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The Shifter's Gift

Page 86

by Haley Weir

  “If you say so,” says Blake. “It’s weird that she hasn’t shifted, though, right?”

  “Everyone is different,” says Blake. “Who knows what triggers her transformation?.” Xander glances over at Jenna, making sure she’s still asleep.

  “I hope she’s able to get it all in control sooner rather than later. We need to be ready at any moment,” says Blake.

  “We are. I expect they’re going to try to take the castle. The motel owner had a vague note on him implying there’s a ‘T’ and an ‘M’ out there looking for us. Do those letters mean anything to you?”

  “No, but if anyone would know, it’s going to be Chris,” says Blake. “You should get in contact with him.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’m in the last stretch of this ride. I’ll give him a call.”

  “Alright, then. Keep me updated. We’re ready to head there whenever you need us. Do you think we should come now?”

  “Let’s lay low for a bit. I’ll reach out soon. Bye,” says Xander as he hangs up. Next, he calls Chris.

  “Xander?” answers Chris. “What’s going on? Is everyone okay?”

  “Yeah, for now. We’re almost at the castle, Jenna and I. We had quite an eventful evening but that’s not what I want to talk about right now. I need you to do a little research for me. Quickly.” Xander hears the click clack of Chris’s fingers on his keyboard.

  “I can get started as we speak,” confirms Chris. “Lay it on me.”

  “These guys have our info, mine and Jenna’s. At least our first names, but that leads me to believe they probably know more. They probably know where we’re headed. I just want to know if I can at least be prepared for what I’m about to get into.”

  “Sure,” says Chris. “What do you have for me?”

  “Not much. Initials T and M. Two separate people, I think. Can you check if this matches any profiles we have on poachers? Or if you can find anything the library?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Let’s see,” starts Chris. There’s no more talking coming from his end of the call, just the sounds of Chris frantically pounding away at his keyboard. A full five minutes goes by before Chris speaks up again.

  “That was easy,” boasts Chris. “Trey and Monty Pulaski. They’re brothers. Trey is 46 and Monty is 50. According to all documentation, they’ve been poaching for over 20 years. They’re relentless. Their kills include children and women. They have absolutely no mercy. These seem like scary dudes,” Chris explains.

  Xander’s blood boils as he becomes certain that the Pulaski Brothers are the men who took his love and his child away from him.

  “They hide in plain sight. No fake names, but it seems like they’ve used a lot of fake businesses to plant themselves near packs they want to attack.”

  “Like what?”

  “They’re Canadian. They had a lumberjack business in Ottawa called Pulaski and Sons Wood Supply. It seems like they had real employees so that it actually functioned, but it was just a way to situate themselves where they needed to be. After laying low running the business in Ottawa for a year, they finally executed their attack. This guys are not screwing around. The news articles I’ve got here report tear gas, grenades, and flamethrowers on top of your usual machetes and rifles.”

  “What did they do?”

  “They waited for a hibernating pack to have their guard down and took them out rather effortlessly. The Ottawa Bear Pack was destroyed. That was nearly 20 years ago. They’ve carried out a lot of similar attacks since then. I’m reading about another attack right now. About 10 years later. Vermont. A small family traveling alone to meet with another Vermont pack. They took out a father, mother, and child. And it was so violent, jeez. There’s pictures from the scene, and the bodies are…”

  “That’s enough, Chris. I do not need the imagery,” Xander cuts him off.

  Xander notices Jenna start to stir.

  “Go back to sleep, we’re not there yet,” coos Xander.

  “No, it’s okay, I’m awake. Hi,” says Jenna.

  “Hi,” greets Chris from the speaker phone.

  “Oh, hey?” says Jenna.

  “It’s me. Chris,” he replies. “Good morning!”

  “Yeah, good morning. What’s going on? Did you get new information?”

  “Yeah,” replies Chris while Xander simultaneously says “no.”

  Jenna shoots Xander a look. “You should know by now not to keep information from me.”

  Xander sighs. “Fine. I had Chris look into ‘T’ and ‘M’. Turns out they’re brothers who have been in the game for quite some time. Trey and Monty Pulaski. They take out packs, families, including children….no remorse. Their attacks are violent.”

  “Lots of fire,” Chris tacks on.

  “Yes,” seethes Xander, less enthused about the details.

  “Wait, back up. Pulaski? I know that name,” says Jenna.

  “Well, there’s like a bridge...” Chris trails off.

  “No. Not that. Holy shit. The book,” exclaims Jenna.She unbuckles and dives into the backseat, reaching for her backpack. She pulls out the book about poachers in the North East. She flips to the page with the photograph of the two men. Under the photo, in small words, she sees the caption. “John “Trey” Pulaski III, Montgomery Pulaski.”

  “Holy shit, Xander,” breathes Jenna. “Look. It’s them.”

  “I guess it is,” says Xander. “It’s good to know what they look like. Pretty chilling, if I’m being honest.”

  “It’s not just that, though, Xander. I have this book because of how familiar they look. I’ve seen these men, and not just in pictures. There’s a reason they know my name. Xander, there’s something unraveling here and I’m so damn close to figuring it out.”

  “Speaking of damn close,” repeats Xander. “We’re here.”

  Jenna, heart still racing, looks out the window to see the glorious castle towering ahead.

  Chapter 21

  “These are some serious gates,” says Jenna, noting the steel fence surrounding the perimeter of the castle.

  “Perhaps they are not the most aesthetically pleasing, but that’s not what they’re for,” Xander replies. He drives slowly up the winding path towards the entrance. He knows it’s silly to think buying himself time by driving 10 m.p.h will put this off any longer. He’s at Bolt Castle now, and he has to face his demons. As much as it hurts to return to the place where he suffered the most, he knows Jenna needs his protection. They’ve made it this far, and he can’t turn back now.

  When he makes it to the main gate, he throws the car into park and hops out to enter the access code. He looks out at the pastures that surround the glorious building and feels her all around him. Laila, his late wife and mother of unborn child, the woman that had his heart and is the reason it shattered so many years ago. He remembers her plans to plant an extravagant garden in some of the open space. Laila had dreams of cooking meals made only with homegrown vegetables and herbs from the garden, despite the castle being fully staffed at the time. When Laila needed anything during their stay at the castle, she always got it herself. Even when she found out she was with child, she wouldn’t let a servant get her a glass of water. She insisted on walking down the long hallway from the massive living room to the even larger kitchen. She would touch the walls as she walked, marveling at architecture of the old building. Laila truly loved that place, and Xander loved watching her grow to call the place home.

  When Xander gets back in the car, his face is visibly changed. Jenna notices the distance in his eyes.“Do you want to talk about it?” she asks gently.

  “No, I’m fine. It’s fine,” breezes Xander. “Let’s get inside.”

  He drives the car through the open gates and now Jenna gets her first up close view of the magnificent fortress.

  “Holy shit,” cries Jenna. Her face practically smushed against the window as she marvels.

  “Yeah,” says Xander. “It’s pretty nice, huh?”

  “I didn’t even kn
ow places like this still exist,” Jenna admits. “I am also disappointed to see there’s no moat. Don’t all castles have a moat?”

  “Some do,” notes Xander. Jenna still can feel his distance as he drives slowly. He puts the car into park right in front of the castle’s huge doors.

  “We’re here,” says Xander. “We’ve made it.”’

  Jenna hops out and grabs her bags. She runs inside and her breath is taken away by the beauty of the structure. There are no lights on, but she can see the castle lit up by the sunlight. When she tilts her head back, she can see the light pouring in from a skylight window. To her left is a room with several beautiful vintage couches. There’s an ornate fireplace that catches Jenna’s attention. She walks towards it.

  “Does this thing still work?” asks Jenna.

  “There’s only way to find out,” Xander replies. He finds a pile of fuel logs under a dusty tarp and he throws them into the fireplace. There are still matches on the mantel from the last time he was here. The fire ignites and the embers dance.

  “So, do you want to talk?” inquires Jenna. “I know it’s hard for you to be here. Maybe if you talk about how you’re feeling you’ll be able to...I don’t know. I don’t really know.”

  They are seated on one of the gorgeous antique couches. There’s room between them physically and emotionally. While Jenna would love to cuddle up with her head on his muscular chest, she hopes keeping the space can create an environment for a serious conversation.

  “I don’t know either, Jenna,” responds Xander. “I’ve healed a lot since it happened. I know my lifestyle is dangerous. Running with shifters...being one myself, as you now now. I knew it then, and I know it even more now. You want to know what I keep thinking about?”

  Jenna nods.

  “The fact that I was foolish enough to bring you here. I don’t know how safe it is. I should’ve made you stay back with Blake and Avery. You probably would’ve been better off there.”

  “First of all,” says Jenna sternly, “you can’t make me do anything. I’m here because I want to be. I chose to be. Second of all, I am more capable of handling myself than you give me credit for.”

  “Then, why can’t you show me?” Xander urges. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. I just want to know that you’d be safe if something happens. If something happens to me.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen to you, Xander.”

  “This hunt for blood has gone on far too long. They’ve been coming for me for years. They took Laila because they couldn’t get to me. If they’d just gotten to me first...then…” Xander trails off. It’s hard to think about the alternate realities. The only thing left to do is to accept the past, and try to move on. .

  “You know, what happened to you is tragic. I can’t imagine the pain. I mean, I lost my parents, but I was so young. Losing Grandma Jean was immensely difficult, but it’s not the same type of pain you’ve experienced. So I get it, but I don’t, but I want to. Does that make sense?”

  “I know you feel my pain. You’re one of the most empathetic people I’ve had the pleasure to come across. While you shouldn’t necessarily be here, I’m truly glad you are.”

  Jenna smiles. Despite his walls, he still values her as a person and a friend. If that’s all that ever comes of this, that’s something she’d be able to live with. Of course, she’d miss the sex and would have to control her wandering eyes and wandering hands.

  “Thanks,” says Jenna. “I’m glad I’m here, too.” For a moment, she considers saying her true feelings out loud, but she holds back. She doesn’t want to ruin this moment. It’s cozy, comfortable, and the fire is crackling. The dancing flames in the fireplace are a familiar memory: foggy, but accessible. She remembers her parents’ house had a fireplace and she could sit between her mom and dad for hours, just staring at the orange flames .

  “Do you want to see the rest of the place?” asks Xander.

  “Yes, but not yet. I’m so comfortable, I can’t move.”

  Xander notices the space between Jenna and himself. He wants to inch closer, to touch her, but he needs to figure out what their future could possibly look like together. . He’s absolutely certain of what he wants, but realistically, can he pursue her? There’s no denying the attraction that they have for one another; he feels the gravitational pull bringing them together. Ever since the day she arrived at Blue Ridge, she’s occupied his thoughts.

  He can’t bear with the thought of her inevitable departure. He knows it’s part of the reason he hasn’t fully committed to her. She’s a dream- beautiful, funny, kind, compassionate, and even a shifter, he’s pretty certain. But he can’t get wrapped up in someone who is only here for a visit. Xander’s sure that Jenna didn’t follow a blogger to upstate New York just to have a fling. She’s here for answers and guidance, and he hasn’t even provided her with much of that, either. He leaves the space between them.

  “Well,” Xander starts. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  Chapter 22

  Jenna wakes up with a gasp. It takes her a moment to regain her bearings. She sees Xander is asleep, sprawled out on the couch next to her. She notices that the fire is still burning, but just barely. Suddenly, she hears the sound. At first, she think she’s heard a car crash. When she remembers there are no roads surrounding the castle for acres, she dismisses that theory. While she decides whether or not she should wake Xander, there’s the sound again. It sounds like an explosion of sorts, like fireworks. When she hears the boom for a third time, she rushes over to Xander.

  “Xander, Xander,” she gently shakes him awake. “Something’s happening.”

  “What?” he asks, sitting up immediately and not even taking a moment to wipe the sleep from his eyes. He’s already alert and ready to spring into action. “What is it?”

  “Just listen,” she urges him. They both remain silent waiting for the sound again. 30 seconds go by, then a minute, then four minutes, and Jenna loses faith that they’ll hear the sound again.

  “Jenna, what did you hear?”

  “There was a loud boom. Three of them. Like an explosion,” she explains, her voice shaking.

  “I’m calling the others,” says Xander. “It’s time.”

  “What do you mean? Is something happening?”

  “Better safe than sorry,” decides Xander. He whips out his cell to dial Blake first.

  “Blake? Hey. It’s time. Gather everyone,” asserts Xander.

  “What’s going on? We’re on our way,” says Blake.

  “Jenna heard explosions.”

  “Well, that’s never a good sign unless you’re seeing a Transformers movie.”

  “Do you really think it’s the time for jokes? You always manage to surprise me. But yes, explosions. Not a good sign. Is it some sort of warning to us?”

  “What you really need to do,” begins Blake, “is get Chris on the phone again. Update him and I’m sure he’ll know how to make sense of it. He can figure out how we should prepare. See you soon, brother,” says Blake before the line goes dead.

  “What’s going on?” Jenna asks.

  “We need to call Chris,” replies Xander. “He’ll be able to make sense of the explosions, see if they mean anything.”

  “I’ll do it,” suggests Jenna “You call the others.”

  “Okay, thanks,” says Xander as he disappears down a long hallway.

  “Chris, it’s Jenna. There’s something going on at Bolt and you’re the guy who can let us know what’s going on.”

  “Hey Jenna,” greets Chris. “I’m in the car with Douglas and Ellen. We’re coming.”

  “Okay, but before you get here. Do you know anything about explosions? We heard three and it really threw off Xander. I’m getting a little freaked out, too,” admits Jenna.

  “Explosions? Like...fireworks?”

  “Or something. I don’t know. I thought poachers poached with like…guns? Are we also battling fire here?”

  “It’s not unusual for poachers
to use fire. You should see the equipment these guys have. Like, flame throwers. Rifles. Grenades. They’re not messing around.”

  Jenna now feels more angry than scared. “That sure seems excessive for taking out a couple of bears. Why? Why do they need us gone so badly? What have we done?”

  “I wish I knew. Jenna, just be careful, okay? I’m kind of the reason you’re in this whole mess, if you think about it. You wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my blog, my research-”

  She cuts him off before he can continue spiraling. “Chris, it’s okay. I’m here because I want to be here. It’s my decision. Truthfully, I’m glad I’m here. I don’t know where else I’d be.”

  “We’re all glad you’re here,” confirms Chris.


  She’s about to hang up when there’s another explosion from outside the castle walls. “Chris, did you hear that?” she asks frantically.

  Suddenly, Jenna feels out of breath. The room starts to spin and she needs to lean against the wall for support. Her legs give out from under her and she collapses to the ground. While her body is at Bolt Castle, her mind is now elsewhere. She’s revisiting the memory of her parent’s car wreck. This time, it feels different. The imagery is sharper and the memory crisper than ever, as if she were watching a video.

  The car is cruising down the winding road. Her parents are in the front seat while she sits in the back, staring out the window. The car starts to swerve on the road. Something has punctured a tire. Another tire is blown, and the car continues to lose control. . As it scrapes across the guardrail, another car sits in the grass on the opposite side of the street. There are no lights on, but a man sits in the passenger seat. He has a devious look in his eyes, and does not react as the car spirals out of control, igniting sparks as it scrapes against the metal rail. Next, the car comes to a full stop. Her parents turn around to check on Jenna, relieved to see she is barely shaken. The car begins to smoke, and as her dad goes to open his door to check the damage, someone appears. It’s Trey. He uses all of his body weight to keep Jenna’s father from opening the door. Her father is banging on the class, demanding they let him out. Jenna’s mother next tries to open her door, but another man appears. Jenna now recognizes the man as Monty. He prevents her mom from getting out of the car. She’s screaming, but Jenna doesn’t know what she’s saying. Trey begins to pour a clear liquid all over and around the car. The smell is strong, and Jenna’s survival instincts kick in. Fueled by fear and the need to survive, she begins to shift. It’s her first time shifting, at least that she can remember, and she uses her bear strength to shatter the window open and run out of the car. She’s running away as fast as she can when she hears the explosion. She turns around to see the car engulfed in flames. There’s nothing she can do; it’s too late to go back, and she doesn’t want to run into the men again. She keeps running until she’s made it all the way home where she collapses on the front lawn. When she wakes up next, she’s back to her human form. She’s just a little girl, small and innocent. Now, she knows her strength and her abilities. Now, she’s seen evil in the world.


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