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Training-Ryan Page 3

by Throne-Tatum-

  Ryan chuckled as he put on his helmet, buckling it. “I’ll do it when the time is right. Now is not the right time to explain things. I promise, I’ll tell him.”

  Trent knocked on his helmet, getting his attention. He signed, “You’re up.”

  “I’m not here in the evenings. Tell him tonight,” Cole whispered.


  Cole shook his head. “God, you two are fucking perfect for each other. You know sign, but are refusing to use it, and Trent can talk, but wants to be a stubborn shit and not use his voice.”

  “What does that make you?” Ryan asked.

  “The dumb motherfucker in the middle who has to deal with both of you.”

  Ryan chuckled. “I think you’re on to something.”

  Cole glowered.

  Ryan could feel Trent’s eyes on him as he crossed the dewy morning grass to join the team. They ran through tactical maneuvers with Ryan, being told where to stand. The team went through the building, clearing it. Unless someone got hurt, Ryan’s job was to play standby and listen to communications on the radio in his ear. They ran maneuvers up until lunch, simulating four worst-case scenarios.

  As Ryan removed his vest, he caught sight of Cole and Trent in the training center. Cole’s hands were flying. They were arguing over something. Trent was in the way, making it impossible for Ryan to see what the situation was all about. Were they lovers?

  The thought of Cole and Trent together nearly knocked Ryan onto his ass. He gritted his teeth as an image of Trent topping Cole flashed through his mind like lightning breaking open the night sky. Ryan headed for the pair, purposely interrupting their lover’s tiff.

  “You should’ve told me,” Cole said.

  “I was going to,” Trent signed.

  Cole stabbed his two fingers into his neck, indicating for Trent to use his voice. “Use your voice. Don’t limit yourself.”

  Cole’s eyes zeroed in on Ryan, causing Trent to look over his shoulder. “What’s up?” Ryan asked.

  “Nothing,” Trent signed.

  “Fucking voice,” Cole signed. “Use it with everyone.”

  “You okay?” Ryan asked Cole.

  Disgust swam through Cole’s eyes as he shook his head. “Ask Trent if you want to know what’s bothering me,” Cole said.

  Cole stormed off toward the cafeteria. It was clear he wasn’t coming back anytime soon. This sure as heck wasn’t nothing. Annoyance lingered in the air around Trent. Their eyes met. Ryan wasn’t sure if this was the time to confess the truth about his lie about knowing ASL. Trent took his cell phone from his pocket and typed. He lifted the phone up to Ryan.

  Cole thinks that I’m using him as a crutch. He wants me to speak.

  “Do you have any hearing?” Ryan asked.

  Trent’s gaze was zeroed in on his lips.

  He typed into his phone and held it up. Nothing in my right ear. With my left, it sounds like you’re at the end of a long tunnel. It’s muffled. I get most of it from lip reading.

  Trent tilted his head, showing Ryan the damage to his right ear. He typed. I need Cole for work or I can’t do it. I mentioned that my doctor was talking cochlear implant for my good ear, but my cochlea has hardened. Cole wants me to get a second opinion.

  “You wouldn’t need Cole if you got an implant?”

  Trent shook his head no and typed. I’m not a good candidate.

  “Why don’t you speak?” Ryan asked.

  Trent paused uncertainly. He sighed. “It bothers me that I can’t hear what I say. It’s like talking under water,” Trent said. “Cole wants me using my voice all the time despite not hearing.”

  His voice was rough and had a deep, rich cadence. Trent frowned as though he wanted to say more but was holding back. He was selfconscious about not being able to hear his voice.

  “You have a beautiful voice,” Ryan whispered. “You should.”

  Slowly, Trent lifted his deep-blue eyes up over Ryan’s face, making Ryan’s heart race and his breath catch. Ryan knew he was crossing the line as he looked longingly at Trent.

  “Cole is right. You need to use your voice.”

  “It’s not easy to speak without being able to hear it,” Trent said.

  “It will get easier.”

  Their eyes locked. Ryan felt himself melting for a man who he shouldn’t want. He had to get out of there before he did something he’d regret later. A few inches separated them. Ryan was tempted to lean in and kiss him.

  “I have to go,” Ryan said. He looked away. He had to get out of there before he did something crazy like kiss Trent.

  Chapter Five

  Trent needed to get laid.

  His heart pounded for all the right reasons as he watched Ryan walk away. They would be good together. Trent was sure of it. Over the years, he saw the way Ryan looked at him and wanted him. In front of the camera, Ryan’s true emotions came to life. He couldn’t hide what he was feeling inside.

  Shadow sat down at his side. Trent rubbed his hand over the dog’s snout and felt the whimper at the back of Shadow’s throat. “Yeah, I know, boy. Let’s get out of here.”

  Trent should’ve followed the group into the cafeteria for dinner, but he couldn’t. He shied away from group interaction now that he was deaf. He missed the camaraderie of being part of the group. TJ kept tabs on him, making sure nothing changed, but it was clear to see that things had changed. Trent wasn’t the same man physically that he was before the accident, but at the same time he was. Trent hiked out through the woods and down to the stream, giving Shadow a chance to run before he had to put him to bed.

  Gray clay packed the embankment. Trent got down onto his haunches, running his fingers through the clay. He watched the water babble along, but couldn’t hear a word it said. He spread his fingers in the water, imagining the rushing sound as the water flowed through his fingers. Shadow walked the edge, cutting through the stream.

  Cole and Ryan were right. He needed to use his voice. He felt isolated by not using it when he could. He lost his hearing, not his ability to speak. It was time he used it all the time. Life was awkward enough having to navigate it without the ability to hear.

  High-pitched noise overwhelmed what little hearing remained in Trent’s left ear. A bird landed on a tree off in the distance. Trent could see its beak move as it chirped. He longed to hear, but he was getting used to having no hearing at all. He knew he wasn’t a good candidate for a cochlear implant. According to the doctor, his cochlea in his left ear was hardening. He accepted that. He was moving on. Work was accommodating the changes and putting him where he could accelerate without limitation. Trent missed the action of the field, but being out there during standoffs wasn’t going to help his fellow officers. Shadow was now working missing persons cases and low-level searches with him. It was still police work, but it didn’t come with the same adrenaline rush that SWAT gave him. The problem was Trent wanted things he couldn’t have back, and that burned. He was still figuring his new life out. When the lights went out at night, Trent felt broken.

  Their in-house psychologist, Andrea, said that this was all normal and that it would take time for him to transition into this part of his life. The sign language was coming easier. His hands were finally nimble, and his memory was getting better. Every once in a while he got stuck on a word, and Cole would help him out.

  During his last session with Andrea, she suggested that he try dating again. Who would want someone who was broken? Trent didn’t like how she pried that part of his life out of him, but somehow she managed. Trent wasn’t sure if he was ready to take that step. He wanted to. He knew he needed to. Trent was a man who had to have sexual release, and he hadn’t had any in a really long time. The last time he had sex was before his injury, and even that was with an ex who came back into the picture for a few weeks. As soon as he got injured, his ex split. It was better that Trent knew now before things had gotten more serious.

  Birds hiding in the forest suddenly took off. Ryan.
br />   He was walking with his head down and his hands stuffed in the pockets of his tactical pants. Trent’s heart started to race. What about Ryan? What if they dated? What if he took that next step with someone who he knew was crushing on him? The feelings were mutual. Why couldn’t they go there for a little while? Trent knew it was wrong to cross that line with someone he was training. He could lose his job if anyone found out. Interoffice romance was not tolerated on the police force. If he was lucky, they’d only transfer him if their relationship came out. Why the hell was he thinking about a relationship with Ryan?

  Trent stayed where he was, watching Ryan move with grace and athleticism. Trent felt like a hunter watching his prey walk unknowingly into the trap he set. Something was on Ryan’s mind. Trent was willing to bet it had everything to do with the blossoming attraction between them. Something had Ryan suddenly looking up to where Trent sat. It was probably a noise. Trent wondered if he was going to have to chase Ryan if he ran again. A thrill danced over Trent’s skin. He loved the chase. He loved the way Ryan looked at him. Trent wanted to see that look on Ryan’s face when he was coming.

  He wanted Ryan, and he was going to have him.

  * * * * After training all day, Ryan had hiked down to the stream he heard through the trees. Twilight was on the horizon, casting everything into deep gray shadows. Ryan was almost to the stream when he heard the sound of splashing ahead. Shadow was jumping through the water. He hadn’t meant to walk so far or for so long, but Ryan needed the fresh air to clear his head.

  He caught sight of Trent down the trail and on the other side of the stream. Shadow jumped across the pathway and came charging for Ryan. He jumped around Ryan’s legs. Ryan reached down, giving his ears a scratch. Slowly, Ryan lifted his gaze to Trent. Heat seared through Ryan’s body. Trent smiled and gave Ryan a little wave of hello. Ryan closed the distance, crossing the stream where the large boulders were sticking out. He came within a few feet of the man he couldn’t stop fantasizing about over the last few months.

  Now was the time for Ryan to tell Trent the truth about knowing sign.

  Trent’s blue eyes yearned with a deep, aching need. Desire welled up so hard and fast within Ryan that he couldn’t control the burn of longing and want firing through his blood. His brain shut down as his cock took control of the moment. This was leading Ryan down a dangerous, curving path. The warning signs were posted on both sides of the road, but Ryan was about to ignore all of them as he blew past.

  “You like the sound of my voice?” Trent asked.

  Ryan nodded as Trent’s eyes focused on his lips. “I do. You should talk more.”

  Trent half shrugged as though he maybe would. “I don’t have the same confidence I had before I was shot.”

  Wind howled through the trees, shaking the leaves. Trent would never hear the sound of wind or leaves ever again. Thunder rumbled through the valley. Ryan lifted his hand, brushing the back of his fingers over Trent’s damaged ear. It wasn’t pretty. The surgeon had put him back together, but not the same way. Trent laced his fingers over Ryan’s, stopping him. Their gazes locked.

  “You’re the same man you are before you were hurt,” Ryan said.

  “You were there that night,” Trent said. “I remember how you held my hand.”

  “Yeah, my flight team picked you up.”

  Ryan was very aware that they could be caught holding hands at any moment. Awareness coursed through Ryan’s body as he took a step closer to Trent. His heart pounded as his gaze lowered to Trent’s beautiful, full, and manly lips. The lower one was fuller than the top, promising soft, erotic kisses that would last long into the next year if he let it go that far. Ryan knew he was about to lose control and do something stupid. Trent lifted his other hand, brushing his palm over Ryan’s cheek. Ryan turned his lips into Trent’s palm, kissing him gently.

  Rock formations and a low-lying cliff anchored the stream. Trent walked Ryan backward until his shoulders hit up against the rock face.

  “Trent,” Ryan whispered.

  Trent lifted his palms up, cupping Ryan’s jaw. The tips of his fingers slid down over Ryan’s neck. Ryan knew he wanted to hear his voice with his hands.


  A low growl sounded from deep within the back of Trent’s throat. The sound turned Ryan the fuck on. Ryan wanted this, and he wanted it now.

  Trent lowered his mouth and nipped, biting Ryan’s lip and sucking it into his mouth. Ryan’s cock flexed out hard as his tongue flicked into Trent’s mouth. Trent groaned as their bodies melted together. Ryan held on tight, kissing him with everything he felt but was too scared to admit. They grabbed at each other hard. Trent angled Ryan’s head, taking the kiss deeper. Ryan felt Trent taking control and loved it. He wanted Trent in control of what happened next. The tip of Ryan’s cock brushed against Trent’s hip. Ryan groaned as Trent purposely thrust his hips over Ryan’s shaft. The move felt so good. Ryan knew he was losing control and didn’t care. He waited for far too long for this kiss.

  Pre-cum dripped from the end of Ryan’s aching cock. Trent was taller and bigger with thick muscles. Ryan was four inches shorter and built with tight, sinewy muscle. They were matched perfectly.

  Lightning snapped across the darkening sky with thunder stomping behind. Ryan reluctantly pulled away. Stolen kisses in the woods were not a good idea. They could get caught, and that would be the end of it for his training. There were questions in Trent’s gaze. Ryan smiled, reassuring him that he liked what he tasted.

  “We should get back for dinner,” Ryan said.

  Ryan didn’t want to get back. He wanted to stay in Trent’s arms. Starting this here and now was a mistake neither one of them could afford. Trent put his forehead onto Ryan’s. He lowered his hands to Ryan’s shirt, pulling him in closer again. They shouldn’t kiss again, but Ryan wanted just one more tonight.

  Their lips connected. Trent’s were hot, wet, and possessive. Another groan escaped from Trent as Ryan parted his lips, flicking his tongue into Trent’s mouth. A slow, fiery burn seared through Ryan’s body as Trent shoved him up against the rock formation. He became lost in Trent as their kiss deepened. Trent drove his fingers into Ryan’s hair, threading them tightly into his dark strands.

  The edge of Trent’s hard cock pressed in tight along Ryan’s. It was then that Ryan knew how much Trent wanted him.

  Ryan reached between their bodies, stroking Trent’s cock through his tactical pants. A deep groan vibrated through Trent, and the sound of it made Ryan’s cock tighten down painfully. His balls pulled up close to his cock. He was so close to coming that it hurt to hold it back.

  Trent suddenly pulled away. Ryan heard the sound of his belt unbuckle and his zipper fly south. Another sound of desire mewed from Trent as he pulled his heavy cock out of his pants.

  “Suck me, slave,” Trent whispered.

  Slave. Ryan wanted to be his sex slave in every way imaginable. If he had it his way, he’d slave away on Trent for hours. Ryan kneeled down, taking Trent’s big cock in his hand. He lowered his mouth, licking his way over Trent’s cockhead. He teased Trent with slow, sensual licks as though he were licking an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. He wanted to suck him hard, but he purposely held back. Trent’s hands fisted tight into Ryan’s hair, taking control of how his cock got sucked off. Ryan handed control over willingly as his tongue lapped, sucking him deeper. He took him in as far as he could and twisted his lips off again. Ryan’s free hand played with Trent’s big balls, loving how he groomed his hair short. A groan sounded within the back of Ryan’s throat as he took Trent’s big cock deep. He hoped the vibrations shivered down Trent’s cock. Ryan squeezed his balls possessively as the tips of his fingers rubbed Trent’s perineum.

  A snap in the dark forest had Ryan stilling abruptly. Ryan squeezed his hand over Trent’s ass, not wanting to stop, but knowing he should. Trent tightened his hand into Ryan’s hair as he looked around. Their eyes met, with Trent nodding that it was okay. Ryan heeded his si
lent command to continue. Ryan worked his tongue in long flipping and whirling strokes that swirled over Trent’s pounding cockhead. Ryan heard Trent’s breath coming in and out of his nose like a raging bull in heat. Ryan knew Trent was trying to keep quiet and keep his orgasm from thundering away. Ryan listened for more sounds, but he heard nothing more.

  They were absolutely alone.

  Ryan knew Trent was close. He could feel his dick throbbing in his mouth. Ryan grabbed his shaft, holding it tight as he sucked the tip. Trent lifted Ryan to his feet and shoved him hard against the rock face. Their mouths connected in a dark and dangerous kiss that felt so dirty and so right that it should’ve been wrong. A light shined through the forest, cutting the darkness in half before making it whole again. Whoever was out there wasn’t close. They were up near the cabins. Ryan stepped back, rubbing his hand over his mouth. They shouldn’t have kissed. He shouldn’t have let it go so hard for so long. One kiss shouldn’t rock his world, but somehow it felt as though it had. Thunder rumbled across the valley. It wouldn’t be long before the summer storm broke hard. They needed to get back.

  * * * * It was going to rain soon. Trent could smell the rain on the air. Ryan was right. They should get back, but he didn’t want to. Not yet. Trent’s cock pounded hard for a release that would only come when he was alone. Ryan had a talented tongue. Moonlight cut through the leaves of the old-growth trees, pulling red highlights out of Ryan’s dark hair.

  He wanted him. Always had and probably always would at this point. God help him, he loved how smooth and cultured this man was. For the first time in his life, a lover looked at him as though they knew him completely, as though he were whole, as though the fact that he couldn’t hear didn’t matter.

  Trent muscled Ryan around. He wanted Ryan as his sub. He wanted Ryan in his playroom, strapped to his table with wax dripping from his nipples, over his abdomen, and down his happy trail. He had a trunk full of new toys he always imagined using on his next lover. He wanted to use every one of them on Ryan. Would he want to be his sub? Would he let Trent dominate him? Ryan cupped his face.


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