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The Shifter's Gift

Page 65

by Haley Weir

“You’ve got it,” says J.P. and he disappears to the bar along with Avery and Blake. Mikayla is alone with her thoughts and her guilt. She tries to reason with herself. I didn’t do anything wrong. I am not in a relationship. Even if I were, I still haven’t done anything wrong, she thinks to herself.

  She goes to text Ethan back but isn’t quite sure what to say. If she’s being honest with herself, she finds the text more smothering than sweet. She likes him, but she also wasn’t planning to get involved in something so serious that she’s getting “i miss you” texts. In that moment, Mikayla makes a decision. She belongs to no one. If she were out in the city, she’d be throwing herself at this J.P. guy. She wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity now. She stands up, feeling a little woozy after finishing off her second drink.

  “Oh barkeep, another please,” she calls out to J.P., who is returning to her with another drink.

  “You’re fun,” he says to Mikayla. They meet Blake and Avery out on the dance floor. Mikayla practically chugs her drink.

  “And you can drink!” J.P. adds on, overjoyed.

  “I am fun,” Mikayla says, and in that moment, whether it is to regain her feeling of independence, pure animalistic attraction, the alcohol, or the combination of it all, she presses her lips onto J.P.’s right there on the dance floor.

  Chapter 16

  J.P. kisses her back, hard and aggressive. He presses into her body with his own as they swirl their tongues together, and slowly move out of the limelight of the dance floor and towards the back door. Mikayla wonders for a moment if it would be safest if she remains within view of her friends, but decides to ride her wave of independence and continue on. They disappear outside into the dimly light area behind the bar. There’s a picnic table, and J.P. carries her towards it.

  Laying her down on the table under the dim lighting and the buzz of the summer bugs, J.P. unzips his pants and reveals his erection. Mikayla’s mind is really spinning now, with a combination of alcohol and the uncertainty she feels about her situation. She reasons that it has nothing to do with Ethan, but she just can’t have sex with some guy she barely knows. It breaks the set of rules she’s set for herself, rules that are loose and few, but give her some sort of guide on how to act.

  “I can’t,” Mikayla says, sitting up. “I really need some water.”

  “You can,” J.P. says, but sternly without a smile. Mikayla desperately wishes she hadn’t left the bar with him. She’s feeling panicked suddently, and goes to stand up when J.P. pushes her down, using a lot of force. Now, Mikayla is justifiably terrified. The huge man who had charmed her just moments before is now using force with her. She isn’t sure if she can outrun him with her ankle, so she doesn’t try. She looks around to see if there’s anyone witnessing the encounter, but they’re in complete isolation.

  “Get OFF me,” Mikayla practically growls at J.P.

  “Make me,” J.P. says. At that moment, a huge roar practically shakes the ground and a grizzly bear comes tearing through the woods that borders the bar. The bear comes charging at J.P., knocking him to the ground. He’s got him pinned. J.P. doesn’t stand a chance.

  “Go!” the bear says in a deep voice. Of course, it’s Ethan. Mikayla doesn’t question how he found her or what he is going to do with J.P. She flees inside the bar, searching for Avery and Blake. She pushes through groups of bikers and townsfolk to reach her friends at the bar.

  “We have to go. Now,” Mikayla says in a panic.

  “Is everything okay?” Avery asks.

  “Yeah, what’s going on?” Blake chimes in.

  “Everything’s okay. I think. I don’t know. Let’s just get in the car,” says Mikayla.

  Without further questions, they exit through the front of the bar, allowing Mikayla to avoid the scene she just escaped from. Blake starts the car and the girls pile in. Mikayla peers out the window behind her as they cruise back to the cabin. She sees a bear dart into the woods away from the bar.

  Chapter 17

  At home, Mikayla assures Blake and Avery that she’s fine and just started to feel sick after drinking. She mentions nothing of the bear attack. She sits on the couch, waiting for Ethan to appear. Sure enough, a dirty, worn-down Ethan appears through the backdoor wearing tattered jeans and no shirt. Mikayla can’t help but notice how sexy he is with his six-pack and rugged vibe, even though that’s the last place her mind should be.

  “What happened back there?” Mikayla asks Ethan. She’s in pajamas now, sipping a bottle of water and trying to recover physically and mentally from the ordeal they just went through.

  “Nothing. He’s fine…he’ll be fine,” Ethan says. “I just messed him up a little,” he adds proudly.

  “But why were you there? How did you know?” Mikayla interrogates him.

  “Because you didn’t answer my text, and I knew something was wrong.”

  “You can’t just assume that something is wrong because I didn’t answer! You can’t stalk me!”

  “Something was wrong, Mikayla, and I saved you. What are you upset about?” Mikayla’s getting incredibly frustrated. He isn’t wrong- he did save her. But she isn’t keen on the idea of him keeping tabs on her.

  “I can take care of myself,” says Mikayla.

  “Didn’t really look like it,” he adds smugly.

  “I would’ve figured it out,” she says. But tears are welling up in her eyes as the reality of her situation sets in. She isn’t sure what she would’ve done. She immediately feels stupid for trusting a stranger who charmed her with drinks. Mikayla has street smarts…or so she thought.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “It’s gonna be okay,” Ethan comforts her, sitting next to her on the couch, holding her hand. The gesture is gentle and sweet. Guilt overcomes Mikayla.

  “I’m...sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking, just throwing myself at that...beast,” Mikayla says.

  “So that’s how you view a beast, then?”

  She’s well-aware of her word choice. “Yes,” she confirms. “That man is a beast. A monster. When a man tries to deprive me of my humanity, he loses his status as human. He’s a beast,” Mikayla explains.

  “So, what does that make me?” he asks. He leans closer.

  “You are a man,” Mikayla says. “I want to say a ‘hero’ even, but I don’t want to make your head any bigger than it is.” They giggle together.

  Ethan leans in and kisses her. She lets the warm feeling wash over her, briefly forgetting just how wild her night was.

  “You know, I really did miss you,” he says.

  “I missed you too,” Mikayla says, leaning her head on his chest and shutting her eyes, hoping her dreams are just as sweet as Ethan.

  Chapter 18

  “Remember, it’s probably not best to interact with my brothers too much. They’re pretty relentless,” Mikayla says. Ethan and Mikayla are taking a car service further upstate to her sister’s wedding. It’s early in the day, and the afternoon sun is just starting to shine in the sky. It’s warm and muggy, and the A.C. is blasting in the car.

  “I got it, I got it. I won’t provoke the brothers,” says Ethan.

  “I think we’re almost here,” Mikayla changes the subject. She seems frazzled and a bit overwhelmed.

  “Hey, today’s gonna be great,” Ethan says, putting his hand on hers.

  “Oh, I know. I’m not worried. I mean, I’m worried about some things but I’m not worried worried. Its just jitters, I guess,” Mikayla states.

  “What’s got you so nervous? You know, you’re not walking down the aisle or anything,” he laughs.

  But Mikayla doesn’t laugh back. She really is nervous, and doesn’t want to explain to Ethan how it partially has to do with him meeting her family. They can be very judgmental, and she hopes Ethan can hold his own.

  “Oh, we’re here,” says Mikayla, avoiding the question.

  “Great,” Ethan says.

  Ethan gets out of the car first, and comes around to Mikayla’s side to get the door fo
r her. A true gentleman. Mikayla feels a little guilty for being so worried about him. He’s polite, handsome, and he really cares about her. That should be enough for her family. It should be enough for her.

  “You look stunning,” Ethan says.

  “Thanks,” Mikayla says, and she does a twirl. She’s wearing a floral maxi dress, her loosely curled hair cascades over her shoulders. Her eyelids shimmer with gold, and her lips are painted with a gentle pink. She still has her cast and walking boot on, but with the long dress, she feels like she finally is looking and walking like her old self again.

  “You clean up pretty nice yourself,” Mikayla says.

  “Well, you can thank Blake for that. He came through with this suit,” he says.

  The ceremony is starting within the hour. Mikayla takes a deep breath, preparing to introduce her whole family to Ethan. She knows her dad and brothers will be there, but she isn’t sure about her mom. Her mother and Cat have a decent relationship, but Cat was burned by her mother just as badly as Mikayla, so Mikayla isn’t sure if she should plan on seeing her. It would definitely be a relief to have one less family member to deal with. As Mikayla and Ethan approach the beautiful building serving as the location for both the wedding and the reception, her three brothers come barreling through the front door to greet her.

  “Mickey!” shouts out Cal, her youngest brother at age 18.

  “Hey, bros,” Mikayla waves.

  “Hello, dear sister,” says the next oldest, Mike. He’s 22.

  “Mikayla!” greets the last brother, Jimmy, age 24.

  “Hi,” says Ethan. “I’m Mikayla’s wedding date. Uh, Ethan,” he nervously introduces himself.

  “So, this is the new boyfriend?” Mike inquires.

  “Well-,” Mikayla begins to say that they’re just hanging out this summer when she’s interrupted by Ethan.

  “Yes. I’m the new boyfriend. Nice to meet you guys. We’re not gonna have any problems today, are we?”

  “Chill out, dude, we’re just introducing ourselves,” says Cal.

  “Yeah, just making nice with the new guy,” says Jimmy.

  Mikayla feels embarrassed that Ethan is making such an aggressive first impression.

  “Okay, we gotta go say hi to everyone else, bye guys!” Mikayla says abruptly, and pulls Ethan into the building away from her brothers.

  “Try to have a little more chill,” says Mikayla.

  “What do you mean? You told me they’re relentless. I’m just establishing my authority,” he says defensively.

  “Well, they’re the domineering types themselves, so maybe it’s best for you to just lay low. Like, don’t speak unless spoken to. That kind of thing. They’ll look for any reason to ruin your day,” says Mikayla.

  “Alright, sure, I’ll hide from your brothers and you can keep pretending we’re just some summer fling,” he says.

  The comment catches Mikayla off guard. They have never discussed labels, although Mikayla can’t say she hasn’t thought about it. But she just can’t shake the feeling that getting more involved with Ethan might not be for the best. She isn’t sure that she can be there for everything he needs, not to mention how unpredictable he can be. Her chest aches with anxiety at the thought of Ethan losing control of himself during today’s festivities. As she begins to wonder if she should’ve left him at home, her dad, Roger, approaches them.

  “Mikayla. Come give your father a kiss, please,” he says, gesturing for her to come into his arms.

  “Hi, Dad,” says Mikayla.

  “You went a little heavy on the makeup today, huh?” says Roger.

  “Wow, immediately with the comments. It’s a wedding, Dad. Did you say something like that to Cat? I’m sure that’s what she wants to hear,” Mikayla says.

  “Oh, you really can’t take a joke, huh? I thought living in the city all of these years would have toughened you up by now. Guess not.”

  Mikayla starts to feel her blood pressure rising. It’s incredible how her dad is capable of belittling her in such a short amount of time. Mikayla decides she needs a drink and to find her sister. She’s about to walk away when Ethan clears his throat and extends his hand out to Roger.

  “Hi there, I’m Ethan, Mikayla’s date,” he says politely.

  “Oh, hey there, pretty boy,” Roger says. “Nice to meet you. How’d she rope you into this?”

  “There was no roping, sir. I’m happy to be here,” he says, unphased.

  “Great. Good for you,” Roger says before abruptly walking away, leaving Ethan mid-conversation.

  “They seem…friendly,” says Ethan to Mikayla, who was watching in horror. She feels overwhelmed. She isn’t sure if she’s worried about her family embarrassing her with their bad attitudes in front of her date, or if she’s worried about her date making a bad impression on her family. She wishes she could care less about what other people think, but it’s just how she’s wired.

  “Keep a safe distance, Ethan, for everyone’s sake,” Mikayla says, and shocks herself with the threatening tone of her voice. It occurs to her that she could really use a drink, and a moment alone with her sister.

  Chapter 19

  Mikayla is led down the hall to the room where her sister is getting ready for the ceremony.

  “You look amazing, wow. I could really cry,” says Mikayla upon the sight of her sister. Cat is wearing a vintage white dress that flatters her hourglass shape. Her auburn hair is in a perfectly tousled updo, and she opted for a sweet floral crown instead of a veil. Her makeup is so light it’s barely noticeable.

  “You’re a natural beauty. You always have been,” says Mikayla.

  “Thanks, little sis. Hey, is mom coming? Have you talked to her?” asks Cat.

  “I really don’t know. We haven’t talked in months. I’m sorry, Cat,” Mikayla says as she gazes lovingly at her beautiful sister on her wedding day.

  “I can’t wait to meet Ethan, by the way,” she says as she touches up her makeup and begins to put on her jewelry.

  “Yeah,” says Mikayla dully.

  “That’s it? Yeah?” Cat says, picking up on Mikayla’s weird vibe.

  “Yeah. I don’t know. Yes. Sure,” Mikayla says, preparing to change the subject. The last thing her sister needs on her big day is to deal with someone else’s relationship drama.

  “Tell me the details. Please, tell me. I’m so anxious, in a good way, but still anxious for everything to go well. Any distraction would be great. Lay it on me,” Cat urges her sister.

  “I don’t know what there is to say. He’s great, really…and wait until you see him. It’s honestly kind of unreal how hot he is. But, I don’t know. It might be too much for me…he might be too much for me,” Mikayla says.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He just depends on me a lot. Like, more than I’m used to being relied on. I don’t know if I can handle something this...demanding,” Mikayla says.

  “I get what you mean, but is it really so bad to have someone that depends on you…that you can depend on, too? That’s kind of how relationships work,” says Cat.

  “I’m not in a relationship!” Mikayla snaps. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just been...a lot. I won’t bore you with the details,” Mikayla says, desperate to move on from the subject.

  “Hey, whatever you want to call it, don’t take it for granted. Finding someone who cares about you is really, really special. The way William drops everything and is there for me the moment I need him...I just feel so lucky to have someone like that in my life, and you should, too.”

  Mikayla ruminated on the idea for a moment. Mikayla knows there’s some truth to her big sister’s wise words. Maybe Mikayla just doesn’t know a good thing when he’s in front of her.

  There’s a knock on the door. A woman’s voice calls out to Cat, letting her know they’re ready for her.

  “I love you, sis,” says Mikayla. “Go get your happily ever after.”

  “I love you!” she practically squeals in glee as she glides
out of the room down the hallway to begin the first day of the rest of her life.

  Chapter 20

  The ceremony has ended, and the vows have been exchanged. Cat and William promised to be each other’s until death as their closest loved ones watched on from wooden benches. The rustic wedding vibe makes the venue look like it came straight from Pinterest. There are mason jar candles and string lights that hang daintily above the wooden rafts, casting a gentle glow like fireflies dancing in the night.

  Between the ceremony and the reception, while waiting for the bigger crowd to arrive for the celebration, they serve a meal for friends and family. There were a few tables set up outside of the barn in the grass under a beautiful white tent, also adorned with string lights. Mikayla sees so much of her sister in the wedding decor.

  Mikayla stands in a circle with her three brothers and her dad. They’re making small talk.

  “I knew she’d be the first one to get married,” says Roger.

  “What does that even mean, Dad? She’s the oldest. It kind of makes sense,” says Mikayla defensively.

  “Well, it was never going to be you, not with that attitude of yours,” says Roger.

  “Yeah, speaking of marriage, did you two love birds set a date yet?” says Jimmy.

  “Oooooh, yes, where’s Mr. Hunkypants?” says Cal.

  “Hunkypants? The best you can do? You’re an idiot,” says Mike.

  “Whatever,” says Cal.

  “He’s...somewhere,” Mikayla says, scanning the groups of family and friends. She must have lost Ethan in the post-ceremony chaos.

  “Well, is it serious with that guy?” asks Roger.

  “His name is Ethan. And no, Dad, it’s not serious,” Mikayla retorts.

  “It’s not?” says a voice from behind her. It’s Ethan, returning with drinks for each of them.

  “Oh, I just meant-,” Mikayla’s face turns bright red.

  “What did you mean, Mikayla?” says Jimmy.

  “Mikayla, can we go talk? Please?” Ethan asks.

  “Yeah, you better go talk,” says Jimmy.


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