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Promise Not to Tell (Just Between Us #2)

Page 2

by Alice Bright

  She glanced around the room, checking to see if anyone was paying attention to them.

  No one was.

  Brian was back in his office and the rest of their colleagues had already left for lunch.

  “Break room?” he asked, thinking of the nearest semi-private place they could meet. The door didn’t have a lock on it, but there were no windows in the tiny room. Anyone who wanted lunch was already gone, so they wouldn’t have to worry – much – about being disturbed.

  “Meet me there in five minutes.”

  She turned, swaying her hips, like always, as she left to go to their meeting place. Calvin felt himself growing excited and hard as he thought about how he was going to fuck her.

  It had been years since he’d gotten this worked up about a girl, about something as simple as getting laid. Running off to the break room to strip down his too-hot-for-her-own-good colleague felt like something he would have done in college: not as a middle-aged adult.

  Calvin had been wild and free in his day, but marriage had changed a lot of things about him, including his willingness to experiment and branch out.

  Not anymore, though.

  Not today.

  Today, Calvin was a new man.

  Today he was ready to try.

  He stood up and smoothed his shirt. He patted his hair. He smiled quietly to himself. He grabbed a condom from his bottom drawer, glad he had gotten them as a joke from one of the other managers. He didn’t care that it glowed in the dark or that it was designed for a prank. Today, the only thing that mattered was Rebecca.

  Calvin went to the break room.

  Before he had closed the door behind himself, she was on him. Rebecca tasted sweeter than pie and softer than clouds. She ran her hands up his back and then placed one on each cheek as she kissed him over and over again.

  There was no waiting for him to get hard.

  There was no waiting for him to be ready.

  He was here, with her, and he couldn’t have been more ready than he already was.

  Calvin ran his hands through Rebecca soft hair, breathing in every smell, enjoying every second of his time with her. It wasn’t every day he found someone who made him feel as alive as she did.

  He wasn’t going to waste a second of it.


  As he tucked his shirt back in and returned to his desk, Calvin noticed that his voice mail light was blinking. A quick glance at the clock revealed he hadn’t been gone all that long. Not that he couldn’t have been gone long, if he had wanted to be, only that he hadn’t.

  He picked up his phone and dialed voice mail, punching in his PIN and waiting for the messages.

  It wasn’t long before a familiar voice was on the phone.

  Kelly had always been shrill, but today she sounded positively shriekish. Why had she called him at work? Their divorce was over. Calvin would be fine never speaking with the woman again, especially after her behavior during their separation. He was tired of wondering who his wife was with or what disease she might bring home. He was done worrying about whether or not she’d end up pregnant by some other man and pawn it off as Calvin’s. He was finished feeling like he could never get anything right.

  He was done.

  “I need you to call me right away. It’s important.”

  “I need you.”

  “Can you call me on your next break?”

  “I miss you.”

  “Where are you?”

  He hung up the phone after listening to the messages. Kelly hadn’t sounded angry: she had sounded sad. She had sounded scared and wounded.

  He knew that things hadn’t been easy for her. Adjusting back to a life of singlehood after being married for nearly a decade would be tough for anyone. It had been for him, after all.

  But all of that was changing for Calvin.

  He had Rebecca now.

  He had naughty, wonderful, fantastic Rebecca that he could fuck in the break room and make love to on weekends away.

  He had something to look forward to that had nothing to do with Kelly.

  And he loved the way that made him feel.

  He stared at his phone for a few moments before deciding not to call her back. Kelly could wait. If she really had an emergency, he was sure she’d call again soon. If she just wanted to monitor him, to check up on him, to make sure that he wasn’t falling for someone else, well, she’d just have to learn to deal with it.

  There were a lot of things that were out of Kelly’s control now.

  And Calvin was one of them.


  When Calvin left work, he resisted the urge to text Rebecca. He wanted to know what she was doing, what she was thinking, what she was wearing. He wanted to know what she was feeling. He wanted to know if she was thinking about him.

  He decided not to, though.

  Best to play it cool.

  He returned home to his empty, ramshackle bachelor pad and popped a TV dinner into the microwave. It wasn’t gourmet. It wasn’t even tasty, but it would have to do. As he paced around the kitchen, waiting for the machine to ding!, he thought about the events of the day.

  He couldn’t wait to see her again.

  It was more than that.

  He needed to see her again.

  Forget feeling like a stalker.

  Forget coming on too strong.

  Life was too short for any of that nonsense.

  I’ve only been home a few minutes, but I miss you already. He hit “send” before he could think too hard about his words, before he could consider whether or not she’d like what he had to say.

  He didn’t have to wait long before his phone buzzed and he answered it.

  She was calling him.

  “I miss you,” Rebecca purred.

  “I had fun today,” he responded. The microwave beeped to let him know that his lackluster meal was finished, but he barely noticed. He was too wrapped up in her now.

  He was too excited about her voice.

  “Me too. We should do it again sometime.”

  “Yes. When?”

  “How about now?” The call ended and the doorbell rang. Calvin scurried out of the kitchen and raced to the door. Somehow he had never noticed just how far away his kitchen actually was from the front door. It seemed to take him an hour to reach the door, to reach her.

  “Hey,” Rebecca said shyly when Calvin opened the door. She must have rushed over right after work. She was still wearing the same clothes, but she was holding two plain white paper bags.

  “I was thinking we could fuck and then we could eat.”

  He wasted no time kissing her, pulling her inside and closing the door behind them.

  They couldn’t make it to the bedroom. He had to have her now. The bags fell to the floor, but Calvin barely cared. Crushed food didn’t matter when you were about to have the best sex of your life. He raced his hands over her breasts, then down to grab her ass as she wrapped her arms around him.

  “I need you,” she whispered.

  The rest of her words floated away as she made it clear how much she needed to be with him right now.

  And he felt the exact same way.


  “I need you,” the voice spoke softly. Despite its low volume, however, Calvin had no problem detecting the slightest amount of shrillness.

  “Kelly,” he muttered, rolling over, “what are you doing here?”

  He had shared dinner with Rebecca before falling asleep on the couch, not bothering to make his way to the bedroom. He had been exhausted with a full belly: the couch had seemed particularly inviting.

  Now Rebecca was gone, but Kelly was here.

  Why, oh, why was she in his home?

  He had forgotten, for a moment, that Kelly had a key.

  He had not forgotten that Kelly didn’t have any concept of personal space.

  It didn’t matter that she had been the one to walk away. It only mattered that he was finding happiness now and she couldn’t let that happen.

  “What do you want?”

  “Is that any way to greet your girl?” She leaned down to where he was bundled under a blanket and kissed him on the head.

  “What are you doing, Kelly? You don’t live here. That was your choice. Get out.”

  But Kelly didn’t get out. Instead, she reached down and started to rub Calvin in all the right places. She started to kiss him neck softly. She started to nibble on his earlobe.

  “I miss you, Cal,” she told him softly, sweetly. “I needed to see you.”

  “Not now, Kelly,” he pushed her hands away. He couldn’t deny that her touch had felt great. It had felt wonderful. She had always been great in bed and he had no doubt that she was great now, but Calvin was moving forward.

  Succumbing to Kelly would be a huge step backwards.

  “You need to leave,” he said firmly. Standing, he grabbed Kelly’s hand and led her to the door.

  “You’re making a mistake. You aren’t over me. You couldn’t be,” she protested, not wanting to leave. Then she looked over him at the empty food cartons on the table and the half-finished plates.

  “Did you have someone here?” She said suspiciously. Then, gasping, she let out her shrieking voice again and started yelling a series of expletives at Calvin. How could he do this to her? The divorce was barely final. What was he thinking? How could he have become such a piece of garbage? Why wasn’t he the man she married? What was wrong with him?

  Try as he might, he couldn’t make himself care as he closed the front door and returned to the couch.

  His chapter with Kelly was over.


  Calvin adjusted his tie and strutted into the office. He had never felt better. He had an amazing woman in his life and was feeling better than he had in years. He wondered if the people around him could tell, as he walked toward his desk, just how fantastic he really felt.

  Could they tell he’d gotten laid?

  Could they tell it was Rebecca?

  Before he reached his desk, he passed Brian and Rebecca deep in conversation.

  As usual, Brian’s hand wavered far too close to her ass to be considered even sort-of appropriate.

  “Good morning, Mr. Montgomery,” Calvin greeted his boss, interrupting the duo. Rebecca just smiled as Calvin nodded to her.

  Excusing herself, she flitted off to her desk, giving her butt a quick little shake as she did.

  She knew how to drive a man wild.

  Judging by the look on Brian’s face, she was doing exactly that.

  “How’s your search for the social media manager going?” Calvin asked Brian, forcing the man’s eyes to peel away from Rebecca.

  “Oh, good, good. I was just talking with Rebecca about that.”

  “I bet you were.”

  “Do you know…” Brian hesitated for a second before finishing his question. “I know it’s not appropriate, but do you know if she’s seeing anyone?”

  Calvin cocked his head slightly and smirked. They had promised, certainly, but this was too good a chance to turn down.


  “Yes. Is she dating anyone?”

  “I don’t know if she’s dating anyone, but she’s sleeping with someone.”

  Brian looked shocked. “What? Who? Not someone from work?” Calvin almost felt bad crushing the man’s hopes. He was, after all, a pretty nice guy. Wasn’t he married, though? Did he really need more than one woman? Did he really need her to make him happy?

  He couldn’t judge though.

  Calvin certainly needed her to be happy.


  Brian looked even more surprised. Calvin smiled and started to walk away, but he leaned back and commented, “Though, I’m not sure if it’s fair to say I’m the one she’s sleeping with when she calls me Mr. Montgomery in bed.”

  He turned and jetted off to his desk, hoping his quiet outburst wouldn’t get him fired.

  He had promised not to tell.

  But then, Rebecca was just too juicy not to share.

  About the Author

  Alice Bright is the author of The Lawyer and Drops of Blue. Bright enjoys reading cozy mysteries and romance novels while curled up by the fire. She lives in the Midwest with her family.

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