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Home for the Holiday

Page 12

by Wendy Stone

  "They know I'm coming with you, don't they?” I asked, a tiny bit of fear creeping into my stomach.

  "Yes they know, and they know how important you are to me. I think they might know about this as well,” he said, lifting my hand to his lips and kissing the spot just above the pretty diamond. “If they don't, they will when we get there."

  I could hear a tone in his voice, not one so much of dread as of inevitability. He took my hand in his gloved one, tucking it into his pocket to keep it warm. I couldn't help but smile at the unconscious gesture, even as I turned and waved the other one at Mom.

  Dad and Mara were in the car and I could hear Mara's voice. “Dad, I took sex education in school, you know. And we live on a freaking farm, for heaven's sake. I know about sex."

  I had to laugh. “Daddy, she's a good girl,” I said as soon as I got close enough to butt in. “She'll continue to be a good girl as long as you look like you could break anyone who hurt your baby girl in half. You've got a lot of years to go yet."

  "Thanks so much, Kenna,” Mara grumped at me as I settled into the back seat.

  "Hey, it got him off your case. Behave or I'll tell him about Jimmy Spiegle and what the two of you did in the horse barn."

  "You wouldn't dare!” she hissed, but she didn't look certain. “I won't ever talk to you again if you do,” she warned.

  "Wow, no more crabby-too-talkative sister? There's a perk,” I kidded, earning a dirty look.

  The phenomenon happened again. It always did. It always seemed to take forever to get someplace while the trip back seemed to take no time at all. Daddy got us to the train station in time to sit and have a cup of coffee before we had to board. “I can't believe you're going by train. Isn't that kind of old fashioned?"

  "Daddy,” I said, “You know how afraid of heights I am. Well, so does Nick.” I turned and saw Nicky nodding his head.

  "She makes me get up on the chair if a mouse scares her, sir,” he kidded. “I look pretty ridiculous standing up there trying to scream like a girl for her."

  I narrowed my eyes and smacked him on the arm. “Watch it,” I warned, “or you'll be sleeping in the aisle."

  "Not even married and she's already kicking you to the couch,” Mara laughed. “Poor Nicky."

  "Jimmy Speigle,” I said softly, seeing Mara's cheek blanch.

  "Who's Jimmy Speigle?” Daddy asked.

  "No one, Daddy,” Mara said quickly. “Did you two get one of those sleeping car things or did you get a private coach room?"

  "We have a sleeping car,” I said. “It's much more private that way."

  "You kids be careful,” Daddy said as he watched the train pull into the station. Lifting my suitcase, he carried it ahead of him, pushing through the crowds like a huge ship plowing through waves. He cleared a path for us the way Daddy always had and I could feel the tears starting in my eyes again.

  "I'll miss you, Daddy,” I said, going to give him a big hug.

  He returned it, squeezing me tightly. “I'll miss you, too, baby. You make sure Nicky takes good care of you and come home to us again soon. Okay?"

  I nodded, unable to answer. I really did love my family and I had missed them terribly when I was gone. While he held me, Daddy extended his hand to Nicky. “She's yours to care for, boy-o. Don't make me regret giving you my blessing."

  A snort of laughter broke through my tears and I managed to smile for my father before boarding the train. I was glad we'd gotten the sleeping car, because as soon as the conductor showed us to it, I went inside and broke down, burying my face in my hands.

  "Oh, baby,” Nick said, sinking down next to me and pulling me into his arms. “It'll be okay, honestly. We'll come back and see them soon. I promise,” he said again, lifting my chin and wiping the tears that slid down my cheeks with his thumbs.

  "Y-you promise?” I gulped.

  "I'm such a sap,” he said, laughing at himself. “It only takes one tear from someone I love and I'll move heaven and earth to make everything better."

  "I'll have to remember that,” I said and he laughed again.

  "I'm just glad you don't realize the power you do have over me,” he whispered, his hand cupping my cheeks and drawing me closer. His lips found mine and I sighed in pleasure. He started to lean me back on the big bench-like seat when there was a knock on the door of our little cabin.

  Nick sighed in disgust, staring at the door and then returning his eyes to me. His lips found mine once more and he was just deepening the kiss when the knock came again.

  "Dammit,” he growled, standing and adjusting the front of his pants a bit to make himself more comfortable. He went to the door, which I hadn't noticed he'd locked until now, and pulled it open. “What?” he snapped at the elderly conductor.

  "Tickets, please,” the man intoned in a board sounding voice.

  I got up and pulled them from the folder I was carrying in my purse. “Here you go,” I said in a friendly voice. “How long will this trip take?"

  "The train will pull into Grand Central Station at four AM, miss. Our dining car is open until eight p.m. if you get hungry. It's right down this way."

  "Thank you,” I said, looking in the direction he'd indicated. There really wasn't much to see, but I thought it would be the polite thing to do. Nicky grabbed my hand and took the tickets back out of the conductor's hands as he stamped them. He pulled me back inside the car, then shut and locked the door, practically in the conductor's face.

  I turned, looking out the big tinted window as I felt the first sudden jerk of the train moving. It pulled slowly out of the station and into the open country I had grown up in. In the morning, I'd be in New York City. A sudden thrill of excitement spread through me.

  "Will we get a chance to do some sightseeing?” I asked as Nicky's arms came around my waist and he pulled me against his hard body.

  "You don't mean like watching the ball drop in Times Square, do you? Please tell me you're talking about taking the ferry to the Statue of Liberty or climbing the Empire State Building, or maybe even visiting Ground Zero."

  "Why couldn't we go to Times Square?” I asked.

  "Because it's a madhouse. Smart New Yorkers stay away from there at this time of year.” He turned me around so I faced him. His hands were on my face, turning it up to his. “You don't really want to go there, do you?"

  I shook my head slowly, almost smiling when I saw the relieved look in his eyes. It changed as my head began nodding. “Kind of, Nicky. Wouldn't it be exciting to be in a crowd that huge and wish the world a Happy New Year?"

  "Exciting? That's hardly the word for it. Besides the drunks, there are pickpockets, panhandlers, and conmen working the crowd. Cops will arrest you for any little nuance of a crime. Besides, I thought you wanted to get married on New Year's Eve?"

  "You wanted to get married New Year's Eve,” I said. “Remember your oh-so-romantic talk of tax breaks?"

  "Oh,” he said slowly, scratching his head. “Yeah."

  I lifted on my tip toes and kissed his cheek before pulling away to explore the tiny room. Opening what I thought was a closet, I couldn't help but smile. “Hey, we got a tiny potty,” I said.

  "A what?” he laughed, used to my ways.

  "A tiny potty. It must be for little butts."

  His hand came down on my bottom over the dressier slacks I'd put on for the trip. He eyed it and then the small toilet. “I think it'll fit,” he said, rubbing his hand over the silky feel of my slacks.

  "Thanks so much,” I said, though I couldn't help the shiver of pleasure that came from his caresses.

  "You're welcome. Now,” he said, pulling me back against him so I could feel his erection pushing in against my bottom, “where were we?” He dropped his head, his nose nuzzling into my neck and making me squeal quietly as he tickled me. Easily lifting me in his arms, he carried me over to the bench seat and laid me down on it.

  His hands made quick work of the scarf Mom had given me, pulling off my jacket as well. He grabbed t
he scarf back up and tested the strength of the material, suddenly looking at me with a nerve-wracking gleam in his eyes. Leaning over me, he kissed my neck. “Tell me something, baby, have you ever been tied down?"

  "Tied down? You mean tied down?” I repeated, staring up at him.

  "Yeah, tied down, baby. Have you?"

  "N-no,” I admitted and he laughed.

  "Well then, you're about to have the ride of a lifetime.” Though I fought him, he grabbed my arms, capturing my wrists in his big hands. Easily forming the knot, he slid the scarf over my hands and onto my wrists. He tightened it, making sure I couldn't get free, but keeping it loose enough that it wouldn't hurt. Then he looped the free end around the end of the bench, tying it taut.

  It wasn't painful in any way, I just couldn't move my arms. “Nicky, what are you doing?"

  His fingers had moved from the scarf to the buttons that held the ‘v’ neckline of my shirt closed. “If you can't figure it out, I must be doing something wrong."

  "What if someone comes in?"

  "No one will come in, I locked the door,” he said softly, kissing the smooth skin he could see in between the gaps of the buttons.

  "What about the window?” I asked, glancing over his shoulder. I could see the trees and houses blazing past.

  "Honey, the train is going forty to fifty miles an hour. No one can climb in the window,” he said, nudging the soft white cup of my bra to the side so that he could find my nipple.

  "No but they can look in, can't they?” I moaned.

  "The windows are tinted,” he mumbled around my nipple, groaning when I arched my back to push it deeper into his mouth.

  "Oh, okay, then shut up and, and..."

  "Make love to you?” he offered when my mind refused to work.

  "Yes,” I breathed. “Do that."

  His nimble fingers made quick work of my buttons and then slid around my back to where he thought the clasp of my bra was.

  "It's in the front,” I whispered, loving the feel of his big, strong, slightly calloused hands on my skin. His hands slid to my waist before moving up my ribs and finding the clasp. He pinched it open, pushing the cups off my breasts and letting it hang on my arms.

  Cool air covered my skin in goose flesh, which intensified when his warm breath melted over it. My nipples tightened until they almost hurt. His lips nibbled against one aching tip.

  "Hmm,” I moaned softly, closing my eyes and letting the sensations he was creating just roll over me. “Don't stop."

  "Don't worry,” he said, his voice vibrating against my skin and making me ache even more. “I don't plan to, not until you're begging."

  His tone was so frankly sensual and sexy that my heart lurched, then started beating in over time. The coolness of his hair was like silk against my flesh. Just a hint of stubbled cheek whispered over me as he captured my nipple in his mouth, suckling hard, as if he were trying to draw my toes up through the hard tip. I felt them curl as I gasped, my panties growing damp.

  "You taste so good,” he whispered smugly. Then he sat up, taking his own scarf off and then ridding himself of his coat. A smile crossed his handsome face and a shiver of nerves tickled my spine.

  "What is going on in that devious mind of yours now, Nicholas Evan Grenfield?” I swear he flinched as I used his full name.

  "You almost sound like my mother. Not a good thing at this time, Kenna."

  I laughed, arching my back so my breasts pushed upward and he cupped his hand around one soft mound.

  "I hope I don't look like your mother,” I whispered as he began to pull and twist my nipple. “Or feel like her, either,” I added.

  "Not in the least,” he said. “My mom's a brunette."

  "Ha ha, not funny Nicky.” I warned, even as I groaned over his continued manipulations. I narrowed my eyes at him as he picked up his scarf with the other hand. “What do you plan to do with that? Gag me?"

  "Oh hell no, I've got some serious plans that deal with that sexy little mouth of yours. But I don't think you need to see what they are.” He leaned over me, double and then triple folding the scarf. When it was thick enough I couldn't see through it, he tied it around my eyes.

  "I don't think I like this, Nicky.” My nerves increased as he got up and I couldn't see where he was. I heard the swish sound of rustling clothing and I turned my head, following the sound. “What are you doing, Nick?"

  "Shhh,” he said, startling me. He was closer than I thought. His mouth touched mine as he lay down next to me and the heat of his body radiated against me. He was naked. He'd taken his clothes off in front of my blindfolded eyes, denying me the pleasure of seeing him.

  His tongue slipped into my mouth and I sucked upon it gently, making him groan. He kissed me until the room spun. I felt as if the two of us were the only ones left alive in this entire world. I could almost see him despite my blindfold. When his hand touched my body, I arched into it, his touch a thousand times more sensual as I could only feel what he did.

  "Oh,” I moaned, tearing my mouth away from him. “God, Nicky, this is so, hmmm.” My teeth dug into my bottom lip as his hand slid under the waistband of my slacks and the small, red silk thong I was wearing. He played with the softness of my pubic hair, combing his fingers through the fluffy curls before dipping into the heat they hid.

  My mouth opened in a gasp of pleasure and I felt him move above me. His other hand made short work of the fastening on my slacks and then started to pull them off. I could feel his hand under the satiny sheen of my thong and wondered what he thought of the way it looked. “Tell me,” I whispered. “Tell me how I look to you?"

  "Decadent,” he said, his voice deep and husky. His game was getting to him, too. I decided to take it a bit further.

  "No, tell me what you see,” I ordered, defiantly considering I was under his control.

  "You skin is pale and beautiful against the black cushions of the seat, all but that sexy red thong. Did you wear that today especially for me?” he asked.

  "Yes,” I answered. “Can you see your hand moving under it?” I sighed. His magical fingers were pushing me towards the beginning of an orgasm.

  "God, yes,” he answered as my hips pushed against his hands. “Are you going to come?"

  "Do you want me to?” I managed to gasp out.

  "Yes,” he growled, leaning down and capturing my nipple in his mouth, drawing it in deep. It was all I needed and I ground myself into his hand, my toes curling involuntarily as the shattering heat of my orgasm swamped me. I mewled, whimpering cries of need, of want, of pleasure even as he gave me more.

  "Oh, God!” I screamed, feeling the trembling movement of the train under me, rocking me even harder onto his hand.

  Then suddenly it was gone and I felt adrift in the blackness. “Nick!"

  Something satin brushed my cheek and I turned my head, like a baby looking to suckle. “Open up, sweetheart,” he growled from above me. I did as told and felt the silky heat of his erection against my tongue, sliding into my mouth until he butted against the back of my throat. His hands were on my thighs, pushing my thong down until it tangled around my raised ankles. My knees fell open and then I felt the softness of his tongue sliding through my wetness, finding my clit and latching on to it.

  He thrust into my mouth, coming just short of choking me. “Suck on me,” he ordered, lifting his head but once as he pleasured me with his tongue and his lips and teeth.

  I did, also using my tongue to tease as he pulled out. My hands tugged at the scarf holding them together. I desperately wanted loose; I wanted to touch him as he touched me. I wanted to push my finger inside of him even as he finger-fucked me. I could feel he was growing closer to orgasm as his body trembled, his cock growing even larger.

  He lifted his head, and I mourned the loss of his mouth. “Shit,” Nick growled. “I'm going to come, baby.” He pulled his cock out of my mouth and I could feel just the trace of saliva connecting his mouth to my lips. “Where do you want it, baby?” he grow

  "Where do you want to give it to me?” I asked. “I mean, I am under your control, aren't I?"

  "What, do I have a closet submissive on my hands?” he asked, chuckling even as his cock slid across my lips again and I reached out with my tongue to bring him back inside.

  "Only in bed,” I managed to get out as he began to thrust into my mouth again. My lips wrapped around his shaft, loving every inch of the satiny soft hardness.

  I heard his moans and felt the tremors of his body over me and then the first thick splash of his come as he lost control. He filled my mouth and I swallowed the copious spending with a groan of my own. When he finally pulled away, I tried to bring him back, wanting nothing more than to just lay there with him this way.

  Nicky lay next to me, his thighs brushing against my upper arms, his cock lying against my skin. His head lay on my thigh and I could feel the wetness of his sweat on my skin as well. It was a very sensual feeling, strengthened because I couldn't see anything.

  "Are you okay?” he asked as he drew idle pictures against my belly with his finger.

  "Hmm,” I hummed. “Delicious."

  "Yes, yes you are that,” he chuckled, kissing my thigh and hip bone. “Delicious and sexy and gorgeous.” He punctuated each word with a kiss as he moved his way up my body. “And all mine,” he said against my ear as his legs pushed mine to the side and he slid between them, his cock hard once more and pressing inside of me.

  I groaned at the welcome stretching and the fullness he made me feel each time he entered me. A thrill went through me and I couldn't help but nip at his earlobe. “You're all mine, too, right?"

  "With that tone, I guess I'd better say yes,” he teased, pushing deep until his pubic bone bumped into my clit, mashing it in the most sensual of ways.

  "Nicky,” I said, my tone telling him how insecure I was about this. “I can't go through that again. If you aren't in this for the long haul, please tell me now."

  His hands went to the back of my head and I felt him pull away the knot that held the scarf there. He unwound it until I could see him again, throwing it to the floor. Then his warm, hard hands cupped my face and he lifted my chin until I looked him in the eyes.


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