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Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters)

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by LC Taylor

  I blushed and burrowed my face into Havens' neck. “Well, it’s the only key that I would have allowed to unlock the door,” he pressed his lips to my head. A sudden wave of nausea hit me, bolting up from the bed I ran to the bathroom, retching my guts into the toilet.

  “What’s happening, why’s she throwing up?” Dylan was behind me, holding my hair from my face.

  “It’s likely effects of being gone too long. Tessa, I warned you there would be consequences. Get her in the bed, I need to look her over,” Stef patted the space next to Haven.

  Haven was up in seconds and he scooped me off the floor of the bathroom, “Haven, put me down. You’ve been unconscious for months, you shouldn’t be carrying me.” Protesting as he moved me into the bedroom.

  “Tessa, nothing, I mean nothing, will stop me from caring for you. And you're right, I have been unconscious for months, so it means I am well rested.” He plopped me down on the warm sheets in the bed.

  “Now, be a good girl and let this nice young lady check you over.” He stepped aside to allow Stef room to inspect me.

  She stood, with her palms hovering my body and her eyes closed. “Humm, peculiar.”

  “What’s peculiar? What’s wrong with her?” Dylan pushed her way pass Roxy to stand beside Stef.

  “I don’t know. I can’t explain it, it’s like there’s something blocking my ability to read her body. Perhaps she just needs to rest and eat. I can’t seem to find anything wrong with her – except the strong magic surrounding her.”

  “What happened there?” Roxy turned to look at her dad.

  “What do you mean exactly?” Haven looked to me. I could feel the distinct blush creeping up my neck towards cheeks.

  “I mean, anything... Did she get stung, bitten, or eat anything odd? Remember, it’s as real as we’re here right now. Perhaps she got poisoned by something.”

  I sat up on the bed, drawing the covers to my neck, “I mean, something happened – but nothing that could kill me.” I snickered waiting for my words to sink in to Dylan.

  “EWWW, Tessa, I could have gone my whole life without that in my head. You're like my mom and he…” pointing at Haven, “is my uncle for Christ sakes.”

  Dylan turned and walked towards the door, “Ugh, I am going to go let the others know you're awake. AND get you two something to eat. You have to be hungry. Especially since your visit in the in-between didn’t include rest.” Making a gagging sound, she pulled the door closed behind herself.

  “Well, that shouldn’t make you sick. I think perhaps it’s because you were there for four days. Let’s just get food into your stomach and then watch you for a few days. I think you should stay on bedrest, just until we know it’s nothing serious. Ok?”

  “Don’t you think I should try to shift? Maybe the four days has messed with my wolf. I should let her out,” not letting my wolf out could be making me sick.

  “Yeah, I think once you’ve eaten something you should try that. We’ll go downstairs and give you some time to freshen up. Come to the kitchen once you're done.”

  Stef turned and exited the room. “Ok dad, Tessa, I’ll see you down stairs.” Pulling Haven into a strong embrace, “I’m so glad you're awake now. I was worried I would lose you too.” Roxy moved to follow Stef. Haven walked her to the door, kissing her head as he closed and locked the door.

  Chapter 19: Tessa

  “Tessa, you saved me,” Haven kneeled at my bedside, “I almost stayed there and risked losing you forever. I vow to stand beside you and love you for all of eternity. Will you have me?” grasping my hand he brushed his lips across my knuckles.

  “Haven, I knew I was yours the day we met. Can YOU forgive this foolish girl for pushing you away?” I sat up, placing my feet around his body, as I kissed his forehead.

  “Of course, I forgive you. I love you, Tessa. We are two souls woven together, two hearts that battled the odds and found their way out of the place holding them captive.”

  He leaned into my body, “Now, I know you need rest, but I think you deserve a nice hot shower. What do you say? Care to join me?”

  Holding his hand out for me to take it, “Yes, a shower sounds nice.”

  He pulled me to my feet, “Good, let’s get rid of these clothes, shall we?”

  With the snap of his fingers, I was standing bare in front of him. His clothes already gone, revealing his toned arms, defined stomach muscles, and very hard cock. Lifting me off the ground, I wrapped my legs around his waist. The head of his member gently teasing my already wet center.

  He walked us to the bathroom, using his magic once again to turn on the water. We stepped into the shower, water spraying against my back as he pulled the door shut. “A girl could get used to this magic,” I said nipping at his lower lip.

  “Oh, Tessa, this is just the beginning.” His tone sent chills through my veins, the wetness pouring from my center onto the jutting rod between my legs.

  Pressing me firmly against the shower wall, the look of undying love shown in his eyes, “I plan to show you just how much I love you. You’ll have little doubt in your mind I’m made for you. I’ve waited my whole life to find you – Never again will you wonder whether we’re destined for each other.”

  His magic began to flow from his body, it was like a pulsating vein. The warmth touching my skin, setting the desire into a full-fledged inferno. My breathing grew ragged as I struggled to control the moans escaping my lips, “Oh God, Haven.” My head dropping to his shoulder, the anticipation of him making love to me was intoxicating.

  With a slow thrust of his hips, he pushed inside of me. Reaching into the depths, tickling my soul as his movements began slowly. The fever of love making, taking control of our bodies as the water lavished our skin. Tighter I wrapped my legs around him, urging him to move faster and deeper. The hum of his magic drumming in sync with our hearts. Like an electrical storm, our orgasm arched together, consummating our love for each other.

  “Haven, that was unbelievable. You’ve left me dizzy with love,” giggling as I littered him with kisses. I was drunk on love; the feeling was impossible to explain – I’d never felt anything like it before.

  “Tessa, darling, are you ok?” Haven lifted my chin to his eyes.

  “Haven, I… I think I am just dizzy from the explosive feelings we shared,” shaking my head, I tried to rid the nauseous feeling, “I just need to get out, and sit.” The water cut off as we stepped out; Haven wrapped a towel around me, still held in his arms, and walked us to the bed.

  “You are awfully pale. Let’s get dressed, perhaps I should have fed you first.” I pulled on a sundress and stood to leave. A dizzy spell riddled my body, forcing me to balance myself against the bed.

  “Damn, I don’t understand this. Surely just being hungry wouldn’t cause all this. My wolf is clawing at my skin, I think I just need to shift.”

  Haven scooped me up, “Well, let’s get you down stairs then.” I nestled my head against his chest, closing my eyes to sedate the drunk feeling. The walk down the stairs was torturous, it felt like I was being bounced on a mechanical bull.

  Chapter 20: Tessa

  “Anything to eat in here?” Several of the pack members were seated around the kitchen table. They sat mouth agape, staring at Haven like he was a ghost. “Well, don’t just stare at me, help me. Get a chair for Tessa, she needs to eat.” Chris was the first to move, he slid his chair out, motioning for Haven to put me down.

  “Here, she can have my seat. I was just going out. Haven, it’s good to see you awake. These ladies were out of their minds with you gone,” Shaking Havens hand as he passed by, “let me know if you need anything. Dylan, tell Jensen I’ll call him later.”

  Dylan pulled her chair closer to me, “Tessa, are you ok? What happened?” The embarrassment evident as the redness crept up Tessa’s neck turning her cheeks fiery red.

  “Well, um… I got dizzy in the shower. Haven thinks it’s a combination of not eating and my wolf wanting out. So, once I
feed myself, let’s go outside to shift. Will you go with me?”

  “Of course! You don’t ever have to ask me… let’s get you some grub.” Dylan gathered some left-overs from the fridge and handed them to me. I scarfed the food down, not realizing how hungry I was. Before I realized it, I had eaten all the left overs.

  “Yep, you were hungry alright!” Jensen was standing in the door frame, his arms folded across his chest. “Oh, I guess I was hungrier than I realized. I didn’t see you, how long have you been standing there? And… uh, sorry about the left overs, I probably just ate your dinner.”

  “Nah, Tessa, you needed it, don’t apologize. Plus, when you're done shifting, I’m going to take my girl out for dinner.” I smiled as I watched Jensen make his way to Dylan, the twinkle in his eye and smirk on his lips radiated love. “Go shift, then come back to me.” He kissed Dylan tenderly on the lips.

  “You ready Tessa?” She opened the door, motioning for me to join her. “Yeah, let’s get this over – I want to make up for lost time with Haven.” Pressing my mouth to his cheek, “I’ll be back in a few.”

  Dylan and I walked out towards the woods. The yard was big enough for us to shift safely. It was also hidden from the main road, so we didn’t have to worry about others seeing us. “Ok, I’ll shift first, then you shift.” Dylan shifted gracefully, she had really mastered her wolf transformation.

  I stood, confused, as I called my wolf. I could hear her whimpering in my mind, but she wouldn’t come forth. Closing my eyes, I tried to force the shift. “Tessa, what’s wrong?” Dylan had shifted back.

  “I don’t know, I can’t shift.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes, she was getting panicked as she spoke, “Tessa, take a deep breath. Let’s go back inside, we can see what Stef says and I’ll call Hailey. They’ll know what to do.”

  We walked towards the house, Dylan visibly shaken. She couldn’t get a read on me with her magic. Something was preventing Dylan from sensing my wolf. “Tessa, I can’t sense your wolf. Can you hear her?”

  I stopped, closing my eyes, I tried to call out to my wolf. Hearing her in the depths of my mind, she whimpered and growled – it was as if she was afraid to come out. “I can hear her – she seems afraid.”

  “Perhaps spending as much time as you did in the in-between freaked her out… Maybe time back will coax her out. Let’s get inside so you can rest. We’ll try again tomorrow, Ok?” Dylan was reassuring me as we walked toward the porch.

  “Look can we keep this between us? I don’t want to freak out Haven or the others. Just say everything went fine. If I can't shift in a few days… well then, we can tell them. Let’s get Stef and Hailey – talk to them privately about this. Please Dylan?”

  “I don’t like keeping things from Jensen – he’ll be able to tell somethings up. I will talk with him, you can trust him, Tessa. He won’t say anything.”

  Nodding at her, we walked into the house. I didn’t like keeping secrets from Haven – but I just got him back and I didn’t want him to worry over me.

  “How’d it go outside?” Haven asked as we entered the house. “Good – it went good. I’m really tired though. Care to join me upstairs?” I walked toward the stairs, casting a glance towards the others in the living room, “If Haley or Stef make it over, Dylan come get me – I just need to rest for a bit.”

  Haven followed me, wrapping his arms around my waist as we entered the bedroom, “I love you, Tessa. I feel like my life has just begun.”

  I turned facing him, “I love you, Haven.” Kissing him fully on the lips, “Make love to me – I need to feel you again.”

  “Are you sure you shouldn’t rest?” His eyes showing concern as he looked into my eyes. “I’ll rest after – right now I want to be with you.”

  Kissing my lips, he guided me to the bed, “Tessa… you will be with me always.”

  Chapter 21: Haven

  I couldn’t believe Tessa was here in my arms. She was the most perfect creature I’d ever encountered. Her beautiful golden hair fell perfectly around her exquisite face, framing her beauty. I slowly traced my hand up her side, slipping her shirt off.

  Releasing her bra, I cupped her full breast in my hand. Gently rolling her nipple between the pads of my fingers. Her squeals and moans making my dick harder. Taking her nipple between my teeth, I bit and sucked – causing her to buck against me. “Haven – Please, I want you.”

  Crawling my way up, tracing her body with my tongue, I pressed my mouth to hers. Her hips grinding into me, pushing against my swollen shaft. “Not yet my dear… I want to watch you come first.”

  I pushed her shorts and panties down, my fingers finding their way into her wet center. She was soaking for me. Pressing into her core, as I moved down her body. Slowly pushing her legs apart – kissing the inside of her thigh.

  Her pink folds calling out to me, my fingers pressing against the tender flesh, she cried out. “That’s it baby – I want to hear you lose control.” Pressing my face between her knees, my tongue parted her sweet pink lips. Lapping up the juices as she writhed under me. She was getting close; her breathing was faster and her moans were louder.

  “Fuck HAVEN… Oh god! I’m going to come.” I pressed harder, my tongue swirling around her sensitive bud. Plunging my tongue between her wet slight, I brushed my thumb over her swollen clit. Her orgasm burst out of her like molten lava. Her juices spilled onto my face as I licked them up.

  “Christ… Haven, that was amazing.” Her words rushed between her breaths.

  “I’m just getting started.” I inched my way up her sexy body, she wrapped her legs around me. Our lips met, the kiss urgent and needy.

  Her hands traced the ridges of my muscles, “Please Haven, I need you inside me.”

  My cock teased her entrance as she pulled me in with her legs. Pressing into her, I buried my cock deep within her wet walls. Our movements were in rhythm, her hips meeting my every thrust. Her pussy felt so good around my cock, I couldn’t hold on much longer.

  “Slow down baby, or I won’t last much longer.” I stilled inside her, trying to savor the feeling of being balls deep. She pushed, flipping us over so she was on top. She pressed her hips against me, forcing my cock deeper.

  “This feels so good, I want to fuck you harder.” She was losing control and I liked every minute of her wildness.

  She slid up and down my shaft, her juices running down, making it wetter. My hands tightened around her thighs as I lifted her up and down. She slipped her hand towards her clit, rubbing it as she rode me. “Oh god! I’m going to come again, Haven!” I was close too. I pushed her down, my cock tensing as I felt her slick walls wrap around my shaft. As she screamed out my name, we climaxed together. Her pussy tightening around my spasming shaft while I spilled my seed into her.

  Collapsing onto my chest, “Wow… That was amazing.” She kissed my chest, nestling her head against my shoulder. The love I felt for her was unbelievable. She was truly the other half of my soul.

  “How do you feel?” placing a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Exhausted, but well worth it!” She giggled against my chest.

  “Well, rest my love. You deserve it.” I swirled my finger around her golden locks, her soft snore telling me she had succumbed to sleep.

  I laid holding her for several hours, unable to fall asleep. Unwilling more like it – I wanted every minute I could get to just watch her. Her beautiful form pressed against me made me feel complete. I couldn’t imagine life if she wasn’t with me, thankful she had pulled me from the darkness I’d trapped myself in. Shuddering as I realized that I almost missed this chance at happiness.

  Chapter 22: Tessa

  The sun’s rays streamed through the widow, casting an orange glow on Haven’s masculine form. He was laying on his side, his arm draped over my stomach as his body pressed against mine. I couldn’t help but soak in his presence. The warmth of his touch causing my sex to drip with desire.

  Wiggling deeper into his arms, he
began to stir. “Good morning, love.” He cracked an eye open peeking at me.

  “Morning, how about a shower with me?” I nudged him with my chin, hoping he would join me in the bathroom.

  “Are you feeling rested? I don’t want to overdo it… you still look a bit pale.” Smiling at his concern, I rolled off him and stood.

  “I feel much better, and having you in the shower would make me feel even better.” Chuckling as I walked naked into the bathroom.

  Turning on the water I felt his arms slip around me, leaning into him as he nipped my ear. “I love you so much. I am so sorry I pushed you away before.” Dizzy with lust I swayed on my feet.

  “Whoa, are you sure you're ok?” Haven steadied me against him.

  “Yes – dizzy with love… now get in the shower with me.” I stepped out of his clutch and into the water. The warm spray pelting my skin felt amazing. His hard body moved behind me, his erection pressed against my cheeks.

  “You sure you're up to this?”

  I reached behind me and fisted his cock, “I'm up to it, and from the feel of it, so are you.”

  My hand moving up and down as I jerked on his hard shaft. His moan telling me it felt even better for him. “Tessa, you're insatiable.” His tongue traced the curve of my neck. He spun me, pressing me against the shower wall. My fingers laced in his hair, eager for his lips I pulled his mouth to mine. Our tongues danced together, the kiss ferocious and fiery.

  He broke the kiss, slowly kissing his way down my neck, teasing my nipple as he continued his way down. Kneeling before me he pressed his tongue into my center, lapping up the sweet taste of my desire. His fingers played a sexual melody on my clit as I came hard on his face. The orgasm sending a shudder through my body.

  Without giving me time to regain myself, Haven stood, lifted me up, and thrust his cock deep in me. Screaming out in pleasure, he pumped into me. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him in deeper with each thrust. Our movements becoming one – his thrusts hard and demanding. My pussy clenched his throbbing member as we came together – screaming out each other’s name.


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