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The Shifter's Gift

Page 2

by Haley Weir

  Bradley gritted his teeth, clearly unhappy with Mason’s plea. “You might not want to settle down now, but tell me, when will that time come? Huh? When you’re thirty-five years old? Forty? Fifty? Love is a fickle beast. Our fathers matched your mother and I to form an alliance between our two packs. We love each other dearly now, but it wasn’t easy at the beginning.” He held up a hand as if to dissuade any further argument. “I have no plans to put any of you boys through something like that, but for crying out loud, Liam is my only son who even has a girlfriend!” He slapped his hands on the desk with a loud bang. His arms shook with his barely contained anger. “You’re not even trying to find someone! If you don’t want to lose your standing with the pack and completely lose my respect, then you will find yourself a mate.”

  Mason took a few steadying breaths before meeting his father’s gaze, keeping himself calm and to avoid escalating the argument. “The last thing I’d ever want to do is lose my place in the pack, and your respect means everything to me.” But none of that meant Mason wanted a mate. He kept his expression neutral, refusing to show weakness in front of his alpha. “I know it’s not easy to find someone. I’ve dated in the past, but I suppose I can keep my eyes open to potential mates.” His parents explained the trials and tribulations of their arranged marriage many times in the past. That wasn’t something any of his brothers ever wanted to experience.

  Jeffery, one of the alphas down in Nevada, used to joke about what pretty children Bradley’s boys would make with Jeffery’s girls. His father would laugh and agree, but would always explain that an arranged marriage wasn’t what he wanted for his kids. He wanted his boys to find love organically. Jeffery ended up setting his two girls up with pack members in Utah and Arizona.

  Bradley shook his head, and he slowly sat back in his chair. “That’s not good enough, son. By next month’s pack meeting, I want you to have someone. If you don’t, I’m afraid you will have to step down as CEO.” His father’s voice softened and broke a little when he said that last part. “That’s all I wanted to talk about. I need to take care of some more business before I need to get ready. Your mother and I are going on our weekly date tonight, and I don’t want to disappoint.”

  Mason felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. It took a few moments before Mason could process his father’s words. He loved serving as the company’s CEO. How could his dad threaten to take away something he’d worked so hard for? He opened his mouth to respond, but he knew nothing he could say would change his fathers mind. “I hope you and Mom have a pleasant evening.”

  Mason retreated from the room before his father could reply. He needed to be alone so he could make a plan. Deep in thought, he nearly slammed into his brother Liam, causing him to drop the pile of mail he was bringing inside for his parents.

  “Whoa, Mason, slow down. What’s going on?” Liam said, picking up the buddle of letters off of the floor.

  “I really don’t feel like talking about it right now.”

  Liam placed the mail on the kitchen table and placed a hand on his older brother’s shoulders. “Pop talking about how you need a mate again?” He pulled out one of the chairs and motioned for Mason to take a seat. “Come to my office,” Liam joked. He sank into a chair beside Mason. “Now, tell me what’s going on.”

  Mason ran his hands through his hair. “Yes, Dad gave me an ultimatum. He told me that if I don’t find a mate soon…” he couldn’t finish the sentence without his voice breaking, his throat felt raw. “I’ll not only lose my standing with the pack and dads respect, but now he’s saying I’ll be forced to step down as the CEO. I just…I can’t believe he’d do something like that to me.”

  Liam’s playful demeanor melted into stunned silence. “Shit, Mason. That’s serious.” He glanced over at the postcard on the table that he’d picked up a few moments ago. “How long did Dad say you have to find someone?”

  “The next pack meeting. I’m in a serious time crunch. How in the hell am I going to pull this off?”

  Liam held up the postcard, an advertisement for Prince Dating Agency, and pointed to the agency’s guarantee that each client would find his or her perfect match. “I’ve heard about this place. Their reputation is pretty good. Maybe you should give them a shot. It’s a place to start, at least.”

  Mason hung his head in his hands; unable to believe he was actually considering this. “If these weren’t such dire times, I’d punch you for even suggesting something like this, but maybe you’re right. I don’t have the time or patience to hang out at bars or night clubs.”

  Liam patted him on the back. “Hanging out at bars worked wonders for me, brother, but not everyone can be blessed with my handsome good looks.” He jokingly darted away when Mason cocked back his fist. “Come on now. You wouldn’t want to ruin this face—more than you already have at least.” Liam touched the crook in his nose, evidence of a boyhood scuffle that went to far, causing a trip to the emergency room and a broken nose. Liam never got over the fact his brother had nearly wrecked his “perfect” face.

  “You’re not the only one with good looks, Liam.” He picked up the postcard, shaking his head. “Fine, I’ll try this place out. Hopefully it works.”

  Chapter Three

  The job interview loomed on the horizon for Ava. Doubt started to tug at her, shaking her confidence. If this job didn’t pan out, she’d be right back where she started, and the due date on her eviction notice crept closer. If she didn’t start earning some money soon, her future wouldn’t be very bright.

  Ava chewed on her lower lip, trying to cast out the negative thoughts swirling around in her brain. She couldn’t lose her hope before interviewing in person. It was the first time in a while she thought she actually had a chance.

  She brushed her light brown hair and applied make-up. Over the past few months, she’d remained indoors so much that she had grown even paler than during her rebellious Goth stage in high school, and that was saying something.

  She double-checked her dress again from all angles to make sure she looked professional, classy, and capable of handling whatever the company threw at her. This dress and cardigan combination was the same outfit she wore during her interview when she landed her “dream” marketing job. Maybe, if luck were anything like lightning, it would strike twice.

  The drive over to the Prince Dating Agency wasn’t terribly busy, so she had some time to wait in the parking lot before the interview. She looked up at the big glass and steel building before her. Her stomach churned with nerves again. She wondered if she actually had what it took to work here, or anywhere in her field after she faced rejection so many times.

  She drew in a breath then let it out slowly. Regardless of the butterflies in her stomach, she would do what she came here to do: go inside, let them know she was ready for the interview, and dazzle them with her resume and personality. The worst thing they could say is no. If that happened, she’d be back to where she started on the job hunt, but it wouldn’t be the end of her. With another deep breath, Ava stepped out of her car and headed for the door.

  The young receptionist at the front desk gave Ava a warm smile when she walked inside. “Welcome to Prince Dating Agency. Ms. Prince will help you find your match shortly. May I have your name?”

  Ava widened her eyes a little. She glanced behind her to make sure the receptionist wasn’t speaking to someone else instead, but no one was there. “Thank you. Actually, I’m here for an interview with Henrietta Douglas. I’m a little early. My name is Ava Daniels.”

  The receptionist’s eyes lit up when she spoke. “Hello, Ms. Daniels! Absolutely. I’ll let Ms. Douglas know you’re here. She will be with you shortly. If you could have a seat, there’s a Keurig machine in the waiting room. Feel free to grab a coffee or some hot chocolate while you’re waiting.”

  “Thank you.” She dipped her head and went to the waiting room. There were a few other people there, men and women in Armani, Gucci, and other high-end brands. They reminded her
of how she used to live. She looked away and glanced at the Keurig machine set up on a small table with the vast array of tiny cups and snacks.

  But the last thing she wanted was to carry around a coffee and a bag of chips during her interview. Still, she could smell the coffee in the air, and glanced at all the other people in the room sipping contently. She could feel a few of the men staring at her, as she stood transfixed in front of the coffeemaker.

  “Ms. Daniels?” a familiar voice said behind her. “Welcome. It’s good to meet you in person. I’m Henrietta. If you’d like to follow me, we’ll meet in the conference room.”

  “Hi, yes! Absolutely,” Ava said, and followed Henrietta through the office.

  The other women working at the Prince Dating Agency gave warm, friendly smiles to greet Henrietta and Ava as they walked by. The office environment felt so different from her old job. Everyone was engaged in their work because it seemed like they enjoyed interacting with others, not because of career aspirations or to climb up the corporate ladder.

  The interview rehashed some of what they had discussed over the phone, but Ava was able to go into more detail with Henrietta now. She could open up to her a little more, and it felt like she’d known her for years after the interview came to a close.

  “I think you have real promise here, Ava,” Henrietta said earnestly, and smiled. “You are smart, highly skilled, and you have great ideas. I’ll go see if Ms. Price busy, I would love to have her meet you today as well. I’ll be right back.” She rose from her chair then walked to the door.

  A few minutes later, Henrietta came back into the conference room accompanied by an elegant woman dressed in a white skirt and jacket. She wore a curious, appraising look rather than the automatic warmth everyone else had shown. Her clothes were crisp and well tailored.

  Henrietta glanced between her boss and Ava. “Ms. Prince, this is Ms. Daniels. She is interviewing for the marketing position. She has a strong set of skills, great experience, and I think she’d be quite an asset to the company. Ms. Daniels, I’d like you to meet Ms. Prince. She founded this company and tirelessly works to make sure every person who walks through the doors is paired with their perfect match.”

  Ava stood up from her chair with a smile, and extended her hand. Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach. “Hello, it’s wonderful to meet you. Thank you for the opportunity to be here and interview with you.”

  Ms. Prince accepted her hand. Tingling electricity chased up Ava’s arm when their hands touched. For a moment, Ava wondered if it was static electricity, but all of the floors were hardwood. Ms. Prince closed her eyes for a moment as if concentrating on a distant tune. When she opened them, Ms. Prince released Ava’s hand, and a smile softened her features. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well. Take a seat, Ms. Daniels. I’d like to hear your marketing plan for my business.”

  Chapter Four

  Mason straightened his tie and looked in his SUV’s rear view mirror. He swept his hands through his wavy black hair. His appointment at the dating agency was in a few minutes. He was surprised they fit him in with such short notice. Granted, that was after he told them his full name, which definitely carried weight in the community.

  He leaned back into the driver’s seat and looked at the building. The fact he was there at all showed how desperate he was to not lose everything he worked for. But he still hated the idea of it. He wasn’t desperate. He never liked blind dates, and refused to settle for just anyone. Unfortunately, his father had put him in this position.

  Mason stepped out of his SUV after one last look in the rear view mirror. He walked to the building with long strides, trying to project and manifest the confidence he lacked at that moment. Ever since his father gave him the ultimatum, he didn’t feel like himself. Things at work weren’t as easy to manage; he couldn’t seem to muster his typical “can do” attitude. Trying to find a mate, especially through a dating agency, was thing he should need to worry about. He was in his early thirties. Not to mention, whenever he needed a woman’s attention in the past, he didn’t need to search long or hard to find it.

  As soon as he opened the door, a cute brunette receptionist sitting at the front desk smiled at him. “Welcome to Prince Dating Agency. Ms. Prince will help you find your match in a few moments. May I have your name?”

  He did his best not to grimace and keep a neutral face. “Mason Sinclair.”

  She typed something into her computer, and then turned a bright smile to him. “Thank you, Mr. Sinclair! Ms. Prince knows you’re here. She’ll be with you soon. If you could have a seat, there’s a Keurig machine in the waiting room. Feel free to make a coffee or some hot chocolate while you’re waiting.”

  “Thanks.” He headed over to the machine, and fixed himself a dark roast coffee before taking a seat.

  After a few moments, one of the employees came to the waiting area, craning her neck to look around the room. They made eye contact. “Mr. Sinclair? Please come with me, and you will be asked a few questions before Ms. Prince comes in to meet with you.” She looked young, brunette, and innocently pretty. The person who did the hiring certainly seemed to have a type. Or maybe it was just a coincidence?

  Mason tossed his paper coffee cup into the wastebasket. He turned and saw the woman was already out of sight. He rounded the corner quickly to follow her, and realized another woman was barreling towards him, distracted. Her head was turned, and he was moving too fast. They were about to collide.

  She smacked against his chest hard, letting out a startled yelp. She teetered on her high heels, and he grabbed her by the shoulders to steady her. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz.” Her gaze ran up his torso until she looked at his face, when her blue eyes widened and a pink blush spread up her neck to deepen the color of her cheeks.

  A smirk spread across his lips. “No problem, miss. You’re fine.” Normally he could easily bounce back in situations like these, but he felt his beast rear its head. It sniffed at her, drawing in scent of lilac on her skin and in her hair.

  The smile faded at the corners. He was shocked by how nervous he felt around her, and the intensity of his desire for this stranger. Many shifters over the years explained to Mason that finding their fated mate was almost like love at first sight. He had thought it was yet another tradition that stemmed partly from fantasy and folklore. Now he wasn’t so sure.

  The lady in his arms stared up at him, making no effort to pull away. It seemed like she was reading his mind, and felt the same magnetic pull. As quickly as that fantasy entered his mind, it was shattered with a few words.

  The woman who originally called his name noticed that Mason was not directly behind her, and doubled back to find the pair in their current precarious position. She cleared her throat, attempting to pull the two of them back to reality. “Mr. Sinclair? Would you please follow me?” she asked, frowning slightly.

  “Of course. If you’ll excuse me, miss. Be careful out there.” He released the woman in his arms, even if his bear wasn’t yet ready to let her go. He walked after the brunette, but he couldn’t help but glance back at the woman standing there one final time. Maybe this place was the answer to his problems, especially if he could be matched up with a girl like that.

  “Right in here, if you will, Mr. Sinclair.” She opened the door to an office decorated in white with red accent colors. He took a seat in one of the two chairs facing the desk. The nameplate on the desk informed Mason that the woman’s name was Isabella. Isabella got settled and briefly started typing on her computer. After a beat, she looked back up him. “Thank you for coming into Prince Dating Agency. Once I’ve taken down your preferences, you’ll be able to speak with Ms. Prince. She is our founder and the matchmaker. She’s very gifted at helping those looking for love. So, to start us off, what brings you in today?” She gave him a more relaxed smile now that they had gotten down to business. She was clearly in her element.

  Mason pointedly looked around the room and shrugged. “I suppose I�
�m here to find my special someone. My brother showed me the mailer for this place. To be blunt, I’ve never seen dating as something I struggle with.” He ran a hand through his hair, feeling on edge after his interaction with that woman in the hallway. He should’ve just asked her for her number while he’d had the chance. He’d been so distracted by his bear that he let the opportunity slip through his fingers. “I’m busier than I used to be since I spend quite a bit of time at the office. I figured I could use the help. Besides, my father isn’t content that I’m single. He wants to see me find the right person,” he explained vaguely.

  Isabella nodded as she jotted down notes using a pen and paper now. “Yes, we can definitely help you. Don’t worry if you feel skeptical about this process. Many of the clients we work with are hesitant at first. If you keep an open mind, I know you’ll be pleased with the results.” She tilted her head to the side, thinking for a moment. “So your biggest challenge right now with dating is your job. What would you say you’re looking for in another person? Do you have any preferences in terms of hair color, what type of personality do you feel is best suited to yours? Anything at all we should know?”

  Mason ran his hands through his hair again. This was complicated. He knew what they were asking, and he resented it a little. Did he have a type? Would he want to be matched with a five-foot-two platinum blonde who wore a size zero? No way. “Right. My job is a challenge, but I can deal with it during this process. I have some flexibility right now.” When he’d admitted what he was doing to his father, Bradley enthusiastically told him he could take as much time as he needed in order to fulfill his duties to the pack.

  “I don’t have strong preferences when it comes to women,” Mason continued, uncomfortably fidgeting in his chair. “If we hit it off, then we do. I’m not superficial. I don’t target women based on their hair color or waist size. In terms of personality, I like someone who is comfortable in her own skin. I guess I want someone who is confident, who doesn’t take life too seriously. Someone who has ambitions and isn’t content to just settle.”


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