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Training-Ryan Page 4

by Throne-Tatum-

  “I have a confession,” Ryan said. Trent lifted his brows as he read his lips, thinking the worst. The worst being that Ryan already had a lover. Ryan dropped his hands away and lifted them again.

  “I know ASL,” Ryan signed. Trent frowned. All this time, he knew sign language? The conversation at the photo shoot took on a whole new cosmic meaning. Surprise slapped Trent in the face like a bucket of cold water, but the effect didn’t last long. This was a good thing. Trent thought it was cute that Ryan was so worried about the confession.

  Ryan lifted his hands and signed, “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you before now.”

  “It’s cool, babe,” Trent signed.

  They had gone to the edge with one simple kiss. Trent wasn’t a man who normally got off on just a kiss. This was the first time he lost control without being in his playroom. He needed control. Control and safety was all he had, and he needed it.

  “I’m sorry. I lost control. I shouldn’t have come on so strong,” Trent signed.

  Ryan smiled, and the tilt of his full, soft lips made Trent’s heart melt. Trent wanted more of this man. For the first time in Trent’s life, he felt like a wild horse racing out of control. Trent needed to rein his emotions in before he messed up things between them.

  Ryan grinned. “It’s okay. I’m good.”

  Things were going to get complicated this week. How was Trent supposed to keep his hands off Ryan in their free time when he was supposed to be training him? This was going to end poorly, but he didn’t care. Work relationships never ended on a good note. Trent was going to do everything he could to make sure that what was going on between them didn’t end.

  Rain started spitting between the leaves. They were protected under the overhang of the cliff side. They needed to get out of the woods and back to the safety of the cabin before they got lost or stranded. Lightning snapped across the sky, splitting the sky open. Shadow was curled up under the rock overhang. Trent whistled, and he jumped up.

  They hit the trail, running hard back to the cabins.

  They were muddy and soaking wet by the time they made it back. Trent was second-guessing his choice to bunk with Ryan. How was he supposed to get to sleep tonight with Ryan sleeping next to him?

  Trent ran a hand through his wet hair. There was only one bathroom with two showers. The thought of Trent getting naked with Ryan at his side had his cock hardening fast. Ryan licked raindrops off his lips. Trent wanted to be doing all the licking off that would be happening tonight.

  “You go first,” Trent signed.

  He was going to take Shadow to the training center to clean off.

  * * * * Ryan was dried off and in fresh clothes when he got out of the bathroom. He expected Trent to be in the cabin waiting for his turn. He wasn’t there. He was gone. Things were going to get awkward if they didn’t work out what happened. One foolish kiss and a blow job later shouldn’t be the end of their new friendship or their new work relationship. At least, Ryan hoped it wouldn’t be.

  Ryan was starting to suspect that they came from different worlds. There was so much he didn’t know about Trent that he wanted to know. It wasn’t that he just wanted to know. He needed to know. Ryan ran a hand through his wet hair. He had to find Trent. He was running. Why else had he disappeared?

  Ryan did a quick loop around the camp, going into the training center. Trent was nowhere to be found. A couple of the guys were in the recreation room playing cards, while a few others were on their laptops. Ryan asked around about Trent, but no one had seen him. On his way back to the cabin, Ryan checked the parking lot. His car was there. Maybe Shadow needed another walk?

  He decided to head back to the cabin. He was tired.

  Ryan couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned. It was late into the night when his eyes finally caved to the rhythmic beating of his sleepy heart.

  Hours later, the shower clicking on in the men’s bathroom stirred Ryan from his sleep. He rolled over, seeing Shadow conked out on a blanket on the floor. His gaze went to the light outlining the door and the shadow passing underneath. Trent was probably naked behind that door. Ryan swung his legs from the bunk bed. The cement floor was cold beneath his feet. Ryan’s heart raced. He knew he was about to do something stupid. He was going into that room on purpose. This wasn’t a good idea, but he didn’t care. He wanted to ask Trent why he took off. Most of all, he wanted to know if Trent was okay with everything that happened between them.

  Cool nighttime air struck him in the chest. He thought about slipping a shirt over his head, but he didn’t want to. His pajama pants hung low on his hips, showing a hard outline of his cock that hung heavily against his leg. Ryan’s feet were moving before he could stop himself. He opened the door to the bathroom and locked it behind.

  The light in the shower stall rained down from the ceiling. Trent’s body was shadowed onto the curtain. His legs were spaced wide, and one hand was braced against the wall as though he could push it down. Trent’s head hung underneath the hot spray. Between the break in the curtain, Ryan let his gaze slide down the long length of his body to his cock. He sucked in a harsh breath when he saw Trent’s hand locked around his hard dick. The water beat Trent’s rigid body as his hand stroked up and down his prick. Watching Trent satisfy his need was a dirty high he shouldn’t indulge, but he couldn’t stop himself from watching.

  Ryan’s cock kicked out, punching out of the top of his pajama pants. By the rhythm of Trent’s fist and the muffled breathing into his arm, Ryan knew that he was close to coming. Jealousy marched up Ryan’s spine and sat down on his shoulders. He wanted to be the one rocking Trent’s cock off, but now wasn’t the time or place. A grunt tore from the back of Trent’s throat as he came hard, collapsing onto his braced arm for support. Ryan was almost positive he heard Trent mumble his name in the throes of passion.

  Ryan shut off the light, leaving only the soft glow of a lone security light. Trent’s head whipped around, and his hand ripped aside the curtain.

  Trent groaned as their eyes locked. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough,” Ryan signed.

  Ryan wanted to drop his pajama pants to the floor, but he didn’t. Not yet.

  They were really going to do this here and now. Trent shut off the water. He didn’t bother with the towel as he stepped out onto the old tile. Despite having come a moment before, Trent’s cock was long, thick, and rock hard. Ryan licked his lips, remembering the sweet taste of him in his mouth and wanting more of it. Ryan crossed the tile, meeting him in the middle. Neither one moved. It was as though they were both waiting for the other to cross the line first, but hadn’t Ryan already by locking them in the room together?

  “Kiss me,” Ryan whispered.

  Trent grabbed his wrists, wrestling Ryan back against the wall. Ryan’s cock whipped out, smacking against Trent’s wet legs. Trent pinned his hands up by his head, muscling him into place with his thick thighs and predatory stare. Ryan’s heart pounded. They kissed hard. Ryan was the first to flick his tongue out and into Trent’s mouth. Desperate and urgent, they kissed as though they would be caught at any moment. Ryan wanted to be taken hard and spanked harder.

  All of a sudden, Trent pulled away, leaving Ryan’s mouth chasing after his for more. A blush heated Ryan’s cheeks as their gazes locked.

  “Not here. Not like this. Our first time will be slow. I want to take my time with you. I want you as my sub,” Trent said.

  Ryan’s mouth fell open. There was no way he could get through the rest of the week without release. Every time he looked at Trent, he got a raging hard-on. He was going to be taking a lot of cold showers with them rooming together.

  “Well?” Trent asked.

  Ryan nodded. “I want you.”

  “I know you do,” Trent whispered.

  Trent leaned down and kissed him with a seductive ease that spoke of years of experience in keeping control. Ryan didn’t want control. He wanted to lose it and have rough sex. Trent pulled away w
ith a wicked gleam in his eyes. He reached down, stroking Ryan through his pajama pants, purposely avoiding the tip that was pointing north.

  “It’s your turn to take a shower, babe,” Trent signed.

  Slowly, Trent pulled away and waited. Ryan teased his thumbs beneath the waistband of his pajama pants, all the while loving how Trent’s gaze eased down over his abdomen. He flexed, revealing an eight-pack he worked really hard to get over the last year. Lust skipped through Trent’s heated stare. Ryan dropped his pants to the floor, stepping out of them. He stroked his hand over his cockhead, rubbing pre-cum down his shaft. Ryan went to the shower, leaving the curtain open as he turned on the hot water.

  Ryan arched back, wetting his hair. He heard Trent’s approving groan and knew that he liked the way his long cock reached up past his navel. Ryan ran his hand over the soap and slicked his hand over his cock. He pushed his balls back with his left hand as his right pumped his cock. He twisted it up and down, slowly. Ryan’s eyes lifted, meeting Trent’s heavily lidded gaze. Water cascaded down around his body, hitting his cock. He tortured himself with a slow, easy rocking motion.

  “Come,” Trent commanded. “Come!”

  Trent’s voice echoed off the walls. Ryan’s orgasm twisted up fast and hard, taking control of his body. He shuddered violently as he came, shooting his spunk into the falling water. Ryan felt his cheeks flame. He usually wasn’t so quick on the release.

  Trent crossed the room and kissed Ryan possessively, flicking his tongue inside and taking his mouth deeply. Trent wrapped the back of his hand behind his head. It would be so easy to pull Trent under the water with him, but he knew he shouldn’t. Ryan’s lips were puffed and swollen by the time he pulled away. How the hell was Ryan supposed to get through the week without touching Trent again?

  Trent picked up his towel, wrapping it around his waist. He leaned in, giving Ryan a hard smack on the ass that sent his cock bouncing up and down. Heat spread on his ass cheek, leaving him wanting for more.

  “Night, babe. Dream of me.”

  Ryan’s mouth dropped open as he watched Trent walk out. He was using his voice with him. Ryan’s heart raced hard. The sound of Trent’s voice turned him on fast and hard.

  Chapter Six

  The week had flown by. The warrior black-hawk obstacle course was two miles of rough terrain. Mud, ropes, walls, and wire lines crisscrossed along the ground and in the trees. Mud coated Ryan’s body as he crawled his way under the wire. Ryan was breathing hard as he stood up and stared at the wall. Shouts erupted from the other side of the wall. Someone was down. Ryan ran around the other side.

  Jones was on the ground. His leg was twisted around funny at the knee. Dislocation, has to be, Ryan thought. Ryan ran to his side, sliding onto his knees in the mud.

  “What hurts?” Ryan asked.

  “My knee.”

  Ryan smoothed his hands over his leg, feeling his kneecap locked

  out of place. “Hold him. I need to reset his knee. Hold still.” Jones screamed as the kneecap popped back into place. “You’ll need to get this checked out. You probably tore or damaged the ligaments around the kneecap.”

  Ryan stabilized his leg with a splint from his pack.

  They called an ambulance in, and twenty minutes later it rolled up, taking Jones away to get things looked at. TJ clapped Ryan on the back. “You have good instincts in the field. You’re perfect for our team.”


  The team was breaking to clean up before lunch. There was mud all over Ryan. He headed with the rest of the team toward the cabins. The adrenaline rush of helping out a colleague started to crash his system. The past came slamming up so fast that it nearly knocked Ryan to the ground. He could deal with the aftermath of injuries, but could he deal with witnessing them, too?

  Sunshine and miles of blue-on-blue sky echoed out through the forest. They’d taken the four-wheelers out, riding the trails along the eastern ridge of Grandmother Mountain. Lane’s brown hair cascaded in the wind, whipping behind her head. She was driving with a reckless abandonment that made Ryan nervous. She needed to take the turns slower or she was going to flip. Ryan called her name to get her attention, but his voice was lost on the wind. He sped up, trying to catch up to her.

  “Slow down, Lane!”

  She glanced back over her shoulder, laughing and smiling wickedly. “No!”

  She should watch where she was going. She turned back. Her laughter carried on the wind like tiny drops of rain misting the air. Ryan loved her. She was his best friend. He wanted to ask her out, but something was missing. He didn’t understand how he could love her and want her as his friend, but not be physically attracted. All of his classmates were dating, it made sense that they would, too.

  Rocks and gravel spun out from the four-wheeler’s tires as Lane took a curve sharper than she should have. Fear ricocheted through Ryan as the quad’s tires tipped onto two wheels, sending Lane flying through the air. The quad rolled on top of her, coming to a stop in the ditch. Lane lay face down on the pathway, lifeless. Ryan screamed, coming to a quick stop on the path.

  They were in the middle of nowhere. Ryan flipped her over. Blood dripped from her nose. He couldn’t save her. He knew he couldn’t save her, but he had to try. He lifted her, placing her on his lap and drove down the mountain to get help at the ranger’s station. The thump-thump of the helicopter’s blades echoed through his mind as he watched the helicopter the ranger called in take her away. He watched it fly over the mountainside and out of sight.

  He later learned she died of a liver laceration. There was nothing anyone could’ve done to save her. By getting her down the mountain so quickly, he’d given her family time to say goodbye. Lane’s death haunted him. Every time he saved a life, he thought of how he couldn’t save Lane.

  Someone shook his arm, waking him from his past. Tears shimmered in Ryan’s eyes. It was time he let Lane’s death go. It was about time. Trent’s concerned gaze made him feel broken and vulnerable.

  “What’s wrong?” Trent frowned as he signed. “You did good out there.”

  Ryan blew past him, heading for the privacy of the cabin. He wasn’t going to break down in front of the men whose lives he would be saving. Ryan went straight to the shower, stripping down out of his muddy clothes. The door opened with Trent following him inside.

  “Talk to me,” Trent insisted.

  Not even the soft sound of Trent’s voice could get him to answer. Ryan shook his head no, dipping his head under the hot spray to hide his tears for Lane. Muddy water ran off of his body and swirled into the drain. “I couldn’t save her,” Ryan said and signed at the same time. “I couldn’t.”


  “A friend,” Ryan signed.

  “You can’t blame yourself,” Trent said.

  Ryan closed his eyes. “Easier said than done,” Ryan said.

  Trent whistled, getting Ryan’s attention. Their eyes clashed. Trent’s hands start to move. “It’s easy to blame yourself when there’s no one else doing it for you.”

  Their gazes held as Trent waited for him to say something. What did he know about the pain that came from hurting a friend? Had he not taken Lane out that day, she’d be alive.

  “You’re a good doctor. One of the best ER docs,” Trent said.

  Ryan shut off the water, grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist. “How do you know that?”

  “You saved my life.”

  “I’m not the man for this job,” Ryan signed.

  “You are. You’re the only man for this job,” Trent said.

  Ryan shook his head no. “I’m leaving.”

  “Don’t quit.” Trent shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “I thought I knew you. I didn’t think you were a quitter.”

  The words stung hard. Ryan knew he wasn’t a quitter.

  “It’s your choice. You can stay or go. I’m not keeping you here,” Trent said. He started for the door but stopped short. “We go to the bar to celeb
rate the end of the week tonight. I hope you’ll come.”

  Trent opened the door and left. Ryan was being played hard. Trent knew how to sway him with the sound of his deep, sexy voice. The urge to pack everything up and go home was an overpowering chant in his mind. Ryan ran a hand through his hair. He was going to go to the bar tonight. After that, he’d decide whether or not he wanted to stay a part of the SWAT team.

  Chapter Seven

  Vick’s was a country-western bar on the outside of town. The parking lot was full as Ryan pulled his Audi in an open spot around the back of the building. Music chased the door as Ryan opened it and stepped inside. Pool tables were at the front. Balls clacked and spun across the table. Ryan had every intention of leaving, but at the end of the day he couldn’t quit once he committed to something.

  The team was off in the far corner. Beers were on the table. The waitress was taking empties away as she sashayed through the crowd. The music was loud, and the dance floor was crowded. It was the kind of place where guys got their asses kicked for looking at a girl the wrong way. Ryan made sure to keep his eyes in check as he moved through the crowd. Cole wasn’t around.

  The team knew some sign. From afar, Ryan noticed how they used simple signs to communicate with Trent. Ryan’s eyes locked with Trent’s as he crossed the room. Trent smiled, nodding as Ryan joined them at the table. He sat next to Trent.

  TJ grinned. “Just got the news on Jones. Dislocation. Nothing torn. You’re a hero.”

  “It was nothing,” Ryan said.

  “It was everything to us,” TJ said.

  Beneath the table, Ryan’s knee brushed with Trent’s. The zing of electricity was a dirty and dangerous high they shouldn’t have been indulging in at the bar. The rush was too great. Ryan’s heart hammered. He wasn’t out, and he suspected that Trent wasn’t either. They ordered another round of beers, and Trent nodded toward the open game of darts. Trent typed into his phone as Ryan picked the darts out of the board. Trent showed Ryan his phone.


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