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Girl Left Behind (Dana Gray Book 1)

Page 7

by C. J. Cross

  Jake popped a piece of cinnamon gum in his mouth. “All right, Doc, let’s get this show on the road.”

  In the SUV, he turned to look at her. Gray’s normally calm demeanor had evaporated in Sin City. She looked anxious as she stared out the window, chewing her nails. More guilt washed over him. He shouldn’t have made that demeaning comment about her in front of Sheriff Bishop. Jake may not believe there was any truth to the hoodoo voodoo nonsense that Dr. Gray peddled, but it wasn’t his job to pass his judgement to others. Especially when there was no denying that her obscure knowledge had proved valuable to this case already.

  “Look, Gray. I’m sorry about what I said at headquarters. You’re the reason we’ve gotten this far.”

  She blinked her dark brown eyes, looking at him like she’d just rejoined him from some faraway world. “Do you really think Anson Barnes is the killer?”

  “You don’t?”

  The question had been rhetorical. The thin frown lines etched in Gray’s ivory skin gave all the answer Jake needed, but she answered anyway. “I just don’t see it.”

  “It was your expertise that led us to him.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t add up. Barnes is a pornographer.”


  “So, how does one make the leap from porn to murder?”

  “Maybe one of his movies went too far.”

  Gray shook her head. “The crime scene didn’t look like a low-budget film set.”

  Jake’s lips hitched at the corners. He couldn’t help himself. “You watch a lot of porn, Doc?”

  “More than you’d probably expect. In the name of research, of course,” she clarified.

  “Of course.” Jake fought the playful grin she’d almost surprised out of him. The tension broken, he asked, “All joking aside, why don’t you think Barnes is our guy?”

  “I have my reasons.”

  “Care to let me in on them?”

  “Not yet.”

  Jake shook his head. Walls back up, they drove the rest of the way to the suspect’s house in silence. Something was off. Gray had been the one who’d found Anson Barnes and insisted on coming to Vegas with him. Why was she sure they were barking up the wrong tree all of a sudden?

  He didn’t know what the evasive witch doctor was holding back, but he planned on finding out.


  Tired of the silence stretching out between them, Dana spoke up. “How long do these stakeouts usually last?”

  Shepard didn’t take his eyes off the house. “As long as they have to.”

  Sighing, Dana reclined her seat. “This is a waste of time.” She didn’t bother to hide the aggravation from her voice, and Shepard noticed.

  He turned to glare at her. “We’ve only been here two hours.”

  “Yeah, but the officers we spoke to when we got here said no one’s been at Barnes’ place all day. Why don’t we go in and take a look around?”

  “I thought you didn’t think he was our guy?”

  Dana sighed. “I don’t, but sitting out here doing nothing won’t prove that.”

  “I’m a federal agent. I can’t knock down the door without a warrant.”

  “Maybe you need a warrant, but I don’t.”

  Dana’s hand was on the door handle, but Shepard was faster. “Don’t even think about it,” he growled, his body invading her personal space as he grabbed her door, pulling it closed. “My job is to keep you safe.”

  Shepard’s muscular arm pressed across her chest like a sinewy seatbelt, his cologne wrapping around her even tighter. He smelled like sandalwood and fresh laundry, and his touch … it was iron, strength, safety. In another life, she would’ve craved him. But Dana didn’t have time to enjoy the warmth of his touch. She shoved him off of her. “No, your job is to solve this case!”

  His steely gaze narrowed. “What is your deal with this case?”

  “Deal? Do I really need a reason to want to put a killer behind bars? Besides, you’re the one who came to me, remember?”

  “Yeah, not by choice.”

  “That’s perfectly clear.” Dana huffed. “If you don’t want me here, just say the word. Until then I’m here to clinically observe and offer my expertise.”

  Shepard laughed. “Clinical my ass. You were about to go bust down a door. I’d say you have more than a clinical interest here and if you want to continue working this case, it’s time you let me in on whatever you’ve been hiding.”

  Dana’s heart wedged itself in her throat. She wanted to trust him. The truth was practically clawing at her, begging to be freed. But she barely knew Jake Shepard. And what she did know didn’t make her think the truth about her past would paint her in a good light.

  She’d assessed that he didn’t believe in the subcultures she’d dedicated her life to researching. If she told him her theory about her parents, he’d think she was just as crazy as the factions she studied. Or worse, he’d take her off the case for lacking objectivity. Truthfully, she couldn’t blame him for either reaction. So, Dana chose the only option she had left—action.

  She was out of the car and racing toward Barnes’ front door before Shepard had a chance to stop her.

  Dana had no way of knowing who or what awaited her inside, but she wasn’t worried. She knew Shepard would do the cliché hero thing and follow her. Not to mention that police backup was only a call away. The move was desperate, and it would most certainly get Dana kicked off the case if it didn’t work, but she couldn’t sit by and do nothing. Not when she was so close to finding out if Anson Barnes was the man who had stolen her chance at a normal life.

  For a few fleeting moments, nothing stood between Dana and the front door but a patch of parched lawn. But if she didn’t pump her legs faster, she knew it would only take a matter of seconds for Shepard’s long stride to chew up the lead she’d gained on him. She’d already heard his car door open and close, his shoes pounding pavement after her. She ignored his hissed calls for her to stop.

  Dana barreled straight up the three stone steps leading to the entrance of the old ranch-style one-story. As expected, it was locked, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. Turning, she caught Jake’s enraged expression as he charged toward her, yelling something that was drowned out by the sound of breaking glass.

  The side light panel next to the front door shattered without nearly as much effort as Dana had expected when she drove her elbow into it. Kicking the frosted glass free, she tugged her sleeve over her hand and used it to protect her skin as she reached in and unlocked the door, slipping inside, seconds before Shepard could stop her.


  Jake stood outside for a split second before deciding to follow Gray inside. He couldn’t very well stand on a stoop and let her get herself killed. In that moment a dozen valid and legal scenarios flashed through his mind, letting him know he’d still have a job after pursuing her into the suspect’s house she’d just broken into.

  Bewildered, he mentally reviewed what he knew about the unpredictable doctor. There hadn’t been any B and Es in her file, but she’d busted into the house like a pro. If Jake wasn’t so pissed, he’d be impressed.

  Pulling his Sig Sauer 9mm from his hip holster, he methodically cleared the entrance, then living room. He systematically made his way through each room until he was certain there was no threat. Satisfied, he took a moment to scope out his surroundings.

  The house was sparse as far as furniture and surprisingly spotless. Just the way Jake liked it. He hated cluttered scenes. They left more room for error during search and seizure. If he had a dollar for every time he’d found a suspect in a hidey-hole, he could’ve retired by now.

  Thankfully, Barnes’ modest but meticulously clean home didn’t show any of the typical signs of criminal activity. No drugs left about, no visible weapons. The only thing that drew Jake’s attention was the man’s impressive collection of porn, which was proudly displayed on three black bookshelves in the living room. Not entirely odd considering his profession.

  The smell of lemon Lysol led Jake to the kitchen. Again, the room was spotless. Dana stood next to a dented, white refrigerator. What the hell was she doing? Looking for a snack?

  “Dana,” he hissed, forgoing formality. That ship had sailed the moment he followed her into a suspect’s house without a warrant. “We can’t be in here.”

  “I need proof one way or another.”

  “We broke in. Any evidence we obtain will be inadmissible in court.”

  “I broke in,” she clarified. “And I found the only evidence we need.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I know why Barnes hasn’t been home. He’s here.”

  Jake moved closer, noting the flyer taped to the fridge. ANA Awards: Party like a Porn Star at the Adult Entertainment Expo. Hard Rock Hotel.

  “Look at the dates,” Gray said, pointing in case he’d missed the obvious. “That’s today.”

  Shaking his head, Jake grabbed her by the arm and directed her back to the front door. She struggled against his hold like a petulant child.

  “Let go,” she snarled.


  “Where are we going?”


  “What?” Dr. Gray finally stopped dragging her feet. “Shopping?”

  “You heard me.”

  She blinked up at Jake, those untrusting brown eyes scrutinizing him. “Why?”

  “Because we’ve got a date with Anson Barnes at the Hard Rock, and I have a feeling we’re not going to blend in dressed like a couple of feds.”

  “I’m not a fed,” she snapped. “And I know how to blend in.”

  “Please. You have librarian written all over you.”

  Gray crossed her arms. “Excuse me?”

  Jake couldn’t help getting under her skin, and frankly she deserved it after the stunt she just pulled. He let his gaze travel the length of her, from her boring black shoes to her tweed blazer, to the glasses tangled in her messy bun. “The only way this look could scream book mouse any louder is if you traded those sad things in for orthopedics,” he said, toeing her shoe with his own polished oxfords.

  Dana’s cheeks flushed a satisfying scarlet as her full lips parted into an incredulous O. “There is nothing wrong with the way I dress.”

  Jake grinned as he took her arm again. “I’m betting every shop on the Strip would beg to differ. Come on. We’ve got a party to attend.”

  Bishop’s deep voice boomed through the phone. “I’ll take care of it, Shepard.”

  “With discretion,” Jake cautioned.

  “Of course.”

  Jake breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Bishop. I owe you one.”

  “Don’t mention it. But you might want to keep that doctor of yours on a shorter leash.”

  “Tell me about it,” Jake grumbled.

  Hanging up the phone, Jake stood up and paced. Dana was taking forever in the dressing room. He’d picked out his ridiculous apparel, checked out and changed already. But jeans and a cheesy t-shirt didn’t really require a fitting or a shopping assistant.

  The saleswoman’s eyes had lit up when Jake said he wanted to buy his “girlfriend” a new look. She’d immediately whisked Dana away to the dressing rooms.

  That seemed like ages ago.

  Jake was half tempted to show the saleswoman his badge to speed up the process, but he knew better than to raise unnecessary suspicion. It was better the woman thought Jake and Dana were some kinky couple here on an indulgent vacation. Smashing their way into Barnes’ house was bad enough. Thankfully, Bishop agreed to call in a favor and have the glass panel repaired. With any luck, Barnes would never know what happened.

  Jake checked his watch and groaned. He paced for another five minutes before impatience took over. Wanting to stay undercover, he tried out a pet name that felt foreign on his tongue. “Babe, we’ve gotta get going.”

  When Gray didn’t reply right away, Jake had visions of her slipping out the back with an armful of pleather lingerie to add to her Vegas crime spree. He was about to bust into the dressing room when the saleswoman called back. “She’s almost ready.”

  A moment later, the red curtains parted, and Jake’s jaw dropped.

  The transformation was as shocking as Dana’s choice of outfit.

  He knew it wasn’t possible, but it felt like she’d chosen this look on purpose. The black leather jumpsuit fit her like a second skin, hugging the curves she normally kept buried under her sensible blazers and slacks. Her wavy brown locks tumbled loosely down her back, taking on an almost reddish hue thanks to the tawdry red lighting of the scandalous adult store.

  The skintight jumpsuit combined with Dana’s sultry hair made the comparison uncanny. If Jake didn’t know better, he’d think he was staring at Black Widow—the Scar-Jo version, which was his ultimate fantasy.

  “Well, what do you think?” the pushy saleswoman asked, giving Dana a little shove out of the dressing room. She nearly stumbled on her stilettos. Jake was so mesmerized by Dana’s transformation that his response was slightly delayed as he rushed forward to catch her.

  He caught her arms, and she steadied herself, her cheeks as red as the lights in the store. “You don’t have to say it, I know I look ridiculous,” Dana muttered for only him to hear.

  Jake swallowed the inappropriate feelings rushing to the surface with Dana’s warm body so close to his. “That’s not what I was going to say.”

  Dana raised her eyebrows in challenge. “Really? Then why were you speechless when she opened the curtains?”

  “You just surprised me.”

  “You mean you were surprised I could look like anything other than a librarian?”

  Jake smirked, playfully cocking his head as he took a step back and scratched his chin.

  Worry sketched Dana’s features. “What?”

  “Nothing, it’s just now you look like a superhero librarian.”

  Dana swatted at him, stumbling again.

  Jake reached out to steady her. “Are you going to be able to walk in those things?”

  Dana’s eyes danced with mischief. “Look at it this way. At least I’ll be easier to catch the next time I try to outrun you.”

  “Very funny.” He looked back at the saleswoman. “We’ll take it.”

  She clapped her hands gleefully. “Wonderful. I’ll ring you right up.”

  “Sorry,” Dana whispered as they approached the register.

  “About what?”

  “This was the most expensive thing she showed me, but it was the only outfit that wasn’t made of dental floss and feathers.”

  Jake did his best to stop his visceral reaction to the image her words conjured in his mind. “It’s fine.” He cleared his throat and handed over his credit card.

  Out on the street, Jake did his best to shield Dana from the stares she was attracting, but it was useless. Even on the Strip, she stood out like a beacon of untamed beauty, luring in all the fools who thought they might stand a chance. And Jake felt like the biggest fool of them all for not truly seeing her until right now.

  It wasn’t the sexy outfit or the reminder of his boyhood fantasy, but her courage that drew him in. It’d been buried before, but Dana had somehow shed some of her defenses when she left her safe little librarian uniform behind. What remained was a fearless and formidable woman; one who Jake was lucky to have by his side, even if it was only for the time being.

  “What’s wrong?” Dana asked after he rushed her into the SUV.

  “Nothing. Let’s go catch a bad guy. And this time, you follow my lead.”


  If Dana thought the Strip was the worst Vegas had to offer, she had been sorely mistaken. The Adult Entertainment Expo was a sex addict’s dream come true. It wasn’t that Dana was naïve. She’d had healthy sexual relationships and her research into occult rituals often led to the exploration of sexual culture, but the things she saw on display at the expo weren’t healthy. In fact, most were celebrating cruel fetishes and demean
ing societal stereotypes.

  “Try to keep your mouth closed.” Shepard teased. “I don’t want anyone mistaking you for a blow-up doll.”

  She glared at him. The only reason she didn’t comment on his rude joke was because she knew he was using his sarcasm as a coping mechanism. From the stiff set of his shoulders and hardened jaw, she knew he was as uncomfortable as she was. She wanted to tell him he’d gotten off easy. At least he was still in his own shoes.

  Shepard only had to trade in his suit for jeans and a well-fitting t-shirt that accentuated his superior upper body strength. She’d seen more than a few women working the expo floor take notice, before turning envious eyes on her.

  Shepard’s arm was securely fastened around Dana’s waist, partly to keep her from tripping on her ridiculous heels, partly to sell their cover that they were just another couple here to enjoy the expo. Dana took it all in as they made their way through the crowd of patrons that meandered from booth to booth. People stopped to take photos with models or peruse the colorful assortment of sex toys and videos available for purchase. If it wasn’t for the way everyone was dressed, or rather undressed, the whole scene reminded Dana of a craft fair or straw market.

  As she did her best to blend in and not fall on her face, Shepard went to work, discreetly showing a photo of Barnes on his phone to see if anyone had seen him. So far, no luck.

  They continued their lap around the expo floor. Dana flinched when Shepard tightened his hold around her waist as a man with a snake approached. The albino boa constrictor curled around the large man’s neck, lazily tasting the air with its tongue. Dana didn’t mind the snake as much as the man stroking it. His gaze was sinister and pointed straight at her. She didn’t like the way he was looking at her, but the forceful way Shepard was steering her away was even more irritating.


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