Book Read Free

Perfectly Mixed

Page 10

by Ancelli

  “Yes, you can show your ex-wife,” Kanielle picked up the menu. “I’ve never been here, what’s good?”

  He shook his head, what made her think he would know? “I guess the pizza.”

  She started laughing, and he cocked his eyebrow, he didn’t know he said something funny. He was trying to be sarcastic. Kanielle snorted, making him smile.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Kanielle covered her mouth with her hand; she couldn’t stop laughing, and then her eyes widened.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked concerned.

  “I think I peed myself,” she giggled. “I didn’t believe it when my cousin said that pregnant women pee a little in their third trimester when they laughed or sneezed too hard. Thank God I’m wearing a panty liner.”

  Brandon drew back flushed, he didn’t expect that. This was a different Kanielle, she had spark. He liked it.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” she hit his hand. “We are grown adults, you should know what’s going on in my body.”

  “And why is that?” he smirked inspecting the piece of confetti she had on her cheek.

  “Because, as you have said before, she might be yours too, and didn’t you say you wanted to be a part of everything?”

  “I did,” he watched her as she eyed him. “I mean I do.”

  Kanielle dug something else out of her bag. “Here, it’s time you expanded your horizons.”

  “What’s this?” he watched the gadget in her palm.

  “It’s called an MP3 player,” she chuckled.

  “I know that, why are you giving it to me?”

  Kanielle placed it on the table. “It’s music, my kind. Oldies, R&B, blues, and a little bit of Hip Hop.”

  “What’s wrong with Country?” He stared at her, he already knew she didn’t like his kind of music. Kanielle didn’t have to do this. He was flattered she thought of him. Brandon clutched the item, putting it in his breast pocket.

  “Nothing, but it’s boring. There’s some Marvin Gaye, Freddie Jackson… oldies, John Legend, Sam Smith…” She waved down the waiter and they both ordered.

  “Who?” Brandon took out his wallet, positioned the sonogram in between his bills, and pulled out forty dollars.

  “I can’t believe you don’t know who those singers are.” Kanielle watched him as she took a sip of her water.

  Brandon smirked, who hasn’t heard of Marvin Gaye and the others? He placed the bills in the middle of the table, and replaced his wallet in his pocket.

  “I invited you,” she was about to grab the money, and he picked it up.

  “What kind of man would I be if I let you pay for lunch?” The waiter passed by and he gave it to him. “Keep the change.”

  “Thanks, Sir,” the waiter said.

  “Really…” She crossed her hands over her belly.

  “Yes,” he picked up the plastic bag next to him and handed it to her.

  Kanielle grabbed and opened it, pulling out a five-pound bag of gummy bears. She squealed, making the patrons glance over their way. “Brandon,” she pounced from her seat directly toward him, and kissed his cheek. “This is my favorite.”

  Chris was right, she loved gummies, but he didn’t expect this reaction from her. Lucy did a great job, he owed her. Kanielle moved back to her seat.

  “That was sweet of you, Coral and I thank you,” she patted her stomach.

  “You’re welcome,” he scooted his chair in. “How have you been?”

  “I’m back home,” she touched her wedding finger. “How about you?”

  “Busy.” She’d taken off her wedding ring; he could see the imprint of where it used to be, however he was confused. “So, you went back home to your husband?”

  “God no,” she raised her voice. “In the divorce decree, I get the house and he agreed.”

  “Oh,” for some reason he was relieved. “That’s all you get. What about alimony?”

  “I asked for the house, because all of my baby’s things are in there, and I didn’t want to have to move everything.” She sighed. “I don’t need anything from him for myself, but for the baby that’s different, I asked for child support.”

  “You didn’t even have to ask, that should’ve been a given,” Brandon had a huge problem with deadbeat fathers. You lay in the bed you make, if you didn’t want children you should’ve done something to prevent it.

  “How long did it take for your divorce to be final?” Kanielle played with her manicured nails.

  “As soon as it was signed, we went to court and it was finalized.” Brandon finally could talk about his marriage without feeling hurt.

  “Are you happy?”

  “I can finally say yes,” he took a sip of his drink. Brandon was in a good place now. Maggie was where she wanted to be, and he was where he needed to be. Rebecca and Kanielle were helping him move on. Dating Rebecca was going better than he thought, and keeping Kanielle in his sight was keeping him busy. The only thing he wished he could rid of, were the nightmares.

  “Good, I’ll get there too.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  The waiter came over with a medium pepperoni pizza and a sausage calzone, placed them in the middle of the table, and refilled the drinks. He cut the pizza, and served them two slices each.

  Kanielle dug into her slice of pizza. They ate in silence for a while.

  “I went on my first date since the divorce.” Why the hell did he tell her that?

  “How was it, did it feel awkward?” Kanielle was interested in his date, she leaned forward on her elbow, her belly touching the table. “Share, I want to know what to expect a year from now.”

  “A year?” He was kind of surprised she would wait so long.

  “My daughter comes first,” she smiled, wiping her mouth with a paper napkin. “Don’t avoid my questions.”

  “At first it was awkward, but then it was okay. Our second date went much better. She’s a really nice lady.” The day after the second date, he did send Rebecca the text he’d started the night before. They’d been talking every other day since then.

  “Did you feel chemistry? Did you compare her to your ex-wife?” Kanielle was asking too many questions. “I’m sorry,” she moved back. “I don’t get to interact with people since I was placed on early maternity leave. The one person I had to speak and listen to, well you know what happened.”

  Brandon understood where she was coming from, “I told you to call or text me anytime. I mean it.”

  She grinned.

  “The chemistry wasn’t there, and yes there were occasions that I did compare her to my ex-wife.” In that moment Brandon leaned forward in his chair, and touched Kanielle’s cheek, making her gasp. They gazed at each other for a moment. “You had something on your cheek,” he moved back showing her the pink confetti. Kanielle blushed, caressing the area he touched. Brandon couldn’t stop staring at her. She was a cool person to talk to. Someone that didn’t know his past, who would judge him for the person he was now, not the one he used to be. Shawn was his best friend, but he still saw him as Sergeant First Class Stokes, not the civilian Brandon.

  Brandon and Kanielle talked for hours, not knowing the time was flying by. She was a unique woman, why would her husband throw away such a wonderful woman?

  Chapter Twelve

  “Whoa…” Brandon said looking at her belly move. “Her kicks are getting stronger each day.”

  “I haven’t had a peaceful night of rest in a while, she usually moves at night,” Kanielle smiled into her phone. They talked almost every day, and sometimes video chatted, especially when he wanted to see Coral in action. “How’s work?”

  “Busy,” Brandon showed her the stack of folders he had on his desk. “How was your day?”

  “Busy,” she chuckled. “My ankles are swollen.”

  “Do you need me to give you a massage?” Brandon winked, making her shake her head. He was such a flirt with her, Brandon made her feel special, beautiful. Something she hadn’t felt for
some time.

  “Nope, but thank you.”

  “How was the doctor appointment?” He sat in behind his desk.

  “Everything is going as planned, six more weeks,” she rubbed her stomach. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “I can’t either, regardless of who here parents are,” he gazed at her.

  Her doorbell rang. Kanielle leaned up on her elbows, and pushed herself up. She wasn’t expecting anyone.

  “You have a visitor.”

  “It seems so.”

  “Your brother is on his way up for a visit. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Bye,” Kanielle placed the phone beside her, she pushed herself up with her hands on the couch, and scooted forward, getting up. “I’m coming.”

  She looked through the peephole, and sighed. What did he want? She hadn’t seen him in over two months. Kanielle grabbed the doorknob, and opened the door. “Robert, what do you want?”

  “Damn.” His eyes were glued to her stomach as he looked at her. “We need to talk.”

  “About?” She placed her hand on her hip.

  “This,” he lifted some documents in the air. “Can I come in?”

  Kanielle moved out of the way so he could step in. “Are those your finalized copy of our divorce papers?”

  “No,” he raised his voice. “These are custody papers.”

  Kanielle’s heart sped up. Robert was suing her for custody? “Get out!”

  “It’s not what you think,” he watched her. “Maggie I think her name is, contacted me, and we met up.”

  “Maggie?” Kanielle raised her eyebrow.

  “Maggie Stokes,” he sat down on her sofa. “She said that her husband had these papers drawn up for us to sign, so we’re supposed to meet them at his office.”

  Kanielle observed Robert, she’d just spoken to Brandon and he didn’t mention a word, about custody papers or Maggie. “At Brandon’s office?”

  “Yes, they want full custody as soon as it’s proven that the baby is theirs,” he flipped over the paper. “When we sign these we give up all rights to the baby.”

  Kanielle read the signatures on the document. Maggie and Robert had already signed. “Why did you sign, and if Brandon knew about this so called document where is his signature?”

  “We are married Kanielle, so legally she will be my daughter, and Brandon hasn’t signed because he wanted me to convince you.” Robert looked at her.

  “We’re no longer married,” she said underneath her breath. Kanielle didn’t know what to think. Did Brandon just use her, making her feel comfortable with him, just to pull the rug from under her. “He wouldn’t,” she let slip from her lips.

  “He wouldn’t what, Kanielle? Betray you,” Robert stood. “He is not your friend, he used you. You would think you’d learn by now.”

  Kanielle twisted her head. Robert would never learn that his words always got him in trouble. “I did learn, starting with you. What time are they expecting us?”

  He looked at his watch, “In thirty minutes.”

  She waddled over to her door. “See you in half an hour.”

  “I can give you a ride,” he eyed her.

  “I can drive myself.” Kanielle squinted feeling a sharp pain in her pelvis. She’d been having the same pain all morning, but her doctor said it was normal.

  Robert went to pass her and stopped. “I miss you, Kanielle,” he felt her stomach, and the baby moved. He started laughing, “I can’t wait to meet you, little Richardson.”

  “I don’t miss you. Like you mentioned, I’ve learned my lesson, and you’ve been one of them.” Kanielle moved away from his touch, “Bye,” she closed the door, and twisted the lock. She picked up the phone to call Brandon. Kanielle dialed his cell and his office phone, but he didn’t answer. Was he avoiding her? Only one way to find out.


  Brandon showed Chris around the building. Chris needed to talk to him; he could tell the young man was troubled. It had to be about telling his mother that he’d decided to join the Air Force and was leaving in three months after his niece was born.

  “Good afternoon, Gilbert,” Brandon nodded as they entered the printing department. Gilbert waved back, and continued pushing the buttons on a computer.

  Chris examined the printing machines as they strolled through the space featuring multiple printing machines. Brandon explained each department in the building, from Administration, and Human Resources, to the reporting and news section, and finally his area, the editorial department.

  “What do you do?” Chris asked entering Brandon’s office.

  “I’m the person who decides what’s written, and how the news will be printed in the paper,” Brandon strolled across the open space. “Have a seat,” Brandon pointed at the cushioned chair in front of him.

  Chris sat, glancing around his office. “Has my sister been here?”

  “No, why?” Brandon was curious.

  “Sorry, man, but you need a decorator ASAP, and my sister is the best,” Chris chuckled.

  Brandon reeled back, inspecting his office. Chris was right, but he liked it just the way it was, simple. It was huge with a beautiful view of the city. The only furniture he had was his antique mahogany desk, leather chair, a small table where he placed his coffee maker, two chairs in front of his desk, and two matching book shelves, no paintings or decorations on his walls. On the bookshelves he had his signed footballs enclosed in glass, framed articles and books. Brandon didn’t need anything else, as long as he had a chair and desk to work on. “Hopefully she’ll never come then,” he didn’t mean that. Brandon wouldn’t mind having more visitors; his employees thought he was antisocial.

  “So, you’re a big shot here?” Chris glanced around the office.

  “Nah, I wish.” Brandon powered on his computer. “I’m just a man, making a living.”

  Chris’ mouth twisted to the side, smirking. “Yeah right.”

  “Go up to the last floor, that’s where you’ll find the big shots,” Brandon moved his mouse, and typed on the keyboard.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Stokes,” Lucy smiled coming through the open door. She wore a grey pantsuit; her hair was in an up do style. Brandon saw the way Chris ogled her cleavage. Not on my watch, he thought. “I have the columns you wanted to see,” she strolled into the office with three white folders in her hand. “Hi,” Lucy stared at Chris, Brandon didn’t like what he was seeing; the two young adults gazed at each other.

  “Hi,” Chris looked hypnotized, staring at the Hispanic beauty. What was wrong with him?

  She placed the folders in his inbox basket, and turned around, extending her manicured hand. “Hi, Lucy Martinez, and you are?”

  Chris stood, shaking her hand. He cleared his throat, “Chris… Chris Jackson.” Chris could barely get his name out right, he was under Lucy's spell, a spell Brandon was about to end.

  He had to break this shit up. “Lucy, anything else?” Brandon raised his eyebrows, looking at her and then at Chris.

  Chris squeezed her hand, and rubbed her knuckles with his thumb. Lucy's eyes sparkled as she released his hand and twisted around. “No, Mr. Stokes.”

  “Thank you,” Brandon opened the first folder, placing it on the desk. “I think Bianca is calling you.”

  “Nice meeting you, Chris,” Lucy beamed, and strolled out of the office with a little more sway in her walk than normal.

  Chris was still standing with a grin on his face, watching Lucy’s retreating form. “Who is that?”

  “Jailbait, that’s who she is,” Brandon peered at the young man as he sat. “Stay away, her brothers will kill you.” José and Javier Martinez weren’t going to come after him because their baby sister was being a flirt.

  “They don’t have to know.” Chris chuckled.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Brandon entwined his fingers. “I don’t want to be the one to tell Kanielle her brother’s dead because he didn’t take my advice.”

  Chris looked back one mo
re time, and then faced him. “I did it.”

  “What did you do?” Brandon’s eyebrow cocked, confused. He did what?

  “I signed and swore in today,” he moved back in the chair.

  Brandon leaned forward, smiling. “Congratulations, man.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How did your mother react?”

  “I haven’t told her yet.”

  “You joined without telling your mom?”

  At that moment his office phone rang, Brandon glanced at the caller ID noticing it was the guard’s station in the lobby. He picked it up. “Yes.”

  “Sir, Mrs. Stokes is here to see you.”

  Maggie, what the hell was she doing here? When they were married she must have visited four times that he could remember. What did she want now?

  “Let her pass, thanks, Tony,” Brandon placed the phone back on its cradle.

  “What’s wrong?” Chris looked at him.

  “My ex-wife is here to see me.”

  “That’s my cue to leave,” Chris stood.

  Brandon pushed his seat back, and walked over to Chris and gave him a bear hug, and shook his hand. “Congratulations!”

  “Thanks for everything,” he turned to leave, “Oh, did you speak to my sister today?”

  “Yes, why?” Brandon asked concerned.

  “Did she mention anything about me enlisting?”


  Chris smiled, “Kanielle was there when I took the oath. She’s always been there for me,” he moved toward the door. “Can I ask you a favor?”


  “Please look out for her, she’s very vulnerable.”

  That was the last thing Brandon thought about Kanielle, she seemed strong to him. “I will.”

  “Robert is bad news, man. I once saw him out with a red head woman, and my homey said he saw him kissing on some light-skinned chick once. I never said anything to Kanielle, because I didn’t want to hurt her.” Chris mentioned. “But I think I did more damage keeping it from her.”

  Brandon didn’t know what to say. If he were Kanielle he would be pissed at Chris, thinking what he did was betrayal too.


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