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Stolen by the Alien Raider: A Novel of the Silent Empire

Page 9

by Chase, Leslie

  "I didn't realize you'd been a slave," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

  "There was no way for you to know," he said, voice a deep rumble. "I don't speak about that part of my past much. It's too personal, to private. You deserve to know, though. Especially if it will help keep you from doing something stupid and getting yourself caught."

  His arms folded around me, and I felt safe in his embrace. "I'll try to listen to you," I promised. "You know what you're doing out here and I don't. That doesn't mean it'll be easy."

  Kadran's laugh lifted my spirits. "It's not easy for either of us, Amy. Every minute I spent in the presence of a slaver I had to fight the temptation to tear out his throat. Even now it's hard for me to resist the urge to track down Drezz and his men and kill them all. But even if I could win that fight — and I could not — it would draw attention to you. I refuse to risk your safety."

  "And I won't risk yours by drawing attention to us, Kadran," I said. It sounded easy, though being cooped up in the abandoned shrine for days wasn't going to be pleasant. Easier if he's here with me, my treacherous mind suggested and I felt myself flush. "I don't want any harm to come to you."

  Our faces were inches apart, and his hands held me. Made me feel safe, secure, protected. I could almost forget about Earth when I looked into his alien eyes, seeing the fire there, the darkness of his anger and his passion for freedom.

  Was he leaning in? Or was I imagining it? Hoping for it? I couldn't say for sure, but my heart caught at the thought. Standing on tip-toe I felt my lips part, a small gasp escaping as he lifted me.

  With a growl, he brought my face to his, our lips meeting in a kiss that rocked my soul. It was like nothing I'd ever felt, an explosion of passion and need that kindled a fire inside me. My hands tightened on him and we clung to each other as we gave into the moment.

  His body shook against me, a tremor of desire that made me moan, and I felt his hand slide into my hair. Our lips locked together passionately, his tongue pushing into my mouth as I shivered, and he turned to press me to the base of the statue.

  My fingers pulled at his tunic, tugging at it futilely. I wanted to feel him, feel those muscles under my fingers.

  And I knew that he wanted it too. The way his body responded to me was unmistakable, human or not. His heart raced and I could feel his bulge swell against me, making me ache even more for him.

  Our lips parted and I found myself panting for breath. A dark chuckle from him made me squirm, and the burning intensity of his gaze seemed to look straight into my soul. When he set me down, I groaned in disappointment and he chuckled again.

  His hands gripped his tunic, and I stared. God, what am I doing, he's not even human, some part of me thought. The rest of me hushed it. I didn't care. Alien, human, this was the man I wanted. The man I needed. My body ached for him in a way I'd never imagined, and I bit my lip as he pulled the tunic over his head.

  "Your turn," he said as I stood staring at his torso. We'd been close before, of course. When he'd taught me to fight, we'd been pressed together, his body against mine. This was different. This time we weren't pretending it didn't mean anything.

  With trembling fingers I lifted my tshirt. His gaze on me never wavered, watching as I undressed for him. Usually I hated being watched, but not this time. There was no judgment in Kadran's gaze, just a hunger for me that made me shiver with need. A hunger that mirrored what I felt for him.

  I dropped the tshirt on the pedestal, throwing my bra after it. Kadran growled as he looked at my breasts, and a deep flush spread across me. The instinct to cover myself was strong, but I didn't want to. I wanted his eyes on me, to be looked at like that, to be needed so badly.

  When he pounced, it shocked a gasp from me and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Kadran grabbed me, lifted me, pulled me to him, and I squirmed against the solid wall of his muscular chest. My breasts pressed against him and I could feel his heart racing as fast as my own.

  I kissed his shoulder, his neck, tasting the blue alien skin, and my hands stroked down his back. Letting my teeth graze his skin, I growled back at Kadran and he gasped, taken by surprise. I couldn't help giggling, and he laughed.

  "Oh, you want to play rough," he rumbled, and I shivered at the thought. He gave me no time to answer, pressing me down to the sleeping bag on the deck, his mouth finding my neck and his teeth digging in.

  It was more intense than anything I'd felt before. My body burned with need as he bit, pain mixing with pleasure, and I arched under him. A wordless cry escaped my lips, echoing through the shrine, and Kadran kissed his way lower.

  Down my neck, across my chest. Lips and teeth and tongue teasing at my breasts. Sucking my nipples into his mouth, biting with delicate precision, making me thrash and squirm. God he was good, so good. And I needed more.

  My hands pulled at his pants, trying to undo the unfamiliar bindings. He pulled my jeans open, down over my hips, his lips never leaving me as he stripped me. My naked body burned for him, and as soon as I managed to undo his pants I dragged them down. Freeing his cock, whimpering as I felt it against me.

  I'd never wanted anything more.

  Stroking him, I felt his cock swell, alien texture delicious under my fingers. And then to my amazement it began to vibrate. I whimpered, blushing as I imagined that inside me. Kadran chuckled, deep and low, as I caressed his alien manhood.

  Kadran's weight and strength pinned me, and he kissed his way down. All I could do was squirm and moan, clutching at him, trying to pull him to me. But he wouldn't be moved. He had his own plans for me, and I was helpless in his hands.

  It was a delicious, dangerous feeling. My pulse raced, body aching, legs parting as his lips kissed across my stomach. And down to my sex.

  "Oh!" My fingers tightened in Kadran's hair, and I felt more than heard his laugh as he lowered himself to kiss and lick. His tongue was rough but tender, parting my folds and lapping at me, driving me wild in seconds. I was so ready for his touch, I ached for it, and he knew exactly how to use that. How to use his tongue, driving me wild, starting slowly and then faster and faster as I shuddered under him.

  Managing to look down, along the length of my body, I met his eyes. The joy, the passion, the sheer power I saw there was too much for me and I shook. Kadran's hands grabbed my hips, raising me to his mouth, his tongue lapping at my clit as he growled into me, and it was too much.

  My screams of pleasure echoed through the shrine as I came hard.

  "God, I needed that," I whispered, smiling shakily as he raised himself up over me.

  "That's not all you need, is it?" His voice was hungry, proud, and so damned sexy. I felt his hard alien cock between my legs and groaned, my aching emptiness calling out for him.

  "No, no it's not," I whispered, looking up at him. "I need you, Kadran. I need you now."

  His answer was a hard thrust into me. A single move that buried him deep, driving the breath from me in a shout. God, he felt good. So good.

  The vibrations shook me, and he filled me perfectly. The slightest movement made me gasp, whimper, squirm against him. He felt like nothing I'd ever imagined, and I could hardly think past the waves of pleasure he sent crashing through me.

  My hands clutched at him, pulled him closer. Fingers digging into his back as he moved, each thrust making me whimper, each one a little deeper. I raised myself up, kissing his neck, biting down on him, tasting him as he shivered. My body shook as he sped up, and we panted together.

  I tried to speak but no words came. They weren't needed. Kadran knew exactly what I was trying to say. He could feel the climax building in me, just as I could feel it in him. Our eyes locked, and together we fell over the edge into an orgasm that rocked us.

  The world seemed to fade down to just him and me, and where one ended and the other began wasn't clear. Fireworks of pleasure exploded through me as we both cried out, shaking and clutching at each other, until finally we collapsed, spent, wrapped in each other’s arms.

>   I could feel his heart pounding in his chest as I rested my head on him, and his hand stroked my hair gently. I felt safe, sated, calm at last, and for the first time since leaving Earth I drifted off to sleep without a worry in my mind.



  Amy's head rested on my chest, rising and falling with my breath, and I felt more content than I had in years. More than I'd felt since the Empire came to my world, maybe. My hand brushed through her hair and I smiled as she murmured something quietly under her breath.

  This is perfect, I thought, not letting my mind wander to the future or the past. Neither held the happiness of lying here, in this moment, with Amy in my arms.

  But there was no stopping the passage of time. Hours stretched out before me and eventually I had to move. Quietly, carefully, I lowered Amy onto her sleeping bag and folded it over her to keep her warm before I stood and stretched.

  Looking down at Amy, I realized something. I couldn't bear to see anything bad happen to this human. Not anything. If I had to face Drezz and his whole crew single-handed, I'd do it. And if I had to fight the whole ASP to return her to her homeworld, I would do that too.

  Even if it meant letting her go forever.

  The thought was like a hammer blow, wrecking my tranquility. If Amy returned to Earth I wouldn't be able to follow. There was no way to blend in, to live unnoticed amongst the humans. Even visiting would be impossible, the ASP's patrols would catch me eventually. But there was no way that I could deny her wish to go home.

  Quietly, not wanting to disturb her, I dressed and sat at the edge of the forcefield, looking out into the majesty of space. Distant stars shone and the occasional trail of a passing ship crossed my view as I meditated, clearing my mind for the task ahead. It seemed easier now. All I needed was patience.

  Something else moved in the room behind me and I responded without conscious thought, rolling back and to my feet. But it wasn't a threat, just the shimmering light of a sprite entering. It zipped around the statue of the Silent Empress before spotting me and approaching.

  "What news?" I asked, my serenity fading as I thought about the outside world again. It was too soon for the Golden Fury to arrive, but what other message could the ship-priest have for me?

  Nothing good. The only other thing I could think of was news about the slavers hunting for us. If they were close enough on our trail that the priest was sending warning, things might be bad indeed.

  But the sprite didn't seem to be in a hurry, drifting down to float in front of me before speaking.

  "Bright tidings, Kadran," the ship-priest's voice said, sounding happy enough. "Or so I think, anyway. The Hypercom Guild has an urgent message for you, but they will not entrust it to me."

  I relaxed slightly. That was mysterious, and probably bad news, but it lacked the urgency of being hunted. What could the ASP want to tell me that couldn't wait for the Golden Fury to arrive? Or was the message that they weren't coming to get us after all? I sighed — speculating was futile, especially when I could go and find out, but I was reluctant to leave Amy alone in the shrine.

  "Couldn't she at least have sent me a summary?" I asked and the sprite chuckled in the priest's voice.

  "You make a big enough show of wanting discretion and people will take you seriously, Kadran," she said. "If you wanted her to be freer with this information, then you shouldn't have demanded so much secrecy."

  That was, I had to admit, fair. It didn't make me feel any happier, though. Growling low, I got myself ready to move.

  Looking down at Amy, I couldn't bear to wake her. She looked so peaceful nestled under the cover of her sleeping bag, and probably I'd be back before she woke anyway. To be on the safe side, I left a quick note to tell her where I'd gone, then leaned in to kiss her forehead gently.

  "Sleep well little one," I whispered as she muttered something sleepily. "I'll be back with news, and breakfast."

  Then I stood and strode after the sprite, not trusting myself to look back. Somehow this time it felt like I was leaving her for good, and if I turned back I wasn't sure I'd be able to bring myself to leave. It's only for a little while, and we need to know what this news is, I told myself firmly.

  It didn't help.

  This time the sprite led me by a different route, winding and slow. I didn't question it — the ship priest could see where dangers lay and if this was the path she thought safest, I was in no position to argue. But that did mean it took longer than I'd hoped to reach our destination, and frustration built in me by the time I arrived. Trying to control my temper I stepped through the door into the Guild office.

  "You again?" The guildswoman looked up from her desk and frowned at me. "What the glitch brings you back here?"

  I growled, having no time for her games. We were alone, unobserved, there was no need to hide my purpose.

  "I'm here to collect my message," I told her, leaning on her desk and glowering down at her. "Pass it over and I'll be out of your hair."

  "What message? What are you talking about?" Her frown deepened as she met my gaze.

  "Stop playing games." I snapped. "I have neither the time nor the patience."

  The look of confused anger on her face as she glared back sapped my certainty. Something was wrong, badly wrong. I glanced around to look for the sprite but it had vanished.

  "Back off. I don't know who told you I had a message for you but you've been misinformed, " the guildswoman said, her hand reaching under her desk. For a panic button or a weapon — I didn't know which, but it didn't matter.

  Straightening up I backed away a step, showing her my hands. No need to invite further trouble, I was in enough as it was.

  "My apologies," I ground out, anger flaring. It might not have been directed at her but it was enough to make the guildswoman pale. "Not your fault, someone's playing a trick on me. I will leave you in peace."

  She nodded quickly, hand still poised under her desk. Wary eyes watched me as I backed out of the door and away.

  The ship-priest lied to me. Why? I couldn't think of any good reason that she'd want me out of the shrine. All the bad ones were horrifying. Amy was alone, defenseless, and I'd been away too long already.

  Not caring that I'd draw attention I started to run, heading back to the shrine as fast I could go. The press of the crowd slowed me, but a few snarls got people out of my way and soon I was in the empty corridors where I could move as quick as I liked.

  It was still too slow, and I knew it. The ship priest would know exactly how quickly I'd cover the distance, and she could have delayed me if she needed to. Whatever she had planned was already over by now, and there was nothing I could do about that.

  None of that made any difference to my urgent need to get back to Amy's side as quickly as I could. Ignoring my doubts I lowered my head and ran.



  When I awoke I was alone, wrapped in the warmth of my sleeping bag. But a smile spread over my face at the memory of the night before and I felt a little giddy as I sat up to look for Kadran. This time he wasn't practicing his martial arts, and in fact I couldn't see him anywhere.

  But something had woken me. I wasn't sure what. The quiet? The empty feeling of a room without him in it? That didn't feel right. Something was wrong, or perhaps I was worrying over nothing.

  Stretching, I glanced down and saw a note propped up on my pack. "Gone to see the Guild. Back soon. Will bring breakfast."

  Part of me was impressed that the translator thing I'd been injected with could handle handwriting. The rest looked forward to something nice to eat.

  Okay, I'll let him off, I told myself as I unzipped the sleeping bag and got up. If he brings back breakfast all is forgiven.

  My mind wouldn't let go of the idea that something was wrong, though. Something worse than Kadran not being here. I dressed quickly and started packing away the small camp we'd made. It wouldn't take long to get it set up again, but if I had to move quickly I didn't want to have to
abandon everything I owned.

  Probably I was being paranoid, but I still felt better for taking some precautions.

  I was just zipping my pack shut when I heard footsteps outside the shrine. Not Kadran. This was someone else, someone trying to be quiet and almost managing. My heart pounded and I froze for a second before grabbing my bag and ducking into cover behind the base of the statue.

  No one else is supposed to be here, I thought, fear coursing through me as I heard people entering the room. Not just one set of footsteps but several, spreading out around the room. I didn't dare risk looking up from behind cover, I was sure to be seen if I did.

  But it wasn't as though I'd be safe here. As soon as someone came around the statue they'd see me clear as day. Maybe they're here to pray? It is a shrine, right?

  A desperate hope, but at least it was something. I hugged my pack, pressing myself into the pedestal and mouthing a prayer of my own. I doubted anyone would be listening, but it couldn't hurt.

  "Well, now. Look what we have here." The voice boomed through the room and I turned to look up at the speaker. A large man, almost as big as Kadran, and wearing black armor that covered him completely. I recognized it as the uniform that the ship's security forces wore, though much more ornate.

  Badges and medals studded the man's chest, glittering and gleaming, proclaiming him an important man. Or at least someone who wanted to be thought important.

  "I'm not looking for any trouble," I said, raising empty hands. "Just, um, praying to the Empress?"

  No chance that'll work, but why not try? I looked up, seeing my face reflected in the man's mask. I didn't look very convincing. Still, all I had to do was delay until Kadran returned.

  "How pious of you," he replied. "You can do better than this, though. Come along, I'll bring you to a consecrated shrine to Her Immortal Majesty."


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