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Page 16

by RJ Hunter

"What about Martin's family, did they blame David for what happened?"

  "No, not in the least. They accepted that it was a very tragic accident, and one that could have been avoided. But obviously Amy wanted nothing more to do with him."

  "What happened to David after that?"

  "My parents sent him off to stay with relatives in another state until things had calmed down, but he proved to be too much of a problem for them."

  "So he came here, to Falcondale, under the protective and calming influence of his big brother?"

  "Yes, how did you know that?"

  "Just feminine intuition!"

  "David is studying Theology here, but he rarely goes to any of the lectures, or does any work, so I don't know if he'll get kicked out or just leave."

  "That's interesting. So does David want to be a priest?"

  "Heavens no. Some fool told him Theology was the easy option. David is very spiritual, but in reality, he doesn't know what he wants to do."

  "So he's literally a free spirit, how sad, not knowing what you want out of life."

  William sipped his wine and lay down on the rug, just gazing at the ceiling, while Sally propped herself up on her elbows next to him. She studied him for a while, then looked over towards the door.

  "You've got me worried now, shall I go and see if David and Jenny are alright?"

  Before William could answer, she was up and walking across the room. She opened the door quietly, and bent forward to poke her head out into the hallway, listening for any signs of misbehaviour. Sally was concentrating so hard, she didn't realise that William was now right up behind her. He looked down and took in her fine curves, revealed so superbly as the cotton shirt hung forward, hugging her shapely hips.

  She wriggled slightly to gain a better footing, and as she did so, William brought his hands up quickly, and tickled her boisterously under the arms. Sally let out a shriek and reared back, giggling into William's arms. He felt the sides of her breasts brush past his hands, and as he ran his fingers further down her body, he realised she was naked beneath the shirt he had lent her.

  Sally regained her composure and stood perfectly still in William's arms, while they both waited in silence to hear if her little outburst had provoked any response.

  There was no noise apart from the two of them trying to stifle their giggles. He nuzzled her neck and noticed how she only had one clip holding her hair up in position.

  It was then that they heard the noise from upstairs. First it was no more than a soft sigh, then a long moan. It gradually increased in both tempo and volume, until Jenny's cries of ecstasy became so intense and high-pitched that William and Sally could only stare at each other in disbelief and embarrassment.

  "I don't think we need to worry about David tonight!" Smirked Sally.

  William smiled and whispered; "I don't think we have to worry about Jenny either!"

  He closed the door and turned the key in the lock, as Dion's 'Runaround Sue' began to play.

  Their lips came together immediately, writhing and dancing in unison. Sally knew things were rapidly getting out of hand. She had never felt like this with Frank, and wondered where it was all going to lead. Part of her wanted it to stop, knowing that somehow, she should break away and return to her own room back at Lloyd-Evans. It was madness. She thought she knew herself, her emotions, her physical likes and dislikes. There were no more surprises, at least, not until now. It was as if she had become a totally different woman, one that had gone from being the mistress of her own destiny, to one that was merely a slave to her recently awakened desires. Discovering these new secrets about herself, both surprised and shocked her. But now, as William began to undo the buttons on her shirt, she found they excited her too. Sally stopped him, and pulled away, she looked up and searched into his eyes, where something told her this was the man she was going to spend her life with. He seemed to sense it also, it was like an unspoken language had developed between them in the short time they had known each other.

  They had both reached the point of no return, and Sally did nothing to stop him, when William undid her final button. Her breath came in short gasps, as she stretched up, arching her back, and pulled out the clip that released her long tresses. He then slipped the shirt over her shoulders, and watched, as it fell away from her body, and dropped silently to the floor. He gazed at her naked beauty, while awkwardly trying to remove his own clothes.

  "Sally, can I ask you something?"

  She smiled back at him, "I think I know what you're going to ask, William, and the answer is no, I didn't sleep with Frank. You're the first."

  He then pulled off his jumper, shirt and vest in one quick manoeuvre, as Sally glimpsed his firm physique, and moved closer to touch him.

  She had never been naked in front of a man before, let alone be this intimate. She held him close and kissed his toned chest, while William ran his fingers through her glossy hair and nibbled at her ear lobe.

  Their eyes locked on to each other's, and their mouths came together, tongues eagerly exploring. Sally felt she was about to burst, as every hormone, every sense and every nerve ending all came into play as one.

  His hands moved around to caress her back, her shoulders, and finally down to her buttocks. She sensed how his breathing was shallower and more intense. After a few moments, he pulled away, before leading her over to the fur rug, next to the fire. Sally followed, her delicate feet barely making a sound as she tiptoed alongside him.

  They knelt down, facing each other. He let his gaze drop to survey her flawless skin, so beautifully pale, so beautifully soft. Reaching out, he grasped her breasts, and saw how her, pink nipples immediately responded to his touch. Lowering his head, William kissed and licked both of Sally's breasts, making her moan and lean back to give him greater access. She realised for the first time just how sensual it was to be kissed there.

  He beckoned her to lie down, and as she did so, he removed the rest of his clothes. She looked away, still slightly embarrassed, until he returned, now naked like her. The log fire felt warm, and this, combined with the drinks she'd had earlier, made her remaining inhibitions fall away. It was as if making love with William, was the most natural thing in the world.

  Laying side-by-side, William's free arm skimmed across her hips and down over her legs. Slowly, he found his way to the inside of her thighs. She sensed immediately what he was about to do and moved onto her back, as his hand continued its journey. She opened her legs just enough for him to come into contact with her trimmed mound. Again, and again he allowed his hand to pass over her, each time, lingering that bit longer. Eventually, he inserted one finger, then two inside, making her writhe and moan in ecstasy at this new and unbelievable sensation. He felt how wet she was, and it made his formidable erection grow even larger.

  He shifted position slightly, so that his manhood was now touching her skin. She tingled with pleasure, and began to let her hands explore him. She felt the broad shoulders, and the long, muscular arms as she ran her hands across him and down towards his narrow waist. His stomach muscles were firm and tight, as he moaned in expectation.

  She was hesitant for a few moments, but then moved down further, to give her curiosity full rein. She took William's hard penis firmly, and ran her fingers up and down its length before starting to massage it, in a slow, rhythmic motion. He gasped and moved his hips in time with her, as she stroked him more vigorously with each movement. After a few moments, she sensed he was about to explode. She removed her hand and lay back down, placing her arms behind her head.

  William kissed and licked her stomach, and down below her navel. He went lower, until he could feel her soft triangle against his chin. Sally opened her legs in anticipation of what he might do. Moving his head down further, he ran his tongue along her inner thighs, before letting it find its way inside her. She cried out, and grasped his hair, as William's probing tongue tasted her juices and brought her to the edge of losing control.

  He continued to hungrily dev
our her, for what seemed like an eternity. She couldn't contain herself any longer, and cried out, grabbing hold of him, as the most intense, powerful orgasm shook her to the very core. William let it run its course before moving up beside her. She kissed him passionately, smelling her feminine odour on his face, and tasting her own essence on his lips.

  Wanting to give him pleasure, Sally got up on her knees and took hold of his penis once more. She pulled the skin back over the head, and saw clear fluid oozing from the small hole at the top. She reached down and touched William's testicles, gently exploring their size, shape and how they felt under her kneading fingers.

  Sally felt so liberated, so modern, and so utterly audacious. She glanced at William, and he smiled, as if he were using telepathy to tell her what he wanted. She lowered her head, and slowly guided his penis into her mouth.

  She immediately tasted the sticky, sweet liquid that was leaking out onto her tongue. It made her feel quite powerful, and incredibly erotic, and she wondered if Lizzie had ever done this to Ken. She began to move her head back and forth, so that with each movement, she took more of him into her mouth, it felt huge and she gagged a couple of times. William was running his fingers through her lush, blonde hair and breathing heavy, as he thrust his hips in time with her movements.

  He soon found himself on the edge of climaxing. He couldn't last any longer, and groaned loudly as he pulled down hard on her hair, pumping a huge jet of sperm deep into her mouth. Sally squealed in surprise, and flashed her eyes up at him. She then sat upright, and swallowed hard, licking her lips with a mischievous grin, amazed at what she had just done.

  She cuddled up next to him, and they both just lay there, listening to the crackle of the fire, and the steady ticking of the grandfather clock. There was no more sound from David and Jenny, and Sally preyed they were asleep, she couldn't bear to think they might have heard her.

  It didn't take long before William began to touch her body once more.

  "I think it's getting hard again!" She giggled, after their brief interlude.

  "Sally, you are just so amazing! What should we do with it?"

  "Stand out in the snow for a while!"

  William laughed and turned to face her.

  "I think I have a better idea for it!" He grinned, going up onto his elbows. He then trailed kisses along her curves, only stopping when he had positioned himself exactly as he wanted. He placed a finger inside her, and found she was still wanting. He eased her legs apart, and lowering himself down, he began to push himself inside her. It felt so big, she whimpered at the pain, and wondered if she could take it all. Then, as she became more accustomed to this new pleasure, she closed her eyes, and the familiar sensations from earlier returned. William started to increase the tempo, and soon they were moving in unison. He was rougher this time and thrust hard, making her cry out and bite into his flesh. They both began to reach their peak together. Sally couldn't help screaming out, as the massive orgasm engulfed her body. William, then spurted a fresh load of his seed inside her, as he gnawed at her porcelain neck.

  Both were glistening in sweat when he finally rolled off and lay panting by her side. She put her head on his chest, and heard him murmuring something about having more crumpets, but that was the last she heard, as they were both asleep within minutes.

  Sally wasn't sure if it was a sudden noise from outside, the drop in room temperature, or a combination of both that had shaken her out of the beginnings of a blissful sleep. She sat up, a little startled and looked around the room. It was now only illuminated by the dying embers of the fire that William had rescued earlier. It still let out the odd crackle of defiance, as if it could roar back into life at the merest stimulation. She wondered if the noise she had heard, could have been the fire after all. She looked down at William's sleeping face, and admired his handsome looks in the dim light, before pulling up the blanket over his shoulders.

  Sally wanted to snuggle up to him again, and try to rejoin where she had left off, but the wind must have shifted direction as a chilly breeze was now blowing in from the top of the window, even though it was only open a couple of inches. Sally couldn't bear to be cold and knew that it would be impossible for her to get back to sleep while the draft prevailed. In desperation, she called out in a hushed voice to William, but he just groaned, turned over onto his back and began to snore. It was then that she realised she would have to get up and go and close the window herself. Straining her eyes, she gazed around the room once more, trying to spot the shirt William had lent her. It was no good, she thought, there was only one thing for it, she would have to make a dash, close the window, and jump back into their makeshift bed as quickly as she could.

  As she tiptoed naked across the room, she felt William's seed dripping out of her and running down the inside of her leg. Her handbag was still on the table where she had left it, so she delved into it for some tissues. As she wiped herself, she noticed there was also a small amount blood, a sign of her now-lost virginity. It was then she noticed the shirt, lying on the carpet, exactly where it had fallen a little earlier. She thought about putting it back on, but decided that once she was back in bed she would soon warm up, besides, she quite liked the feel of William's bare flesh touching her own.

  Goose bumps broke out over her skin as she reached up to full stretch and made a grab for the window. It was very stiff, and she had to move in closer to gain better leverage. After taking a deep breath, she decided to give it one hard shove. and hope it would be enough to finally close it. That seemed to do the trick and the top of the window slammed firmly shut. However, Sally now felt an even stronger draft cut straight across her midriff. It blew in wafts of snow, and made the curtains flap wildly. She let out a gasp, as the icy snow flakes settled on her warm skin, only to rapidly melt and trickle down her body. She looked around to see where this sudden gush of freezing air was coming from, and found herself staring straight into Frank's bloodied face.

  He had wrenched up the lower window, just as Sally had closed the top. Now he just gazed with cold, dead eyes at her nakedness, as if he were daring her to do something rash, that she might regret.

  She thought she would have screamed out of pure instinct when she brought her hands up to her face, but nothing came out. The abject terror of her predicament had made her temporarily mute. She then watched in horror as Frank slowly began to pull himself through the open window, like some vile snake-like creature she had seen in an old Hollywood film. His piggish eyes never left hers as they stared out from a grotesquely swollen face, following the beating he had taken from Carol's father and brothers earlier that night. The cut on his left cheek still oozed blood following Pauline's glass attack on him at the function. Despite her terror, Sally felt for a moment in her confused state, that she should be trying to help him. She rapidly dismissed the thought and retreated, unable to think clearly. She then stumbled on something behind her and couldn't stop herself from falling. Her eyes were now accustomed to the dim light from the fire, which cast a horrific glow over Frank's deranged face, as he towered over her, clutching a knife.

  Sally's mouth dropped as she saw him smile his all-too familiar grin, but now it was just an ugly, terrifying, caricature that chilled her to the bone. She noticed his once pure white teeth were now bloodied and animal-like. She saw the wet, matted hair stuck fast to his forehead, as he sunk to his knees and inched closer towards her.

  She heard William stir, and call out something. What it was, she never knew, for now Frank was running the cold blade up and down her trembling, naked body.

  Sally's scream, when it finally came, even startled Frank, who staggered to his feet in an attempt to distance himself from the ear-piercing, nerve-shattering cry.

  William was out of bed in a shot, and immediately felt the chill air on his skin, as his eyes searched the dim room for Sally. He saw a dark, hulking shape to the right of him, and a gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of his stomach warned of the very real danger about to descend on him. />
  The punch hit William with a sickening thud, making him fall back heavily. He tried to get up, fearing more blows, but Frank crashed down heavily on top of him, completely knocking the wind out of William.

  "I want my property, Peddlescoombe. Give me the necklace, you can keep the whore!"

  William looked up in horror at the face that was now staring down, inches from his own.

  "Where's the necklace? I saw you pick it up at the hall. Tell me, or I'll cut your throat." Cursed Frank, as blood from a knocked out tooth socket dripped onto William's face.

  "I haven't got it. I threw it out into the lane somewhere."

  "You're about to die, Peddlescoombe, you lying bastard. I'll teach you to cross me."

  With that, Frank grabbed a clump of William's hair, and thrust the knife up close to his neck.

  William desperately needed to know if Sally was alive before he had his throat slit, and screamed out her name.

  Sally then appeared at his side and yelled hysterically, as she desperately hit out at Frank.

  "I'll deal with you later, bitch!" Shouted Frank, letting go of William and pushing Sally so hard, she fell backwards over a table.

  "For gods sake Sally, forget about me, save yourself!" Shouted out William, as he tried to struggle free from the dead weight on top of him. He felt the knife bite into his flesh, and knew his time had come.

  Frank glared down at him.

  "You're pathetic, Peddlescoombe. You'll never be able to satisfy a woman like her - she needs a real man!" Then, leering at Sally's naked body, he added icily; "On second thoughts, maybe I'll have her after I've finished with you. Now, for the last time - where's the..."

  Frank never got the chance to finish his threat, as the poker hit the side of his head. David's blow wasn't enough to completely knock Frank out, but it was enough to stun him and allow William the chance to get out from underneath. Frank, albeit, dazed and unsteady, even managed to stagger to his feet. He reeled menacingly towards David, but he was now too injured to be a real threat. David, still gripping the poker from the fireplace, raised it once more, expecting an attack, but Frank, using what little strength he had left, just stumbled past him and headed towards the front door. He then fell out into the snow, and like a wounded animal, started to crawl away.


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