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Diamond (G Street Chronicles Presents The Love, Lies & Lust Series)

Page 12

by Mz. Robinson

  “In the State of Alabama, pregnancy termination requires two visits,” the woman told me. “The first is for counseling. After your counseling session, you have to wait twenty-four hours before we can schedule an appointment for the procedure.”

  “I don’t need counseling,” I spoke with haste. “I just need it done.”

  “I understand that you feel you’ve made your decision,” she said politely, “but we must abide by the law.”

  “Are there any exceptions?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Okay.” I exhaled heavily. “What time can I come in?”

  “Our next opening is tomorrow at 1 p.m.,” she said. “We only do the procedures on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so—”

  “Are you telling me I’ll have to wait until Wednesday to have it done?” I asked, cutting her off.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Listen, I can’t wait that long. I need this done immediately.”

  “Sweetheart, we have policies and procedures we have to follow, and…”

  I rolled my eyes while listening to the woman ramble on and on about the law and the procedures they were obligated to abide by.

  “We could lose our license for noncompliance,” she finally stated.

  “Can you please pencil me in for a consultation today?” I begged. “Please?” After ten minutes of pleading and a few fake tears, I was convinced the woman would squeeze me in before they closed.

  “Darling, I empathize with you completely,” she said softly, “but again, the earliest appointment we have is tomorrow at 1:00. Would you like to schedule an appointment?”

  I wanted to scream with frustration and defeat, but I knew that would be useless. “What do you think?” I asked sarcastically.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed and morning sickness. I couldn’t understand it. Now that I knew the kid existed, that he or she was growing in my belly, it was trying its damndest to make me as uncomfortable as possible. I’d barely gotten any sleep the night before due to indigestion, and dry-heaving had become my wake-up call. Maybe it’s your conscience, I told myself. “Maybe,” I replied. Regardless of the reason I was clenching my toilet with both hands, and I just wanted the entire experience to be over immediately.

  I brushed my teeth, then washed my face before stepping into the shower. I stood in the shower until the water ran cold and my queasy stomach finally settled. I opened my bathroom door, allowing the steam to billow out into the bedroom, then reached for the Shea butter I kept in my vanity drawer. I sat on the edge of the bathtub, massaging the cream over my arms and breast, thinking about the mess I’d gotten myself into. What in the hell was I thinking? I had access to more money than I could have ever imagined and a husband who truly loved me and did everything in his power to keep me happy, and I’d chosen to risk it all. For what? Good dick and a chocolate smile? I made myself a promise that if I got out of my current situation without getting caught, I’d never cheat on Gator again. I looked at the empty jar of Shea butter and made a mental note to stop by Bridge Street after I left my consultation at the Women’s Center. I screwed the top back on the jar and tossed it in the wastebasket.

  After I got dressed, I headed downstairs. Joyful sounds of laughter and camaraderie greeted me as I stepped off the landing of the stairs into my foyer. I painted on my most gracious smile while walking toward the dining room. Gator was seated at the head of the table, and Terrance was to his left. There was a small table set up along the dining room wall, covered with trays of croissants, pastries, fruit, biscuits, eggs, bacon, and juice.

  A chocolate-complexioned man I’d never seen before was sitting to Gator’s right. The unfamiliar man had a clean-shaven, bald head, a full mustache, and a dark beard. He was the first to notice me and instantly stood when I entered the room. He was dressed in a basic black suit with a red shirt and black tie.

  “Good morning,” I spoke, looking from one man to the other.

  “Good morning, ma’am,” the stranger spoke in a deep, baritone voice.

  “Morning, sis,” Terrance said, smiling brightly and standing as well. Much like my husband’s guest, he was dressed in a dark suit and tie. I was completely caught off guard by the cheerfulness in his voice, but although he looked and sounded somewhat normal for the first time in months, I was still leery that the crazy might come out of him at any moment.

  “Beautiful,” Gator stated, also standing. He stepped around the table, revealing that he was casually dressed in a navy button-down shirt, slacks, and loafers.

  What the hell? I was caught off guard by his ensemble; my hubby never dressed down in front of company, and he was not one to be out done by his associates. For a minute, I thought the baby was messing with my head, making me hallucinate.

  Gator opened his arms, embraced me, then kissed me tenderly on the lips. “How are you?” he asked, pulling back.

  “I’m…well,” I said, staring at him. “How are you?”

  “Life is good,” he said. He stared at me with a loving light in his pupils that made me want to melt. “Let me introduce you,” he said, looking at his guest. “Diamond, this is Z. Z., this is my wife, Diamond.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Z. said, nodding his head in my direction.

  “Thank you,” I answered cordially. “It’s nice to meet you as well.” Z. was the man Venetta had told me about. From his appearance, he seemed harmless, almost boring. I wondered what it was about the man that had my friend on the fence. “Well, I’ll leave you gentlemen alone,” I said.

  “No need,” Terrance answered, standing. “Z. and I were just leaving.”

  “Thank you for breakfast, Boss,” Z. said, pushing back from the table.

  “Gentlemen, it was a pleasure,” Gator said. “Z., I’ll be contact.”

  “Sounds good,” Z. said.

  “Diamond, enjoy your day,” Terrance said.

  “You too,” I replied.

  “I’m gonna walk them out,” Gator advised me. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” I watched as they exited, still in awe of the men’s demeanor. I contemplated trying to eat something, but as I looked down at the table, I quickly decided against it. I grabbed one of the empty glasses sitting next to the small stack of plates and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I took one sip from my glass, and my taste buds were instantly on alert; there was champagne mixed with the juice. I didn’t have an appetite, but I was definitely feeling the Mimosa. I grabbed the glass pitcher and sat down at the table with my glass in hand.

  “Not hungry?” Gator asked, reentering the dining room. He walked over and sat down beside me.

  “No, I’m still catching hell from the lunch I ate yesterday,” I said.

  “Didn’t agree with you?”

  “Not at all. I think it was the nachos.”

  “Well, maybe a little retail therapy will do you some good, baby,” he suggested.

  “You read my mind.” I laughed. “I was just saying to myself that I need to stop by a couple stores at Bridge Street.”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of an overnight trip to New York,” he said, leaning forward in his chair. “Just the two of us painting the city green, the color of money.”

  I smiled. “I would love that,” I admitted. “Pick a day,” I said, cutting my eyes at him while taking another sip of my drink. “I know you’re busy, and I don’t wanna be stood up again,” I smiled, but I meant every word.

  “I guess I deserve that,” he said, “but the day is today. Our flight leaves in an hour.”

  “What!?” I hoped my shock was coming off as excitement rather than disappointment, but I was almost positive my tone had matched my thoughts.

  “You’re not happy,” Gator stated, confirming my thoughts. “Why? I thought you said you’d love it.”

  I set my glass down on the table, then attempted to gather my words and regroup. I didn’t have an excuse in my book of lies that would justify not
wanting to spend the day in the city with the man I loved, spending the money we both loved. Hell, being Gator’s wife was my profession, and spending money was part of my job. If I refused, he’d be on to me without a shadow of a doubt. “I-I am happy,” I stated, attempting to reassure him. “It’s just that it’s been a while since we’ve gone anywhere, just the two of us. I guess I’m kinda surprised.”

  “I know,” he said, reaching over and cupping my hand. “It’s long overdue. It’s time for the king to bring back the magic.”

  I was all for the king bringing back the magic, but I didn’t know why he’d chosen that day of all days.

  Gator continued to stare at me, searching my expression. The decision had been made, and unless something came up to change his mind, I was on the hook.

  “I’ll go pack,” I said, forcing a smile.

  “No need,” he advised. “All you need to bring is you.” He stood up, then leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “I’m gonna make a few phone calls before AJ gets here.”

  The mere mention of AJ made me my skin crawl, but I wasn’t about to say so. “Okay, baby,” I purred.

  Gator exited the dining room, humming lowly and walking with an extra spring in his step, leaving me silently sulking in my chair in secret disappointment.

  * * * * *

  The drive to the airport was one of the most uncomfortable I’d ever experienced in my life. I sat in the back of Gator’s SUV, snuggled in my husband’s arms, trying desperately to act normal and avoid the subtle eye contact AJ kept attempting to make with me in the rearview mirror. He was acting like a teenage boy, watching his girl crush with the high school football star. It was a good thing our affair had ended when it did, because I found myself suddenly questioning AJ’s capability to maintain our façade.

  I was thankful that the two-hour flight to LaGuardia Airport was a smooth one, with beautiful, sunny skies—a complete turnaround from the last time I’d flown. I was sure my nerves couldn’t have taken foul weather, along with all the other changes my body was going through.

  When we landed and arrived at our destination, I stood in the bedroom of the penthouse of The Waldorf Tower, admiring the stunning Italian mahogany canopy bed and all the accents and elegant décor throughout the suite. The entryway of the penthouse was flanked by marble pilasters. On the walls were murals depicting the beauty of Italy in vibrant colors. The adjacent living room featured ivory-painted trim, fabric-upholstered panels, and classic, fabric-covered furnishings that gave the room a royal ambiance fit for the queen of England. The suite was luxury at its best. “This is beautiful,” I said appreciatively.

  “Anything for my queen,” Gator recited.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’ll have time to finish admiring our accommodations tonight, along with other things,” he stated suggestively. “Stores are calling, and we have the funds to answer.”

  “You’ll get no arguments here,” I grinned, slipping my hand in his.

  * * * * *

  Gator had provided me more than retail therapy; he had given me a retail overdose, and I loved it. The two of us had graced boutique after boutique, stopping only for lunch before going right back at it. By the time we returned to the hotel that night, I had a complete wardrobe, and I was completely exhausted. The two of us now sat side by side in matching leather chairs, relaxing on the balcony of our room. It was a beautiful, warm, moonlit night, the perfect end to a perfect day.

  “So…what did you think of Z.?” Gator questioned. “First impression.”

  “Polite, gentleman…boring.”

  “All in one, huh?” Gator chuckled.


  “I just added him to our team,” he informed me.


  “Yeah. Terrance trusts him, and I trust Terrance’s judgment.”

  “Do you think that’s wise?”

  “Terrance is normally on it,” he said. “I know recent events have caused him to act somewhat erratically, but it’s understandable. Soon, all that will turn around.”

  “I did notice a change in him today,” I admitted. “He looked more like his old self.”

  “Trust me, my love, today’s only the beginning.”

  I only hoped his words were true.

  Chapter 12

  Monday morning, I thought Gator would never leave the house. First, he awakened me with breakfast in bed, followed by a long, hot bath and a full-body massage. I was thankful for the time and the affection he was showing me, but I had one thing on my mind and one thing only: the clinic. Our little weekend getaway had set me back and forced me to cancel my appointment. Of course I enjoyed every minute of my trip, but it was now time for me to get back to the basics.

  When he received a phone call and advised me he had to run an errand, it took everything inside me not to do a summersault. As soon as he kissed me goodbye, I became a woman on a mission.

  The Alabama Women’s Center was located in the medical district in downtown Huntsville. I was somewhat hesitant and fearful of being seen in the area, but I had to handle my business one way or the other, and going to see my own physician was not an option. I pushed through the glass door with my eyes covered by my sunglasses, then stepped right up to the receptionist’s desk. “I have a 10:00 a.m. consultation,” I said, staring at the pale, portly woman through the Plexiglas.

  “Good morning.” She smiled, revealing teeth covered by braces.

  “Do I need to sign in?” I asked, dismissing her greeting.

  She cut her brown eyes at me and slid me a clipboard full of forms through the slit at the bottom of the plexiglass. “Fill these out and bring them back to me.”

  I took the board, then turned on my heels and found an empty chair against the wall. I filled out the questionnaire, only answering certain questions, because as far as I was concerned, my family history was none of their damn business. I walked up to the receptionist and handed the clipboard to her, and she asked me to have a seat in the waiting room until my name was called.

  I didn’t have to wait too long, which was a relief. My consultation started with blood work and testing to confirm what I already knew, followed by an ultrasound. Dr. Blige, a pretty redhead with a curvaceous body, informed me that I was approximately four weeks along. After discussing all the alternatives, which included keeping the baby and adoption, she then spoke to me about the emotional repercussions some women experience and the effect that the decision to abort could have on me and my family. I listened quietly, not because I was having second thoughts, but simply because I liked to hear the woman talk. She was intelligent and sexy, so much so that under different circumstances, I might have attempted to take her home to play a little doctor of my own. When she was finished with her spiel, she asked if I had any questions. Since I didn’t, she escorted me to the receptionist, where I finally got to schedule an appointment.

  I slipped my sunglasses back on and exited the Women’s Center with my handbag and keys in hand. I had chosen to park my car on the side of the building, in the hopes that it would be less noticeable to passersby. When I rounded the corner of the building and saw Gator’s SUV parked beside me, I knew I was in trouble. I stopped midstride and stood there, motionless and staring at the car.

  My heart raced uncontrollably, and my stomach felt like I was going to shit a brick as I watched the driver-side door open and saw AJ step out. He adjusted the lapel of his jacket, then shut the door. I waited nervously for him to open the back door for Gator, but he never did. “What are you doing here, Diamond?” he asked, cutting his eyes at me.

  “Where’s Gator?” I questioned nervously.

  “With Jonah.”

  “He had me followed?” I questioned, walking toward him.

  “No,” AJ said, taking a step forward. “I just came from taking care of some business in New Projects. I was headed back to the spot when I noticed your car. What’s going on with you? Why are you at the clinic? You sick or something?”

“I had a checkup,” I said, slightly annoyed. “That’s all…and it’s really none of your business what I’m—”

  “Cut the bullshit, Diamond,” he barked.

  “What?” I asked, attempting to walk past him.

  “You know what,” AJ snapped, blocking my path. “I’ve been here before with Charla, my ex. Women don’t just come here for checkups.” The glare coming from his eyes was more intense than sunrays on a summer day. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I huffed in frustration.

  “Is it mine?”

  “I don’t know who’s it is,” I said, slightly embarrassed. “The dates are too close together, but it doesn’t matter either way. Even if it’s not yours, I’m not keeping it.”

  “What!? Maybe you should think about this,” he suggested. “I mean, we can work this out.”

  What the hell? It had become painfully evident that AJ had lost his damn mind. There was no way in hell the situation was going to work out in my favor. If the baby was my husband’s, my freedom was over; if the baby was the chauffeur’s, my life would be over. Either way, having that baby meant I was going to lose. “There’s nothing to think about,” I snapped. “I’m getting rid of it, period.” I stepped past him again.

  “Listen to me!” he barked, grabbing me by my arm, stinging my skin with pain. There was a savage look in his eyes that frightened me. “Diamond, I’ll do whatever I have to. I wanna make this work. We can run away, or we could we can—”

  “AJ, there is no ‘we.’ Whatever we had, it’s over,” I said. “I love my husband, and he’s the only one I want to be with. If you don’t stay away from me, I’ll tell Gator about us, and we’ll both suffer the consequences,” I said, hoping he’d heed my warning.


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