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Undercover Bear: Harrison (BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance)

Page 2

by Terra Wolf

  “I know, and I've thought about the morning since then…”

  “So have I.”

  He thought about me? That wasn't something I was expecting him to say. He seemed so standoffish, like it was just a simple one night stand. I was surprised he even remembered my name.

  “So I think I need to start at the beginning. Can you sit down? You're making me nervous.”

  He pulled out a chair from the kitchen table and sat across from me. As soon as he sat down he looked tense, which didn’t help my nerves. He folded his arms again like he was assessing me. He had to know what I wanted. But I couldn't blame him. I just showed up on his doorstep after a year of not speaking to him, with a baby. If he only knew that I also had a bag in my car and no place to sleep tonight. That was going to make this conversation extra interesting.

  “So I need to tell you about Camden.” I sighed heavily. I knew that once I started, the story would just come out in a rush of words and I wouldn’t be able to stop. But maybe that was the easiest way to do this, just like ripping off a Band-Aid. “The little baby that I have in this car seat is yours.” I paused for a moment, letting it sink in. Harrison's face remained unchanged. All those years of interrogation practice had really hardened him. Not a flicker of emotion crossed his eyes. I was a little impressed. “And up until about three days ago, we were making it. I was doing extra time at the diner, picking up actual work wherever I could. There's this little old lady who was taking care of him in my apartment building. She was amazing. Then three days ago, everything changed. I was at work and this guy in a suit came in.” Suddenly his eyes tensed. So maybe him having a baby wasn't as big of a deal as a guy in a suit? Or maybe he knew what was coming. I didn't know what was worse.

  “He said that he was looking for me. But then I realized he wasn’t actually interested in me—he wanted Camden. He told me that there’s this place that we should go and they would pay for us to stay there, and it seemed like this great opportunity. But I should have known better. He gave me this really bad vibe, like he wanted more then he was letting on. But then he mentioned why. Do you think that maybe you should've mentioned about you being a shifter?”

  Now his whole body tensed.

  “I thought you knew.”

  “No, I didn't. So you know what that means then. Camden's also part shifter. But apparently, the whole human-shifter relationship really gets some people going. He asked me all these questions about Camden, and who his father was. But I wouldn’t tell him anything. I couldn’t.”

  It had only taken me a few minutes to figure out what the man in the suit truly wanted. And it terrified me. “They want to do tests on him, Harrison! They want to take my baby and hurt him. So I did the only thing I thought to do. I ran. I slipped out the back door and went to get Camden. I left my apartment, and now I have nowhere to go. And I didn't know where else to turn to, and I know that that's not fair and that I didn't tell you and I should have, but here I am. I need some type of support system. And you're the only shifter I know. So here I am. Please help me.” It came out in a rush of words and I realized I had been holding my breath. What if he didn’t take us in? What had I done?

  I looked deep into his eyes, and for a moment, it was hard not to want to fall into his arms once again. His face softened. He knew I was telling the truth.

  “You sure this guy didn't follow you? Tap your phone, setup surveillance on you?”

  I shrugged. “I'm trying to take care of a two month old, who I just found out is part shifter, so I haven't really been paying attention to my surroundings very much. Besides, it took a lot just to find you. And clearly, they already knew that you were tied to us. How did they know that, Harrison? How do they know anything about Camden?”

  He just sat there looking confused. I realized he wasn't sure either.

  “The murders you've been seeing on TV? They’re not random. The guys at the precinct and I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that he’s killing shifters. And the fact that someone approached you about testing only confirms that. Some type of organization is going after my kind. And when it comes to my kind? I really thought you knew. I thought it's why you didn't stay.”

  “Why I didn't stay? I didn't stay because I didn't think you wanted me to. I thought it was a one night stand. I wasn't going to become one of those clingy girls that hung around.”

  “You weren't clingy. I wanted you to stay around.”

  I sucked in a breath. He had wanted me to stay. He had wanted me.

  “Well, I guess here's our second chance. So what the hell are we going to do with it?”

  He shook his head as his mouth dropped open a little bit, clearly taking it all in. “Well, for starters, you’re obviously going to move in here, so I can keep an eye on you and… what did you say his name was?”

  “Camden. And don't ask me why. I know it's a gross city name, but it is what it is.”

  “No.” He smiled. “I like it. I like it a lot. So he’s two months old?”

  “Yeah. Almost to the day. He's a joy. He's healthy and a really quiet, calm baby. I lucked out big time.”

  He looked down at the little infant car seat. “Can I see him? Can I hold him?”

  My heart about exploded out of my chest. I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle right there and then. “Of course you can. You’re his dad.”

  His head popped up on the word dad. “Dad. I never thought I'd hear that.”

  “Get ready to hear it a lot. Because you just went from being one of Seattle's most eligible bachelors to having an instant family.”

  I thought he would look more jarred, like that would bother him more than it did. But instead he looked happy, content that we were there. Maybe Harrison had been feeling lonelier than I realized, or maybe I was just so desperate to make this work I was being overly optimistic. Either way, I should've given him the benefit of the doubt earlier.

  We were here now. And that was what was most important: all of us.



  Holy shit. Penelope was here. Not only was she here, but she was here with my baby. My son. Camden.

  Every time I moaned about the fact that I was lonely, the guys had poked at me, said that she was the one that I let get away. But I wasn't going to keep her captive; I had always thought it was my bear that had scared off. I felt sorry that she didn't realize that our son was half shifter until now. Until some asshat in a suit came to tell her that they wanted to take him away.

  She looked incredible, just as beautiful as I remembered her. She had that soft auburn hair and light blue eyes that struck me deep in my soul. She was angelic looking. My bear rumbled just beneath the surface clawing to get to her. It was like the moment he saw her again, he knew. She would have to be my mate. He paced back and forth just under the surface waiting for her to make a move. Neither of us wanted to scare her off again. Maybe we should take it slow.

  I felt his surge of anger—not slow, apparently. He wanted her now. But as much as he wanted her, he also wanted that baby.

  I'd always wanted a family. I hardly wanted to live by myself anymore. And here was my opportunity. Not only that, but it was my duty to keep her safe, as she was the mother of my child, my mate. There was no way I was letting anyone get close to them.

  She picked him up out of the car seat and handed him to me. I'd never felt anything so fragile in my entire life. This tiny little bundle in my hands was my flesh and blood. I couldn't believe my eyes. Especially when he let out a small yawn, and his fists balled up, and his eyes opened. It was like looking in the mirror. How did she look at those eyes, my eyes, for the past eight weeks and not feel like she should tell me? That wasn't fair. But I’d have to get over that. I had to move forward, but I had to figure out what was going on.

  “So you got out of your apartment?” I said as the little boy wrapped his hand around my finger. He squeezed, and I felt how strong he was. It was the bear inside of him. Even though he was only half, he would still ca
rry my traits. I felt pride swell in my chest knowing that one day he would be just like me. Or maybe even better.

  “Yeah, I felt like I had to. It was kind of a shithole anyway, but it was home.” The first time since she arrived she looked truly afraid. She'd been so strong.

  “How did you find me?”

  She looked sheepish. “I went to your job. I know that's like totally illegal and everything but the sergeant there told me where you lived, as it was really important that I talk to you. I think he saw Camden and kind of assumed…”

  Great, I would never live this down. “No it's fine, they would have found out anyway. I'm really close with the guys on my squad. They’re like me.”

  “Shifters? All of them?”

  “You really don't know anything about us, do you?”

  “Not really. I mean I knew that you existed. But nobody really talks about it, not since the pro-shifter legislation passed. I know that we’re not supposed to treat you guys any different. Which honestly is fine by me. I just wish that other people wouldn’t, especially now that my son belongs to this world. I want you to know that the only reason I came here is because I’d do anything to protect him. This isn't about me or anything that I want.”

  That one hurt. I didn't make eye contact with her, to avoid her figuring that a piece of me hoped that she had come to me not just because I was Camden's father, but because she still had some feelings for me. Whatever feelings could be based on one night for a human, I wasn't sure. I knew how much of my feelings were based on it, though.

  “No, I totally understand. So without an apartment and without a job you're kind of shit out of luck? Am I right?”

  She nodded again, this time looking desperate. She didn't need to look that way; I would take care of her. “I hope you’ve got your stuff. There's a guest room that you and Camden can sleep in. I obviously have no baby items, but I’ll get anything you need. The house isn’t much but it’ll work. This is obviously the kitchen and living room is right through there.” I pointed off to my left. “There's no dining room, as I eat in the living room in front of the TV most nights. I don't cook, so don't expect that. But I'll pay all the bills and you can stay here as long as you need to. Definitely until we get all this figured out.”

  “I’ll work! I'm not expecting a hand out.”

  “That's not what this is about. If you're outside this house, someone is going to find you. Staying here is about your safety. Yours and Camden's. So I can bring home whatever and you’re to stay here at all times. You can't trust anyone.”

  She bit her lip, which was cute. I could tell she was thinking it over. She didn’t seem like the type of girl to just take anything given to her. I appreciated that. A hard working woman—it was a trait I admired. “Okay, I can cook. I have to go grocery shopping though—I can’t be a total prisoner in here—and I can cook for you every night. You'll never have to eat in front of the television alone again. We could eat here at the table, like a family or something.”

  Like proper family. She had no idea how good that sounded. “That would be nice. But send out for grocery service. I was serious that you can't leave the house. I’ll have to ditch your car, in case they’re tracking it. I’ll run it out into one of the state parks around here and just leave it there, they won’t think anything of it until they try to track it again. I can put surveillance on it to figure out who's been following you.”

  “You can do all that? Because you’re a cop?”

  “I can do all that because I'm going to. But yes, being a cop certainly has its benefits when it comes to a situation like this. But I need to inform the rest of my squad what's going on. We had our suspicions about the killings, but you're the first person to confirm it. I can't believe they offered you money, like they thought you would take it. It's your kid we’re talking about here, did they get that?”

  “I think they did when I told him no. That’s when he told me that they would make me sorry. And that's when I knew I had to get away, that they wouldn’t leave me alone. Is this what your life has been like? People constantly chasing you?”

  Camden started to doze off again as I rocked him in my arms. I couldn't believe how natural it felt. Within seconds, he fell back to sleep. “No. It's never been like this for me. All of this is brand-new. I don't know what's going on, Penelope, but I'm going to find out. You don't need to worry anymore.”

  The first time since she had walked in, I saw her shoulders slump, and she finally relaxed. I wondered if she felt like she been holding her breath the entire time since she had been propositioned to give up Camden. I wondered what it felt like to finally let go.



  “We need to talk about what you told me about Camden. About the man who offered you money. I need to know everything about him so we can figure out what organization he’s working for. And then I can take him down and anyone who stands with him.”

  “He gave me a card. I don't know why I just remembered that. But he gave me a card with his name and number on it. No business though, I don't think. Let me grab it.”

  I quickly got up in order to look through Camden’s diaper bag. I kept it exactly for this purpose. Well, to turn over to the cops, at least. I didn't realize the cops would be Harrison himself. I pulled out a small business card and handed it back to him. “What are you going to do with it? I mean what are you going to do to them?”

  “I think I’m going to go undercover. And then the precinct and I are going to take them down. It's that simple.”

  It sounded anything but simple. He hadn’t met that man, who was a freaking creep. “It's that simple? It sounds dangerous! You can’t just waltz in there with these people! Look how easily they found me. Do you think that they really don't know about you? I mean how else could they have known about Camden?”

  “I'm betting that they do know about me. But I'm also guessing that they don't know what I look like or my name. Besides I’ll disguise myself a little bit. I've always enjoyed the dramatic side of undercover work. I’ll have a new identity. Nothing to tie me to you or Camden.”

  “I'm not worried about Camden or myself. I’m worried about you! This isn’t regular police work, Harrison, this is some crazy organization. People with money. You said yourself about the murders that you couldn't figure out what was going on. You already know that they’re one step ahead of you. What if they figure you out?”

  He sat back in his chair, looking more casual than he should have for such a serious conversation. “Forget that, this is what I do for a living. I love this shit. Taking down the bad guy is what I live for. So don’t you worry. I'll handle this.”

  I tried to pretend that I wasn't worried. I couldn't lie to him and tell him that I knew he would be okay. I had this terrible feeling that buried itself deep in my stomach, but he looked so confident that I didn't have the heart to knock him down. Maybe I was just overreacting. This was Harrison's profession and maybe he did have the element of surprise on his side.

  All that I knew was now that I had my little family together, I didn't want to let them go.

  “Are you hungry?” He asked me.

  “Yeah, kinda,” I admitted.

  “I’ll order pizza, I mean you like pizza, right?” He smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat. God, he was gorgeous. Why had I thought my feelings would change? Being this close to him, I just wanted him to hold me again. Cradle me in his arms and keep me safe. Lay kisses on my lips like he did that night.

  He got up and passed Camden to me. As he leaned down to place him in my arms our faces almost touched. I wanted to reach up to kiss him so badly.

  I held my breath as he moved away. “Harrison?”


  “Thank you.”

  He smiled again, so genuine. “Of course.”



  I sent the squad a text with an address. They all met me at a diner downtown that I had gone to since I hadn’t gone to the one Penny worke
d at anymore. I sat in a corner booth alone, holding a coffee mug between my hands. I knew once they got here they’d be worried. We hadn’t been here, as a group, in a long time.

  I remembered the last time Sarge brought us here, to tell us that his mother had cancer. That woman was a saint. She took all of us in like we were her own. She was a human and her husband a shifter. But he had passed away when Sarge was just a kid. So she had always been on her own, and she was a tough broad. But kind, too. At Christmas time, she would knit scarves, and she always had cookies for us sitting in the office. She was everything to all of us. Some of the other guys didn't have great relationships with their parents, myself included. I talked to my mom occasionally, but she was never the warm and fuzzy type. My dad had split when I was just a cub. I had no idea where he was.

  I wouldn’t do that to Camden.

  Penelope and he would be my whole world now.

  I knew as soon as they started to slide into the booth one by one that they knew something was up. They were too quiet. Judith had only been with us a few months after Sarge told us about her cancer. She passed away in hospice with Sarge and his wife, Natasha, next to her. But every time I looked at him, I thought of her. Even if it was only for a fleeting second, she crossed my mind. And I felt terrible that he didn’t really have any family left. Again, he had Natasha, and she was wonderful. But she wasn't the family he grew up with. She was his new family. It just wasn’t the same.

  The guys ordered drinks and Sarge ordered breakfast, his staple diner food, and they looked at me expectantly. They knew something was up.

  “Are you going to tell us what’s going on?” Gavin asked. “Because last time we were here…”

  “Somebody dropped a bomb?” Sarge asked us. Nobody made eye contact.


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