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Bleeding Hearts

Page 10

by Girl, Breukelen

  Doll staggered in her turn around and pressed herself back against the shower wall. She was breathing heavily and looking at him heatedly. “Wow.” She breathed heavily. “I think I need a cold shower now.”

  Luke groaned deep in his throat. His own hand slipping to his cock suddenly and running it up and down his shaft lightly. He stopped when he noticed her watching him. Dropping his hand away. He didn’t want to make her uneasy. Didn’t want to be disrespectful. They still had a long way to go, he and Doll. He had to remember to tread carefully with her.

  “I want to see your release.” Doll said.

  He put one hand on the back shower wall above her shoulder so he stood leaning into her as he masturbated in front of her. “You look so beautiful. “ He said increasing the rhythm of his hand on himself. “I want to suck all that water off you,” He muttered as he dipped his head to her collar bone and ran his tongue over her collar bone and listened to her gasp at the touch. “Want to feel you against me.” He kept talking as he kissed his way down her breast to her puckered nipple and encased his teeth over it lightly. “Want to show you how you make me feel.” Luke moaned as he lifted his head again and looked at her through werewolf silver eyes.

  “You’re eyes,” Doll said softly. “They’re amazing.”

  “It kind of happens automatically when I get like this.” Luke gritted his teeth as his own pleasure sought him out and he turned quickly away from her, as much as he wanted to mark her as his, with his scent and seed. He came, his hips jerking him forward as he groaned at his own release.

  The smell of his seed and her sex in the shower cubicle filled her nostrils. Doll watched him masturbate and felt the flame inside her heat up again. Her werewolf was not done with this male. Not by a long shot. She wanted him and so did Doll. He’d called her beautiful and yet when she watched him give in to his own release, she though he’d looked beautiful, taunt muscles straining, body hard.

  “You’re not the only one who needs a cold shower now.” Luke replied breathing heavily. A small smile played along Doll’s lips. Luke leaned in to her and brushed his mouth over hers lightly.

  “Want so much.” Doll muttered into his mouth. “I just, I can’t yet.” She said back at him, watching as Luke straightened up. He nodded his head.

  “Doll, it’s okay. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. I’ll take you however you’ll have me.” He said as she bit her bottom lip and looked back at him. Did I really just say that?

  Silence filled the shower cubicle and Doll held his gaze. “I don’t think you mean that.” She muttered softly. How could he mean that about her?

  Luke opened his mouth but she cut him off. “If you start this, we might never make it to the bedroom.”

  Luke’s eyebrow shot up. Doll smiled shyly at him. “If I’ve learnt one thing in the past week and half, it’s that I should enjoy life when I can and take advantage of it.”

  “Feel free to take all the advantage you want, baby.” Luke’s tongue darted out around his lips. “I’m at your service.” He replied grinning at her. They washed quickly and wrapping herself in a towel, Doll walked Luke back to his bedroom.

  “I kept thinking about that kiss.” Doll said softly a finger playing along his jaw. Her temperature was still incredibly hot, but it didn’t seem feverish like the night before.

  “Want another one?” Luke asked her cheekily.

  Doll nodded her head back at him and dropped her towel as Luke looked her over and guided her back to his bed, where they slid under a cotton sheet and Doll settled in beside him. His lips moulded to hers and she felt the heat of desire ignite inside her again. His tongue probed hers and she nipped at his bottom lip causing him to groan, which had another reaction on another part of his body. Doll couldn’t help herself, she laughed against him. It had to be the first time she’d ever laughed around sex.

  “You are not playing fair.” Luke muttered, keeping his hands exactly where they were, even as her hands skimmed over his hips, to run over the mounds of his taunt ass. He loved biting. He was a werewolf wasn’t he? He felt like a goddamn saint, showing her all his restraint. Which was a bit ironic really, given that most alpha werewolves were schooled in control and restraint. He’d just never had to use that restraint around sex before. He should be good at it. Especially now that he had her in his bed, naked. But she had to call the shots; he was determined to let her lead the pace, even if it did kill him.

  “I think that was my werewolf’s fault.” She muttered thickly back at him, her breath brushing the skin of his neck as she dipped her head and started trailing her tongue down his throat. Luke’s tongue took it’s time, leisurely licking at his skin, before her mouth followed up sucking small patches of him in. His erection grew impossibly hard and Luke knew he didn’t have it in him to not play.

  He pushed off Doll quickly to put some space between them. Smirked at her at the look of disappointment on her face before sliding down her body and between her legs. His wolf eyes looked back up at her face and she parted her legs for him further. Luke’s tongue delved into her sweet moist folds and he listened to her gasp out surprise and pleasure at the same time.

  Doll’s mind was greying out as her hips arched up into his mouth, wanting more of him inside her. She had honestly never known such pleasure before Luke Charleston. Prior to the past year of sexual hell, she hadn’t had much sexual experiences before that.

  Now in lunar week her body was driving her towards this male and he was making her body ring with pleasure that she thought she would never know. It kept surging through her at his touch. It was, as Doll was discovering the most enjoyable way to cope with lunar week.

  “I want you inside me.” Doll gasped as her orgasm built. Luke moved his mouth away from her and slowly slid a finger inside her and listened to her sigh lightly. He sucked at her breast, teasing her nipples with his teeth.

  “Patience Doll, patience.” He said adding a second finger and moving them slowly, in a steady rhythm.

  Whilst Luke Charleston wasn’t used to waiting for sex or anything much, he knew she had to be ready for him, when they were finally together. Or she would flee. Lunar week tended to cloud judgement when it came to waiting and being patient and Doll hadn’t had to cope with lunar week in a long time. Luke had to help her through it and then make sure, it was really Doll talking about wanting him, in the same way, he wanted her.

  “I don’t want to be patient.” She muttered thickly, enjoying his fingers thrusting in her as they picked up a pace. She growled feeling the orgasm in her start to buckle her body. Her hips moved back against him. Luke increased the pace, liking her claim on him as her own. “I want you to be mine.”

  “We’ve got plenty of time Doll, I’m not going anywhere.” Luke replied pressing her clit as he finger fucked her until she came, gripping the sheets on the bed. Luke pressed up against her, wanting to be a part of her moment. Wanting to give her the release she desired and needed. His own need, still waiting to be fulfilled. But he wouldn’t rush them. He wanted Doll’s first time with him to be perfect. She deserved that experience. And she deserved to make that decision when lunar week wasn’t riding her senseless. It had to come from her, Luke was determined that it be her choice to have sex with him.

  He listened to Doll as she slowly came down off the high of her orgasam and panted more softly, her breathing getting under control again. He watched sleep settle in on her and she turned her back to him so he was spooning up behind her. Luke kissed the first scar he saw on her shoulder and found another one and kissed it too. Doll sighed at the touch and Luke kept kissing the criss-cross marks on her back.

  “You make me feel strong.” Doll muttered softly. Luke paused between scars and kisses and looked at the back of her and smiled before continuing on, kissing each scar.

  “I think we need to think of something good to do for every one of these.” He said reaching the lowest scar on her back, at the tailbone of her spine.

like what you’re doing now?” Doll asked content where she was, with his arms around her, the warmth of Luke’s body behind her, his lips touching her, loving her.

  “More like, something that’s going to make you feel good, strong, like yourself again.” Luke said watching the back of her. Waiting for a reaction. Silence fell upon them before Doll spoke, her head half turned to him.

  “Do you know how many scars there are, Luke?” Her voice was soft not angry at him. Before he could answer her, she answered him. “They made me count out loud my lashes. I was lashed eighteen times before I passed out from the pain.”

  Luke looked at her back. “There are twenty four scars, Doll.” He said kissing her shoulder as he leaned his chin over it again to look at her. Six more times they had hit her with silver, six times when her body had already mercifully shut her out. Luke fought the anger that surged up in him.

  Doll closed her eyes and willed herself to hold back the tears that seemed to want to come out. “I was just a play thing to them.” She said opening her eyes again.

  “I hate that you think that, that you were made to feel that way, that you went through any of that.” Luke said as Doll rolled onto her back, hiding it from him. Her hand cupped the side of his face.

  “Never thought I’d meet an alpha who was a good guy.” He pressed his face into her hand. “So start of my twenty four good things list, how about a night out with you. Somewhere not here. Not the house?”

  “Okay, dinner date. Number two, trip to the beach,” Luke continued on, bending his head down to kiss her lips again. And between kisses, and each of them, they named twenty four happy things for Doll to do in her new life away from the Alpha Pack. Luke’s kisses wandered down her body again and Doll found herself responding easily to the magic of his mouth, again. Doll slept more soundly that night then she had in the past year. With the comfort of Luke surrounding her and making her feel safe and loved.


  Doll and Jeremy sat apart. The silence in the kitchen was unbearable, at least to Doll. This wasn’t their usual comfortable silence. Jeremy’s entire demeanour was tense and awkward towards her. He was again, not speaking to her.

  “I’ll be at the garage.” He muttered grabbing his backpack suddenly and heading out of the house.

  Doll sighed. It was probably for the best that he got out of there and reclaim a sense of clam. Even though Troy Charleston had said, there was no working during lunar week. Lunar week was difficult enough under normal circumstances for them to get through. Fighting between Doll and Jeremy was unheard of until now. They’d always stuck together, because they’d had to. As a result, it had always been just them. Now there was Luke too. Not that Jeremy considered Luke apart of their pack.

  Jeremy needed a space of his own for him to go to and be safe in and now he had it. So he could stew over his frustrations about Doll in private, all he wanted. Luke re-emerged in the room, and Doll stood up.

  “You ready? Where’s Jer?”

  “He’s gone to the garage.” Doll stated simply. Luke looked at her like that feat of Jeremy leaving her side at all was incredible and impossible.

  “Punishment for spending the night in my bed huh?”

  “And for smelling like you and sex, I would suspect.” She said shoving her hands in her jeans pockets. She couldn’t help but let a little smile slip out. She’d rather liked the night in Luke’s bed.

  It pleased him that she smelt like him and sex. Other werewolves would know that. “You have a right to be happy.” He said in reference to Jeremy, wondering if there was a bigger problem brewing between the three of them, because of what was happening with him and Doll.

  Doll sighed. “You have to understand, it’s been Jeremy and me for a long intense year. We had no one else but each other to lean on, cry on, sleep against, we’re our own pack. It’s not like moving on and opening up to another werewolf is going to just happen. Even if he happens to be one of the good ones.”

  Luke smiled at her. “I’m going to remember you said that.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t let it go to your head.” Doll snipped playfully with him, walking out in front of him as they headed d to his truck.

  “You called me your own last night. You call me a good werewolf this morning. How is a guy not supposed to think you might actually like him Doll?” Luke teased opening up the passenger side door for her.

  She glanced at him and smirked “Might be the lunacy in lunar week talking.” Luke closed the door and jogged around to the driver side of the pick up truck.

  “I refuse to let you take it back.” He replied sliding into his seat.

  Doll laughed at him. Actually enjoying herself and their banter. “Like you can just do that?”

  “Watch me. “ Luke smiled as they drove off.

  “Egotistical alpha.” Doll muttered with a smile on her face, looking out the passenger window. Amazed that herself for saying such a thing, being so carefree happy and for not getting punished at the hands of an alpha werewolf for her taunt.

  Luke smiled, he had Seattle Alki pack business to attend. And since Doll was not a Seattle Alki, she wasn’t allowed to attend the pack meeting with him. So she’d offered to do their grocery shopping while he went about his pack business. Having three werewolves in his house, didn’t take much adjusting too, as Luke had grown up with four other siblings. But they were going through far more food than normal as Doll and Jeremy’s appetites appeared to come back on them. Especially during lunar week.

  Luke walked into the Charleston family home and greeted his father. Dillon walked over to his brother and lifted his nose to sniff. “You smell like what was her name again? You two make up finally?” Luke glowered at his brother’s lack of tact. “I bet the sex was..”

  “Her name is Doll and you disrespect her one more time brother and we’re getting into it.” Dillon would have backed off, however, that really wasn’t in his nature when threatened by anyone, including siblings and family.

  “So you feel pretty strongly about this werewolf then to try me on for size, little brother.” Dillon remarked. “Is she really worth a beat down?”

  “She’s worth it. And I know better than to be scared by you.” Luke said stepping up to his brother. Dillon’s eyes narrowed on his brother.

  “Then you really don’t know much.” He said before brushing past Luke quickly. They were at somewhat of a stalling point in his sister’s kidnapping. They didn’t know what to do, because they’re starting point, was pretty much a dead end.

  “I spoke to one of Sonny’s workmates, who works with her at the strip club. She said the same guy I saw snatch Sonny the other night, was hanging around the club asking for her all week.” Dillon informed Luke and Troy Charleston. “She said he didn’t come across as a threat or creepy, just a normal sort of patron. Well a bit different.”

  “How so?” Troy Charleston asked.

  “Rather than being overly eager of twitchy when booking Sonny, he was calm. Very calm. Prepared to wait kind of calm.” Waiting. Luke Charleston thought he knew a thing or two about that now he’d experienced it for over a week.

  “Stalker?” Troy asked.

  Luke shook his head. “No a stalker would want to interact with her at some point. Sounds like this guy, maybe, liked her.”

  “Uh yeah numb scull, that’s what stalkers do. They like you in inappropriate ways.” Dillon threw back at him.

  “But nobody knows who this guy is, no one has met him, no one even has a name on him.” Troy Charleston added on. “I’ve had Aiden canvassing the clubs, flashing the photograph we managed to get of him, off the club’s security camera from that night. No one has met this guy before. He’s not from here and he has no connection from what we can tell, to here.”

  “So what does he want with Sonny then?” Luke asked the obvious question.

  “Is this some sort of pack feud we need to know about dad?” Dillon asked their father. “A reason another pack would take her?”

  Troy Charleston shook his head. “No, if we were at war you would be the first to know about it. The Seattle Alki are in good standing with all their relations.”

  Luke’s mind ticked over. It was weird. To have his life pull in two very different directions – the panic of trying to locate his missing sister and then the building of what might just be a relationship with Doll. And yet the two directions of his life might be connected by a common theme. Kidnapping.

  Doll was a werewolf who had been kidnapped and kept in captivity by other werewolves. She had escaped and been free from her captives for two months. She had come to Seattle and now his sister, another beta werewolf, had been kidnapped whilst in Seattle while Doll was there. Was it a coincidence? Or something more sinister? Could Doll’s captors have somehow tracked her to Seattle and then decided on fresh meat for their alpha sex club house? Had Doll brought this on to his pack?

  “Uh, what if it’s a new threat?” Luke uttered trying to make sure he saw all the connections in his theory. That made Dillon and his father looked at him. Troy Charleston read his face there was concern in there, not just outright anger, like what was emanating from his older brother.

  “What do you know?” Troy Charleston asked him solemnly.

  Luke shrugged his shoulder. “Nothing really, just..”

  “What?” Dillon demanded angrily. Luke looked at him and held his brother’s gaze. Dillon’s mouth dropped open. “Those two werewolves staying with you, does this have something to do with them? Did they bring this on to us?” Dillon growled at him.

  Luke stood up. “I don’t know. But if they did believe me it wouldn’t be deliberate, they wouldn’t have been aware of being followed down here, they’re not…they’re not that skilled to know that or how to avoid predators.”

  Dillon crossed his arms over his chest. “Speak now Lukas or I’ll beat it out of you. This is our sister we’re talking about.”


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