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The Shifter's Gift

Page 58

by Haley Weir

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?” Scyros asked.

  “Because if a Serpentina comes in to attack, they are going to discover her.”

  Scyros thought about this a minute and shrugged. “That’s true, but if she can’t even fly, there is no chance she will be able to defend herself. Might as well teach her the basics.” Laine nodded and Belle cleared her throat.

  “I’m really sorry about upstairs, I have a little money saved to help repair the damage, I…”

  “Keep your money, Belle,” Drake answered. “Accidents happen, and as a member of this house, you are entitled to the perks that come with it.”

  “Member of this house?” Belle looked confused.

  “Of course, silly.” Claire stood up. “You’re mated to Sky, so that makes you a member of this house. You’re family.” Bell was completely overwhelmed by their kindness.

  “Thank you. That’s so kind,” she finally said. Claire looked relieved.

  “Why don’t I fly with you, just to watch your back? That way you can both focus on the lesson,” Ari offered.

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Drake nodded. “Laine and I will begin to help Corey clean out the room.”

  “Wait, I destroyed it, I want to help-”

  “I think the best thing for you will be to learn to fly,” Drake cut her off. “The sooner you are comfortable with yourself, the better.”

  Belle nodded and the three of them walked out the door. Ari gave them some space and Sky guided Belle towards the park. If any of the neighbors had an issue with the sounds she had made earlier, they weren’t coming to investigate. Scyros wanted nothing more than to return to his bedroom with Belle and keep her there until she was comfortable in her own skin. He thought she was nothing short of stunning. He wish she believed it as well.

  “Now, the trick with shifting back into dragon form is much like it is pouring yourself into human form. You need to relax your mind and concentrate on the state of being you want to be in.”

  “Yeah but won’t I crush people again, or set them on fire?”

  “No. Ari will make sure no one comes this way, and as for the fire, concentrate on the flying. Learning to speak as a dragon is another lesson.”

  “How do I fly?” The question was simple enough and Scyros considered it. It wasn’t that the mechanics of it weren’t inexplicable. There were aerodynamics and such but the long and short of it was to start pumping her wings.

  Scyros explained this, but then he went on to describe something else. “Flying is like becoming a part of the sky. I know this sounds strange, but think of yourself as being one with the wind when you get going. There’s no need to worry about humans seeing you. They think we are mere shadows passing by. But to really grasp the fundamentals of flying, even above mechanics, I think that is the single most important thing to remember. Are you ready to try?”

  Belle nodded, and Scyros stepped back. She awkwardly began to remove her clothing and looked around to make sure no one was approaching. Scyros sucked in a breath, overcome with how truly beautiful she was. In the next instant, when she had calmed her mind and shifted to dragon form, he couldn’t decide which was more beautiful. She was like the other Serpentina, green with black tipped scales and spikes. The male warriors were all black with silver tips, but the females were the true gems of the race. They came in all colors and hues. Belle was an emerald and ebony dragon. She seemed to take notice of herself for the first time, and seemed overjoyed by what she saw.

  Scyros shifted quickly and then launched himself into the air to give her an example of what she should do. She stumbled and faltered slightly in the air, but she still had the speed to keep their race a secret from the humans. She was smaller than Sky, and significantly faster once she picked up on the nuances of how to catch the downdrafts in the air and use them to her advantage. Scyros noticed Ari following them, circling around and watching their backs whilst Scyros demonstrated different flying techniques. Once she got over the self-consciousness, Scyros enjoyed watching her play in the air and discover her new-found freedom.

  She rolled and dipped and snorted smoke at him, and he weaved in and around her, almost like he was dancing with her in the sky as they headed out over the bay. Scyros kept an eye the entire time for any Serpentina who might try and attack them, but he didn’t spot any. They flew about an hour before Scyros decided it was time to head back. Her wings were surely going to ache, and he wanted to help Drake and Laine with his room.

  Scyros banked around and Belle followed. He was beginning to feel like an ambush from the Serpentina was imminent, but when they touched down successfully in Central Park, he was grateful.

  “That was amazing! When can we go again? Wait, I don’t need permission to go again. We should go right now!” He face was lit up with enthusiasm that was charming. Scyros hated to burst her bubble.

  “No, you don’t need permission to fly. I would like to point out the risk assessment of it though. Besides, I thought you wanted to help with clean up of my bedroom?” He used the only means he could to keep her firmly on the ground. He was relieved when she did not seem too disappointed.

  They returned to the house and joined the fray, which had become a full household party to clear the debris. Scyros smiled every time he heard Belle apologize. The more his brothers and their mates teased her, the more relaxed she became. Corey had set up a temporary room down the hall, and by the time the sun rose fully in the sky, Belle was as exhausted as he was. They collapsed into bed together, not caring that they were less than a day-old strangers but bonded with one another in an inexplicable way. Scyros pulled her into his chest and she went willingly, quickly falling into a deep sleep. When Scyros heard her breath soften, he closed his eyes and let himself fall into the most peaceful slumber he had ever been in.

  Chapter 11

  Belle spent the next few days helping with the clean up and remodeling of Sky’s room. Corey had ordered new sheet rock and began plastering the walls. A new window was installed, and a company was hired to come in and remove the broken pieces of furniture. When the men that came to haul everything away took one look at the room, Belle had to turn away to hide her blush. She couldn’t believe that she had caused so much destruction.

  Her job was also very much on her mind. She hadn’t raised the issue to Scyros because she wasn’t sure how he would react to her going home and returning to her normal routine. And truth be told, Belle loved that she finally had a place where she fit in. She and Scyros had gone flying every night and she was getting better at it. She was about to discuss going out on her own, as well as her intention to head home when she came down the stairs and found everyone in the sitting room. There were a few people she did not recognize there as well.She caught Sky’s eye and he looked grim, but gave her a brief reassuring smile.

  “Scyros, what is going on?” she asked, edging around the room towards him.

  “Belle, this is Lucien from the European Council, and these are all of our cousins from across the ocean. They have come, in part, because of the new information regarding the Serpentina.” He looked sideways at Lucien who nodded politely to her.

  “Hi.” She stuck out her hand and he looked at it a moment before shaking it. His palm was warm, but his face remained impassive.

  “You were telling the truth.”

  “It’s funny you should say that cousin, I do that a lot,” Scyros’ tone was wry.

  “Forgive my rudeness,” Lucien said. “It’s just...we have thought of the Serpentina to be of one mind for so long, it is unusual for us to encounter one who is…civil.” His accent held a note of surprise that Belle was unable to understand. “Does she shift like…” He looked her up and down and Belle blushed as she heard a growl from Sky.

  “Yes, she shifts to a dragon,” Drake answered for Sky, as he was focused on keeping his composure. Lucien’s question was innocent enough, but the entire room was focused on Belle as if she was a parasite. She supposed she couldn’t blame them base
d on the destruction caused by the Serpentina.

  “I suppose she proves your theory that mating with humans is in our best interest.” Belle knew the warriors had turned to taking humans as mates, but she supposed she was the official proof that mating with them and having children was a successful venture.

  “Scyros, what is going on? Why are they here?” she asked quietly.

  “They are here because we are going to strike the Serpentina once and for all in their home base. We are all ready to be done with the war. Had we known centuries ago what we do now, we would have put a stop to this. Dragon law is archaic, but we have evolved with the times. If the Serpentina wanted to change the way things were done by the Council, they were never denied a voice or platform to express that. They chose to attack and kill us instead,” Scyros answered.

  Belle’s stomach sank. She knew this would mean the eradication of the Serpentina for good. It meant that from then on, all future female dragons would be half-breeds like her. They would have to be carefully watched and guarded until their transitions. That fact made her cheeks burn; she knew the Council must have been brought up to speed about the catalyst of her shift: sex.

  Belle nodded. She had no control over their plans. A small part of her knew it was futile to wish that someone might find out what happened to her mother. Belle looked around for Claire, Riley, and Jennifer for comfort. They had become not only her friends, but her family as well. She really wanted the reassurance that everything was going to be alright.

  Belle squeezed Sky’s arm. “I’m going to grab a coffee, okay?” He nodded, and she left under the watchful eyes of the Council. She knew she was the topic of discussion; they were likely debating what to do about her. But she did not want to know the details. Bella hoped that her honor-bound status extended to the cousins, but that did not mean any of them had to trust or like her, though.

  She made her way to the kitchen where she found her friends, and was greeted by an African American woman who was chatting with Corey. Their features were similar, and Belle guessed she was Tanya, Lucien’s mate and Corey’s sister. She also knew Lucien, or Luke, had been Cairne’s best friend.

  Tanya looked up and saw her loitering in the doorway. Belle was relieved to see her smile. “Here she is!” she exclaimed. Corey immediately began pouring Belle a cup of coffee as the girls scooted over to make room for her.

  “Hello.” She held out her hand and Tanya shook it. “It seems I’m the topic of conversation everywhere.” She looked sheepishly down into the cup that Corey handed to her.

  “The warriors talking about you?” Claire asked. She huffed and held her stomach. Her belly had swollen to almost twice its previous size overnight. Little was known about human and dragon pregnancies, but they guessed Claire was due any day. It seemed dragons didn’t require a full nine months to be carried to term.

  “Yes. They don’t trust me,” Belle said, sipping her coffee.

  “Can you blame them?” Jennifer was practical. Belle didn’t mind her question.

  “No. Of course not. It’s just a lot to take in. What prompted them to come?”

  “Drake called the Council the other night when you showed up. It was decided they would come and help eradicate the American Serpentina. With the new information your existence provides, their battle strategy will change.” None of the women looked reassured by these words. Each was thinking of their own respective mate. Even Belle thought about Scyros. He hadn’t pushed her again for sex, but they had slept side by side each night, exhausted and unsure what to do with one another. She liked his sense of humor, and he was quickly becoming a friend, something she could only hope would improve with time. She supposed that was more than could be expected for an arranged marriage. It didn’t change the fact that she needed some space and time to think about everything that had happened.

  “Can you tell Scyros when he is done with his meeting that I ran home to my apartment? I need to figure out what to do with it and talk to my boss at the ticket booth.” Belle finished her coffee and stood.

  “He’s not going to like it if you leave,” Riley warned.

  “I know. But I don’t need anyone’s permission to come and go as I please. I need to see if I still have a job,” she insisted.

  “Belle, are you aware being mated to a dragon warrior comes with a yearly stipend? Dragons are notorious for their gold; you are rich by default. Has no one given you your credit card?” Claire looked around like there was someone who was supposed to stand at the door and hand the cards out like candy.

  “Um, no. That’s...okay. I’ve grown up taking care of myself. And from what I understand, Sky gambled his stipend away. All the more reason to see about my job.” Belle began walking to the door.

  “Belle, really, Drake won’t take that from you. He doesn’t want to see you suffer. It is yours and-”

  “And I apologize, Miss Belle. I have ordered the card, but it hasn’t arrived yet,” Corey offered. Belle felt her cheeks flush hot.

  “Thanks, but I really do need to check in on my apartment. I just need a little space.”

  Belle turned and made it to the door, but not before she heard Tanya say, “I worry that she doesn’t realize that she is still responsible to adhere to dragon law, even if she just discovered her true identity. If she runs, the Council will force her to remain under guard.”

  Belle walked faster, putting as much distance as she could between herself and the watchful eyes of the house. She was able to slip out the door because the warriors were in such a deeply heated conversation that no one looked up and noticed she was gone.

  Belle considered going to the park for her first solo flight, but she had responsibilities to see to first. She made her way down to Times Square and checked in with her manager who unfortunately wasn’t able to give her the job back. She could not blame them; she was a no show all week.

  Belle thought about what she might do then. If she wanted to keep her apartment, she would have to start looking for a job soon. Belle crossed the square and spotted the bar and the alley where she had first encountered Scyros. It seemed different in the light of day; less foreboding.

  Belle made her way to her apartment. It looked exactly as it had the night she went down to the bar. She picked up a puzzle piece, marveling at the green on the scales. She still couldn’t believe her own were so vibrant. They put the puzzle pieces to shame. Belle walked around the apartment, picking things up and putting them down restlessly. She still had a few weeks before rent was due. By then, she could figure out her job situation and what she wanted to do with the place.

  After spending half an hour in the apartment, Belle decided that, for now, she would return to the brownstone so as not to cause any more discord. She packed some of her personal belongings in a bag and headed back towards the park.

  As she approached the park, she made a snap decision. Belle hid her duffel bag near the rest of the clothes, and quickly stripped down. She shifted and shot herself into the sky. Once airborne, she pointed herself north, and began flying like she had never flown before.

  Chapter 12

  Corey pulled Sky aside and informed him of Belle’s departure. It took him a few moments before he was able to slip away, because he damn sure wasn’t going to leave when the very thing the Council was discussing was his mate.

  “I don’t think she can be trusted. She’s a spy!” an elder Council member and the King of the Dragons commented. Sky felt the heat in his eyes and forced himself to remain calm. He gritted his teeth at the warning look on Drake’s face. He reminded himself that their concerns were founded. He had felt them too, as had the rest of his brothers.

  “Kylar, it isn’t as simple as her being a female. She is dragon-born, yes, but she was raised by humans and has only just learned her true identity. We can’t condemn her based on gender alone,” Drake countered.

  “How do we know that is the truth?” Kylar spat back.

  “I told you, we’ve done an extensive background check o
n her. There is nothing in her past that indicates she was ever in contact with the Serpentina.” Drake’s tone was calm, but even Sky could hear the note of irritation in it. Kylar had been on this for an hour.

  “But we know nothing of her transition except it was sex related. With Scyros not saying anything about…”

  “With all due respect, Kylar, I am not providing any of you the details of the night we were first mated. They’re private,” Scyros reiterated.

  “I think we should put it to a vote. You’ve all read the background information about her. You’ve heard testimony from myself, as well as my fellow warriors, Crylaine, Arrlien, and Scyros,” Drake offered. He was challenging the Council. Anyone who opposed his testament to Belle’s character was calling him a liar, and that was tricky thing to do to the Leader of the American Dragons. Scyros watched as the votes were cast. He raised his hand in favor of pardoning Belle for being a Serpentina, and then he caught Drake’s eye. Without words, he indicated he needed to be excused.

  Sky raced across the street into the park. He saw a duffel bag at the base of a tree, which meant Belle was in flight already. Without further delay, Sky shifted and launched himself in the air, scanning the sky for signs of Belle. She was nowhere in sight, but Sky knew without a shadow of doubt where she had headed. Sky banked left and began to soar over the city, heading north towards the Hudson Valley where home was. It had been awhile since he could take in the breathtaking hues of green from the foliage on the river, but none of it compared to the emerald of his Belle. She was as her name meant, beautiful. Although he thought of her as his, he supposed she wouldn’t be truly his until she was ready.

  Sky found her doing lazy swoops and tumbles in the sky about halfway up the river from the city and his home on the Hudson. “What are you doing Emmy-Belle?” He nicknamed her. She gave him a quizzical look. He didn’t want to alarm her with how dangerously close they were to enemy territory, but inside his head was screaming. For once in his life, he had discovered a risk he wasn’t willing to take, and that was with her. “Emerald, like your scales, and Belle for your name. Emmy-Belle.” His voice came out in a hiss, but he tried to emulate serenity and playfulness. He kept glancing north to make sure the enemy wasn’t approaching. “It’s not safe here, and I think you know that. So I am asking you to please turn around with me and let’s talk about this.”


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