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Only You: Second Chance Series

Page 3

by Luxx Monroe

  Even though it felt like minutes, my short assessment only took a few seconds. “Here, let me help you up,” I muttered and tried to hide the fact that I was now sporting a full-on boner while meeting my aunt’s best friend.

  “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were here, and then…” She stopped mid-sentence when she realized that her robe had fallen open during our fumble, and she pulled it tightly around her body. Her cheeks were flooded with a beautiful pink color, and I took note that this look was really good on her.

  “Don’t be. I’m the one who’s sorry. I should have been gentler when I opened that gate. Are you okay?”

  She laughed it off and finally secured her robe, tying the thin string that was holding it together. “I’m fine, thank you. You must be Dax,” she said, and it was like she finally looked at me. Her eyes didn’t do a great job of hiding the fact that she was taking in my bare chest and my low-rise jeans, which showcased a finely ripped body that I took pride in and worked my ass off for.

  “I am, and you’re Lena, right?” I held out my hand, which only made her pink cheeks brighten with embarrassment.

  “Yes, I’m Lena. I can’t believe we met each other this way,” she said in a hushed voice, but then looked over my shoulder toward her backyard. “Wow, this place looks so much better already. How long have you been here? I can’t believe I didn’t hear you. It’s just that I got in so late last night and I must have been sleeping like a rock.”

  I decided right then and there that she was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. Even though she didn’t have an ounce of make-up on and her hair was a wild mess, she was so naturally flawless that I knew I would compare all other girls in my life to her. That should have shocked me, sent me turning from her, but it only made me smile bigger. I probably looked like a fucking weirdo, but I didn’t give one shit.

  “Thank you, and not too long. I’m surprised the mowing didn’t wake you. But I was actually going to see if I could get some water from you. The heat out here is unreal.”

  She met my smile and led me around the front of her house. “Of course, and please help yourself when you’re here. I’ll make sure to leave the back door unlocked. That way, you can just come on into the kitchen and grab whatever you need.”

  I knew I shouldn’t have been checking out my aunt’s friend, but it was hard to miss the toned legs walking in front of me, legs that led up to one amazing ass. Even if it was covered by a thin piece of cotton, I could tell that it would be fun to hold on to while—

  I shook my head quickly because my thoughts were about to get ridiculously X-rated, which wouldn’t help the expanded situation in my jeans.

  I also wondered how old Lena was. Krista was in her early thirties, but for some reason, Lena gave off a younger vibe. At least her body did. I was pretty sure that I’d never be able to erase the memory of her body under the sheer fabric that I knew was hiding beneath her robe.

  Coughing and clearing my throat to shake the dirty thoughts racing through my head, I decided to be a gentleman. “Thank you, and I shouldn’t be that much longer.”

  Lena held open the front door and smiled at me as I brushed by her, sending a little tingle through my skin as my arm brushed against hers. I’d dated my fair share of girls and had some pretty amazing encounters over the past few years, but I’d never felt anything like I did when I first laid eyes on Lena. That was a huge neon sign that I needed to get laid, or at least that’s what I chalked it up to.

  “The kitchen is in here, right next to the back door, so it wouldn’t be an issue if you just let yourself in. Please help yourself to anything, because I really am so thankful that you’re willing to come over to this jungle and help me out. See, my husband, well, ex-husband, was the one who did all of the yard work, and since he’s gone, I just really haven’t had the time or know-how to do all of this.”

  I noticed a small amount of moisture fill her eyes, and for some reason I hated the thought of this woman being upset. What guy in his right mind would leave someone like her? She was gorgeous and seemed really sweet. A fucking prick, that’s who. I reached over and placed my hand on hers, which at the time seemed right but then I realized how much of an intimate feeling I’d created. “Hey, it’s okay. Really, I don’t mind, and it gives me a great workout.”

  Lena’s laugh did something to my chest, and I knew that I’d found a new mission for when I was around her—to make her laugh.

  She finally pulled her hand from mine and waved it in the air. “I’m sorry. It’s just a bit overwhelming sometimes. Just let me know if you need anything else, but I’m going to go get dressed. I feel like this was a very inappropriate outfit to meet you in.”

  “It was the best outfit to meet you in,” I said with a wink, which only made her cheeks combust into that lovely shade of pink again.

  “Right, well, I’ll be back down in a few,” she said in a hurry and was up the stairs before I could say anything else.



  Pacing back and forth in my room didn’t help my nerves. How in the world did that all just happen? I stopped in front of my full-length mirror and pulled open my robe. Laughing to myself, I couldn’t get the image of Dax looking at my body when we first met out of my head. Who does that? Meets her best friend’s nephew in a barely-there nightie? Me, that’s who.

  “Just perfect,” I whispered to myself and then thought about how I’d never be able to look at Dax without remembering that exact moment again. Although, I was taken aback by how good-looking he was. I knew he was only twenty-two, but his body was really chiseled to perfection. Jared had been that way once, when we were young, but a few years into our marriage he let himself go a little and got a bit of a belly. I actually loved it and told him that every time he took his shirt off, because I knew how self-conscious he was about it. He would just say that I was lying and rolled his eyes. Then, a few years ago, he joined a gym and started to work out almost every morning. I was proud of him and even offered to meet him there in the mornings. He told me that it was his ‘alone time’ and that he didn’t want me to feel like I needed to do something just for him. Little did I know that he was secretly buffing up for his new lover.

  After throwing on a loose sundress, I assessed myself in the mirror and decided it would have to do. Besides, Dax had already seen me at my worst.

  When I walked down my large staircase, I wasn’t ready to see the shirtless guy taking a drink of water with his back to me. His finely ripped body showcased just how in shape he was, and it was right then and there that I had to admit that Krista was right. I needed to get laid, because for God’s sake, I was getting hot and bothered by her nephew.

  I cleared my throat, which instantly made him turn around. “Oh, hey. Thanks again for the water. It’s just want I needed.”

  “Really, help yourself to anything. You seriously have no idea how much I appreciate this.” I smiled and sidestepped him, pulling open my refrigerator door to grab a bottle of Vitamin water for myself. “So, how much more work do you think you still have?”

  Dax looked out the window that was just above the sink and shrugged. “I’m done mowing. I was planning on coming back later this evening to weed-whip around, but my uncle just texted me and asked if I could come in and help with a property. So if it’s okay with you, I’ll be by tomorrow to finish it up?”

  I knew my yard was huge, and Dax probably had no idea what he was signing on for when he told Krista he would help. It was embarrassing to have the shitty yard in the neighborhood, and with the strict rules that my homeowner’s association had in place, Krista coming up with this plan meant more to me than she knew.

  “Of course, and thank you, Dax. Really, you literally saved me.”

  His wink did more to my insides than I was ready for, and it also made me really look at his face. His eyes were the perfect mixture of baby blue and sage green. They screamed how interesting yet sexy he was. His dark hair was cut in a trendy, younger sty
le than I was used to, but it worked on him. It gave him a certain edge and also made my fingers itch. Though he was younger, he had a sexy amount of body hair, and I wanted to run my fingers through it. I realized then how long it had actually been since I had run my hands through a man’s hair. Sadness started to creep up my body, but I quickly pushed it aside and gave him my full attention.

  When he stuck out his hand, I kept my jitters at bay the best I could and placed mine in his. A strange sensation passed through me, and we both met each other’s gaze with a confused expression.

  Dax pulled away first and ran his large hand through the same hair I was just imagining my own hand roaming through. “Right, well, I’ll see you sometime tomorrow, then.”

  My voice had disappeared, and so a simple nod was all I could give him. Soon he was out the back door, packing up the lawn care equipment and pulling on his white T-shirt. I laughed to myself and decided that I needed to get Dax out of my mind and focus on someone who was much closer to my age. An image of Kirk came to my mind, but the feeling I had when we’d met last night wasn’t even close to how my body just reacted to Dax. Maybe it’s true what I’d heard about a rebound lay. Maybe we did look for someone younger to bring us back to our golden days.


  My mind was set. I was really ready. “Krista, I’m going to do it,” I said in a breathless voice as I walked around my backyard and assessed the work that had been done earlier that morning.

  Krista let out a little giggle, which made me roll my eyes. “It, huh? Have your lady parts finally woken up?”

  “Shut up! That’s not what I meant. Well, it is a little bit, but just listen, okay?”

  She cleared her throat, and I could tell she was trying to keep her teasing to herself. “Okay, I’m listening.”

  I took a deep breath and knew it was time to move on. “I’m going to ask Kirk over for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Good!” Krista exclaimed a little too loudly, but it gave me a bit more encouragement to keep going.

  “Yes, good. But I’m a little nervous, Kris. I haven’t been alone with a guy in over a year, and I don’t want to clam up. You know how socially awkward I can be sometimes. I think there could be something between the two of us and I don’t want to mess that up.”

  Krista was quiet for a few seconds before finally speaking. “Even though the chemistry between you two was on fire the other night, why don’t you do something a little more social than just the two of you? That way you can get to know him a little better and take it slow. Something like a mixer or a dinner. Gary and I would love to come and make it a little more comfortable.”

  She always impressed the hell out of me and saved me from my own worst fears. “Have I mentioned lately that you’re brilliant?”

  A chuckle escaped her mouth. “Haven’t heard it in a while, but you’re off the hook. Let’s make this happen. The twins can go next door and play with our neighbors, which they’ve been begging to do all week, and I need a little time with Gary. That will be fun. You know how good he is about judging someone within five minutes of meeting them, so this will be a great time to get that test over with.”

  I rolled my eyes because I knew she was right. Gary did have this thing about knowing what kind of person someone was a few minutes after being introduced to them. “Okay, yeah. I’m actually excited about this. What do you think? Wine-tasting night, or maybe something a little more upbeat?”

  She was quiet for a few seconds before she finally said something. “I know, a fiesta! Let’s do a Mexican dinner night. We haven’t done one of those in such a long time that I may let Tequila Krista out.”

  “Tequila Krista is the best, and I love that idea. I’ll do everything. Just show up with Gary.”

  Scoffing, Krista let me know just how smart she was. “Great. I’ll let Gary know, and we’ll be there around six. Or is that too early?”

  I had made it down by my back gate, which was now fully visible and looked amazing. “Six is fine, and if there’s a problem I’ll let you know.”

  “Sounds good. Oh, and how was it this morning with Dax?”

  Looking around my yard didn’t make me think of his mowing skills. What instantly came to mind was the fact that he was too good-looking. Which, of course, I couldn’t say out loud. “He was great. My yard is already looking ten times better. So, thank you.” I also didn’t mention what a disaster it was meeting him.

  After I hung up with Krista, I found Kirk’s cell details and my finger hovered over his number. If I really wanted to get back out there, this needed to happen. Even if I didn’t fully feel that strong of a connection with Kirk, it was the fact that I was ready to try that was most important.

  Finally mustering up the courage to ask him over for dinner, I pushed that damn green button and put myself out there. Luckily, Kirk was the easiest guy to talk to and he thought a fiesta dinner sounded perfect. If only I felt as enthusiastic as everyone else.



  I wasn’t immune to hard work. In fact, I craved it. But I’d just finished up the last property for the day and my body was aching in ways I never thought possible. While I was rubbing my right shoulder, my Uncle Gary came up behind me and slapped me on my back.

  “Nice work today, Dax. I’m going to get too used to you and I’ll want to keep you around.” He smirked and walked over to help pull the yard tools back into the trailer.

  Gary was in his mid-thirties, but you’d never guess that because he prided himself on keeping his body in the best shape. Working with him proved to me that we were going to get along great this summer.

  “Thanks, Gary. I have a feeling I won’t be getting out of shape this summer, that’s for sure.”

  His laugh made me smile, and soon we were packed up and ready to head back to the office. “I really do appreciate the hard work. I also think it’s great that you’re taking a break to get a handle on what you really want to do with your life. That’s a smart move.”

  I didn’t have much to say, so I just settled into the passenger seat of my uncle’s work truck.

  The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, and by the time I was ready to head home, it was already past suppertime. I knew that I’d told Lena I would be back tomorrow to weed-whip, but I was actually surprised by the disappointment I was feeling that I wasn’t going over there at that exact moment.

  I couldn’t believe how often the image of her body flooded my mind while I was working. A girl hadn’t had that effect on me in a while, and it made me think it may be time to remedy that.

  I pulled out my cell and found Dillion’s name right away, because if there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that he was always up for a beer.


  After talking with Dillion, it looked like I wasn’t the only one who’d had a long day. We both ended up deciding that a beer would be better appreciated on Friday than on a weeknight, when we’d both be getting up at the ass-crack of dawn again the next morning.

  The next day was extremely busy, and I ended up not getting to Lena’s house until mid-afternoon. When I pulled up in her driveway, the one thing I wasn’t expecting was to see her in some pretty damn short shorts while bending over to pull what looked like a huge weed in the corner by her fence. I stepped out of my truck and was surprised she hadn’t turned around to see me yet, so instead of walking over to her, I leaned back against the front of the truck and watched the show in front of me.

  “You fucking son-of-a-bitch weed!” I heard her yell, and chuckled to myself because she didn’t seem like the cursing type.

  She struggled a bit more until finally the stubborn green nuisance came flying out of the ground, sending Lena in the opposite direction. “Shit!” she shrieked, and fell back on her ass.

  I pushed myself off the truck and trotted over to where she was lying. “You okay?” I asked and tried my best to hide my smile.

  Lena peeked over her shoulder and then planted her hand directly over her face. �
�Why do I only see you when I’m making an ass out of myself?”

  Speaking of ass, I didn’t mind the show she gave me while attempting to push herself off the ground. I wanted to stay and enjoy what I was seeing, but I also couldn’t watch a woman struggle to stand up without helping. “Here, take my hand,” I said and felt that little tinge of energy pass through me again when her hand fell in mine.

  “Thanks,” she said with a sigh and threw the large weed that just assaulted her over to the edge of her fence. “Now you can see why I avoid this stuff at all costs. It tries to kill me.”

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed much louder than I’d intended. Lena also did a lousy job at trying to hide her smile, and soon we were both grinning from ear to ear.

  A second of silence cut through the air, and I couldn’t help but take that moment to really take in Lena’s beauty. She was wearing cut-offs and a small tank, but she looked breathtaking. Fuck, she was doing something unreal to me. “Yeah, so sorry about not coming by this morning. Gary has kept me moving nonstop, but I have a little while to finish up weed-whipping. Then I’ll be back next week to do this all over again.” I gave her my best smile and couldn’t help but notice that she was assessing me the same way I’d just been assessing her.

  “Don’t ever apologize for anything that has to do with my yard. I really appreciate all this so much that I will never expect anything, okay?” she said and motioned for me to follow her back to the front of her house.

  I followed and wasn’t quite sure what to say in return, so I continued to walk behind her until we were standing in her front entrance. I watched as she pulled a hair-tie out of a messy-looking bun, and I held my breath as her long, blonde curls cascaded down to the small of her back. All I could imagine at that moment was grabbing a handful of that hair and bending her over her couch, taking what I knew would be perfect. “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath and turned away before I did something completely inappropriate.


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