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Texas Thunder

Page 14

by R. Casteel

  “Already have, sir,” she replied.

  “Thank you, Nancy.”

  An hour later, the phone rang. “Sir, your mother line one,” Nancy announced.

  “Hi Mom, how’s Sis?” he asked.

  “The hospital is going to dismiss Kristina Friday morning,” Mom replied.

  ”That is about the best news I have heard all day. Do you need me to make arrangements?” he asked.

  “No, Trans World is taking care of everything. The plane will land about noon.”

  “Any other problems?” he questioned.

  “There have been a few reporters here. Howard talked with them and they have been very polite and considerate.”

  “Imagine that,” he chuckled. “See you at the airport.”

  “Nancy, if there is any thing on my schedule Friday, reschedule. I have to be at the airport at noon. Kristina is coming home,” Charles told her.

  “That’s fantastic news,” she responded. “Shall I schedule a press conference?”

  “You know Nancy, I am very fortunate to have you as my secretary.”

  “And just why is that, sir?” the mirth unhidden from her voice.

  “Because I not only have a great secretary but also a comedian, all for the same price.” His laughter joined hers as he went back to work.

  Charles had no doubt that Trans World would release their own press statement, just as he had no doubt there would be reporters at the airport.

  Kristina was coming home. Cynthia was coming back and the hospital plans were taking shape.

  Charles punched the intercom, “Karen , you in the office?”


  “I’ve got the initial changes made on the blueprints. I am going to send them down to the wonder boys in computer layout. I want a preliminary material list drawn up and ordered as soon as you can. Also, I want the pre-construction site checklist started. Steve is out on a construction site this afternoon. I don’t want to wait ‘til he gets back. Have the maintenance crew break out the double wide for this one. Have them go over it top to bottom.” Charles paused. “I want it rolling towards Rising Star no later than noon tomorrow.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that we’re uh, shooting for a start in, in thirty days?” Amazement and uncertainty caused her to stumble over her words.

  “You don’t think we can,” Charles asked.

  “Under normal circumstances no. But as you’ve pointed out, this is not a normal construction operation. I’ll get the boys moving right away.”

  “Ah Karen, there is one other thing; Kristina is coming home Friday noon.”

  “That’s fantastic; I can’t wait to tell Steven.”

  Dad stuck his head through the door. “Nancy just told me the news.”

  The intercom buzzed, “Line two, sir, Mr. Gallagher from the Lone Star Bank and Trust.”

  Charles grabbed the phone. “Charles Randall speaking.” He held up his hand for Dad to wait, and motioned to a chair.

  “Mr. Randall, I’m Wilson Gallagher. As chairman of Lone Star Bank and Trust, I wanted to contact you concerning the financing for this new hospital in Rising Star. I know you haven’t gotten all the paper work ready to present it to a bank yet but I have been authorized by the Board of Directors to make a very good offer on a low interest, secured, thirty year loan.”

  Charles hit the speaker.

  “Mr. Gallagher, how low of an interest are we talking about and how secured?” Charles asked.

  He continued, “Shall we say an interest rate of four percent a year applied to the balance remaining and one hundred percent secured.”

  Charles wasn’t sure he was hearing him right, what they had just been offered was unheard of in the world of banking. By the astounded look on Dad’s face, he must have heard correctly. “What are the stipulations for the secured loan?” he questioned.

  “If the hospital defaults on payment and falls more than three months behind, then ownership of the hospital will be transferred to a corporate group of individuals, who will then become the governing board of directors. Also, there is an added stipulation that Dr. Petterson remains on the board as Sr. Medical advisor. If he does not wish to remain then the hospital will be sold.”

  “Write up the terms of the contract and submit them for our review and we will get back to you,” Charles said.

  “Looking forward to doing business with you Mr. Randall, have a good day.” Charles was left listening to a disconnected line.

  Charles could smell the Senator’s hand in this, also Mr. Scottsdale. Who were the rest?

  “Nancy, Hospital Financier: Loan Star Bank and Trust,” he directed.

  “Already have, sir,” she replied.

  “Dad, I just had Karen get the pre-construction checklist up and running,” he said.

  “I’m sending the double wide this trip. I’ve a feeling it will be useful between now and the actual start date. We haven’t used the double wide for a long time. In case the boys have forgotten, it’s got a full kitchen and two bedrooms. How about you stopping by there and looking around? It rolls by noon tomorrow.”

  “You want it set up on arrival?” his Dad inquired.

  “Yeah, I’m shooting for January thirtieth.”

  “I’ll get’em moving. Oh, one more thing son..”

  He looked up from the papers in his hand.

  “It’s good to have you home again.”

  “Thanks Dad. It’s good to be home.”

  Charles buzzed the intercom again, “Karen, you there?”

  “No, this is her evil twin.”

  “Dad was running around here like a little lost lamb without Mom. I sent him down to give you a hand with the pre-con crew.”

  “That’s great, one less thing I have to handle,” she said.

  The intercom buzzed, “Cynthia on line two.”

  “Nancy, remind me to give you a bigger Christmas bonus next year.”

  “Ah, thank you.”

  Charles picked up the phone. “Cynthia, how was your flight?”

  “Good, but our flight to L.A. was better.” Her sultry voice caused his heart to beat faster and he inhaled deeply to control desires that for now had to be subdued.

  “I got the pictures you wanted. At least, I hope I did. I’m leaving now, should be there by eight.”

  “I’m headed home, do you need the address?” Charles closed his briefcase and turned off the computer.

  “No, I’ve got it. See you soon.”

  When Charles left the office, there were no reporters in sight. If there were any hiding at his home, none were brave enough to step out and be seen.

  Now let’s see what’s in the freezer, two nice thick juicy steaks, add a couple of baked potatoes, a crisp salad and a chilled bottle of wine. Now where did I put those candles? Ah, there they are, now for the finishing touch. A little mood music and the evening is…

  Oops, I missed something.

  He picked up the phone book.

  “Let’s see…florist. There’s one open late and it delivers. Perfect.”

  Chapter 12

  The steaks were coming off the grill as Cynthia pulled into the drive.

  “Hi, I’m back,” she said as she walked in. She stopped looked around in shock, and smiled.

  “This is one of the nicest surprises I’ve ever had. Thank you.”

  Standing on her tiptoes, she gave him a teasingly brief kiss. “This looks like a scene of intimate seduction to me. Is that your plan, kind sir, to fill me with these tasty treats and ravish my body all night long?” her voice filled with vibrant passion.

  “That, my dear damsel, is exactly my plan for you tonight.”

  “Good,” she sighed. “You had me worried. I thought this might be a last meal.”

  She encircled his neck with her arms, and pulled herself up closer. Rubbing her hips suggestively against his, she whispered, “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  After dinner, they carried their glasses of win
e out to the spa. Soft music from the stereo floated on the night breeze. Undressing each other in the confines of the privacy fence they sank into swirling warm waters.

  Tasting the wine on her lips, feeling her breast pressed intimately against him, drove Charles wild. As they kissed, he caressed the silky length of her back.

  Searching fingers crept into the tight crack of her butt. She squirmed at the strange sensations of his fingers sliding over the tight puckered flesh.

  “What…are you doing?” she asked hesitantly.

  “You don’t like it?”

  “I…I don’t know. It’s…different.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  The warm tingling of his fingers moving over sent subtle messages of pleasure. What she thought she had known before, Charles had shown to be false. Enjoying sex didn’t make her dirty.

  I’ve trusted him this far.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “If, you find you don’t like it tell me and I’ll stop.” Gently, he slid his finger inside her tight opening.

  “Relax love.”

  His finger stroked and moved inside her.

  “Oh-mmmmm-ahh,” she gasped. Suddenly, the sensation was so overpowering her body tensed and shook.

  “I…don’t know what you did.” Her heart, pounding beneath her breast, slowly returned to normal. “But I hope its not over.”

  Sliding from underneath her, he stepped from the churning water and pulled the thick pad from the lounge chair to the tiled patio. He turned and, with a big smile, offered her his hand.

  “Only just begun.”

  She knelt on the soft narrow bed and looked questioningly at Charles. His gentle hands turned her around and she bent over.

  His slow penetration brought a contented moan and she lowered her head to the lounge cover. The heat of passion began to grow as he increased the rhythm, sliding deep inside her wet core.

  Light fleeting touches of his fingers moved sensuously over her back and hips. Sliding between the cheeks of her ass, they teased the sensitive flesh around her anus. Knowing what he wanted, she relaxed as his finger slipped inside.

  The feeling of having both sides of her pussy stroked at the same time was mind blowing. Nothing to this point had prepared her for it. His finger touched the area of her flesh that had sent her into immediate climax.

  “Ah!” Her body jerked and bucked against his hips. Everything around her became part of her. The gently breeze whispering over her body, the music and his heavy breathing merged as one within her mind. Every nerve was sensitized to capture the moment.

  Cynthia’s eyes snapped shut as another climax followed.

  “Ahh!” she screamed. The filling heat of his climax radiated through her. Nerve endings, already working at capacity, overloaded and she collapsed on the soft cushion.

  Picking her up, Charles stood, carried her into the house and laid her on the bed. She opened her eyes, looked up briefly and smiled.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  Closing her eyes, she was fast asleep.

  Charles climbed in beside her and covered them with a blanket.

  Oversleeping the next morning caused a late start from the house and they made it to the airport as the plane was landing.

  Dad had brought the Lincoln so Kristina could lie down in the back seat. Steven and Karen were already there.

  “Have a hard time getting out of bed this morning?” Karen asked as they walked up.

  “Yeah, there was something hard, but I took care of it last night,” she smirked.

  Steven looked and at Charles, “Women.”

  As expected, the press was out in force; only no one seemed to be anxious to ask any questions.

  One of the reporters, probably having drawn a short straw, approached Kristina, “Miss Randall, how are feeling after your hospital stay?”

  “Fine, thank you. The staff of White Memorial was excellent. I owe my life to them and the countless prayers of family and friends. I want to thank all those kind people that sent cards from all across America to wish me well. I shall miss my friends and family at Trans World greatly.” Kristina smiled for the cameras.

  “Does that mean you will no longer be employed by Trans World Ms. Randall?” the reporter asked.

  “Yes it does. Let me add this please. Trans World Airlines has one of the strongest safety records in the airline industry. Their pilots and flight crews are among the best in the world. I have been a senior flight attendant for three years and have enjoyed every moment. I love flying and always will. This decision is my doing, made for personal reasons. Thank you.”

  Kristina’s leg was in a cast as was her arm. Because of this, she was forced to use a wheelchair. Her face was still black and blue, but her smile was as bright as ever. She looked around as if expecting someone else to be there and then turned her smile on her family who waited to greet her.

  Dad met her and Mom, and he gave each a big hug. Everyone else was sort of left to grab a hug where and when they could.

  Charles helped get her into the back of the Lincoln. She looked up with a question in her eyes.

  “He had an emergency this morning or he would have been here.”

  “Thanks,” she whispered.

  Kristina arrived home and settled on the large couch. “Okay guys; give me all the latest news on our hospital.”

  Charles didn’t know if anyone else had caught the possessive way she mentioned the hospital, but he did. He looked at Cynthia. She met his gaze with one of her own and raised an eyebrow. So she had caught the wording too.

  “Everything is running, and I mean that literally, about nine months to a year ahead of a normal construction project of this size. We’re looking at a ground breaking ceremony for the thirtieth of January,” Charles stated.

  “Kristina, I imagine you’re tired after your trip,” her Dad reasoned. “I have the downstairs bedroom all prepared for you.”

  “Actually, I am bored to death just sitting around doing nothing. I would like to get changed, get out and have some fresh air,” she pleaded. “In fact, I just want to get out period. It doesn’t matter where.”

  “Since your slave-driver brother came back, I have been so busy I don’t know which end is up. You can come down to the office and catch the pieces when I fly apart from the fast lane he has us in over this hospital,” Karen suggested.

  Kristina agreed, “I would love to. It would give me something to do and it would help you. Have you gotten the financing yet?”

  “Yes we did,” he paused, “you seem to be taking quite an interest in this hospital; any particular reason?”

  “No!” she avowed quickly. “That’s all I have been hearing talked about, so naturally I was curious.”

  “Speaking of fresh air, I had better head back to the ranch. Dad is going to think he’s running the place again,” Howard commented with a laugh.

  “Howard, why don’t you take my car?” Cynthia offered.

  “Your car? I thought your car was at the bottom of a mountain ravine.”

  “It was until Charles had it dug out.” She gave Charles an affectionate hug.

  “You might as well take it. If she needs a vehicle, both of mine are here. We will be coming down next week to look over the site and get the surveyors started. We also need to find someone to start the job applications for hiring. We can save several thousand dollars by hiring as many locals as possible,” Charles said.

  “If that’s all decided, I am headed back to the office. Kris, you sure you feel up to going?” The underlying concern was evident in Dad’s voice.

  “Let me get changed first. Karen, can help me?” Not waiting for a reply or argument, she rolled her motorized chariot down the hall to the bedroom.

  “While I’m changing, tell me, what’s required for taking those applications in Rising Star?” solicited Kristina.

  “Actually, it’s quite boring.” She helped Kris with removing her skirt. “Normally, we have a local employment age
ncy handle it. If there’s not a local agency, we send someone there and take the applications ourselves. Why?”

  “I need to be doing something,” Kris mumbled as she pulled her sweater over her head and reached for another.

  Karen couldn’t help the gasp that came as Kristina’s body was revealed. The bruises in her face had somewhat disappeared but the ones on the rest of her body had not. The left side from her breast to the waist was a sickly bluish green and yellow. The stitches from her surgeries were stark reminders of how close she had been to losing her life. There was pain etched in Kristina’s face as Karen helped her pull the new sweater over her head.

  She knew deep down that saying anything would be pointless, but she had to try. “Kris, look at yourself. You’ve more stitches in you than a new pair of jeans. You’re in pain and you need to be in bed resting, not going to the office. Please,” she begged. “At least wait ‘til the stitches come out and you’ve healed more.”

  Kristina gave her a smile that never quite reached her eyes. The cold resolve of determination that she knew so well from Steven and Charles stared back at her. Karen shrugged and opened the door allowing Kristina to maneuver her chair into the hallway.

  * * * * *

  “No! Absolutely not!” thundered Charles.

  “Give me one damn good reason why not! And don’t you dare use this wheelchair!” she shouted. “I am still a Randall! I am part of this family! For your information, brother, a person doesn’t get to be a senior flight attendant just for handing out martinis in first class and peanuts in coach.

  “I speak three foreign languages. One of which just happens to be Spanish, which will be needed. I’ve received personnel management training, top in the class and Emergency in flight medical training, also top in the class.”

  The door to his office was closed but every word could be heard in the other offices.

  Karen came out to see what was going on. Charles and Kristina were glaring at one another across his desk. The vein above Charles’s right eye was visibly pulsating and the tendons and muscles in Kristina’s neck looked like violin strings. Karen went back to her office and closed the door.


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