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Perfectly Mixed

Page 32

by Ancelli

  “He is happy.” She mumbled to herself. “I’m happy.” Kanielle asserted, and started cooking as she sang a hymn her mom always sang. No Weapon.


  “This is delicious,” his grandmother took a bite of Kanielle’s eggs.

  Kanielle smiled, “See, I told you I can cook,” she said with pride as she fed Cece a piece of a pancake. “Yummy, sugar pie,” she said to Cece as she chewed her food.

  Brandon stared at the most important people in his life. His granny was smiling and engaging in conversation with Kanielle. They’d forgotten he was also at the table. He ate in silence as even Cece ignored him. When it came to food his daughter was greedy. She banged on her highchair when Kanielle didn’t feed her fast enough.

  “Mrs. Maureen, when are you coming to visit us?” Kanielle wiped Coral’s mouth with a napkin, and she hit her. “That’s not nice,” Kanielle scolded Cece, making her cry. Now she chose to stare at him.

  “Maybe next year,” his granny took a sip of her orange juice. “When you move into your new house. I can make some curtains if you want, just let me know what fabric you want to use.”

  “I would love that,” Kanielle grinned. Cece continued crying. Brandon went to move.

  “Don’t.” Both Kanielle and his granny yelled at him in unison.

  “She’s so spoiled,” Kanielle chuckled, handing the baby a bottle of milk. Cece grabbed it, and stopped crying.

  “Sorry, princess,” Brandon chimed in. He looked around the table, deciding that he needed a son next. “Breakfast was delicious,” he wiped his mouth. “By the way, when is your mother getting married?”

  “I don’t know, maybe next year.”

  “When are you two getting married?” His granny leaned back in her chair, looking between the two. Kanielle didn’t answer, she just stuffed her mouth with food.

  “I’m ready right now,” Brandon responded.

  Kanielle choked on her food, and grabbed her cup of juice.

  “Whenever Kanielle is ready.”

  His grandmother laughed. He thought she would find Kanielle not answering a negative, but instead she found it amusing. Cece started giggling too.

  Kanielle got up. “I’ll clean up. Mrs. Maureen, take the day off.” She picked up the plates and placed them in the sink. “Brandon, are you done?”

  Brandon stared at her and smirked. “Yes, I’m done for now.” He picked up Cece from her highchair. “Mommy needs some time to finally give herself to me.” He looked back at her and winked. “But really she’s already mine.” He whispered. “I’ll wait until she comes to me.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “I’m going to be late picking you up, I have to finish tomorrow’s edition,” Brandon said. “Or you can meet me there.”

  “Really?” Kanielle continued to flat iron her hair. She had him on speakerphone. She was already frustrated from doing her hair for the last hour. It was really her fault; she was taking too many breaks. Cece giggled in her bouncer connected to the doorframe. “This is your Christmas party.”

  “I know, sweets, but I have to finish this,” Brandon replied. “If I could pass it on, I would.”

  “Fine.” Kanielle sighed, “I’ll meet you there. What about your tux?”

  “It’s in the truck.”

  “You knew you weren’t going to make it, didn’t you?” She sprayed her hair with sheen.

  “No,” he chuckled. “I picked it up from the cleaner this morning.”

  “Da… da…” Cece jumped.

  “Did she just say da da?” He asked excitedly.

  “No,” she snickered, looking at her gorgeous baby.

  “Da… da… da…” Cece continued chattering.

  “Yes she did.” He hollered. “Yes, Cece, Daddy loves you.”

  Kanielle couldn’t stop laughing. She wasn’t going to burst his bubble and tell him she said ma ma first. “She’s a traitor,” she teased and blew a kiss at Cece.

  “I’ve been looking at the classifieds for houses. We should start looking after the New Year.” He then added. “Is that okay with you?

  He was so considerate of her feelings and wants. He always asked her for her opinion. “Yes, that’s fine.”

  “Good, I’ll call some real estate agencies.”

  “Okay,” she started applying her make-up. “Bye, baby, I have to finish getting dressed.”

  “Bye, can’t wait to see you all dolled up.”

  “I’m always dolled up,” she uttered playfully.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. Bye.”

  “Bye.” She swiped her finger over her phone and searched her music. All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor, echoed through her speaker, and Kanielle started dancing. Kanielle snapped her fingers, and moved to the beat. “Yep, Mommy isn’t a size two,” she shook her butt. “This is real,” she pointed at her boobs and butt. She swung her hands from side to side.

  Cece moved her head up and down to the music.

  Kanielle smacked her ass, “I’m bringing booty back…” She sashayed to the music, playing with her little girl. She had never been this happy. She had her own little family with a man that respected her, and was grateful for everything she did, even the simple stuff like making him coffee. With him she never felt under-appreciated.

  “Ma… ma…”Cece giggled, then repeated herself. “Ma… ma… ma…”

  “You’re my sugar pie,” Kanielle needed to hurry up. Her make-up matched her red dress. Gold and black stilettos with a peep-toe finished the outfit. She brushed on a bit of natural colors. She grabbed her dress off the hook on the back of the door. “Isn’t this beautiful, Coral?” She lifted up the long backless, sleeveless, red chiffon, A-line dress, with the V-neck front. She paid a few dollars for it, but she wanted to look stunning for her man. Kanielle put on her gold dangling earrings, and a simple gold and black bracelet.

  She stared at her reflection in the mirror, and happiness stared back. Her eyes sparkled. Her hair was silky, touching her shoulders. Kanielle had never felt this pretty in her entire life. The love of a good man can work miracles. “It’s time for Mommy to put on her dress,” she said and slipped on her gown, and gasped. She’d tried it on at the store, but it was different when she was all dolled up. She twirled in the dress, “What do you think?”

  Coral kept jumping, and the doorbell rang.

  “Grandma is coming to babysit, be a good girl,” she walked over to the bouncer and picked her up. “Please don’t spit up.” Kanielle went down the stairs, grabbing the hem of her dress, while carefully holding Cece. It was too long for her petite form. “Coming, Ma.” She strolled to the door, and swung it open.

  Her mom covered her mouth, “Oh, Kanielle, you look stunning.”

  “Thank you.” she twisted around back into the living room.

  “Where is the rest of your dress?” Her mom inquired, closing the door. “You’re going to get sick.”

  “I won’t.” Kanielle knew her mom was going to say something about her back being out.

  “Hi, pookie bear, come to Grandma.” She kissed her cheeks. “Are her bags ready?” She came straight from work to pick up Cece, and leave.

  “Yes,” Kanielle walked into the kitchen, and returned with the baby’s bag. “I packed some extra bottles.” She handed it to her mom.

  “Have fun,” her mom kissed her. “You and Brandon deserve it.”

  “Mom.” she gazed at her mother. “Do you think we’ll last?” Kanielle was too happy. Nothing good lasted long. She just wanted to hear her mother’s answer.

  Her mom’s lips turned up into a smile. “Only you know that. Brandon loves you, Kanielle, it will never be all sugar and cream, and that’s what a relationship is about. You have your ups and downs, but it’s how you handle your problems that will tell you if you’ll last. Everything in life is a risk, and love is one of the biggest.”

  “I asked you a simple question,” Kanielle chuckled.

  “Do you love him?” Her mo
m probed.

  “Yes… Oh God yes. I love that man.” She blurted out, making her mother laugh. “He makes me feel special.”

  “Because you are, sweetie,” she touched her arms. “Don’t make a mistake and say no.”

  “No to what?” She was confused about what her mother was talking about?

  “Nothing, dear,” she ambled to the door, twisted the knob and opened it. “Have fun.”

  “I will.”


  Brandon was standing outside of the venue waiting for Kanielle to pull up to the valet parking. He tried to get all his shit done, but work piled up. He wasn’t at work as much as he used to be, because now he made time for his family. He trained Bianca, but she didn’t want to do anything without his approval. He made sure to let all the staff know that Bianca was next in line when he wasn’t in the office. Bianca enjoyed the power she had, and she liked ordering people around.

  Kanielle’s car pulled up to the valet and he couldn’t help the smile on his face. She’d changed him. Was he ever this content? Nope, she was the oxygen he breathed. The valet attendant opened the door, and she twisted in her seat, exposing her feet. Her sexy toes were red, wrapped around gold heels. The young man helped her out of the vehicle.

  Brandon’s breath caught in his throat, and he slowly swallowed, gawking at his woman. He couldn’t move as he continued staring at her. Brandon had never seen her hair in the straight style, and it hung perfectly around her face. He loved her no matter what she wore, but damn. The dress hugged her curvy figure like it was tailored just for her. The color was beautiful against her radiant chocolate skin. Her make-up was naturally beautiful, not like the other women he saw enter the party.

  Kanielle hadn’t seen him yet. He strolled forward, “I’m going to be the envy of all the men tonight.”

  She smiled, “Is that your way of saying I look nice?”

  “No,” he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. “That’s my way of saying you look amazing,” Brandon slid his fingers in her hair. “What did you do to it?”

  She shook her head, letting her hair bounce. “It’s called a flat iron, it took me over an hour.”

  “Flat iron?” he chuckled, seeing her eyes widened. “Just kidding.” Brandon took her hand in his, and they strolled into the ballroom. Everyone in the room, stopped and looked at Brandon and Kanielle, whispering. “Don’t mind them.” He could tell Kanielle was uncomfortable. Her palms were sweaty and she squeezed his hand, looking around the room. The ballroom was beautifully decorated with crystal chandeliers, and a creamy colored palette that complimented the red bows around each chair. Expensive china and silverware settings were placed around each table. Tall crystal vases with exotic flowers sat in the middle.

  “I’ve never been to a company Christmas party before.” Brandon said.

  “Never?” she whispered.

  “I didn’t have a reason to come.” Brandon used to work while everyone at the newspaper was celebrating the holidays. “Maggie didn’t like the people I worked with.”

  “Oh…” she stopped him. “If you didn’t want to come, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “That’s just it,” he touched her neck. “I wanted to come with you. Show you off.”

  She snickered.

  “No… it can’t be possible, boss,” Bianca cocked her head. “I can’t believe after how many years?” she glanced at Kanielle. “Did you have to twist his arm to come?”

  Kanielle smiled. “Not this time. Brandon wanted to come and mingle with his employees and colleagues. He will be showing off his fun side tonight.”

  “Say what?” Bianca covered her mouth. “Save me a dance. Oops where’s my manners?” she extended her arm. “Bianca Price,” Kanielle shook her hand.

  “Kanielle Jackson,” she circled her arm around his elbow. Brandon smirked, she was staking her claim on him. Without realizing it, Kanielle was giving her all to him.

  “I’m your boyfriend’s right hand. Thank you for taking him out of the office, I needed some breathing room.” She eyed Kanielle for a few seconds. “Are you…?” she hesitated, “The mother of the Boss’ baby?”

  “Bianca!” Brandon blurted, narrowing his eyes at his assistant.

  “That’s okay, honey, yes I am. Isn’t she adorable?” Kanielle glanced at Brandon.

  “Yes she is a cutie, all that hair and those big sparkling eyes. It’s finally nice to place a face to the person,” Bianca blushed. “He’s so private.”

  “For a reason,” he lashed out. Bianca was out of line.

  “I apologize, I won’t ask any more questions. See you guys on the dance floor.” Bianca strolled off and mingled with the other people.

  “Bianca is a character, but she knows her job,” they walked further inside the ballroom. He looked for his name on a table and found it next to the big shots. They walked over to the table and Brandon moved Kanielle’s seat back, and she sat. Brandon said his good evenings to the staff and sat as well.

  “We thought your chair would be empty,” Peter said, “Martha, do you remember my Editor in Chief, Brandon Stokes?”

  “Yes,” she shook his hand, “Nice seeing you again,” and eyed Kanielle, giving her a dirty stare. She looked at Peter, and whispered in his ear.

  Their behavior was pissing Brandon off, and the night had just started. Did they ignore Kanielle? “This is my girlfriend Kanielle Jackson. Kanielle, this is Peter and his wife Martha.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Graham,” Peter cleared up, glaring at her.

  “Nice to meet you,” Kanielle extended her hand, and they didn’t move. She rubbed her hands together. Brandon reared his chair back, staring at his boss, and realizing how rude he and his wife were. “I did sanitize my hands before coming here,” she added sarcastically.

  “I thought you were married, Brandon,” Martha cleared her throat.

  “He was, but now he is all mine,” Kanielle showed her pearly white teeth. She was taking this better than he was. “Oh, I’m sorry you didn’t know. My baby has been divorced for over a year now.”

  Peter’s lips thinned. “Brandon, I think you and your guest should sit at another table. Maybe somewhere in the back.” Brandon’s nostrils flared, and the vein in his neck throbbed, he was trying to count to calm himself. Sandra said not to suppress his anger, but instead to deal with it.

  Kanielle chuckled, “Oh I get it, since I’m black you want to put me in the back of the bus.”

  Peter and Martha’s eyes widened.

  She placed her hand behind his neck, “It’s okay, baby. Their actions won’t affect our evening. If you don’t want me at this table, then I’ll leave,” Kanielle scooted back in her seat.

  “Don’t move,” Brandon roared, making every one at the table look his way. “Who the fuck do you people think you are?” Brandon’s voice was vicious. Martha covered her mouth with her hand, and Peter pressed his lips together in a firm line.

  “Excuse me?” Peter asked.

  “You heard me,” Brandon slammed his fist on the table, making the people seated around them move back. “Do you really think I would let you talk to Kanielle like that?”

  “Baby, it’s okay.” Kanielle tried to ease him. “I’ve heard worse.”

  “It’s not fucking okay.” Brandon’s voice rose even more. “Out of everybody in this room, you chose to fuck with the wrong one tonight.”

  “Lower your voice, people are staring,” Peter hushed, and his wife stared, turning red.

  “I don’t care who hears me,” Brandon glared at his boss. “She hasn’t done anything to deserve the way you both just disrespected her. This is the reason I don’t come to these motherfucking events, because I don’t want to be around fake ass people. I knew you were prejudice after that article I wrote. You never come down to my level, but that day you brought your fat ass to my office and demanded I remove it, because the police department had an issue with what was said. I called Captain Jones and he commended me for writing it. He too was w
ronged because of the color of his skin. He said you never spoke with him.”

  Kanielle didn’t say anything.

  Peter was at a loss for words.

  “However, I let it go, because no harm no foul.” Brandon stood, pointing at them, “But when you mess with mine then that’s a different story. If you ever disrespect her or anyone in my presence again I swear I will put my feet so far up your ass, you’ll need diapers after I’m done.” He twisted around, “Come on, sweets, let’s find another table.”

  Kanielle took his hand, “It was a pleasure,” she winked and they strolled away, hearing Peter and his wife talking. “You didn’t have to do that.” Kanielle said.

  Brandon stopped, and cupped her face. “One thing I can’t stand is stupidity and ignorance. I love you regardless of your skin color. It’s what’s in here,” he touched her heart, “That counts. I know we will face these kinds of bumps along the way, but they won’t stop us.”

  “I don’t want you to get fired,” Kanielle was concerned.

  “I can find another job,” He kissed her nose. “He won’t fire me, and if he does, I can be a stay at home dad,” he chuckled.

  “They didn’t bother me. I have dealt with worse.” Kanielle caressed his back.

  “Around me you don’t have to deal with that shit from any one,” Brandon responded.

  “I didn’t know how good it felt to have a hero,” she said. For Kanielle and Cece he would go up against anyone for their love, regardless of the consequences.

  “Come on let’s dance,” Kanielle moved to the music, and he followed in tow to the dance floor. She wouldn’t let those assholes ruin their night. The live band started playing, Let’s Do It Again.

  He wrapped his arms around Kanielle’s waist, pulling her closer to him as they swayed from side to side, keeping it clean. She placed her arms around his neck. “I love the original version,” he said. “The Staple Singers, but you wouldn’t know anything about that kind of music.”


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