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Perfectly Mixed

Page 29

by Ancelli


  Leslie stormed into Kanielle’s office with a binder in one hand, and papers in the other.

  “Yes,” Kanielle was standing next to the window, looking at a furniture catalog.

  She walked straight to Ava’s side of the office, and slammed the white binder on the desk. “You stupid, dumb ass.”

  Ava’s eyes widened in surprise, and then Leslie threw the papers in her face, making her glasses fall off her nose.

  “What is wrong with you?” Kanielle glared at Leslie, and ambled forward next to Ava. “Are you okay?” She picked up the glasses off the floor.

  Leslie paced.

  Kanielle stood, “I’m so sick and tired of the way you treat us. Today that shit comes to an end. You assaulted her.”

  “I didn’t touch her,” Leslie rolled her eyes.

  “You threw something at her,” Kanielle yelled. Leslie’s behavior had been over the top in the last few months.

  “It was just paper,” Leslie smirked.

  Ava wiped her eyes, and stood. “I will report you,” she glared at Leslie. “I have written down everything you’ve done to me.” Ava finally stood up for herself, and Kanielle was proud of her, she needed to stop letting Leslie bully her.

  Leslie laughed, “Go right ahead, Edward will never believe you two over me.”

  “Leslie,” Kanielle walked over and pointed her finger in her face. “You’re a bully. Why don’t you come after me, like you do Ava?”

  “Please, Kanielle.” she stared angrily at Leslie. “You think you’re better than me, don’t you?”

  Kanielle was confused, where was all this shit coming from?

  “I always wondered what Robert ever saw in you.” Leslie said as she leaned against Ava’s desk.

  Her eyebrows met in confusion, this was about Robert. “What does my personal life have to do with you?”

  “Kanielle,” Ava spoke up.

  They both looked at Ava as she took a few strides toward Kanielle.

  “Yes.” Kanielle watched Ava, something was wrong. What didn’t she know?

  “Leslie is a conniving bitch,” she said with conviction. “Remember when I told you I caught her having sex with the boss at the Christmas party.”

  “You’re the one that started that rumor?” Leslie’s lips thinned. “You better shut your mouth or else.”

  “Or else what?” Kanielle observed Ava. She was nervous, rubbing her hands together, pacing. “What is it, Ava?”

  “It wasn’t Edward she was having sex with,” Ava rambled on.

  Kanielle stared between them. Leslie’s lips thinned.

  “Ava, shut up!” Leslie shouted.

  “She was fucking your husband,” Ava finally said.

  Kanielle gasped, covering her mouth. When? She never saw this coming. Leslie and Robert? And then Kanielle smirked, remembering the conversation they had after she returned from maternity leave. “You bitch!” Kanielle’s ears burned with anger. Robert wasn’t her concern any more, but what Leslie and Robert did was beyond disrespectful. Leslie smiled in her face while she was fucking her husband. Robert was shit, and secrets always had a way of surfacing when you least expected it.

  “Why you mad?” Leslie glared at her. “He didn’t want you, he chose me over your sorry ass.”

  Kanielle moved closer to her. “You are so naïve. You think Robert left me?” she chuckled. “You’re such a fool. I left Robert, and he’s still begging me to come back.”

  Leslie’s nostrils flared.

  “Yes, that’s right. I was the one that divorced that piece of shit, and now he is all yours,” Kanielle covered her mouth with her hand, and laughed. “And do you really think you were the only one? Ask Robert who’s Sasha.”

  “Robert loves me, he only stayed with you for the baby.” Leslie stepped forward. “You couldn’t please him like I could.”

  “I’m happy for you two, you deserve each other.” Kanielle balled up a fist, and swung with everything she had. It connected with Leslie’s jaw, making her stumble back.

  Leslie grabbed her face. “You hit me.”

  “Damn right I did, and that’s not all.” Kanielle charged at her, hitting her in the stomach. She’d learned to defend herself after Robert pushed her into the wall. Leslie pulled her hair, and they both tumbled over Ava’s desk. Papers scattered all over, as the stapler, tape dispenser, and picture frames tumbled to the floor. They both fell on the other side of the desk with a thump. Kanielle rolled on top of Leslie, and continued hitting her.

  “Help!” Ava yelled, and ran out of the office.

  A few of her co-workers rushed into her office as she whooped Leslie’s ass, while one of them pulled Kanielle off her, and another one helped Leslie off the floor by grabbing Leslie’s waist.

  “Let me go!” Leslie screamed. Her lips were swollen and her left eye was beginning to swell.

  Kanielle laughed, “Yes let her go, so I can continue to whoop her ass.”

  “You’re fired!” Leslie yelled. “Get her out!”

  “Really?” Kanielle watched her. “You fire me, and you’ll go down with me. Or did you forget you were the first one to get physical by hitting Ava?”

  Edward’s son Anthony rushed into the office. “Did she hit you?” Anthony gazed at Ava, walking into the office.

  Ava’s lips curled up into a smile. “Yes, Leslie started this whole mess.”

  “Let them go,” Anthony ordered. “Both of you in my office now!” He marched out.

  “You’re going to pay for this, if it’s the last thing I do. You’ll regret ever putting your hands on me.” Leslie stormed out the office.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but she threatened me,” Ava picked up her papers off the floor. “So I tried to tell you in a non-direct way, but you didn’t catch on.”

  “None of this is your fault,” Kanielle rotated her wrist, opening and closing her fingers. She took deep breath. “He’s going to fire me.”

  “Tony isn’t going to fire you. He knows how Leslie is, he was just waiting for a reason to get rid of her,” Ava began fixing her desk.

  “Tony…” Kanielle looked at her co-worker with her eyebrow raised. His name was Anthony Bell, so when did he Ava start calling him Tony? She also didn’t miss the way her boss looked at Ava. “So, your boyfriend huh?”

  “Yes, the boss’ son.” Ava grinned.

  “You devil you. You have secrets.” Kanielle smiled back, “I’m happy for you.” She was happy for her co-worker, because Ava deserved a good man, and from what she’d heard Anthony was one.

  “Our secret,” Ava winked.

  “Our secret,” Kanielle sighed. “Let me go get my ass chewed,” she walked out of her office. Did she regret hitting that bitch? No, it felt too good. She smiled as she walked to the VP’s office.


  Leslie smiled to herself. The secret was out, and there was no way Kanielle would forgive Robert now. He would have to explain what the hell happened with Sasha though.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Brandon placed Kanielle’s hand in a bowl of ice. “Ouch,” she wiggled her fingers.

  “Remind me never to make you angry,” he kissed her knuckles. “It’s too late for the ice, sweets.”

  “I know,” she laid her head on his shoulders. “I’m thankful, I didn’t get fired. Just a write up and reprimand I can live with.”

  He kissed her temple. “You were defending your co-worker.”

  “That wasn’t the only reason,” she stiffened. “I also found out my supervisor was sleeping with Robert.”

  He twisted around facing her. Why the hell should she care who her ex was fucking?

  “While we were married, it’s the principal.” She placed the bowl on the table in front of them. “That was disrespectful.”

  Brandon smirked, gazing into her brown eyes. Now he understood. “It sure was,” he continued staring at her. “What happened to her?”

  “She was fired,” Kanielle gently ma
ssaged her swollen hand. “They had a file open on her, it had over five complaints from other employees.”

  “If you ladies were my employees, both of you would have been fired,” he stifled a laugh. Kanielle twisted her lips, she didn’t find his comment amusing.

  “You’re supposed to be on my side,” she pursed her lips.

  He leaned forward and quickly brushed his mouth against hers. “I will always be on your side,” Brandon gazed at her.

  “What is it?” She wiped her face.

  “Are you happy, Kanielle?” He questioned, touching her nose with his index finger.

  “Yes.” She whispered, and then glanced at Cece babbling, playing on a blanket on the floor next to them. Cece propped herself on her hands, bobbing her head. “I have never been this happy and content, Bran.”

  “Do you trust me?” He caressed her bottom lip, parting it. “Do you?”

  Kanielle didn’t answer right away. That meant she still had doubts, but that would change tonight. “Cece!”

  Brandon glanced down at the baby as she rose up on her hands and knees and rocked back and forth. He smiled. Baby girl was trying to crawl.

  “She’s crawling,” Kanielle stood, and bent down on her knees next to her. “You’re such a big girl.” Coral stared at her, and chattered some more.

  “You’re right, Cece, Mommy is trying to ignore my question,” Brandon leaned against the pillows, watching her. They’d seen their daughter do the same move for the past week.

  “Cece,” Kanielle broke eye contact. Kanielle stood, and picked the baby up. “It’s time for your bath,” She played with her. “Say bye Daddy,” Cece waved.

  Brandon waved, smiling. Smooth move, sweets. “Tonight your ass is mine.”


  Kanielle placed Cece down for the night. Her little girl was getting so big, and her hair was getting lighter, with blond highlights. How could Robert think there was a possibility she was still his? She closed the book she was reading, placing it on the baby’s dresser, and stared at her daughter. She traced her nose and lips. Coral was Brandon’s, there was no question.

  She strolled out of the nursery, closing the door behind her, and moved down the hall. She could hear music echoing from his bedroom. Meeting In My Bedroom by Silk echoed from the room. Kanielle slowly opened the door, and was met with a surprise. The lights were off, the flickering of many candle illuminated the dimmed room. She looked over on the bed, there were handcuffs, blindfolds, and whips on the blankets, and Brandon was standing next to the bed wearing only a grin on his face.

  Kanielle’s core tingled, watching his naked body. She eyed his solid abs, down to his muscular legs, and damn that V cut that went down to his magical dick. He was perfect in her eyes. Why did he choose her when he could have any woman he wanted, she wondered? “Who are you planning on using those things on?”

  “Sweets, I’m going to ask you one more time,” he walked up to her and tugged on her robe. “Do you trust me?”

  “I already answered,” her heart raced as his fingers brushed her collarbone.

  “I didn’t hear you,” he whispered behind her, nipping at her neck. Brandon slipped the material off her shoulders, making it drop to the floor around her ankles. “I need you to trust me with your mind, body, and soul.”

  “I’m afraid,” she mouthed.

  “What are you afraid of?” He kissed the back of her neck.

  “Getting hurt,” she closed her eyes. “I can’t take another broken heart.”

  “I would never break your heart,” he wrapped his arms around her, touching right under her left breast. “I love you.” Brandon tugged at her panties with his other hand. “You won’t be needing these tonight.” He bent down, taking them off and throwing the lacy material to the side. He smacked her ass, and then kissed her right cheek, making her moan. “Tonight you’re going to learn to trust me with your body.” Brandon’s tongue and lips continued their sensual assault from the arch of her back, kissing up to her collarbone.

  Kanielle couldn’t respond because her body was on overdrive.

  “Tonight,” he sucked on the sensitive skin under her ear. “What I say goes,” he nibbled. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” she wasn’t into the BDSM thing, but hearing his husky voice made her want to do anything he desired.

  He softly whispered her name against her skin, and goose bumps covered her entire body. Brandon walked her backward to his California king sized bed, and laid her down in the middle of the mattress. He cupped her face, and stroked her cheeks, her neck, and his hands gently cupped her breasts, taking each nipple into his mouth. Kanielle’s areolas became firm under his sucking, and pulling.

  “Do you like that, sweets?” he traced the tip of his tongue around her areola.

  Kanielle placed her hand in his silky hair, and tugged. “Yes… right there…”

  Brandon twirled his tongue around the nipple. Kanielle arched her back up, begging him for more. He took her tight nubs, kneading them between his thumb and forefinger, pinching them. She traced her fingers over his beautiful lips, and in a sudden move he started sucking on her finger. Kanielle groaned. “Bran…” She closed her eyes, as he took in her finger, and her pussy moistened. He slid up her body to her lips, and kissed her.

  Brandon moved off the bed. She twisted to the side, watching him dig into his nightstand. “I went shopping.” He wiggled two black silk scarfs, and picked up a candle from off the dresser.

  “What are you going to do with that candle?” Kanielle’s eyebrows met in confusion.

  “I’m going use it on you,” he smiled. This was a little lesson on trust. Brandon wanted all of Kanielle, and he knew it would take a while before she trusted him completely because of what she went through. He still had some issues himself over what Maggie did.

  “The hell you are,” Kanielle jumped up off the bed. “Are you crazy?”

  “I’m crazy about you.” He laughed at her, looking at her widened eyes. “It’s a special kind of candle. It even tastes great. Sweets, pain is pleasure,” he said and placed the candle on the nightstand.

  “Is it hot?”

  “Yes,” he responded, sensing her hesitancy. Maybe she wasn’t ready for this he thought. Was this a mistake?

  Kanielle watched him from the other side of the room with her arms across her chest, making them bulge up. What was she thinking?

  “Sweets, I will never hurt you,” Brandon softly stated. “This is for your pleasure,” he lifted the candle. “These hands are made for loving you,” He backed away about to blow out the candle.

  “Don’t,” she moved closer. “I know you will never hurt me on purpose.”

  “Do you trust me enough to know that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, period?” Brandon needed to hear the word, before proceeding.

  “Yes.” Kanielle responded and relaxed, laying back down in the middle of the mattress, extending both hands in his direction. Brandon leaned over her body with hooded eyes, and she felt his rock hard cock press against her stomach. Brandon tied her hands to each bedpost with the two silk ties.

  He went back to his assault on her left breast, taking turns sucking and twirling his tongue. Kanielle’s hips bucked, trying to hump on his cock.

  “Don’t move.” Brandon pinned her thighs down with his hands.

  “Okay.” she muttered.

  He kissed his way down to her shaved pussy, and continued to her feet. She could feel the warmth between her thighs. Brandon began kissing her left ankle, then slowly up her calf and up to her inner thighs. Kanielle was shivering, holding on to the ties. The silky material was tight around her wrists, she twisted her hands, trying to get loose but couldn’t. She yearned to touch him. “Bran…” she begged.

  He teased her for a few seconds, blowing on her sensitive bud peeking through the hood. She felt the pressure of his finger on her clit, rubbing it in circular motions. Kanielle felt her juices flow every time Brandon touched her. “You’re so wet,” he
looked up from her pussy. Brandon stroked her up and down, and then he inserted one finger into her folds, making her release a light breathy giggle in delight, tugging at the scarves.

  Brandon kissed her hip as his digits stroked inside of her. He slowly opened her labia, moving his lips closer, and tongued her pussy. She hollered his name, thrashing her head back and forth. “Oh God…” Kanielle thrust up as his fingers and mouth continued pleasing her. Kanielle was soaked, and her clit began throbbing. She begged him for more. He stopped right before she was about to come.

  “I said no moving,” he smirked, his jaw moist with her juices. He leaned over retrieving the candle. Kanielle’s eyes opened wide, and her chest heaved up and down. She was nervous, biting her lower lip.

  “I can blindfold you if you want?” He lifted the black blindfold off the bed. “Sometimes it’s better if you can’t see it.”

  “No.” she touched his leg with her toes. “I want to see everything.”

  Brandon held the candle above her breast.

  “Are you sure about this?” He asked. Kanielle squinted her eyes in response, trying not to back out before it was too late.

  Without warning, he tipped the candle over, allowing a few drops to fall in between her breasts. Kanielle flinched, closing her eyes as the warm liquid hit her skin, realizing that it wasn’t that bad. He moved over to her left nipple and added another few drops around it, and a larger amount covering her areola. She gasped at the feeling it caused deep in her belly. It was like sensual butterflies building up for an erotic explosion.

  “You want me to stop?” Brandon fingered the slowly hardening wax over her nipple.

  The sensation was warm, and the pleasure outweighed the pain. “Please don’t… stop…” she said between moans. She was wetter than ever. He now owned her body, and she trusted him with everything, including her heart.


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