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Ignited & Unhinged (Billionaire Secret, Book One)(Billionaire Romance, New Adult Romance, College Romance)

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by Summers, Lexi

  For a second I swear he’s looking at me.

  “Thank you.”


  CHAPTER 5 Billionaire Secret: The Ride

  The next two weeks pass in a blur.

  My classes are phenomenal. My surroundings are straight out of Harry Potter. My peers are the most interesting people I’ve ever met.

  We were all of us unique, and yet the same. The insatiable curiosity and general thirst for knowledge is palpable everywhere you go.

  It’s a feast of beauty, and knowledge, and luxury, and conversation 24/7.

  There are improv comedy shows to attend, a cappella concerts, new clubs to look into, famous people giving lectures.

  There are also midnight discussions with people down the hall that move between the state of the American education system and drinking games like Never Have I Ever—always ending with pizza at 4 AM.

  The only time my newfound fire stirs is in my art history class.

  With every lecture Professor West becomes more and more alluring. More of a sex god.

  Sometimes I imagine that he sees me ogling him and knows what I am thinking, but it is a big lecture…

  At least that’s what I keep telling myself so the embarrassment doesn’t show.

  Because if he knew what I was thinking…

  There would be nowhere for me to hide.

  During the last couple of days, my desire had grown more intense.

  I find myself having those familiar in between moments as I walk from building to building, listening to my iPod.

  Damon continues to star in them even though I haven’t laid eyes on him since that first night.

  These in betweens are different from high school. They had escalated.

  My mind had been drifting to Damon since last April. The fantasies were an escape from the to do lists and the overwhelming monotony of those last few months before leaving home.

  But here I was surrounded by a smorgasbord of stuff that fed my hunger for experience.

  So of course my little fantasies had risen to such a level of intensity that sometimes I had to stop, mid-walk, shake my head and take a deep breath.

  It was hard to look normal when my mind kept drifting to Damon.

  Damon knocking on my door and throwing me back on my bed.

  Damon grabbing my hand and pinning me with his body against some dark, Gothic archway.

  Damon leading me to his room and having his way with me…

  I was so crazed that I had made up my mind.

  My fantasies would become a reality the next time the opportunity presented itself.

  Time to take it to the next level.

  Time to go after what I want and make it happen.

  There is another rooftop party at SE tonight. It’s a tradition to celebrate the end of the first two weeks of classes.

  My insides squirm at the thought. Somehow I know I’ll get my chance.

  I’ll need more red lipstick. More vodka.

  But big things were going to happen.

  My stomach drops again.


  “To us ladies!” Jasmine holds up her shot glass. “We are brilliant, we are beautiful and we are badass!”

  We are all smiling. Excited by the moment. Jasmine was always so blunt. Always said what we were all feeling, but wouldn’t say out loud.

  In that moment, I felt like I was all of those things.

  And I wasn’t going to let any self-doubt ruin my college high.

  Or my plan.

  “Drink up Chicas,” Ana demands as we lift our tequila shots and throw them back.

  Ana, short for Adriana Franco, is from Los Angeles and bears a striking resemblance to Salma Hayek.

  We are all here. The four suitemates. Ana, Jas, and Kim.

  So far college had been pretty full on and we hadn’t had another opportunity to get everyone together for a night out.

  Ana had nearly missed it. She had spent the day in the library and had lost track of the time.

  That seemed to happen to all of us. A lot.

  The main library on campus, The Stacks, is nine stories tall. The smell of musty books and the knowledge of millions of voices is intoxicating to nerds like us.

  And let’s face it, even though my suitemates all looked stunning tonight—worthy of a spread in Harper’s—we were all nerds at heart.

  We wouldn’t have gotten here otherwise.

  The Stacks is one of my favorite places. Filled with magic and intrigue.

  Or maybe it’s just me.

  Ana pours us another round. I’m knew to tequila—like so many things—but I’m surprised by how smoothly it goes down.

  “No, no, no. Tomorrow’s Saturday, there are so many things going on. I don’t want to get smashed tonight…” Kim hesitates as Ana pours her shot so it overflows and drips down to the floor.

  Then she turns and flashes a much less bashful smile, “I want to get smashed tomorrow night,” she finishes.

  “Oooohhh,” we all laugh at the distinction.

  “Last one, promise,” Ana says as she finishes pouring.

  “Anyone have another toast in them?” she asks.

  “I’ll go,” I start, already feeling emboldened by the possibilities of the night.

  “Ladies, my lovelies, here’s to all the times we stayed up late just to get it right, to all the times we had to sacrifice the simple pleasures to get here. When we couldn’t go to that party,” I look at Kim knowingly, “when we had to say no to dating that special boy—” I look at Ana and then at Jas.

  “Speak for yourself!” Jas quickly cuts me off with mock indignity.

  We all knew Jasmine was a free spirit. And unlike the rest of us, she had managed to get all her work done and regularly hook-up with the latest male specimen that caught her eye.

  She was liberated—she had needs and she was going to get them met…and then get back to work.

  “Alright, alright. To those of us who said no to the dates, to the parties, to get us here. Right now, in this moment—to our pleasure!” I finish.

  “Here, here Luv!” Jas agrees eagerly.

  Our glasses clink together.

  We finish our drinks and place our phones on the mantel of our fake fireplace.

  It is our first picture together. Although we hadn’t planned it, we are all dressed in beautiful tight black dresses.

  There are satins and silks and sequins enhancing each of our unique physiques.

  Me with my average height and lean dancer-esque body.

  Ana with her petite, voluptuousness.

  Jasmine with her height, chocolate skin and perfect proportions.

  Kim with her effortlessly cool model body and fiery hair.

  “One, two, three…” directs Kim.

  “Shoot!” we all yell in unison.

  One of our voice activated cell phones was bound to hear us.

  Apparently, the roof at SE actually had a name: The Space. So named for its view of the sky and as a multipurpose event space that SE House used a lot.

  Not very original, but it was practical.

  Tonight, The Space is decorated in a sort of Mediterranean theme.

  The lights in the trees are blue, there are ornate columns throughout and beautifully exotic looking plants that probably cost a fortune.

  Multi-colored mosaic tiles decorate the dance floor.

  Briefly, I wonder if every college event would be like this. Enchanting and full on.

  We all grab a drink at the bar and stand in a circle.

  “Why isn’t the music playing? It’s almost 10, didn’t this thing start at 9?” Kim looks around. “I mean, it seems as full as last time. Wonder what’s going on.”

  Just then a disembodied voice announces, “And now for some spice. Dancing the International Cha Cha please welcome Tanya & Luke from the Ballroom Dance Team!”

  There are cheers and applause. Whoops and whis

  The lights surrounding the dance floor light up. I hadn’t even noticed them before.

  An attractive student comes out in a very short, sparkling blue Latin costume. It has a plunging neckline and cut outs on either side of her ribs that expose her skin.

  The guy wears a tight black shirt, and black slacks.

  Jennifer Lopez’ “Let’s Get Loud” begins and they start dancing in quick, exaggerated movements.

  It looks ridiculously fun. Each step is so controlled, precise, yet it all seems so risqué and free.

  I glance at my suitemates, they are also entranced.

  I continue to look around. Most people are watching the dancing and even moving to the music.

  Others alternate between talking and watching the dancers.

  My eyes wander. Searching.

  He is there. Across the floor.

  The group he is with is standing nearest the second entrance to The Space.

  They are laughing and talking cheerfully.

  Damon looks…delicious. He’s wearing another black t-shirt, with a pair of dark distressed jeans. It’s very rebel without a cause with a hint of prep.

  Seeing his bare arms without the jacket from last time makes my mouth water.

  A thought occurs to me.

  I take a couple of steps to my left so that I am in line with one of the many decorative mirrors hung throughout. I’m not sure how they are suspended in midair, and I don’t think to care.

  I check my tight black dress. It’s very short and shows off my toned legs. The silk shimmers with the twinkling lights.

  I adjust the tiny straps that hold up the dress and make sure my pearls are in place.

  The red lips are back. My long thick hair is curled in loose beach waves—I look exactly the way I want to look—glamorous and hot.

  At least I think I look good…No, no self-doubt.

  This is me.

  I look great.

  And I’m ready.

  I make my way across the roof by taking the long way round so I won’t be in his line of sight.

  When I reach the wall he is standing against I walk straight towards the staircase that is located a couple of feet to his left.

  I pretend not to notice anyone.

  Six feet away.

  Just keep cool, Elle.

  Three feet.

  Pretend you’re just minding your own business, and that staircase is going to get you to wherever you want to go.

  Which I was hoping it would. Directly to his room.

  Don’t think about that!

  One foot away.

  OK, I’m directly in front of him, keep going.

  I reach the top of the stairs.

  I place my hand on the stone wall to steady myself since this particular staircase is so old it doesn’t actually have a rail.

  One foot down, another foot on the next step.

  I move carefully in my new five inch black Louboutins.

  Just as I am about to take the third step, a hand reaches around me, preventing me from going further. My back is firmly pressed against a man’s body.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Damon whispers in my ear.

  Oh. Hmmm. His mouth at my ear sends shivers down my spine.

  “I was just going to explore. I’ve never been down this way before.”

  “Oh, is that so?” he continues whispering seductively. “Would you like a tour?”

  If it led straight to his room.

  “Sure,” I sound calmer than I feel.

  “Right this way, Giselle.”

  He moves in front of me and grabs my hand.

  His lead is steady and I find myself using him more than I would like.

  Our unbroken touch makes my legs tremble.


  Calm down.

  The musty staircase reminds me of the library. The light from The Space only reaches the first part of the staircase.

  It quickly becomes pitch black.

  The stone walls keep the descent cool.

  My senses are heightened. Every part of my body is at attention. My heels clack loudly on each step.

  I can feel my pulse throbbing against his smooth hand. For some reason, the descent reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.

  It feels like a roller coaster too. I’m just waiting for the ride to begin.

  We reach what I assume is the landing and walk through a door I can’t see until Damon opens it.

  It opens onto a circular room with a tall ceiling. Long red drapes cover the dramatic windows.

  We move through it and come to a long rectangular room with even taller walls and floor to ceiling shelves. Filled with books.

  There are three tall ladders attached to rails on either side.

  It is a very old looking library. The kind you would expect to find in an ancient manor house somewhere in England.

  “This is the Junior Senior Library, otherwise known as The Feltmore. Named after a wealthy donor that helped build it in 1897.” Damon is suddenly matter-of-fact.

  Like a tour guide.

  I venture a glance in his direction. He’s watching me.

  “I’ve never been here before,” I admit surprised. I had taken three different tours of SE for good measure. I really thought I had seen it all.

  His voice drops an octave, “That’s because it isn’t on the tour.”

  Without realizing it I had released his hand and taken a few steps into the room.

  There is a skylight. Is it a skylight? The room is filled with natural light that makes it feel like the middle of the day, except it’s 10PM.

  I move to stand directly underneath it.

  “We have daylight twenty-four hours a day in here,” he explains.

  “It’s a special light built into the glass; originally developed as a light therapy in countries close to the poles where sunlight hours are limited to non-existent during the winter months.”

  He pauses. “But there’s another feature.”

  I hear him press something and the light disappears.

  The sudden darkness throws me off balance for a second, until I realize there is light.

  It’s coming through the glass. The stars are shining brightly—abnormally so. Like ten times brighter than if you were on the roof looking directly at them.

  “The glass also augments the natural light of the stars,” he says at my ear.

  I jump. I hadn’t heard him close the distance between us.

  He presses his entire body against mine. I can feel every line of him.

  He’s turned on.

  My breathing picks up as my body registers his.

  His hands caress the tops of my shoulders and down my bare arms.

  I can feel his breath on my neck. It tickles my skin.

  He goes for my hips and spins me in one quick move.

  My face is inches from his. Our noses could touch.

  “You should see it at the full moon,” he whispers.

  I look into his eyes.

  They are smaller, hungry. He licks his lower lip and then he is on me.

  He pulls my hips into his erection and crushes his lips to mine.

  His tongue spreads my lips further apart and explores the inside of my mouth.

  The sensation is extraordinary. I move my tongue with his until we are deeply entangled.

  “Mmmhmmm,” a sound comes from deep inside my throat. The desire that had been growing in my lower belly is now a fire coursing through my veins.

  With each long, intense kiss my thin dress and his clothing feel like mountains of fabric.

  I want to be naked. With him.

  One arm wraps around my back while his right hand continues down to my ass. His long fingers grab me. He kneads me until I hear a sound escape his chest.

  He pulls away suddenly.

  “That’s enough,” he says between breaths
, “or I’m going to fuck you right here.”


  Just hearing him say it out loud makes my knees feel like they’re going to buckle.

  I try to steady my breathing.

  He’s winded, like me, “I think we’ll have to continue this tour later.”

  “OK,” I sound disappointed.

  He looks into my eyes. Searching.

  Did I sound as disappointed as I felt?

  I thought it was working? I thought we were going to…

  And then his features change like last time. He’s decided something.

  “Oh, the tour isn’t over. Just the SE House portion of the tour,” he offers with a smirk.

  His silver-blue eyes are lit with something primal, something that makes me want him to fuck me right here where anyone can walk in.

  “What did you have in mind?” I answer provocatively.

  “Come with me.” He grabs my hand.

  We exit the library though another door, he presses a switch that turns the skylight back on as we leave.

  There is a narrow path that looks like it is used as an access hallway and then a spiral staircase that we take down to another floor.

  We head towards a door located at the end of yet another hallway. I look around at my surroundings while he takes his ID out to scan at a rectangular black security strip on the side of the door.

  The walls are white. The light is dim with a yellow-blue tint. It’s unnervingly quiet on this side of the building.

  There don’t appear to be any other rooms on this floor.

  There is only this door.

  A second later I’m inside.

  CHAPTER 6 Billionaire Secret: Damon’s Room

  It is huge.

  There are windows on two walls. In the far corner, opposite the door, stands a queen-sized bed with dark navy sheets.

  Even in the dark I know I’ve never seen a dorm room this big before. “Wow,” I say under my breath.

  He flips a switch and a string of lights illuminate the space. It casts a soft light, like candles.

  The room had briefly made me forget that my body is on fire. The candlelight brings me back—and makes the sensations raging through my body more intense.

  I look at the bed and give myself a second to question whether this is what I want.


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