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Tracking the Trailblazer (Colony Ship Trailblazer Book 1)

Page 11

by John Thornton

  “That is correct,” Kimberly answered. “The robotic FTL probes possessed FTL radio. We do not. Those probes did not carry any passengers, nor life-support equipment—a necessary expenditure for you two pilots in our scout—and the robotic probes did not carry the components for the teleportation receiving pad. That allowed room for the probes to carry the FTL radio. In conclusion, there just was not enough room space within the mass limits to include FTL radio. The mass limit was taken up by the scout, thruster fuel, the two pilots, and all the mission critical equipment. FTL radio was a lower priority, considering it would have limited application, and there is nothing Dome 17 personnel can do to alter the course of the flight. Reviewing the engineering schematics, I cannot see a way to include FTL radio in the scout ship, and still have all the other necessary equipment, and the two pilots.”

  “I just wanted everyone to know that Constance was murdered. I could not do that while in Dome 17, but I thought I could from out here!” Janae wailed. “Now, Jubal and that witch-doctor Larson have gotten away with murder, and no one will ever know the truth.”

  “Janae?” Ken asked softly. “I do not understand. Help me know what you are talking about.”

  Janae just sobbed.

  “Janae, I am reviewing my databases as they relate you your last comment,” Kimberly interjected. “Reviewing the information I have, I see that Doctor Larson made reports about Janae’s mental health status. Doctor Larson included alerts—made directly to me—indicating that I should watch out for aberrant behavior and delusional thinking.”

  Between sobs, Janae responded, “Of course she did. She threatened me with that, and told me no one would believe me anyway, and then they said I would be the next suicide, but not a real suicide, it would be another murder. Who knows how many people that deadly duo has killed? Who else is involved in the conspiracy? I am not delusional! They killed Constance, they disbanded Kovalevsky, and even disbanded the AI Hutton, because the truth was known… So… just go ahead, Kimberly, just call me delusional and disregard all I am saying. Fine with me, I know the truth. I had to come on this mission or die. Some free choice, huh? With Constance gone, life does not matter anyway.”

  “In the medical records, there is also…” Kimberly began.

  Ken interrupted the AI, “Janae, I believe you. That explains a lot. I heard rumors about Jubal coercing Michael into going on his solo to that dome, but, as you might guess, Michael never said anything. I did not know what to believe then. But, I do know people, and Larson is capable of what you claim, and Jubal, well, I just believe what you are saying. He is dangerous. It fits. It all fits together, no matter what else Kimberly here reports or says. I believe they murdered those people, and destroyed the AIs, to conceal their evil deeds. I believe you, Janae.”

  “You really believe me?” Janae asked with shocked tones in her voice.

  “I do. I do not care what Kimberly reports.”

  The AI Kimberly stated, “You both should listen to this. We have only a few minutes until FTL insertion, and I want you both to know that after Janae’s revelation, I reviewed all the data and did a comparative analysis. Without going into all the minutia, I find numerous discrepancies in Doctor Larson’s reports. I also find compelling evidence in the timelines of the artificial intelligences designated Kovalevsky and Hutton. That evidence strongly suggests those systems were disbanded against their will. Most convincing, I reviewed the autopsy, security, counseling, and Committee reports made on recent suicides in Dome 17. Of the last twelve deaths which were ruled as suicides, there are seven which are suspicious, including the death of Constance. The other five all fit within the statistical margin of uncertainty which is found in human reports. My conclusion on those five tragedies is that they were accurately reported as suicides. The other seven are too precise, with too many details, and too many similarities to have occurred in common society. Random factors are missing, and that is suspicious. They each are too perfect to all be ruled as legitimate suicides.”

  “Kimberly, what are you saying?” Ken asked. “I thought Doctor Carolyn did those autopsies. Is she in on some conspiracy?”

  “I do not believe the medical staff is in collusion with regard to these incidents. Although, I am uncovering some unrelated issues involving the medical service,” Kimberly reported. “Doctor Carolyn’s autopsy reports themselves are not in question, but the death’s she investigated are. The deaths themselves are too precise, too similar, and have too many subtle factors in common. I doubt that from Doctor Carolyn’s human perspective she would have noted these factors. It took me three reviews to catch them. In summary, my analysis of these deaths is that they are suspicious, and should not be considered as suicides. The deaths appear staged by someone doing a very good job of making them appear as suicides. I found Doctor Larson’s records have been altered, after the fact, to reflect poorly on the individuals in question. Combining all the evidence, including Janae’s testimony, my official conclusion is that those deaths were homicides, which were then displayed as suicides. Additionally, I find no evidence to support Doctor Larson’s claims of Janae having delusional thinking. Rather, Janae’s physiological, biological, medical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual state are more consistent with grief and a trauma response. I too believe Janae is telling the truth.”

  “But we still cannot report back to Dome 17,” Janae sighed out. “I cannot believe the relief I feel to have you two believe me.”

  Ken reached over and patted her knee.

  “That does not mean I want you groping me,” Janae said with a small grin on her face.

  “When we build the teleportation receiving pad, I have placed a high priority in relaying these finding back to Dome 17 via the teleportation system’s communication system. I know Brink will want to know about this, and I assure you, he was not involved in any conspiracy. I now see that lacking a method of communication from the scout ship to Dome 17 is a regrettable occurrence. Unfortunately, I cannot devise a way to fit FTL radio and the other mission-essential supplies into the scout and remain under the mass limit.”

  “So, we will tell them, right?” Janae said. A tiny spark of hope flickered in her words.

  “I will do what I can when we set up the teleportation receiving pad. Right now, we are coming up on our stage for insertion into FTL. I have also recorded the scenic vistas which we passed—the ruins of Moonbase Alpha, the other failed moon domiciles, some views of Earth from orbit, many panoramas of the Earth’s solar system with its other planets, and the last views we will be able to take of the stellar constellations visible from here. I will be able to display all of that to you at a more appropriate time, when you will be able to see what was missed during this intense conversation,” Kimberly reported. “FTL insertion will be in forty seconds. All systems operating as expected. We are a team, and now we track down the Trailblazer.”


  Flight to the Trailblazer

  Janae held onto the strap which crossed over her shoulder. The loss of gravity did not make her nearly as nauseated as had the thoughts that her plan—to tell all of Dome 17 about Jubal and Larson—had utterly failed. She gazed out at the blackness of space, with the sprinkling of stars around it. Too emotionally confused to appreciate its beauty, she was not expecting that vista to suddenly change into a gray swirling nothingness.

  “What has happened?” Janae asked.

  “I engaged the faster-than-light drive, and we have transitioned into FTL mode,” Kimberly replied. “Estimated time of transit is nineteen hours and seven minutes. Are you prepared for tutelage regarding the mission? Or, do you need more time to contemplate the events you related?”

  “What are we seeing outside?” Ken asked. He reached toward the clear permalloy and touched it with his hand. “I have never seen anything quite like that.”

  Kimberly responded, “Janae, shall I answer Ken’s inquiry, or do you need more solitude, or something else? Your state-of-mind is a primary concern for me now, a
nd except for directly maintaining the FTL transit, I am available for you.”

  “No offense, Ken, but I do need to talk to someone,” Janae said.

  “I understand, and will just utilize this screen to silently review what is happening. Kimberly, please display for me why the scout takes longer to get to the Trailblazer than did the probes, and also route me all the historical records regarding the Trailblazer. Let me see what I can track down.” Ken adjusted a small screen on the cockpit and began reading.

  “Kimberly, can you show yourself to me as a visual display?” Janae asked.

  “Yes. Due to the confines of the scout ship, I can only show it in two-dimensions,” Kimberly responded. “Will this be an acceptable simulation?”

  On the small screen in front of Janae, a woman’s image appeared. She had brown hair in dreadlocks, a quirky smile, and expressive green eyes. She appeared about Janae’s age. The image spoke, and all her facial parts moved just like an actual human. “If this appearance is not suitable, I can alter it. I can also alter my voice, or other factors. I can take on a male persona if that is better. After your interactions with Larson, I understand if you prefer a male visage, however, Jubal also was instrumental in your trauma.”

  “Both of those people should pay for their crimes, but yes, your simulation is fine. Comforting, in fact,” Janae answered. “Is it based upon a real person?”

  Kimberly replied, “The simulation is a composite gathered from the projected physical appearances of the newest group of age-mates. Now, we have several hours, and I truly want to hear all that you experienced. Start at whatever point you wish.”

  “Constance and I…,” Janae began and a torrent of words followed.

  Ken focused his attention on the materials on the display, but a tear ran down his face as he overhead the tale told by Janae. He considered all the relationships he had been involved in, and wondered if anyone would miss him the way Janae missed Constance. Upon his leaving Dome 17, only the Committee had offered him any kind of farewell, and that was their official duty. He grimaced as he realized how callous, jaded, and evil had been Jubal’s presence there, when Lorna had spoken about how they could change their minds. Ken knew, now, that Janae had no choice, and as he admitted to himself, he had no reason to stay. At least, no significant relationship to tie him to another person.

  The time passed, and after a few hours, Janae fell into a deep sleep. The AI Kimberly then shifted her simulated display over to a side of Ken’s screen.

  “Ken, the FTL transit will take another thirteen hours,” Kimberly stated. “I advise you to get some sleep while you can.”

  “I read that the probes were faster in FTL than the scout because of inertia suppression considerations, is that correct?”

  “Yes, with some additional minor factors.”

  Ken looked at the AI’s female image, “You said you were immune to flattery, but I must say you chose a quite attractive image to represent yourself.”

  Kimberly’s cheeks blushed a bit, and she gave a coy grin, “Do you really think so?”

  “Oh, yes. You are a beautiful woman, with very sensual lips and an expressive mouth. Your eyes twinkle, and I can tell there is a pool of intellect behind them. Oh, how I would like to swim in that pool.”

  A broad smile spread across Kimberly’s screen image, “That is so nice to say. I am pleased to know you are interested in my mind, not just my exterior looks.” The image spread, altered, and became something totally different. It was still a face, of something, but was covered in short reddish orange fur, had a huge blob of a nose which covered a good third of its face, which also was hanging down over its tight line of a lipless mouth. The eyes were nearly identical to what had been on the pretty woman’s face, but were now set much closer together, with darker fur running all across the slopped forehead. The mouth continued to speak with Kimberly’s voice. “Should I appear to you like this?”

  “Egad! What is that thing?” Ken said, but kept his voice low so as not to awaken Janae.

  Kimberly responded, via the image on the screen. The mouth forming the words, but with the result that it all looked too bizarre for Ken’s mind. “Except for the eyes, this is a representation from the historical records. It is an animal which known by various names, the proboscis monkey, the long-nosed monkey, or the bekantan. Prior to the Great Event and the subsequent catastrophes, this creature was living in many places on Earth.”

  “Why did you do that?” Ken asked. “I was being polite, complimentary, and considerate, toward you.”

  “Ken, you were flirting with me. I told you before, I am immune to those kinds of attempted verbal and emotional manipulations,” Kimberly responded. The bekantan’s image disappeared. Only Kimberly’s voice remained. “I did this because I feel it is important for our relationship to be based on honesty, integrity, and mutual respect. The dance of amorous, erotic, seduction is not appropriate to these settings.”

  “I fully understand that now. I apologize,” Ken answered. “I suppose that goes for how I speak with Janae as well.” Ken was silent for a moment. “My personality style uses those tools often. I will consciously make an effort to put them away. Unless, you want to be romanced.”

  “I do not,” the bekantan reappeared on the screen, and laughed. “Your own intellectual prowess is showing in that you switched styles. Humor is a better conversational style, for our adventure.” With a wink, the monkey-face disappeared again. “I also showed that animal’s image to you to remind you that on the Trailblazer there is a significant chance of finding some kind of still-functional biome. If that happens, it is likely that there will be flora and fauna. The biologist John was the only person in Dome 17 who would be properly prepared for an encounter in a biome. Therefore, I have made a tutorial available to both you and Janae about what to expect in some biological ecosystem. Do you wish to review that now? Or you can sleep now. Or if there is some other issue we can discuss it. My flight plan is proceeding as expected. However, the lessons and care plans I had intended to use with both of you have been drastically altered because of what Janae revealed.”

  “Will she recover?” Ken asked.

  “Her traumatic experience was immense, and recovery will be greatly dependent on what is found as we track down the Trailblazer,” Kimberly stated. “I intend to offer the best things I can for her, and am working on a simulation of Doctor Chambers if that would be beneficial for her. If we succeed in our mission, she will be able to confront the enemies who have injured her, and seek the real Doctor Chambers for ongoing post trauma recovery.”

  “Yes, so even more reason for us to succeed,” Ken replied. “I will watch the tutorial later, with Janae, if she allows that. Right now, I want to know more about micro-singularities and what might have happened to the Trailblazer. I spoke with Riley, but she said it was too unclear or nebulous and undefined. What do you make of it all?”

  “I reviewed the conversation you had with Riley. I believe both of you were flirting too much, which wasted valuable time. Nonetheless, I will try to rectify that now. Micro-singularities can refer…,” Kimberly lectured Ken for a while on the various meanings of terms, the history of speculations on black holes, singularities, and what was in the database on those issues. It was much more detailed than what Riley had stated. Ken asked numerous questions, and did not try too many of his coquettish phrases or tones on Kimberly. The AI, in response, shared as much as was in the database, even so, it was still lacking in many and various ways.

  “I think I will try to sleep now,” Ken finally said. “It has been a grueling day in more than one way. Not to mention, me getting rebuffed by two beautiful women.”

  “That humor boarders on flirtation,” Kimberly replied. “Just keep in mind we have not even talked about the possible human social situations which we might find on the Trailblazer. I conjectured too many variables on that issue to even hazard a basic tutorial. I will be there with you to advise and offer background to whatever and whoever
we encounter.”

  “Kimberly, Janae wanted to communicate back to Dome 17 and was unable to, due to the junk in the atmosphere and our lack of communication equipment. How likely is it that we could get separated from you at some point? I do not want to be all alone in some barren wilderness, or, may the cosmos forbid, get separated and find myself in some primitive society with monkey-people.”

  Kimberly delayed for just a noticeable moment in answering. Then the AI stated, “Intriguing. Prior to launch I would have pointed out that we have highly reliable communication links for each of you. Those simply attach to an ear. Those are excellent for keeping in contact with me. They allow me to hear what you hear, and see what you see. I also can project images and information from them, and there are built-in cables which can be inserted into access ports, which the records show were in use on the colony ships. All our scenarios established that the com-links were sufficient.”

  “Right, I know about those sophisticated com-links. Those are unlike what we used on missions to dead domes. There we had to physically connect a cable to each other, right?”


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