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Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters)

Page 11

by LC Taylor

  Stef arrived, pushing Dylan to the side as she came to stand beside me. “Haven, I need you to move.” Stef began chanting, a light encompassing her body as she did. Carter and I stepped back, watching her work.

  When the light dimmed, her head hung as she took a breath, “She’s not in the in-between any longer. Haven,” turning to look at me, “she’s gone.”

  “NO!” falling to my knees beside her on the bed, I grabbed her hand. “She can't be gone… She can't – Stef, tell me she isn’t gone. PLEASE.” I stroked her head, pressing my lips to her face. “I can't lose you baby – please don’t be gone.”

  “Haven. She’s not dead.” Stef’s words shocked me still. “But… but you said she was gone.” Searching her face for answers, I held onto hope. Praying that she would come back to me.

  “Yes, she’s gone from the in-between. But now it’s up to her to wake up. Stay with her, I need to find Haley. Something is wrong with the baby.”

  Stef stormed out of the room, turning to the others in the room, “What does she mean something’s wrong with the baby?”

  Dylan moved to the foot of the bed, “Um… I'm no doctor, but I don’t think anything’s wrong. Haven look.” Dylan pointed to the swell of her bump.

  Glancing down, the movement beneath the thin covering mesmerized me. Pulling the sheet back, my breath caught in my chest. The baby was moving, it was as plain as day – without thinking I reached out and placed my hand on her. The rush of emotion was overwhelming.

  Our baby was alive, and he or she was moving. I could feel the steady thump of his or her kick against the palm of my hand. “How is this possible?” Glancing up the shocked expressions of my friend looked back.

  “I don’t know – but Haven, your baby is alive. That means Tessa has to be alive.” Dylan moved to Tessa’s face, pressing her lips to her forehead, “Tessa, please wake up – we need you. Your baby needs you.”

  Sitting in silence, no one saying a word, we waited. Haley finally came through the door followed by Stef. “Haley, thank god.” I stood and grabbed her hand, “Please, Stef said something’s wrong.” Guiding her to the bed, her eyes widened when she saw Tessa’s belly.

  Haley placed her hands to Tessa’s now restless belly, her eyes still wide in disbelief. Shaking herself from her trance she turned, “Haven, nothing’s wrong with your baby – Tessa’s baby. She’s strong, her heart beats strong.”

  Tears fell from my eyes, I snorted as I took a breath, “She? You said she.” Laying my hands next to Haley’s, I could feel my daughter kick in response to my voice.

  “Yes,” Haley’s smile was radiant as she turned to the others, “She is fine. In fact, I think it’s almost time. We need to try and wake Tessa.”

  Stunned, I stood frozen to my spot. My heart, beating out of my chest. “They’re going to be ok?” I was having difficulty believing the words coming out of my mouth. “Tessa, and my daughter are alive?”

  Roxy moved to place a hand on my shoulder, “Dad, we need to wake them,” she snapped me from my silent reverie.

  “Yes, of course… What do you need me to do?” Roxy slowly guided me to the space near Tessa’s head, “Talk to her dad… Try to wake her from the darkness.”

  Leaning down I began whispering into Tessa’s ear, “Tessa, my love. Open your eyes – please I need you. Our daughter needs you. Tessa.” Placing a kiss on her cheek, “Baby you can do it, just open your eyes.” I rested my forehead on her shoulder, my tears dripping onto her soft skin.

  It was soft, but audible – her voice reaching my soul when she whispered my name, “Haven.” Lifting my eyes, I could see the confusion clouding hers.

  “Tessa – oh god baby, I thought I lost you.” Pressing my lips to hers, my soul bearing itself to her as the teardrops fell onto her chin.

  “Haven, I’m so sorry – I…” she turned her head from me. Seeing the other’s, she gasped. “I didn’t see you all, I – I’m so sorry. I failed.”

  Her sob ricocheted through the room, Dylan rushed to our side, “Tessa, what are you talking about? You're here – you lived.”

  Barely able to speak, she choked out her words, “I had to choose… He made me choose – oh God, Haven, can you forgive me?”

  Chapter 43: Tessa

  Seeing the others standing around, feeling Haven touching me, confusion swallowed me. Haven looked at me with sadness in his eyes, I couldn’t bear the pain, so I turned away.

  “Tessa, look at me. Baby, you didn’t fail anything you’re here.” He took my hand. My words failed me as a searing pain ripped through my body.

  “Oh GOD.” Screaming in agony, Haven grabbed me, helping me sit up.

  “Tessa, honey – our baby girl is ready to come. I need you to listen to Haley… She’s going to help get her out.”

  “Baby?” the pain riddled me again, “Haven there’s something wrong – he… told me to choose and I did. I saved Hope, not me or the baby. I don’t understand… AHHHH.” The pain was horrible, I felt like my whole body was being ripped in two.

  “Tessa, I don’t know how or why… but you are alive. So is our baby, our daughter. And right now, she wants to meet you. You have to focus. We will figure everything else out after – ok?”

  The pressure was horrid, I had the overwhelming need to push, “Ok...” Haven helped me sit up further, my legs were being held back by Dylan and Roxy, it was the most uncomfortable position.

  “Ok, Tessa, your baby wants out – when I say push I want you to push as hard as you can. Do you understand?” Nodding my head, I screamed as I pushed – the shooting pain searing my spine in half.

  “I can't, Haven, it’s too much… I can't,” crying, my strength evaporating.

  Haven sensing my pain placed his hand on my head, pressing his lips to mine as a sudden calm came over me. His magic renewing my strength as he infused me with his soul, “How…” another scream tore from my lips before I could ask him, the need to push again taking over my body.

  “That’s it! One more Tessa, you can do this… she’s almost out.” Haley was pressing my inner thigh, her hands guiding my daughter into the world. With one final push, my daughter was thrust from my body.

  Her cries filled the room, “Stefanie,” Haley turned her head towards the door. I hadn’t noticed her standing in the doorway, “I need a towel.”

  Stef tossed her a towel, “Glad to see you here, Tessa. I’ll be down stairs – we’ll talk later.” She was gone before I could respond.

  Haley wrapped the tiny bundle up, handing her over to me, “Meet your daughter, Tessa.” She placed the fragile being on my chest, glancing down at her I was immediately in love. She was perfect – a light dusting of golden blonde hair covered her head. Her eyes were tightly closed, but deep down I knew when she opened them they’d be green – just like Hopes.

  “Tessa,” Haven kissed me, smiling as he placed a gentle kiss on our daughter’s head, “she’s perfect – you're perfect. I love you. Thank you for coming back – for giving me this.” Leaning into him, my kiss was more than a peck. It was demanding and full of need.

  Clearing her voice behind Haven, Dylan spoke, “Sorry to break the reunion up, but we need to get you both cleaned up. And she needs a name.” Dylan stood smiling at us, everyone was smiling in fact. The love filled the room – all because of this precious baby.

  “She has a name,” looking into Haven’s eyes he tilted his head as though he understood, “Hope. Her name is Hope.” Hope saved me in that place and something told me she was mine all along.

  “Hope is perfect.” Haven kissed me and then Hope again. “Hope is all we had to hold onto, it’s what brought you back to me. Seems fitting that her name should be that.” Handing her off to Haley, I wrapped my arms around Havens neck. “I love you – I would have moved heaven and hell to get back to you.” His lips met mine, the passion and love rushing through my body.

  Haley finished cleaning Hope up, handing her to Haven, “She’s perfect, all seven pounds of her.” Haven c
radled her in his arms, staring down at her with such devotion.

  Roxy stood next to him, “I want to hold my sister.” Handing her off, Haven watched his daughters together. His eyes glistened with fatherly love, turning to me he smiled.

  Everyone eventually left, leaving the three of us alone. “Haven – I don’t understand how or why, but I am thankful I’m here with you. I couldn’t bear to lose you. When the Keeper of the in-between gave me an ultimatum – it was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I couldn’t leave Hope there though, so I set her free. I didn’t expect that monster to let me go.”

  Nestling my head into his shoulder, he placed a kiss on my head. “Stef says you passed the keepers test – and he let you go. As far as Hope goes, she is our daughter’s soul. You had to find and set her free – and you did. Now we can be a family.”

  “Haven, I love you. I would gladly fight through anything to be with you. Nothing, not even a wretched prison, could keep me from you.”


  Looking at my daughter, it’s hard to believe three months ago I could’ve lost her had I made the wrong choice. But her power protected us both until I freed us from the in-between.

  She’s more beautiful than I imagined. At three months, she is already trying to crawl. Stef said it’s the combination of her wolfen blood and witch blood – her magic will be as strong as Dylan’s.

  Her hair is the same golden blonde I came to know in the in-between, and as I guessed, her eyes are the brilliant green and silvery shade. She never ceases to amaze me. Watching her try to move across the floor reminds me how lucky I am; how lucky we all are.

  The fiery personality is something she gets from her dad, I can't wait to see what life has in store for her. Today, though – well, today is my day. I didn’t think I would ever find love again after Rob died. We knew there was always a possibility of finding fated mates… I just never thought it would happen. Then it did, and I almost lost him.

  “Tessa,” Dylan spoke as she walked up behind me. “Are you ready to go? Everyone is waiting.” Turning to look at her, my eyes misted over. She was beautiful, and the closest thing to family I had. Well besides Haven and Hope. But today, my family was growing – officially.

  Haven didn’t waste any time asking me to marry him. He said he’d almost lost me forever, and wasting another day without me as his wife wouldn’t do. So, today I married the love of my life.

  “Yeah – I’m ready.”

  Turning, I cast one last glance at the room I’d spent so many months in – either waiting for Haven to wake up, or laying here fighting for myself and my daughter. It was surreal and I couldn’t help but tear up.

  “Now stop that – you don’t want to ruin your makeup or dress.” Dylan scooped Hope up and disappeared out the door, “Come on sweet girl, let’s get your mommy and daddy hitched.”

  Stepping out into the hallway, I pulled the door closed. Today my forever started. Inhaling, I smiled as I walked down the stairs. The wretched hell that held us all could always be conquered with hope – and today, Haven and I would show the world that.

  Stepping outside, the scene was beautiful. The gang had transformed the yard into a beautiful sanctuary. Jensen agreed to walk me down the aisle and give me away.

  Taking my hand, “Tessa, you look beautiful.”

  As he guided me down the narrow path, my eyes found Haven. He was standing at the end holding our baby girl. His smile was breath taking – his eyes never left mine. Jensen shook his hand before handing me over to him.

  The warmth of his skin against mine left me breathless. We stood side by side, fingers entwined, as the minister spoke. Stealing glances at him, my heart fluttered.

  “Tessa,” Haven cast a quizzical look at me. I realized I had not heard the minister give the blessing to kiss the bride – I was to wrapped up in my day dream of him. Stepping up on my tiptoes, I pressed my lips to his.

  The crowd went crazy. The whistles and cat calls reminding us we weren’t alone. My cheeks turning red, I buried my head in his arm. “I love you, Haven.”

  Spinning me towards the crowd, “My wife!” Haven spun me back and pulled me towards him – “I love you too.”

  Our forever finally beginning. Love, Faith, and Hope making our bond eternal. Taking hold of our daughter, Haven pulled us in for a hug, “I love you, girls – you’re my entire world.”

  Coming Soon

  Willing: Book 3 of the Mystic Valley Series

  November 2017

  Carly’s always been the girl everyone’s drawn to... everyone except him. She' can't seem to get him out of her head, but he doesn't even notice her. She thinks it's because he's older and doesn't want to date someone like her. But she plans on showing she’s willing to forgo everything – just to be his.

  Paul doesn't know how much longer he can fight his wolf, who wants to claim Carly. Seeing her with other guys, even just being close to her, is tearing him apart. Can he trust fate and just be willing to take a chance – or will he lose his mind to the feral side from ignoring his destined mate?

  About the Author

  Leah’s passion is reading and writing. She reads anything fact or fiction, but loves paranormal romance. Originally born in California, she grew up in the metro Atlanta area. After working in law enforcement for several years, she earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in special education. She works full-time as a special education teacher for middle schoolers and writes paranormal romance as a hobby. When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family. Currently residing just outside of Atlanta, she enjoys exploring the city with her husband and kids.

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  Mystic Valley


  LC Taylor




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