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Handsome Devil

Page 7

by Amii Lorin

  “Very funny.” Will grunted. “Any idea how long you’ll need to complete your business?”

  “A couple days, give or take,” Luke said with deliberate ambiguity.

  “Okay, I’ll look for you when I see you.”

  “Right,” Luke said then added, “By the way, I spoke to Brenda and she asked me to tell you that Selena is in San Antonio, probably at the motel on the River.”

  “San Antonio?” Will repeated. “What in hell is she doing in San Antonio?”

  “Beats me,” Luke drawled. “I only agreed to relay the message.”

  “Well, damn, she’s only back from South America two weeks,” Will grumbled. “Women! Who can figure ‘em?”

  “Not me. See you, Will.”

  A shower, shave and change of clothes later, Luke was behind the wheel of the Jeep, driving at a speed guaranteed to add yet another layer of dust to the vehicle.

  “You’re in luck, Ms. McInnes.” The attractive desk clerk’s teeth flashed startling white in contrast to his dark skin. “Since we just received word that some of our guests have been delayed and will be unable to keep their reservation for tonight, there is one room available.”

  “But only for the one night?” Selena asked, swallowing a sigh of weariness.

  “Yes, I’m sorry.” The clerk’s mouth curved into an encouraging smile. “But something might turn up tomorrow.”

  Selena couldn’t resist returning his smile. “All right, I’ll take it. I’d be a fool not to.”

  The clerk gave a sage nod. “Fiesta Week,” he murmured, sliding a card across the desk to her. “If you will fill out this registration card, please?”

  “Yes, of course.” Selena peered at the identification tag on the young man’s lapel. “Thank you, Mr. Montegra.”

  “Manny, please.” The young man made the request in a soft, coaxing voice.

  Selena arched her eyebrows in surprise. “Manny?”

  His teeth flashed again. “Yes, Manny. It’s short for Manuel.”

  His grin was so infectious, Selena found herself grinning back at him. “Okay,” she agreed. “Manny it is.”


  “You’re welcome.” Her lips still twitching with amusement, Selena concentrated on filling out the registration form. When she’d finished, she slid the form and her credit card to him.

  With obvious and flattering reluctance, Manny turned away to take an imprint of her card. “Thank you,” she said when he returned.

  “My pleasure.” Manny sounded as if he meant it. His soft dark eyes did a swift but comprehensive appraisal of her face and body, lingering briefly on her unconfined breasts beneath her thin T-shirt.

  Selena felt a jolt of awareness, not of Manny, but awareness of her attire and appearance. “Ah... would you happen to know how late the shops are open?” she asked, determining to buy herself a change of clothing.

  “During Fiesta?” He shrugged. ‘‘Most establishments remain open quite late.” He handed the room key to her. “If I can serve you in any way, please don’t hesitate to call on me.”

  Whoa! Selena thought, as she turned away from the desk. Talk about service with a smile!

  She parked her car in the attached parking deck and made her way to her room on the sixth floor. There, she caught a reflection of herself in the dresser mirror.

  No wonder Manny had given her so much attention, Selena thought, appalled at the sight of herself. She looked beat, which she was, but beyond the signs of weariness, she looked like a... The word that sprang to mind didn’t bear thinking about. Tossed around by the wind whipping through the open windows of her car, her hair was a tangled black mass tumbling down her back. The brief amount of sleep had left her eyes shadowed, almost sultry. Worst of all the perspiration dewing her body had molded her shirt to her torso, revealing the gentle curves and high tilt of her breasts.

  She needed a shower, and she needed some sleep. But first and foremost, Selena told herself, she needed to splash cold water on her face, brush her hair and go shopping. Ten minutes later, she shot a longing glance at the bed, heaved a heartfelt sigh then strode from the room.

  Dangling the idea of sleep in her mind like a motivating carrot, Selena went through the first boutique she came to like a whirlwind. When she emerged less than an hour later, her arms were weighted by packages and her wallet was a lot lighter.

  She made a quick stop in a drug store for toiletries before returning to her room in the motel. Dumping her purchases onto a chair, Selena stripped and stepped beneath a soothing hot shower spray. Then, her shampooed hair still dripping and her body naked as a newborn, she put in a wake-up call for eight-thirty, slid between the sheets, sighed with relief and was asleep within seconds.

  Except to fill the gas tank and grab a cup of coffee, Luke didn’t stop. He made it to San Antonio by nine o’clock that night. And, by the time he pulled into the curved, covered driveway in front of the motel, he wasn’t sure which he was more hungry for...Selena, sleep or a thick steak.

  His body provided the answer the instant he stepped into the motel lobby. Every muscle Luke possessed tensed as he caught sight of Selena. Her glorious hair cascaded to her waist in loose curls and waves. She was dressed in an off-the-shoulder peasant blouse and a full, brightly patterned skirt. Large gold hoops adorned her ears and heeled sandals displayed her calves to advantage. From where he stood, Luke could see the sparkle in her emerald-green eyes. She was standing at the reception desk, smiling up at a tall, slim young man.

  Luke didn’t recognize the man, but that didn’t matter. He disliked him on sight. Positive he was looking at the man who had spent the night with Selena in Alpine Luke narrowed his eyes, curled his fingers into his palms, and coolly sauntered to the desk.

  “Hello, Selena,” Though Luke’s voice was low, she reacted to it as if he had shouted her name. Her head swirled in his direction, sending her hair flying around her shoulders. At any other time, he might have found her expression intriguing.

  “Luke!” Selena exclaimed in a startled gasp. “What are you doing here?”

  Exerting a measure of control over an urgent desire to shoulder her companion aside and pull her into his arms, Luke forced his fingers to relax and hooked his thumbs into the back pockets of his jeans. “Do you mean here, in this hotel?” he asked in a languid tone, “Or here, in San Antonio?”

  “Both,” Selena replied, shifting her glance as if looking for someone—or an escape route. “This is the last place I would have expected to see you.”

  “Really? Why?” Luke arched his eyebrows and looked bored. Inside, he felt ready to explode.

  “Why?” Selena gave him a blank stare. “You work for Will. I mean, if you’re not there, who’s draped over the counter at the tour office?”

  “Draped over the counter?” Luke repeated, losing a battle against a grin.

  Selena fought and lost a battle of her own, and though her smile was faint, it lit up the dark places in Luke’s soul. “You know what I mean,” she said in a chiding tone. “You’re lounging against the counter every time I come into the office.”

  “Yeah, well...” he began, only to be interrupted by the soft voice from the young man Luke was so pointedly ignoring.

  “If you will pardon me?”

  “You rang?” Luke slid him a glittering look that provoked a visible shudder.

  “Er...señor?” Manuel wet his lips.

  “Yes?” Luke bared his teeth in a wolfish grin.

  Selena exhaled a harsh sigh of exasperation. “Luke, this is Manuel Montegra.” Her scowl changed into a smile as she turned to the other man. “Manny, meet Luke Branson.”

  “A pleasure, Mr. Branson,” Manny murmured politely, extending his hand.

  “Yeah,” Luke grunted, unhooking his right thumb to clasp the hand in a brief shake.

  “You’ll have to forgive Mr. Branson his bad manners, Manny,” Selena said impatiently. “It seems that he’s been in the hinterlands too long.” She leveled a quel
ling look at Luke before again offering a soft smile to Manny. “What did you want to say?”

  Manny’s slim, elegant face showed definite signs of confusion and strain. “I only wished to excuse myself,” he explained, warily edging away from Luke. “I have an appointment and it is getting late.”

  “Don’t let me detain you...señor.”

  “Luke, please!” Selena shot him a quick look of pleading exasperation. “Then you must leave, of course,” she said to the baffled clerk. “Thank you for everything, Manny.”

  What everything? Luke felt prickles of unease stab his imagination. What had Manny done? What service had he supplied to warrant Selena’s warm thanks? Luke slid his left thumb from his pocket and flexed his fingers. Manny’s shirt was open at the collar, revealing a smooth, slender throat. Startled, Luke realized exactly what he was contemplating.

  Was he losing his mind? More to the point, was he allowing his desire for this woman to scramble his brain?

  Disgusted with himself, Luke forced his taut muscles to relax, and he even managed a cool smile as Manny turned and walked away.

  “Would you care to tell me what you were trying to prove by being so unpleasant?”

  Luke’s smile warmed up as he switched his now-undivided attention to Selena. “Was I unpleasant?”

  Selena made a face. “You were very rude.” Her expression changed from annoyed to confounded. “Why?”

  Since Luke wasn’t about to admit to himself that he was bristling with jealousy, he certainly wasn’t going to admit it to her. Instead, he pulled a long face. “I’m sorry. I haven’t eaten all day.”

  Selena was skeptical, but she chose not to pursue the issue beyond a slight dig. “Well, I haven’t eaten much today, either, but it hasn’t made me rude.”

  “I said I’m sorry.” Luke’s serrated tone gave clear warning that he wouldn’t apologize again.

  Selena shrugged and offered him an arch look in response. “I heard you.”

  A slow grin tugged at his mouth. “Good. Now, since I have your attention, and since we’re both hungry, why don’t you let me buy you dinner?”

  “So you can be rude to me?”

  The grin teasing his lips did a flying leap into his dark eyes. “Selena,” he said in a shivery purr. “Believe me, the last thing I want to do is be rude to you.”

  Selena gave him a considering stare. “I’m not at all sure I like the sound of that.”

  Luke gave a tension-relieving laugh then said, “My intentions are good. I’m offering to buy you the biggest steak dinner we can find before I collapse from starvation. Will you join me?”

  She hesitated then gave in with a gracious smile. “Yes, thank you.”

  Luke had to draw a careful breath before he could speak. “Okay.” He exhaled. “But, first, hang loose. I’ve gotta see if I can get a room for the night.”

  “You don’t have a reservation?”

  He shook his head as he stepped up to the desk. “No, keep your fingers crossed.” He swiftly learned that it wouldn’t have helped if she’d crossed not only her fingers, but her toes, arms and legs, as well. The desk clerk was polite, but there simply wasn’t a room available.

  “No luck?” Selena asked as he turned, frowning, away from the desk.

  “No.” He shook his head.

  “Fiesta Week,” she explained.

  “Yeah,” he shrugged. “I don’t know San Antonio at all. Can you suggest another place?”

  Her expression wasn’t encouraging. “Yes, but I really doubt you’ll have better luck at any one of them.”

  “Right.” He sighed. “Damn, I’m hungry.”

  Selena stared at him, gnawing on her lower lip, then, as if coming to a sudden, difficult decision, said in a rush, “I’ll share my room with you.”

  Luke wasn’t surprised at her offer—he was stunned into absolute stillness. “What did you say?” he asked after his rejoicing senses settled down.

  From the look on her face, it was evident that she was reconsidering. “Of course, if you’d rather not…” She shrugged as her voice trailed away.

  Rather not? Luke would rather not have eaten for a month before dreaming of turning her offer down. “Green Eyes, I may be rude on occasion, but I’m never stupid,” he said. “I’d be both grateful and honored to share your room.”

  “Yes, but will you be good?” she asked with unintentional provocation.

  Luke’s smile was a study in advanced sensuality. “I’ll be more than good,” he promised in a tingle-producing murmur, I’ll be terrific.”


  “What room are you in?” Luke inserted, before she could change her mind. “I’d like to clean up a bit before going out to dinner.”

  “I only have the room for tonight.”

  “You’re driving back tomorrow?” Luke frowned.

  “Unless I can find another room.” Selena shrugged. “But at this moment, the prospects look slim.”

  “Yeah, well, at this moment, I’m too hungry to worry about it. What room are you in?’’ he repeated, pointedly.

  Selena rummaged through her bag. “It’s self-parking here,” she said, handing her room key to him with noticeable reluctance. “I’ll wait back there for you.” She indicated a seating area toward the rear of the lobby. “There’s a side exit onto the River Walk from there.”

  “Fine.” Luke took the key firm in hand. “I’ll make it as quick as possible.” Controlling an urge to leap into the air and let out a loud victory whoop, he smiled and sauntered to the door.

  Luke was gone about twenty minutes. They were the longest—and shortest—minutes of Selena’s life, as she agonized over the prudence of her hasty decision.

  Though it was true she had accepted the idea of Luke as her lover, Selena wasn’t at all certain she was prepared to encounter him quite so soon.

  Second thoughts overwhelmed and tormented her. In a nutshell, by offering to share her room with him, Selena had scared herself silly.

  She was nervous. She couldn’t sit still. Yet, on the other hand, she felt conspicuous when she got up to pace the small lounge area. Her palms were wet. Her throat was dry. Her heart beat like a kettledrum. And she felt light-headed.

  Selena started every time the elevator doors swished open, and sighed with relief each time he failed to step out. She was telling herself that she really didn’t have to follow through with her offer when the doors slid apart and Luke was suddenly there, beckoning her.

  Upstairs, Luke had rapidly washed, shaved, brushed his teeth and hair, and changed his shirt. That was all, but it was way beyond enough. He gleamed with health—and the promise of an exciting evening ahead.

  “Ready?” Selena put on a smile and briskly strode for the door. Her step faltered slightly when his murmured answer caught up to her.

  “For anything.”

  To Selena, Luke’s “anything” meant everything—everything she had avoided throughout her adult life.

  Commitment of the flesh.

  The phrase crept into her mind as Luke stepped in front of her to open the door for her. The shiver feathering her bare shoulders and arms owed nothing to the light breeze scenting the mild evening.

  Was she seriously contemplating sharing herself, her body, with this man? Selena asked herself, giving him an absent smile of thanks as she walked by him. When push came to shove, could she go through with it? Musing, she automatically followed the walkway through the hotel courtyard and onto the River Walk.

  The answer came with a rush of recent memory. For an instant, Selena could feel the pressure of Luke’s mouth against her own, could taste his unique flavor. Oh, yes, if push came to shove, she could go through with it. And, because of her precipitous offer, she was convinced that push would definitely come to shove before the night was over.

  “Which way?”

  Luke’s question startled Selena out of her unsettling introspection. “Oh! Uh...this way!” She indicated the direction with a vague hand movement. “But s
ince you’re so hungry, I thought we could take a river taxi to save time.”

  Luke frowned. “A river taxi?”

  “Yes.” Selena glanced up, then down, the river. “There are boats, like barges, on the river. You can buy a ticket and...there’s one now.” She waved to indicate the craft negotiating the curve along the river. “I thought we could ride down to where the restaurants are, then walk back after dinner, if you like.”

  “I like.” Luke smiled. “Where do we buy the tickets?”

  Selena didn’t answer—she couldn’t answer, she was too busy fighting the melting effects of his warm smile. She flicked her hand to point out a landing located a short distance from the hotel.

  “Then let’s do it.” Taking her hand, Luke struck out for the landing.

  Let’s do it. His innocuous remark set fire to Selena’s imagination, causing a molten flow of sensation to every pulse point in her body. Doing it was all she could think about—and it had nothing to do with a boat ride or dinner. Her palm tingled in reaction to his skin against hers as she paced beside him, buffeted by conflicting winds of trepidation and anticipation.

  The boat was full. The ride was short. Selena didn’t notice. Every ounce of her attention was centered on the rough hand wrapped around hers and the man that hand belonged to. Luke asked questions. She answered them. She only hoped her replies made sense, because she didn’t have a clue about what she was telling him.

  “What about this place?”

  Selena blinked and focused on the restaurant Luke was pointing at. Recognizing the establishment she nodded. “I’ve eaten in there,” she said, successfully gathering what was left of her wits. “The food’s good and the prices are fair.”

  “Steak?” Luke arched his eyebrows.

  Selena laughed. “Yes.”

  “Well, then, let’s get our feet on the ground.”

  Excellent advice, in more ways than one, Selena told herself.

  The restaurant was doing a brisk business, but the hostess said they could be seated immediately if they had no objection to dining indoors. The patio overlooking the river seemed to be the preference of the majority of waiting patrons.


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