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Page 85

by Luke, Monica

  “Beeelllloon!” Aderac called out, got off the column, and now stood on the wall looking down the stairs.

  Belon jumped from horse; then climbed the stairs three steps at a time.

  “Honneeey.” Aderac sang relieved, and held out his arms waiting for him to rush into them, and after Belon got to him, he flung them around him and held him tightly.

  “So silly you can be,” he lovingly chided, “Climbing all these stairs to wait for me in this rain. You are soaked Aderac. Were not my words for you to stay within the chamber?”

  “I could not,” he admitted, caring nothing about being wet, “I had to wait for you on this wall, just as I have read do all who wait for their warriors to return.”

  Saying nothing else, Belon looked at him and smiled, then kissed him long and lovingly. “And he has.”

  “Did any wound you?”

  “None did,” Belon answered, as he now put one arm around him; then kissed his head.

  “Did you find her?”

  “I did,” he answered, as Aderac pressed close to him, “And she is well.”

  “I knew you would find her,” Aderac lauded. “I knew you would for our daughter.”

  “Let us get to the chamber.” Belon urged concerned Aderac stood a long time waiting for him in the rain and could become ill, in addition to climbing the stairs with healing ribs, “And get you in front of the fire so you can dry and rest.”

  “We will lay naked in front of it,” Aderac gleefully added, “And both dry.”

  “Why must my ears keep hearing such words as that from them?” Loth teased, then turned and looked down at the men now entering the gate.

  Again, they kissed passionately unconcerned with any eyes on them, then pressed their foreheads together totally rapt in each other.

  “Aaheem,” Laad interrupted after patiently waiting for their affectionate reunion to end.

  “Did you find all?”

  Belon looked out, as the others now made it into the courtyard. “Yes,” he answered, “Now Lord Elgen can hang beside his brother.”

  “And Augerd?” Laad questioned, yet he knew the answer, “Does he still breathe?”



  As dawn approached, the anticipation of hanging Lord Cadon and Lord Elgen filling their heads, none slept peacefully.

  “Are you ready?” Aderac asked, while he sat on the edge of the bed as Belon helped him with his boots.

  Belon stood and nodded. Glad that finally their punishment was at hand, “I have been for some time.”

  “Then let us go,” Aderac said, and stood.

  In the courtyard of mercy, Baric sat in the king’s square with Ogorec, Laad, and Loth standing beside him, and as all looked down, when Ovfren walked into the square area and looked up, Ogorec smiled at him.

  “Was there trouble between you?” Baric asked, as he looked at him, then at Ovfren, “He has not been your shadow for days.

  “There was, my king,” Ogorec answered truthfully, “We are past it.”

  Baric nodded pleased.

  “Good,” he then said, “I could not bear you walking around looking so glum one day more.”

  As Baric spoke to Ogorec, the guards of the dark room brought out Endric, Lord Cadon, and Lord Elgen, and took them to the podium, and when Baric saw them, he stood.

  “Two shall hang this day,” he announced to all, “But the man known as Endric shall loose his right hand, but keep his life for his witness against Lord Cadon. Take him away.”

  Ovfren stood by the wall on the other side of the courtyard, then when Belon and Aderac walked into the square to watch, he moved over to his right to watch alongside them, but as did Enek came up behind him.

  “I searched for you this past night before I rode out,” Enek quietly revealed.

  “Why?” Ovfren’s ambivalent question, before he sarcastically added as he began walk away from him, “You made clear how you felt before you so boldly sent me on my way.”

  Knowing he hurt him by rejecting him, Enek quickly grabbed his arm to keep him from walking away so he could apologize, and Ogorec saw it.

  “Forgive me king.” Ogorec already in motion, “I must see about a matter.”

  Before Baric could even answer him, Ogorec had jumped over the banister and was now on his way to Ovfren.

  “What is this?” he yelled jealously, as he approached Enek, “That you grab him by his arm as if he is known to you.”

  Puzzled, Enek looked at Ogorec, then back to Ovfren.

  “I wanted to have a word with him,” he simply answered. “And what is it to you?”

  “Any matter with him,” Ogorec asserted, “Is a matter with me.”

  Enek taller than Ogorec and a skilled warrior and commander, who was just as good if not better than Ogorec, was unafraid of Ogorec’s bellow; but he knew his place within WorrlgenHall and didn’t challenge him. Instead, he crossed his arms keeping them well away from his sword, and leaned against the wall.

  Right away, knowing Ogorec’s jealously, Belon stepped forward to try to intervene by attempting to divert their attention to other things.

  “Two are about to be hanged,” the intervening comment, “Let us worry more with that for a time.”

  Neither responded to Belon, nor even bothered to look at him when he spoke as both men’s minds ran with thoughts of who would win if they fought, but Enek backed down.

  “I meant no harm when I grabbed him,” he simply said, “I only wanted to ask him to forgive me for being harsh.”

  “Harsh,” Ogorec repeated alarmed. Now being protectively concerned he tried to harm him.

  Ovfren exhaled hard. The more Enek spoke the worse the situation became, and knowing their secret could no longer stay hidden, confessed.

  “Out of anger and jealousy from your confession that you and Belon kissed, I kissed him one night while I practiced with him, but it was Belon who had me see my wrong before I did more.”

  Aderac made a loud gasp, which cut into Belon down to his bones, and he turned all his attention to Aderac now.

  “What did my ears just hear?” Aderac questioned in utter disbelief, “What did they hear?”

  Belon humbly held his head down. He stood in front of him, unsure where to begin explaining why he kissed Ogorec, but prepared to answer truthfully anything he asked.

  “You kissed him,” Aderac whined, as he looked at Belon now sure of what he heard, “How could you? How could you Belon?”

  “He kissed me,” Belon quickly corrected.

  “When Belon, when?”

  “It was as you lay resting after I found you. I swear there was nothing more, nor shall ever be.”

  “Belon.” Aderac pouted saddened, as his heart dropped, “Why did you not reveal this to me, as he so graciously revealed to him?”

  “I know who my heart belongs to,” he devotedly answered, “And it is not to him. I felt there was no need.”

  Aderac’s lips curled and quivered longing to scream angrily at him; but saddened, as well as, mixed with emotion, he slumped.

  “I am going to the chamber,” he suddenly blurted, then turned to walk away.

  “I will follow you.” Belon quickly offered hoping to calm him, “To be with you.”

  Aderac halted before turning to snap. “Perhaps you would rather follow behind and be with him instead of me - you seem to do it so well?”

  “Never speak that way again. You know that is not true,” Belon responded troubled by his words, “Never.”

  Again, Aderac dramatically stormed away. “Do not follow behind me Belon. I need to be alone.”

  “But Aderac,” Belon tried to plead while following him, “Let me go with you; we can speak of this while I hold you.”

  “No, I do not want to be held. I want to be alone!” he stubbornly shouted.

  “You should not be,” he said trying to sway him, and still following because he didn’t want him to be alone and let his imagination run wild about him and Ogorec.
/>   Belon close on his heels, Aderac stopped and turned again. The expression on his face an angry pout combined.

  “Dare you make me speak more words to you when angry to stop you from following me,” he bellowed, “Angry words just to wound you, let me calm Belon.”

  Now obeying, Belon halted and watched him walked away; then once he was out of his sight, he turned and walked back in front of Ovfren, Ogorec, and Enek.

  To keep from looking at the angry expression they knew would be on his face; all three lowered their heads, and refrained from making any comments that would rile him.

  “End this quarrel,” he threatened, so annoyed he wanted to lunge at them, “And should I lose his love from this foolishness between you. I vow to you three; there will be not one day of peace with me ever again.”

  As he walked away, all three looked at each other; then Ogorec looked to Ovfren.

  “Who will it be?”

  Ovfren turned to Enek.

  “Forgive me. I did not mean to lead you in such a way. I was wounded and wanted to wound.”

  Enek simply nodded, then nodded to Ogorec, turned and walked away.

  “Forgive me,” Ovfren now said, when he turned to face Ogorec, “For my wrong.”

  Ogorec huffed loudly, but knew the reason for his behavior.

  “I would be foolish to not,” he understandingly said, and moved his body closer, “And I am not foolish.”

  As all three looked down from the king’s square, they knew a major commotion between the five was going on; then when Aderac hastily walked away, Baric decided to put a stay on the execution.

  “Take the two back to the dark rooms,” he ordered the guards, “They get another day of life.”

  After he gave his threat to the three, Belon ran to the chamber to try to speak to Aderac, but Aderac, who heard him right behind him, still wounded and angry, slammed the chamber door just as Belon was close to it.

  Longing to open the door and rush to him to hold him, Belon obeyed and didn’t, slightly banging his forehead against it.

  Struggling within not to open it, unknown to him, Aderac on the other side struggled as well, but wounded by his kiss to Ogorec, couldn’t.

  Ashamed by his betrayal to the one who loved him unconditionally, now beside himself with regret, he longed to go back in time and undue his deed.

  He resolved to wait in front of the door until Aderac opened it, and for hours sat in the hallway staring at door refusing to move from it to do anything, even use the chamber pot.

  As he waited, fearing what he would do if Aderac didn’t open the door, his heart begged that he would; then when it slowly creaked opened; he sprang up, rushed in front of it, and dropped to his knees.

  When Aderac looked down at Belon, he said nothing at first; then lowered his head humbly.

  “I am in love with you,” Belon then whispered, his voice quavering when he looked up and put his arms around Aderac’s waist, “You alone.”

  “Did you return the kiss he gave you?” Aderac asked, afraid to hear the answer, but he had to know if deep within he still desired Ogorec, “Did you keep your lips willingly to his?”

  “I did, and such a fool I am to have.”

  As if he had gutted him, it would have been less painful than his words, Aderac deflated and tried to go back into the chamber, but Belon wouldn’t take his arms from around his waist.

  “Release me,” a crestfallen Aderac demanded. So hurt he felt at any moment he would black out and fall backwards.

  “Please I beg you, let me speak more,” he pleaded, “ I did return his kiss, and after I did I looked over to you as you slept, and my heart raced with the strength of a hundred horses Aderac. It was not from kissing him that made it race, but from looking over to my heart wanting to be beside him as he slept.”

  Aderac half smiled, and his heart slightly lifted. So sincere was Belon’s expression of remorse and devotion as he confessed his heart, with his voice quavering as he did it. He knew, even though, he kissed Ogorec back that Belon loved him, and only him.

  “A person can love one, and still have desire for another,” he; however, knew and voiced his now worry, “Has such become us that you love me, yet desire him? I know I am ugly, and he is handsome, and my body is nothing when scaled to his.”

  Only twice in his life expressing such emotion, which was when he saw Bayl with a tree branch sticking out of his throat ,and when he thought Aderac died when he fell of his horse. Belon gasped loudly for a third time, and just as he feared, while in the chamber, knew Aderac’s imagination ran wild.

  “My king and great love, how could you ask me such a question or even let it be in your head?”

  “You could not resist his kiss,” Aderac again whined unable to understand it. His devotion, loyalty, and love for Belon such that to as much as look at another never once entered his head, “So long have our hearts been one, and still he has such a hold on you that even now you cannot resist his kiss.”

  Still ashamed of himself, Belon looked down, but Aderac took his hand and put it under his chin, and made him look up at him.

  “You will answer me.”

  “I have no true answer of why I did not resist, and dare I insult you trying to find one,” Belon softly spoke. His eyes glistening to flowing freely knowing he had wounded Aderac deeply, “I shall only confess that at one time he had a hold on me, and now I have been graced that another holds me, yet far from the same way.

  I loved him, but still such was I, my desire was not only for him. With you my sweet, such I am now that my devotion, as well as desire are only for one and that one is you. A foolish regretted kiss it was, but nothing to my everlasting kisses upon your lips until I breathe no longer.”

  Aderac’s eyes began to glisten as well, and moved by Belon’s words, forgave him.

  “Hold nothing from me, or do such a hurtful deed to me again.”

  Belon did not stand; instead, he put his head against Aderac’s body.

  “I swear to hold nothing from you and I pray I am never foolish enough again to wound who my heart beats for.”

  “Aw, Belon,” Aderac said, weakened.

  “Only Belon,” he said. His eyes as red as his hair, as he looked up at him saddened that he again called him by his name, and not a loving pet name, “Am I now nothing more than Belon to you?”

  “You shall always be my honey and love,” Aderac now said, as he pulled on Belon so he could stand, “Kiss the only who rules your heart, and is your desire.”

  Belon stood; then moved Aderac back into the chamber, and as he did, he kept his arms around him kissing him while closing the door with his foot.

  “You weaken me,” he lovingly whispered, as he looked into his eyes and whisked him into his arms to take him to bed, “And are able to command or strike me down with just a look from your eyes.”

  “We weaken and strengthen each other by our love.” Aderac melted, “And shall always.”

  After taking him to bed, Belon placed his body next to Aderac’s body and rested his head on his hand, then he looked down at him lovingly saying nothing while tenderly stroking the side of his head and hair for what seemed a long time.

  “What is it?” Aderac finally asked, as he looked back at him, and smiled as he did it.

  “That.” Belon smiled back, “I was waiting for that.”

  His eyes again filled with joy, Aderac smiled again. “My honey is always so silly with me.”

  Belon didn’t respond at first, instead he leaned to his lips to kiss him.

  “Who is deeply in love has the right to be silly, and that I am,” his words, as he put his arms around Aderac, who held him back, putting his fingers deep into his hair as their lips joined.


  That next morning, close by his side, Belon walked with Aderac to the king’s square in the courtyard of mercy, then when Aderac sat, he leaned down and gave him a tender kiss, and walked away, but stayed close.

  “They have mended their quarrel,�
� Loth whispered over to Laad when he saw them.

  “Good,” Laad replied, glad to get back to the matter at hand, which was seeing the two hang.

  “Look,” Loth then said, when the saw the doors swing open with Lord Cadon and Lord Elgen in chains being led to the platform.

  After the guards brought Lord Cadon and Lord Elgen out, the executioner secured the nooses around their necks.

  Baric, at first deciding to let them speak their last words, after reasoning it an insult to have them address the same people that if they had their wish would all be dead, changed his mind and kept them gagged.

  Looking at them both from the square, Baric inhaled, as he resolved his decision was one long overdue; then looked to Aderac, who nodded for the execution to proceed.

  “Hang them,” Baric’s simple order, as the executioner turned the heavy wooden handle that opened traps beneath their feet, and as both dropped, just as was their united deadly deeds that brought about their fate, their necks snapped in unison.

  As both lifeless bodies swung freely, Baric also decided to let them remain on the platform until the sun set.

  “For all to see the justice of treachery,” his words, as he stood to leave the platform, “Let them swing here all day.”

  Their now lifeless bodies on display, Belon gave one more command. “Send a message to Celgon about their lords fate and of Celgon’s awaiting fate.”

  Belon watching from below, when he looked out and saw Mogen standing in the courtyard with a few men with him remembered his promise to him.

  “King Aderac,” Belon said in front of the others.

  Always when fully addressed by him, Aderac new business was to follow. “Yes, Grand Commander Belon.”

  “The men from the village are here,” Belon continued, “To keep from more bloodshed; I made a promise that they could ask of you something within reason if they handed them over.”

  Aderac looked at Mogen, then back to Belon. “I will see him.”

  Listening to it as well, Baric let Aderac borrow his court.

  “They can ask it in court,” he offered, and walked down the stairs.

  As all walked, Ogorec smiled to Ovfren lovingly, and followed Baric to court; then once all were inside, although offered, Aderac stood on the stairs instead of sitting on Baric’s throne.


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