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EMP Causality

Page 11

by Michael Kravitz

  As soon as Officer Ryan talked to William, he then talked to Camille. Camille was a survivor. It is better to show respect to police officers. It is a hard lesson that many did not get in the projects. Camille has seen too much. She only has the best interests of her daughter at heart.

  Officer Ryan talked to William for a good twenty minutes. He has a good idea of William’s predicament. There is only so much he can do. The EMP Strike has sent the East Coast into one massive journey, to a time before modern technology. Many elderly, disabled, families’ dreams are all affected by this act of evil. As a Christian, Officer Ryan is just plugging along, stoically, hoping for something close to a miracle, a return to normalcy.

  It was Camille’s turn. With a poker face, William returned to his wife and Fred. Many eyes were on Officer Ryan. Most in the collaborative did not know the real purpose of his visit today. Camille was given a sign from Ben. With Ben’s right hand extended out, he waved for Camille to come over to Officer Ryan. She had a good bath, fresh clothes, and had collected her thoughts.

  Camille has had a hard life. She had brought up four daughters as a single parent. The men in her life have given her little support. Even her own family has not been there for her. Some have even been in trouble with the law. Yes, she has received housing and financial assistance from the government. To her credit, three of her daughters are on their own. They are doing well; she wants Vivian to break the chain. To have a daughter with a good job, a degree from a known and respected college. This would allow Vivian to travel, to meet interesting and successful people. If I may be so bold, it would allow her to experience the American dream: a house, a marriage, and be a soccer mom.

  Tell me how cool would that be. Of course, with divorce rates near 50 percent, it still would be a fifty-fifty shot.

  Camille will give it a hard shot. She is from a large and extended family and is close to her sister in Houston. Her sister’s son stayed behind. With a third -degree black belt, he decided to open up his own karate dojo. Like his father, he followed his own path. He attended the Baptist church and tried hard to save as many as he can from a life of crime and drugs.

  What real sadness. No newspapers to list his death. Not even a proper funeral service. The armory did give them a body bag. Without a funeral home, the body could not be prepared for a proper funeral. It was the church that he attended that allow them to bury him. With a few connections, a wooden casket was built. The grave was marked. Camille does have both anger and guilt.

  Her nephew acted so fast; she did not have a chance to draw her gun, to protect him. Her nephew always stood up to evil and violence.

  Camille will not beg Officer Ryan, but she will let him know she can protect herself as well as any man. I am sure Officer Ryan will get the picture. Officer Ryan knows his own wife can hold her own as well as any man. He is sure that Camille is of the same stock.

  After Camille finished talking to Officer Ryan, he was ready to have a drink and unwind with Ben. His wife, Ann, had several relatives, out west. Officer Ryan and Ann knew it would take several more months before the grid was online.

  There was one other pressing problem. The government was getting sketchy intel on what the situation was near some of the eastern cities. The commander of the state police barracks thought it would be great if Ann could give a presentation. She could let them know of what supplies are needed. She could also inform them of the various collaboratives that are functioning well.

  Officer Ryan deeply loves his wife, but they both know duty comes first. There is a major tent City southwest of Evansville Indiana, near Shawnee National Forest. There they have a military command post. The commander of the post knows Ann would lay out the best strategy for stabilizing the various hotspots.

  Such a road trip would be extremely dangerous. On the upside, it would be a great tool for needed surveillance. It is a standard practice that any trip out of a safe zone requires at least two people. The state police is running on a skeleton crew; to spare another officer would create more stress. Officer Ryan is a professional; he will go over the details with Ann. Now he must clear his mind and just talk to Ben and other members of the collaborative.

  Camille was happy with herself. She has always believed in divine intervention. In her mind, the good Lord will show her the correct path. Camille went to sit down. On her way back, she asked the drunk for another shot. One shouldn’t use alcohol as a crutch, but screw it—it’s been a tense day. Alice saw Camille sitting by herself. She had to know what was going on. Curiosity killed the cat, but Alice needed to know what Ben’s (her husband) connection is to all of this. Sad, isn’t it? You’re sleeping next to your better half, and you have to ask an outsider what is going on. It is like hiring a detective to see who is cheating on whom.

  What they really need is a priest with a bullhorn. He could stand on a podium and announce, “All right, folks! Time for a group confession. Those of you who confess, will be saved. The rest of you, just exit the collaborative.” Problem solved.

  Alice slowly meandered to where Camille was sitting.

  “Hello, Camille, mind if I join you?” Alice said in a friendly tone.

  “No. By all means, join me,” Camille said as she took a sip of her alcoholic drink.

  “It has been tense for everybody lately” Alice said in a probing manner.

  “I know. You’re right, we are all very tense,” Camille said with a sigh.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” Alice commented in a bold way.

  “I think it’s in God’s hands. Besides, you seem to be in in a pickle yourself,” Camille uttered with compassion.

  “You and Officer Ryan seemed to be in a very serious conversation,” Alice said with a probing attitude.

  Camille just turned and looked at Alice. “I guess you are not communicating much with Ben,” Camille answered in a quid pro quo retort.

  “No, you are right. There is a family feud because of Jessica and Ben. Ben really should have given Joshua a chance to talk. He just went off on both Jessica and Joshua. He never knew what really happened; he just divided the whole family. Jessica might have died on that trip, all because of his stubborn ego. It’s not fair. He should’ve talked to me first. Jessica is also my daughter,” Alice commented with a tinge of anger.

  “I am very sorry. Family should mean everything. To be fair, Ben has a lot on his shoulders. He is trying to help me right now; I know he has a good heart,” Camille said using a tone of compassion.

  “I know he does. My daughter Jessica’s well-being is also my concern,” Alice replied with sadness.

  “Listen, Alice, I can see you want to know what is going on, right?” Camille said very directly.

  Alice took a deep breath. She felt ashamed of being insensitive to Camille. First, she just let out a sigh. She then took the palm of her right hand, put it over her left hand, which was on her left knee cap. Alice bowed her head for a moment just to collect herself. Inside she knew she had to keep her dignity.

  Just as soon as she bowed her head, she decided, “Enough prodding.” Alice then looked at Camille and started to get up.

  “You’re right, Camille. It is none of my business. Sorry for being so nosy,” Alice stated as she started to get up.

  Camille lightly grabbed Alice’s pants with her left hand. Her right hand covered Camille’s face. She started to cry uncontrollably. Camille let go with her left hand and used both hands to cover her face. Alice was stunned. She stood there while cradling her arms, as if she were holding a baby. The moment was extremely tense for both of them.

  Alice just stood there with a tear in her eye. After a few moments, Camille just had her right hand on her face. She raised her left hand and pointed a finger at Alice. It was a gesture to give Camille another moment.

  “They shot my nephew! Do you understand? My nephew was a good boy. He didn’t deserve to die. His whole life was devoted to helping others. His mom (one of Camille’s three sisters) moved out west. She had a
hard life. The man she was married to was extremely abusive to her. He did not give any financial or emotional support. She did a good job raising her son (Camille’s nephew). She feared for her life and moved out west. I owe it to her to tell her in person. I asked your husband, Ben, if I could talk to Officer Ryan. Your husband is trying to help me. I know there is going to be a road trip to another tent city. I have pleaded with Officer Ryan to let me be part of that road trip,” Camille stated as she wiped the tears with the back of her hand.

  Alice just knelt down and wrapped her arms around Camille. With tears running down both their faces, they just hugged each other for a few tender moments. It was a release from all their pent-up anxieties. Life after the EMP blast has been hard for many of the survivors.

  * * *

  Jessica was totally consumed by her own quest. There is blind obedience.

  What about blind rationale? Jessica’s thought process was the result of a doomsday scenario. The EMP blast has stripped away many hopes and dreams. She was not seeing that her own mother’s emotions were in an upheaval. She knew her father was upset, but she felt it is was a quid pro quo. What about Randy, Joshua’s father? Do not forget the morale of the collaborative.

  In Jessica’s mind, she sees her mother and father having their nest and their marriage. What about brother Randy? Hmmm, she sees Randy as happy within himself. He has a love for auto mechanics and his real baby “Red Antique Buick.”

  After all, the price and value only go up. She now knows that Sarah is very interested in Randy. It takes two to tango. Really, if Randy wants to settle down, everything is presented to him on a platter. What about Jessica? Her dreams, desires? She does not have a beautiful red car, but she sees Joshua coming in riding a white horse to save her from the abyss.

  You’re at a picnic. There is a day of activities planned for your group. A lot of time and money was needed to entertain the masses for the day. Suddenly, off in the distance there is an ominous black cloud. It will be here soon. What to do? You let go of many activities, but you do the important ones. This is how the EMP blast has affected Jessica’s mental state. Joshua was to happen several years down the road for her. The impending storm just caused her life to fast forward, say a good five to ten years. She is determined not to be cheated from her own desires and needs.

  Jessica noticed that her dad is talking to Officer Ryan. Her mom and Camille seem to be in a real intense moment. The window of opportunity has opened up. Time to act. Her stomach was knotting up. Like a moth to a flame, Jessica sprang into action. Slowly she headed to the front door of her home.

  “How are you, Jessica? Nice to see you again,” the union man’s wife commented. She did notice how much weight Jessica has lost. She decided not to mention it.

  “I am fine. I just need to go inside and put on a sweatshirt and lie down a while. Nice to see you,” Jessica said to the union man’s wife.

  Jessica gave the union man’s wife a slight smile. It does not pay to be to rude to anyone. Jessica is on a mission; there has been enough drama.

  Opening up the front door, she quickly went to the kitchen. There was enough light from the fire pit shining through the windows. Going through the silverware drawer, Jessica found a Bic lighter. It will be her temporary flashlight.

  Going to her closet, she found her dark blue hoodie sweatshirt. Perfect! Like The Girl from U.N.C.L.E., she set into motion. The hood would cover her hair. She has had enough experience with Joshua, dressing like a man so that she will not bring attention to herself.

  It’s not nice to fool the gods, so Jessica asked for a blessing. Usually one goes out the same door as one comes in. Tonight she is going out the back door.

  There is a window of forty minutes where she will not be missed. Like a thief in the night, she made her escape. Quickly going on the other side of the road, Jessica headed toward William’s house. Walking quickly is better than running.

  Most everyone is at the fire pit having a good time. If anyone stayed back, someone running would raise concerns. The neighbors really watch out for any strangers.

  Jessica’s little heart is pounding fast. Faster and faster, she walked. The fast walk turned into a small panic run. Thud! She fell face first as she tripped on a few branches. With her arms and hands sprawled out, she just laid still.

  Collecting herself, she carefully felt her face. No cuts or scratches. Her hands did draw some blood. Damn! A moment of silence, no dogs barking—whew! Jessica slowly got up and felt her side pocket. The plastic bag with the letter is still in place.

  “Dear Lord, just stay with me in my time of need” was just a little prayer Jessica quietly mumbled as she continued her quest. She has put some distance from the fire pit. It now was becoming almost pitch-black. Stepping on the road at this point made more sense. Jessica could see the outline of William’s house on the left. Now is the time to use the Bic lighter. She clicked it several times before it lit. Walking toward the big rock, there was a pair of strange eyes, staring right at Jessica. Her heart pounded faster. Like a deer in headlights, she stopped.

  “Meow,” it was a Ferrell cat. It just scurried off. Crap, I need to get this done and go home, Jessica though to herself. She pulled the plastic bag out of her pocket (it had the letter to Joshua inside). Superstitiously, she glanced around. Taking no chances, she knelt down, kissed the plastic bag, and put it under the rock. Hopefully Romeo and Juliet didn’t go through any of this. Still, Jessica hopes her ending will be a better one.

  Looking skyward, Jessica thanked the good Lord. It is a lot to go through, but it is also a team effort. What Joshua has to go through is a lot worse. He has to peddle his bike for several hours in a hostile environment. Even though the grid is down, communication is still important. Old Abe walked many miles through cold and snow to return his borrowed book. The whole adventure really builds character. I don’t think either Joshua or Jessica will use this adventure on their resume.

  As “The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.” stealthily returns to whence she came from; it was mission accomplished. Coming back within the window of opportunity, she returned to the fire pit. She could have used the back door, but what if she was caught? See, if it was Randy, he could have said I was going to relieve himself outside. Jessica, being a woman . . . well, you know what I mean.

  The drunk! Like calling a mulligan, Jessica went right to him. As soon as she reached him, she was safe. He, of course, offered her a drink. She took a very small glass and asked him to get her a plate of food. She did not want anyone to see her hands. In the morning, when Jessica is rested and can see properly, she will attend to it. With the small amount of alcohol, she did pour a little on her hands. This was a painful way to disinfect her hand. The drunk would go berserk, but he is happily getting her a plate of food. Damn, did I think fast? Jessica thought.

  It was a fruitful night for many—Officer Ryan, Camille, and Jessica. Perhaps the man upstairs has moved the pieces of the Jumanji board. Maybe karma has finally arrived. When the drunk came back with Jessica’s food, she smiled. With what is left of the night, Jessica is determined to pay attention to the drunk. After all, it will please the gods.

  An EMP Causality: Part IV

  Time for a Road Trip

  Deliberations have been made. The jury is now in recess. Slamming down his gavel, the judge declares, “Ladies and gentleman, time for last call.” Camille has made her pitch with Officer Ryan. She is determined to find a way to travel out west where her sister lives. To Camille, family is important. She knows it has to be her. She must be the one to let her sister know that her son has died. Vivian (her daughter) will be fine with her other sister. Ben’s son, Randy, has also been checking in with Vivian.

  Camille has just poured out her heart to Alice. They both seem to have collected themselves. Alice has decided to mingle with the other members of the collaborative. Before Alice starts to mingle, she glances the surroundings.

  She is checking on Jessica. It’s kind of a “trust but verify” thi
ng, a motherly trait. Ah! She is with the drunk, Jessica will be fine.

  Camille could now took a deep sigh. It has been an emotional ride for her. During these troubled times, Camille sees herself as the matriarch of the clan. She takes the drink that the drunk has given her. Now she notices Ben talking to Mr. Henderson. She decides to join them. To stay only with either Alice or Vivian would ultimately cause a rift. Camille has decided to be neutral in this family feud. After all, in the past, she had to live without any man helping her.

  As she approaches Ben and Mr. Henderson, Randy came up to her for a simple greeting. In Randy’s mind, he wants peace with Camille and Vivian. There has been enough turbulence. His sister Jessica needs a few good friends for support. As quickly as Randy said his salutations, he immediately went back to Sarah and her mom. Slowly but surely, Randy is bonding with Sarah. Hopefully, it will not always remain platonic. If it does, either Randy’s mom or Sarah’s mom will have to hang up some mistletoe. They then can nudge Randy to walk under it with Sarah. That has to work.

  Camille asked Ben and Mr. Henderson if she could join them. They both smiled and said, “Of course.” The three of them made small talk for a good forty minutes. Mr. Henderson slapped his knees and said he is turning in. The fire is comforting, but he is having a hard time keeping his eyes open.

  After Mr. Henderson left, Camille was alone with Ben. She looked at him.

  “Ben, thank you for setting up the meeting for me with Officer Ryan,” Camille stated with a genuine smile.

  “You’re more than welcome, Camille. I also had a conversation with Officer Ryan’s wife (Ann). To be fair with you, Ann is thinking of going on the trip herself. William also explained to Officer Ryan that he needs to get Fred some medical help. The local hospitals are completely inundated with too many clients and not enough staff. It would be in Fred’s best interest to go to a tent city.


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