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Wolf Snatched: A Dark BBW Shifter Romance (The Dark Ridge Wolves Book 1)

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by Marissa Farrar

  But he wouldn’t do that to her. He wanted her to want him. He wanted her to beg him to touch her, to understand he was all she would ever need.

  Moving around to the front, but keeping his face and body at a safe distance, he picked up the second length of rope. She glowered at him with those beautiful brown eyes, her full mouth pinched, her nostrils flared. He ignored the dirty glares and grabbed her ankle and held it against the leg of the chair. Quickly, he looped the rope around and tied a knot, and then pulled the rope over to her left leg and tied that to the other leg of the chair as well. The chair was solid and heavy, and there was no way she’d be able to run with her legs tied to it, plus she’d no longer be able to knee him in the face if the desire took hold.

  The stance spread her legs and he noticed her press her knees together in order to hide her underwear from him. The movement caused her cheeks to flare with color and the angry expression melted from her face to one of embarrassment. She pressed her lips together and glanced away.

  He got to his feet. “You shouldn’t ever feel self-conscious about what makes you a woman.”

  She blinked at him. “What?”

  “You’re closing yourself off from me. You shouldn’t have to do that.”

  “You’re crazy. I’m not going to spread my legs for you.”

  The idea of her doing just that, lying wanton and delicious on her back, those thick thighs spread wide so he could see right into the very center of what made her a woman filled his mind, and he felt himself start to get hard again.

  He forced the thought from his mind. “I don’t want you to be frightened of me.”

  Her head snapped back to center and her fierce dark eyes focused on him again.

  “You kidnapped me, threw me in a trunk, and now you’ve tied me to a chair. What else am I supposed to be?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t come with me voluntarily.”

  “Too damn right, I wouldn’t! I’m hardly going to choose to go off with some woman snatching rapist.”

  He jolted back at her words. “I’m not a rapist, Alyssa.”

  Her eyes widened. “How do you know my name?”

  He thought quickly. “I checked your purse after I’d thrown you in the trunk. Your license was in there.”

  She seemed to relax slightly at the lie. “If you’re not a rapist,” she said, “what do you want with me?”

  He smiled. “I want to get to know you.”

  “Most guys would ask a girl out on a date.”

  He felt his smile widen. “I thought you’d figured out by now that I’m not most guys.”

  “No, you’re not. Most guys I know are decent.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her and she shrank slightly in the chair. “Is that right, Alyssa? Most guys you know are decent?”

  “Well … I …” She stumbled over her words. “They don’t go around kidnapping girls, I know that much!”

  “No, they don’t need to kidnap girls because they already know you’ll do whatever you’re told.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, but she glanced away and Callum thought she at least had an idea. “All I want is to go back to my pack, and you’re keeping me here instead.”

  He softened his voice, and crouched to bring himself eye-level with her. With her legs and arms bound, he no longer needed to worry about her trying to hit or kick him. “Is that the worse thing I can do to you? Stop you from going back to your life with the pack.”

  Her eyes widened and she looked back to him. “No! I don’t even want to think about what the worse thing is you might do to me.”

  “How about if what I have planned for you isn’t bad?”

  “How can it not be bad? You’ve kidnapped and terrified me,” she said, a blush in her cheeks rising high, giving her an innocent appearance. “You’re frightening me, still.”

  “What if I stop? What if I make you feel good instead?”

  Her whole body went rigid, her eyes widening further. “What do you mean?”

  “Are you a virgin, Alyssa?”

  “That’s none of your god-damned business,” she snapped.

  “You haven’t found your mate yet,” he said, ignoring her comment. Perhaps she’d screwed around with guys who weren’t wolves—God knows, he’d fucked enough human women in his life, but he’d never taken the binding step of finding another wolf-shifter to mate with. Maybe she had messed around, but he got the impression she was far too well-behaved to leave her pack and head into town to find some regular guys to screw around with. His guess of virgin was most likely the correct one.

  “You know we mate for life,” he continued, “even if some wolves decide to take other mates, they never leave the ones they had at the beginning. The fact you didn’t mention anyone when I talked about the men in your pack means you haven’t been mated yet. Besides,” he moved closer and reached out to run the back of his fingers along the fine line of her jaw. “I’d be able to scent it about you if you had. No wolf has claimed you yet.”

  “Is that why you took me?” she said, her voice a whisper. “You plan to mate me?”

  He bent down and placed his face beside hers to speak low in her ear. “No, I plan for you to mate me.”

  He heard her sharp intake of breath and the way her heartbeat stepped up a notch. His words had affected her, and he wished he could see the images going through her mind. Was she imagining pinning him to the ground and straddling him with those thick thighs, or did she just think he was some pervert?

  Pervert, he decided, she thinks you’re a pervert. A slow smile spread across his face. Which, to be fair, you probably are.

  “I don’t even know your name,” she said. “You can’t seriously expect me to want to mate someone when I don’t even know their name.”

  He grinned and stuck out his hand. “Callum Fraser at your service, Ma’am.”

  She lifted her eyebrows and jerked her chin toward her back. “I can hardly shake your hand now, can I?”

  He laughed. “I guess not.”

  She pressed her lips together. “But if you untie me, I’ll think about it.”

  He shook his head. “Sorry, no deal. Apart from the fact I know you’ll try to run again, I’m enjoying seeing you tied up. The way the rope is pressing against your skin is probably one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen. Part of me wants to unwrap your bonds just to stroke my thumb across the imprint.”

  He didn’t think he was imagining things when he saw her shiver, only this time he didn’t think the reaction was from fear.

  Chapter Six

  His name was Callum and he’d let her see his face.

  That can’t be good, Alyssa decided. Men only took women for one thing, and the fact he’d allowed her to identify him meant he didn’t think she’d be reporting him anytime soon. Either he planned on using her in such a way she would be too humiliated to tell anyone. Or he was going to kill her.

  She could shift, but turning against the moon was painful and dangerous. There was always the possibility she wouldn’t be able to shift back again. But if that happened, wouldn’t she be better off living out the rest of her life in the forest as a wolf, than not living at all?

  Not yet. There was still a chance she could talk her way out of this. Shifting would be an absolute last resort.

  He walked over to a rucksack left beside the barn door and bent to take something out. When he approached her again, she saw he had something in his hand.

  “What’s that?”

  He opened his palm to reveal a small packet of antiseptic wipes. “You banged your head in the car accident. It’s not bleeding much anymore, but it still needs cleaning.”

  He tugged one of the wipes out of the packet and reached to clean the graze above her eyebrow. As shifters, they healed faster than regular humans, but it would still be a day or two before the graze was completely gone. Alyssa jerked away as the cool wipe touched her skin.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I’m only tryin
g to help you.”

  “Help me? You’re the one who caused the accident in the first place, weren’t you?”

  “Yes, I put the nails in the road. I was expecting you to have control of the car though. I honestly hadn’t thought you’d spin like you did. You should have just come to a slow stop. I don’t know why you lost control.”

  She remembered that she’d been distracted, trying to reach the candy in the bag on the passenger seat. Perhaps she wouldn’t have ended up with a banged head if she’d been paying attention to the road. In fact, she might have seen the nails and been able to swerve to avoid them completely. Then she wouldn’t have been in this situation at all.

  No, that was stupid. She shouldn’t be making excuses for him. He’d deliberately put nails in the road to burst her tires.

  “You’re a fucking psychopath,” she snapped.

  “No. I’m not. I just had to do what I had to do.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  He didn’t answer her question, but instead finished wiping her head and then turned away to dispose of the bloodied wipe.

  Alyssa wished the guy wasn’t so stupidly gorgeous, and that he didn’t smell like a hot, gooey dessert on a freezing cold day. If he’d been five feet two, with buck teeth, and stank of body odor and booze, she’d be feeling a whole lot differently about things right now. But the man—Callum—had something magnetizing about him. Though she didn’t want to admit it, he was incredibly sexy and the things he said to her caused an unaccustomed heat to spread through her body. No man had ever told her he wanted her before—including her alpha. Gregory hadn’t said anything, but instead gave her lewd looks while licking his lips. When Callum licked his lips, something deep inside her clenched. When Gregory licked his lips, she wanted to throw up.

  But Gregory has never kidnapped you and tied you to a chair, a little voice in her head spoke up.

  That’s because he’s never had to, she retaliated. He’s already got me doing everything he wants.

  Alyssa caught herself.

  Ugh. She wasn’t justifying why Callum was better than Gregory, was she? That was what her life came down to—the choice between a creep and a madman.

  “Are you hungry,” Callum asked her.

  She snapped her eyes to his. “Why do you care?”

  “Because even though it doesn’t look like it, I want to take care of you.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “You haven’t answered my question.”

  She was hungry, and thirsty, too. The heat of the day, combined with the adrenaline that had been soaring through her system for the past couple of hours, had left her tongue glued to the roof of her mouth and her lips sticking to her teeth. She’d never gotten to eat the candy bar she’d bought herself as a treat, and breakfast had been hours ago now. Her thirst was worse than her hunger, however.

  “I’m thirsty,” she admitted.

  “Of course you are. Forgive my neglect.”

  He walked back to the rucksack. She watched him as he moved—the roll of his shoulders, the muscles in his lean back, the long stride. If she saw him in the street, he would catch her eye, but then she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it because he wasn’t a part of her pack. Gregory would never allow her to mate someone else, especially an outsider. She didn’t think her brothers, Holton and Joel, would be too happy about it either, especially Holton. As beta, he had a reputation to uphold, and he always needed to think about what was right for the pack. Bringing in an outsider would be massively frowned upon—not that she was considering such a thing, of course.

  Callum pulled a couple of bottles of water, and a packet of something, out of the bag, and turned back to her. His face was swollen around the bridge of his nose, and already a darkening bruise of purple spread across the area and beneath his eyes. Good. She was glad she’d hurt him. It made him understand she wasn’t some little wallflower who would do anything he wanted, or who wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  Unscrewing the lid as he approached, he stopped beside her and held the bottle to her mouth. She pressed her lips together, even though she was desperate for a drink, and shook her head.

  He exhaled a sigh. “What’s wrong?”

  “Untie me. I can drink it myself.”

  “After you just kneed me in the face, and tried to run? I don’t think so.” He bumped the lip of the bottle against her mouth. “Now, open up.”

  Alyssa was too thirsty to fight anymore. She opened her mouth and allowed him to tip water down her throat. She gulped and swallowed, and somehow he managed to pour the water at exactly the right speed, neither making her choke, nor spilling a drop.

  When she’d had enough, she pulled her head back from the bottle.

  He lifted the packet she’d seen him take from the bag and he gave it a shake. “Hungry?”

  She held back the groan of desire. A bag of Hershey’s Kisses. Her absolute favorite. How did he know? Was it luck, or had he been watching her eat them when she’d treated herself during her trips to the store?

  “You can’t win me over with chocolate, you know?”

  One dark eyebrow lifted. “I thought flowers and chocolates were the way to a woman’s heart?”

  She gave a closed-lipped smile that felt more like a grimace. “They don’t normally involve being abducted.”

  “You’re right, but then we’re not normal people, are we? We live by rules regular people don’t have to.”

  “It doesn’t look like you live by the rules to me.”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t. But you do.”

  He was right. She’d never broken a single rule in her life. Even after her parents had died—her mother of cancer when she was ten, and her father a year later from a heart attack, though she’d put it down to a broken heart from grief—and she’d been left to be raised by her brothers and the rest of her pack, she hadn’t rebelled. It was as though she felt if she did everything right, nothing else would go wrong in her life. Hell, she followed the rules so closely she’d end up being mated off to Gregory as his mistress if he requested it, simply because it was the law of the pack.

  “What do you want with me?” she said, suddenly tired of the games. “Why have you brought me here?”

  “It’s for your own good.”

  She gave a sigh. “What are you talking about?”

  “I had to get you away from that pig of an alpha.”


  He leaned in and his cheek grazed her jaw, and she felt the brush of his breath against her throat as he inhaled deeply. “You’re my mate, Alyssa. The second I got the scent of you in the air, I knew you were the one.”

  Her heart leaped, pattering in her chest. His mate? Was he serious? “What? When? This morning?”

  He laughed, the sound throaty. “No, I’ve seen you at the store several times now. I know how unusual it is for a pack member to mate outside of their own pack, but I thought it might be a possibility due to the fact I’d picked you out as my mate. Your alpha wasn’t so keen on the idea when I approached him, however. In fact, he said he’d rather kill you himself than let me have you.”

  “You asked Gregory?” This sudden development shocked her. “When?”

  “A couple of weeks ago now. To say he wasn’t happy about the idea is an understatement.”

  Her mind boggled. Had this man really gone to her pack and asked Gregory if he could mate her? Was that part of the reason Gregory had suddenly started to show such an interest in her. She’d assumed it was because she’d turned eighteen, but had it actually been because of Callum all along? She wondered if her brother, Holton, knew about this, too. The idea made her uneasy. She’d always thought her brother would take her side, no matter what, but now she worried that he’d been discussing her with their alpha behind her back.

  “You could have just approached me and said hi,” she said eventually. “You know, asked me out on a date, or something wild like that.”

know that would never have worked. Would you actually have considered dating a wolf outside of your pack, especially if your alpha had already forbidden it?”

  No chance, she thought but didn’t say. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t have liked to date outside of her pack, it was that the rules didn’t allow it. The only time it was allowed was at the alpha’s orders, and that was only ever to keep the gene pool well populated. Everyone knew what happened when cousins mated.

  Sudden anger rose inside her that all these men had been making decisions about her future without consulting her. “So you abduct me instead?”

  “This way you don’t get the chance to say no.”

  “Yes, I do,” she said. “This is me saying no!”

  His brilliant blue eyes narrowed and flashed yellow, the wolf inside him rising to the surface. He moved in even closer, so her every sense was filled with the dominating presence of him.

  “Ah, but I never take no for an answer. Just give me three days, my little wolf. In three days I guarantee you will not only be saying yes, you’ll be screaming my name with it.”

  Despite herself, something deep inside her shivered with longing.

  “I’ll die before that happens,” she said, trying to snipe, but finding the shiver inside her had permeated to her voice. Was she really going to spend three days tied up to this chair? What would happen if she needed the bathroom? She hoped he wouldn’t make her humiliate herself.

  “Hush. No one is going to die,” he said. “Now, I thought you said you were hungry.”

  Callum twisted open the foil of the first chocolate and held it beneath her nose. The sweet, creamy scent filled her nostrils, making her mouth water. She snatched out at it with her teeth, but he whisked it away.

  “Uh-uh. Not like that.”

  He’d gotten that wicked look in his blue eyes again, and she held her breath wondering what he had planned.


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