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The Shifter's Gift

Page 94

by Haley Weir

  Heading out of the kitchen and to the backyard, she slowly approaches the light. Suddenly, a chill runs down her spine and she thinks of the word so casually but quietly tossed around the castle: danger. Maybe it isn’t the best idea to come outside at night by herself. Then again, their security systems are state of the art. She’s probably just being paranoid, like a child certain that monsters creep in the dark corner of their bedroom.

  There’s a sound of a plant moving in the night, and Charlotte hopes it’s a rabbit, a squirrel, or a powerful breeze. Then, she’s tapped on her shoulder. Completely caught off guard, she lets out a loud shriek and turns around. She could not be more horrified by the person standing before her: Richard Berk. She wishes she could move her legs and run, but she’s completely frozen.

  “What are you doing here?” she manages to squeak out in a small, frightened voice.

  “I need to talk to you,” Richard says firmly. “Don’t yell again. I swear.”

  “You need to leave. You have 30 seconds to get the hell out of here before I scream so loud that everyone in this damn castle wakes up and comes running out here.”

  “You don’t know what’s going to happen to you if you stay here,” Richard asserts.

  “Is that a threat?”

  “More like a warning,” he replies. “You need to leave with me for your own safety.”

  “The only threat to my safety is you, Richard. Stalking me all the way here? Are you serious? You were asked to leave. Where have you been? Just hiding out here, waiting for me?”

  “I drove for a few miles before I decided to turn around and come back. Getting past security was no easy task. I had to climb and jump. I’m all scraped and bruised. But it’s for you, Charlotte,” Richard urges. He steps into the light and Charlotte can see that his pants are ripped and his shirt filthy. He looks like he’s been through hell.

  “I’m leaving now. When I come back, I’ll be with men twice your size, ready to tear you apart if you don’t cooperate,” Charlotte threatens.

  “Oh, so you know?” Richard says.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Charlotte stomps her foot. She’s losing her patience with Richard.

  “What they do. How they tear people up. What they are,” Richard says.

  “You’re not making any sense.”

  “Your beloved Mason hasn’t told you the truth yet?” Richard asks menacingly.

  “The truth about what?” Charlotte is certain Richard is bullshitting her, but there’s a small voice in the back of her head telling her to listen to what he has to say. It’s the same voice that keeps her up at night, wondering about the secrets of the castle and those who inhabit it.

  “They’re shifters, Charlotte,” Richard tells her. “Bears.”


  “They’re rather famous, actually,” continues Richard. “It takes a really quick internet search to find pages and pages on the Collins brothers and their affiliates. You didn’t even bother to look into these people before you took a job here? What a shame,” he says.

  “Richard, you sound ridiculous,” scoffs Charlotte. There’s no way he could be telling the truth. Charlotte’s heard tales about shifters. She read some books as a child, but never actually imagined that they existed.

  “That’s impossible,” Charlotte insists.

  “Are you sure?” presses Richard. “I know more than you think. A lot more, actually. We haven’t really caught up since high school. You know, since you won’t let me take you out.” Richard says, getting closer to her. She can smell his awful breath. “Just as there are bears, there are poachers. And they want this pack done. Killed. Obliterated. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, though. I’m not a poacher. That’s not my thing. But I keep tabs on a whole bunch of them in this area. Up and down the east coast, all the way to Canada. Anyway, they’re very, very upset about losing their friends. Two brothers, the Pulaskis.”

  Charlotte overheard the men say that name; she asked Mason about them just a few hours ago. Suddenly, Richard’s claims seem to hold more truth than Charlotte would like to accept. She feels dizzy and wants to sit down, but also wants to run away from Richard and all of this.

  “All that being said, they’re coming. A very vengeful group, gotta admire them for that,” Richard says with a smug smile on his face. “So, for your own sake, leave with me. I can give you the life you deserve. Safe, happy...satisfied.” He looks down at his crotch and then back at Charlotte with a wink. She nearly gags.

  “You’re insane,” Charlotte says. “Get away from me. Now.”

  “No!” Richard shouts. He gets in her face, and she backs into the table, causing a vase to fall to the ground and shatter. The noise echoes through the castle grounds. Richard gets closer and grabs her by the wrists.

  Suddenly, a monstrous beast appears in the distance, charging towards them. It seems to have come from inside the castle. As it gets closer, Charlotte can see the outline of a huge grizzly bear. With all its force, the bear rams into Richard, knocking him to the ground and releasing Charlotte from his forceful grasp. While Richard is down, Charlotte makes eye contact with the bear. That’s when she knows. Of all the terrible things Richard is, he is apparently not a liar; not according to what Charlotte sees in front of her. It’s Mason, but in his other form. The secrets, mystery, and the danger all suddenly seem to make sense.

  Richard gets back up and starts fleeing towards the dark forest, but his speed is no match for a grizzly bear. Mason darts towards him, and knocks him to the ground once more. This time, he has him pinned and shows his razor sharp teeth. Charlotte watches as Mason grabs Richard by the shirt and flings him several yards across the grass. He approaches him again, lifts him, and throws him again. One final time, he grabs Richard by the shirt before disappearing into the dark.

  Charlotte’s adrenaline is at an all-time high. Did Mason kill Richard in front of her? She feels like she is in a fever dream. Grabbing a seat at the table amongst the broken glass from the lamp, she puts her head in her hands, trying to catch her breath. If Richard told the truth about Mason, is he’s right about the poachers, too? Is Charlotte safer returning to River Bend after all? What about all of the others? Are they all capable of shifting? When she looks up, she sees the figure of the bear in the darkness slowly coming walking her. When he’s close enough, she looks him deep in the eyes. She can feel Mason in there, and she’s not at all afraid. She has never felt safer or more protected.

  “Mason?” she whispers softly to the giant creature. Like a friendly cat, he rubs his head against her. Charlotte laughs with delight, petting him on the back. He then gets up, and in a stunning display of speed, escapes back to the woods. Nothing quite makes sense, but at the same time, Charlotte feels like she’s finally getting the answers she’s been waiting for.

  Chapter 15

  Pacing the long castle corridors, Charlotte hopes Mason will return soon. She peers out the windows, anticipating his arrival. She does not know what form he'll be in, but she will accept him either way. After what feels like hours, she hears footsteps creeping down the hallway and sees Mason in his human form.

  “Charlotte,” murmurs Mason.

  “Mason.” Charlotte flings herself into her arms. She looks up at him and sees those familiar eyes. She can’t resist planting her lips on his. The world stops spinning out of control for a moment and it’s just them, together. All of her doubts dissipate. She is not sure of much, but she is sure that she wants to be in Mason’s arms.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” he says gently. “I didn’t want to scare you away. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You can’t scare me, Mason.”

  “It’s good to hear you say that. I’m sorry anyway. I’ve been vague and distant, which isn’t fair to you. You deserve all of me. If you want it, of course.”

  “It seems crazy, all of this happening so fast. Usually my heart and my head are in direct conflict, but not now. Not anymore. You feel like hom
e to me, Mason.”

  He hugs her tight and she breathes against his chest, his heartbeat a soothing rhythm.

  “So, now what?” Charlotte asks, looking up into his hazel eyes.

  “We need to be prepared,” says Mason. “There is danger coming, and I’m afraid we’ll be outnumbered. They know what we’re capable of, so they will be coming at us full force. That’s why I have to go to Ottawa. They rest of my pack is there. I left them to come find Jenna, and now I know she’s safe and with good people. I trust them with my life.”

  “Who else, Mason? Who else shifts? Jenna?”

  “Yes, Jenna shifts. As well as Xander, Blake, Ethan, and Douglas.”

  “Not Chris? Or any of the other women?”

  “No, but they are just as important to this pack.”

  “Wait...what about Penelope?” Charlotte asks with wide eyes.

  “We don’t know yet. Because only her father is a shifter, it’s possible she didn’t inherit the gene. But, I wouldn’t be surprised. I suppose we’ll know soon enough.”

  “And you can just...turn it on and off, like a switch?”

  “Yes,” confirms Mason. “But I’ve worked really hard to get to this point. I’ve trained to develop the control I have over my bear. Back in the day, I’d shift against my will every night at 10pmon the dot. That’s pretty standard, and was the case for the others. Did Avery tell you the real story of how she and Blake met?”

  “No, I guess she didn’t.”

  “He hired her to chain him up every night, back when they lived in Manhattan. He was terrified of losing control and running rampant in the streets, exposing himself and posing a threat to others.”

  “Wow,” Charlotte remarks.

  “The others, too. They all had to learn to control their bears. Some of them fell in love in the process.” Charlotte takes a moment to process all of this information, and remembers an important detail that must be addressed.

  “Mason,” Charlotte begins, “did you kill Richard?”

  “No, I didn’t. But I may have put his unconscious body on a boat. So, either he’ll wake up stranded somewhere in Alexander Bay, or someone will find him. Either way, I have a feeling he won’t be returning here. If he does, I won’t be so willing to show mercy.”

  “This is all so...” Charlotte trails off.


  “No,” she disagrees. “Fascinating. It’s fascinating. It’s like...a fairytale.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” Mason says. “I have to go soon. I’ve got a helicopter taking me to Ottawa in the morning.” Mason looks at his wristwatch: 4:30am. “Well, I guess it is the morning already.”

  Charlotte heart drops at the thought of him leaving. What if Richard comes back for her and he’s not here? What if something happens to him in Ottawa?

  “I’m coming with you,” decides Charlotte.

  “What about your job? Penelope?”

  “We won’t be long, right? Traveling by helicopter should only take a few hours. I’ll make sure it’s okay with Avery. She’ll be thrilled to hear about us, I’m sure of it.”

  “There’s an ‘us’ now?” Mason beams.

  “There’s always been an us, Mason.”

  Charlotte is overcome with a desire for him; she can’t control herself. She needs Mason right now. “Quick, come with me,” she says, grabbing his hand.

  “Where are we going?” Mason asks, laughing.

  “You’ll see,” she says. She leads him down to the dock, the place where they had their first date. It feels like their dinner was ages ago.

  They board the boat and immediately Charlotte flings herself into his arms. He picks her up and she wraps her legs tightly around him. He holds her effortlessly in his muscular body. As the stars twinkle in the dark night sky, they kiss like they’ve never kissed before. She runs her hands through his hair, on his neck, and down his back. Their tongues are tangled and lips pressed together; Charlotte can’t get enough. Finally able to fully acknowledge her feelings for Mason, she’s ready to give herself over to him completely, physically and emotionally. She can feel him growing hard as she kisses him all over his face, neck, and shoulders. She bites playfully, kissing and licking his neck, working her way to his ears as she runs her hands all over his body.

  He carries her to the front of the boat, sitting her down so that he stands above her. He spreads her wide and lowers down so his face is between her legs. He starts to lick, slowly at first, then he picks up the pace. The way he presses his tongue against her clitoris makes her whole body quiver. While he swirls his tongue between her legs, taking time to kiss the inside of her thighs and all around her pelvic area, Charlotte moans. She doesn’t hold back, letting the sounds of her pleasure echo in the darkness.

  Standing back up to meet her face, he kisses her neck, her ears, and her chest, pulling her shirt over her head and grabbing her breasts. He fondles them, rubbing her nipples until they are hard. Charlotte’s wet, becoming increasingly desperate for Mason to enter her. He moves his hands down her body, touching her skin gently until he arrives between her legs. With his fingers, he now works her clit, rubbing it in small, quick circular motions with just enough pressure. She’s throbbing now, desperate to receive him.

  “Now,” she demands. “Now. Right now. I need you.” Following her orders, he slips inside of her. It’s his turn to release a loud, deep moan. He’s able to scoop her up again, and she’s got her legs wrapped tightly around him. As he presses himself deeper inside of her, she moves up and down. His hands grab her ass and support Charlotte’s movements.

  “Fuck,” he moans. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “This feels good?” she asks. She kisses his neck, sucking hard enough to leave a hickey, like they are in high school again.

  “Fuck yeah,” Mason says between breaths.


  “Oh my god.”

  “Mason,” Charlotte whispers into his ear.

  “It’s happening,” Mason exclaims. His body experiences ultimate pleasure as he finishes. He removes himself from her, quickly using his fingers to rib her vigorously. Her whole body convulses and he lowers her down onto her back, where she lets out her loudest moan yet and finishes. They lay next to each other, wordlessly staring up at the clear night sky, as their hearts beating in sync.

  Chapter 16

  As the sun casts its early morning glow, the pair start to stir from their post-coital resting position. “I need to go,” Mason tells her. “I don’t want to alarm you, but Chris and Xander believe that the poachers are coming soon.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised,” Charlotte admits. “Richard knew where to find me. He’ll tell his friends, if they don’t already know.”

  “I’m going to go gather my things,” Mason says, standing up to find his clothing scattered on the stern of the boat.

  “Well, I’m coming with you. I’ll go tell Avery right now.”

  “That’s not a great idea.”

  “Why not? What do you think you’re going to find when you get there?”

  “I really don’t know.”

  “Then let me tag along,” Charlotte pleads. “I want to be there for you. Nothing can shock me anymore.”

  “It would be great to have you come along,” reasons Mason. “I could use the company. But, what about Penelope?”

  “I’ll talk to Avery,” Charlotte assures him. “There are plenty of people here to watch out for her. Plus, if anything happens while we are gone, who safer for her to be with than her mom and dad? Especially considering the level of protection Blake can provide for his family.”

  They exit the boat and walk towards the castle, hand in hand. Charlotte wishes they could stay in bed all day, fooling around, cuddling, and sharing stories about their childhoods, but there’s no time for that. At least, not yet.

  When they reach the castles front gates, they are surprised to be greeted by everyone in the castle. “We’ve been looking for you both,” Xander sa
ys. They all look distressed.

  “What’s going on?” Mason asks.

  “They’re coming,” replies Chris. “I just received some updated info from Headquarters near Ottawa. They’re headed this way.”

  Mason’s face drops. “Ottawa? They went to Ottawa?”

  “I’m really not sure, Mason. I know they were in the area. It’s hard tell exactly where they were.”

  “I’m sure that everyone is fine,” Jenna comforts her brother.

  “How do you know?!” Mason asks, nearly losing his cool for the first time in front of Charlotte.

  “Sorry,” mumbles Jenna, putting a hand on Mason’s shoulder. “I know how scary it is to lose people you love.”

  “Let’s go then,” asserts Charlotte. “Avery, Blake: I need to go with him. To Ottawa. We need to bring back whoever we can. Not just for Mason, but for all of us. There’s safety in numbers.”

  “Of course, Charlotte,” Blake answers. “Of course. I don’t want my baby girl leaving my side. Not now.”

  “Yeah, go,” Avery confirms. She gives Charlotte a quick smile, despite the turmoil around them.

  “What will you all do? Just wait?” Charlotte asks.

  “We need to go to the Headquarters,” Xander says.

  “Yeah, well. We’re a little far from the Headquarters,” Chris notes.

  “He’s right. Bolt Castle doesn’t have a local HQ,” Ethan adds on.

  “Are you sure about that?” Xander says. “You don’t think I’d have us all out here without the proper protections, do you?”

  “What are you guys talking about?” asks a curious Charlotte.

  “All over the country, we have different headquarters for fellow shifters. It doesn’t matter what pack you’re from. We will always offer a bed to sleep in and a meal to eat. It was originally established with young shifters in mind, especially runaways and those struggling to control their bears.”

  “So like, a shelter?” asks Charlotte.

  “In a way,” Mikayla nods. “We use it, too. It’s a good place to hide out for a while, in times like these.”


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