money back George!”

  George’s face turns even redder when he sees Enzo step around the corner, having heard the whole thing. George freezes. Anna hasn’t realized what’s happening yet.

  “You stupid bastard, say something.”

  George’s eyes shift indicating Enzo’s presence. She turns and stands face to face with Enzo.

  “What money Anna?” Enzo’s tone is dark, his eyes cold. I’ve never seen him look so ominous before.

  “Enzo.” She fakes a smile. “I can explain. There was just a little mix up in the shipments and—”

  “Cut the bullshit Anna. I heard everything.”

  Her face falls.

  “How could you do this to me?”

  Oh, no he’s sad. He trusted her, and she broke it.

  Her eyes glow with anger. “How could I do this to you? I’ll tell you how. I’ve been a devoted employee for six years. I’ve done more than you’ve ever asked me to do, and I made you money. And you… you didn’t want me.” Her eyes start to fill with tears.

  Oh, The Bitch cries. I feel no sympathy now.


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