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Page 65

by RJ Hunter

  "Look at them, those silly policemen, they'll drive away all our customers." Exclaimed Pauline, lurching forward when the taxi pulled up, and still under the influence of the cocaine. "Just leave Frank to me, I'll sort him out. I nearly did it last night!"

  "I know you did, Pauline. You told me all about it, remember, and you damned nearly killed yourself too." Replied Claire, as she opened the door for Pauline. "But I don't think we'll be seeing Frank tonight, so we can just forget him and have some fun."

  "Perhaps we can get one or two of the girls to join us?"

  "That would be even better!" Said Claire, eyeing up a shapely, young blonde hostess as they made their entrance.

  "Emily, get one of the other girls to take over from you, I want you to come up and see me later in the office." Called out Pauline to the unsuspecting blonde.

  Frank was dressed in jeans, T-shirt and trainers. He pulled the baseball cap down over his eyes as he casually walked past Lake's, the club he owned with Pauline.

  The police didn't notice him, they were too interested in the women who were starting to form a queue to gain access to what was now, one of the most popular venues in London.

  Frank needed money desperately. His accounts had been cleaned out to raise cash for the deposit on Swann's, and the takings from the cab company had already been banked. Now his only option was the safe in the club's office. There was usually around £20,000 deposited in the safe at any one time, and that was more than enough to get him out of the country. Once he'd got even with Pauline, Frank had planned to visit Sally. She would probably be aware now about him murdering William, and he was sure her house would be closely watched by the police just like the clubs. The cash and jewellery in Sally's safe could amount to several thousands and there was also the possibility of him raiding Lizzie and plundering the takings from Scarlet's. If there had to be blood spilt, then so be it. None of this however was a foregone conclusion, and for now he needed to concentrate on getting inside the club.

  Frank knew the entrance was a no-go area, and as he walked around the building he soon realised the exits were all being watched too. However, there was one other way in, which he was sure the police hadn't discovered yet. This was the waste disposal area. Just inside the alcove where the half dozen or so wheelie bins were stored was a slightly obscured door. It was always locked, but Frank had the key. The door was only ever used to gain access to the rubbish chute, if it got blocked, but it also led to another door, which in turn led to the service area of the club.

  As Frank crept through the dirty, dank corridor, he heard the familiar sounds of club life, the music, the guest singers, the sounds of slot machines and the jollity. He wished he could be there, drinking whisky, playing poker, feeling up the young hostesses, and of course, seducing them on occasion. His mouth watered as he inhaled the delicious aroma of a char-grilled steak being prepared in the kitchen. He cursed as he hit his head on a low pipe, and saw a rat scurrying off into the darkness.

  Eventually he came to the service stairs, and began to make his way up towards the office. As he neared his destination, he heard a woman's laughter. It was Pauline. This surprised him as it was rare that Pauline even smiled, let alone laugh. He stood in the lobby, just outside the office and brushed cobwebs from his hair and clothes, before gently pushing the door open, to see who was inside. It was reminiscent to something he had done many years earlier, when he had caught Claire, the previous owner seducing his wife. Now, for some reason he seemed to expect he would stumble upon a similar scene.

  The office was empty, with just a banker's light for illumination. Frank immediately noticed the desk was laden with food, much of which was untouched. There were two racks of lamb, caviar, prawns, and a platter of smoked salmon. Frank was ravenous and greedily helped himself to what was on offer. Again, he heard Pauline's laughter, emanating from the secret office. This angered him greatly. Why should he skulk around like a common criminal, while she was living it up and enjoying herself so soon after Tina's death, and so soon after trying to kill him.

  Gnawing at a rack of lamb, he approached the secret office. The door was closed, but instead of opening it by the handle, he simply kicked it open. Inside, he saw Emily, the blonde hostess, who usually worked the front lobby. She was naked and strapped to the table of pain. Both Pauline and Claire were dressed in dominatrix outfits. Pauline was pouring champagne over Emily's body, so that it trickled down between her legs, where Claire was eagerly lapping it up.

  Emily looked terrified, but the sight of her being enjoyed by two mature, dominant women caused him instant arousal. He wanted to have Emily there and then, the other two could watch if they wanted, he would deal with them after he'd satisfied himself.

  The scene was surreal. Both Pauline and Claire had frozen like startled rabbits, while Emily, lifted her head to glance across at him, her mouth tightly gagged.

  "While the cat's away?" Leered Frank, moving menacingly towards the women, hurling the rack of lamb to one side. He reached the table and licking his fingers, gazed down at the helpless, Emily. He ran a hand across her breasts, and felt he was about to burst through his flies. The poor girl looked petrified and tried to scream, but she couldn't make a sound. It was then that Pauline rushed at him like a woman possessed.

  "Leave her alone, you animal!" She yelled, her face full of hatred.

  "Look who's talking eh? One rapist to another!" He shouted back.

  Pauline however, wasn't quick enough with her attack. For as she leapt at Frank, he struck her hard on the side of the head. She fell to the floor heavily, while Frank hovered over her kicking at her from every angle.

  "Stop!" Pleaded, Claire. Now it was her turn to come at him.

  "Come on you scrawny bitch!" He growled, clenching his fists. But Claire, turned towards the door and fled. Frank continued kicking Pauline, who had now curled up into a ball.

  "So you tried to kill me, did you? I'll show you how to fucking kill someone!" He cracked a couple of Pauline's ribs with another vicious kick.

  As Frank was about to stamp on his wife's head, he was brought to a halt by Claire's ear-piercing scream.

  "I'll kill you Frank!"

  He looked up to see Claire standing a few feet away, pointing a pistol in his direction.

  "You haven't got the guts, you bitch!" He jeered.

  "Just try me, you murdering swine!"

  Claire had ran back into the office to retrieve a pistol from a concealed drawer in the desk she once used to own. Fortunately, she hadn't told Frank of it's existence, when he had cheated her out of the club during their ill-fated poker game years earlier.

  Frank again raised his foot to bring it down on the stricken Pauline. Claire now raised the pistol and aimed it at Frank's face.

  He grinned as he noticed her hand shaking from the weight of the weapon, and sensed her resolve weakening.

  Pauline let out a long groan, which was answered by another hard kick from Frank.

  "Touch her again, and you'll die!"

  Defiantly, Frank now trod on one of Pauline's hands and began to grind her fingers into the floor.

  "Come on then, bitch, shoot me if you're man enough!" He began to laugh at his own joke and twisted his foot down again on Pauline's broken hand.

  "Go to hell!" Hissed Claire, as she squeezed the trigger. There was an almighty bang and smoke filled the room. Claire was in shock and was staring straight at Frank. She wasn't sure if she'd hit him or not, as he was still standing there, his eyes crazy and dangerous.

  Suddenly he began to move towards her, and as the smoke cleared, she saw a massive blood stain on his T-shirt, near his left shoulder. He reached up, and cupped his right hand over the wound and looked at Claire with a surprised expression on his face.

  "I'll shoot again if you come any closer!" She cried out, struggling to keep the pistol aimed at its target.

  Claire then noticed Pauline rise up on her knees and grip Frank's leg.

  "Don't shoot him, please, Clair

  As Pauline tried to pull herself up, using her husband's body, he raised his fist to strike her again.

  Claire closed her eyes and fired another shot. This hit Frank in the chest, and after staggering backwards, dropped to his knees. He was babbling incoherently, and blood was oozing out of his mouth. Pauline clasped her arms around him as Claire fired a third shot, which hit Pauline. Frank was dead as he hit the ground, and Pauline fell across his body, just as she had done one Christmas, when she had found him dying in the snow, and the warmth of her body had kept him alive.

  Claire then dropped the pistol, and ran from the secret office sobbing uncontrollably.

  Sally, Lizzie and Penny did manage to get through the night in one piece, after they all eventually fell asleep in the lounge. However, it was the loud hammering at the door that suddenly brought the terror of reality back into their hearts.

  "Oh my god, who's that, is it Frank?" Called out Lizzie, her head pounding and make-up smudged.

  "I don't know, I can't hear myself think with those bloody dogs barking." Replied, Sally nervously.

  Again they armed themselves, and crept towards the front of the house.

  "It's Frank!" Gasped Sally, her voice quaking as the large frame of a man became apparent through the glass panel of the door.

  "Sally, there's a huge white limo parked in the drive!"

  "Oh my god, I'd better wake Penny, she's got to get out of the house. Lizzie, ring the police now!" Exclaimed Sally, trying to think straight, as the hammering continued. "I can't understand why the police didn't stop him?"

  "Sally, I think I've wet myself." Said Lizzie, her eyes wide with terror.

  Sally sank down to her knees and bit her knuckles.

  "I think he's going to kill us."

  "Come on, let's try and get out through the back," sobbed Lizzie, crouching down next to her friend. "I'd rather take my chances with the dogs."

  The hammering was deafening as the women crawled back along the hallway on their hands and knees. Sally, then saw Penny appear in front of her, and beckoned the teenager to run for safety.

  Suddenly Jamie was standing in front of them.

  "What are you doing?" He asked, looking puzzled by the actions of the women. "Aren't you going to open the door?"

  "Don't open it Jamie!" Screamed Sally, as the boy walked past her.

  "You're all mad in this house!" He replied in amazement. "It's only Mark, and he wouldn't hurt a fly!"

  Jamie was right. Standing in the doorway was a tall, tough-looking man with a neatly trimmed beard.

  "Is Mrs. Peddlescoombe here, Jamie?" Asked Mark, his face long and drawn.

  "That's her down there." Replied the boy, pointing a chubby finger towards Sally, who was still on her hands and knees next to Lizzie.

  "Look, I'm sorry I've called at a bad time," he continued, trying to maintain his composure. "I'm afraid I have some very disturbing news, can I come in?" As he walked through the house he was dismayed to see bottles and rubbish strewn everywhere. A typical Frank Gant trait.

  Sally rose to her feet, she felt ashamed and didn't know how much more she could take. She couldn't bear anyone to see her and her home in such a disgusting state.

  "Please, help us Mark?" She uttered fighting back tears. "Frank murdered my husband and attacked my daughter. He's coming back to kill us, I know he is."

  "You and your whole family are safe, Mrs. Peddlescoombe, I can assure you of that." Replied Mark, noticing how physically shaken she was.

  Sally reached out and put her hand on his forearm.

  "Thank-you, for your kind words, Mark, but I wish I could be as sure as you." She then began to sob, and Mark couldn't help but put a re-assuring arm around her.

  "Please, Mrs. Peddlescoombe, you must listen." He said, releasing Sally. He then looked over at Jamie and asked the boy to come and sit next to him. "Late last night there was a serious incident at Lake's and Frank was killed."

  "What on earth's happening?" Asked Lizzie, walking into the lounge, clutching a glass of Alka-Seltzer.

  Mark ignored her, and turned to Jamie.

  "Your mother was involved too, son." He held the boy tightly. "She's alive, but I'm afraid she was badly wounded."

  Mark expected Jamie to be the most upset, but it was Sally, who seemed to take the news the worst.

  "What happened?" She asked, holding a tissue up to her eyes.

  "They were both shot by the former owner of the club." He continued. "She had a grudge against Frank."

  "But why my Mum?" Asked Jamie, looking up to Mark for an answer.

  "I don't know, son. Maybe she tried to help Frank and just got in the way?"

  "Have they got the person who did it?"

  "Yes, her name's Claire. She'll go to prison for a long time, I imagine." Mark then looked into the boy's cold, indifferent eyes. "Listen Jamie, I know on the face of it, you must think you've lost your dad."

  "Leave me alone!" Said the boy, pushing him away.

  "Jamie, please listen to me. What I have to say is very important. You still have your Dad."

  "Are you my father, Mark?"

  "Yes, Jamie, I am. But, you seem to already know?"

  "Mum told me a while ago."

  "Jamie, I loved your mother, but she wouldn't leave Frank for me."

  "That's because he would have killed all of us." Said Jamie, surprising Mark with his insight.

  "Yes, I realise that now."

  "Are you crying, Mark? Frank wouldn't let me cry." Replied Jamie, still showing no emotion.

  "I'm going to look after you, the best I can, Jamie, and the dogs too. So you run along now and pack up all of your stuff, and I'll take you to see your mother."

  As Jamie went back upstairs, Mark buried his face in his hands and wept for Pauline, the woman he could have made so happy, if only the circumstances had been different. This time it was left to Sally to go over and comfort the man who used to be Frank Gant's number two.

  "I can see that you love Pauline very much. I'm glad she has someone who cares for her." Whispered Sally, sitting down next to him.

  "Pauline means the world to me, but it was never meant to be, Mrs. Peddlescoombe." He replied, turning to face her.

  "Please, call me, Sally." She smiled. "I know how it feels to love someone with every bone in your body, and not to be able to be with them"

  Feeling awkward, Mark stood up to leave.

  "I'm sorry I had to give you the news about Frank."

  But it was Lizzie, who answered for Sally.

  "Sally hasn't been crying about Frank's death. She's been crying tears of relief, that it's all finally over."

  "Did he treat you very badly, Sally?" Asked Mark, saying her name for the first time.

  "It was nothing I can't handle." She replied, feeling more in control of her emotions. "So you knew I was seeing Frank, and that he was practically living here?"

  "Yes, it was quite common knowledge." He replied, rather uncomfortably. "Pauline told me, after she had been to visit you."

  Just then they heard Jamie crashing down the stairs.

  "I'm ready to go Mark. I want to see my Mum, come on, let's get the dogs."

  Mark watched while Jamie shouted and kicked at the two hungry animals, as he led them out to the car. He wondered if he really was his son. If so, he would certainly have his work cut out trying to change him. However, there was still the matter of telling the boy the other piece of bad news, that his sister was also dead.


  The next few days were absolutely vital. Sally had managed to speak to the estate agent and get the proposed viewing put back by a week. It would take at least that time and probably longer to tidy things up and get the house back into shape again. The damage to the garden by Jamie and the dogs was far worse than Sally had anticipated. Inside, all the carpets needed shampooing, and the ones in the lounge and the hallway would either have to be patched up or replaced, due to drink stains and cigarette burns. Part
s of the wallpaper would also have to be renewed because of the harm done by Jamie's graffiti, plus there was the upholstery that needed attention as well.

  It was an absolute nightmare. No sooner had Sally and Penny cleaned up one area, when they were horrified to discover even more dirt and damage. Unfortunately there was no hope for the beloved mahogany coffee table. It was far too badly burnt and scratched to be of any further use.

  Things only really started to get a move on when Laura and Jonathan came over to help. Eventually the family's combined efforts paid off, and the couple came to see the house, liked what they saw, apart from the garden and said they would put in an offer.

  Sally now felt more inclined to sell the house. Her fond memories of the happier times she, William and the children had enjoyed were all contaminated by the recent events with Frank. However, to the children, the sale of the house would herald the family's ultimate destruction. It would destroy the most important things they had, their unity, their past and their future. They knew Sally's feelings, and there would never be a good time to challenge her about it, but now that time was ticking away fast.

  "Laura, I think we have to speak to Mum again, before it's too late."

  "Rather you than me, Jonathan. What have you got in mind?"

  "I think we just have to state a few facts that's all." He replied, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "She's got to think about the disruption to Penny's schooling, plus there's you and I, where will we go if she sells the house?"

  "You've forgotten Pepys!"

  "Exactly! You're beginning to understand the urgency of it all. How is he anyway?"

  "Well, the last I heard was that he's alive, but only just. They had to remove his hind leg. It doesn't look good Jonathan. "

  "That's awful, the poor little fellow. I hope he pulls through."

  "That's why Mum has put all her energy into cleaning the house, to take her mind off him. She's really upset by it all."

  "Laura, listen to me, we've got to tell her that the injuries to Pepys are another reason to keep our house."


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