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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

Page 12

by Mychal Daniels

  “Shit, that feels so good,” she said, hating how much lack of tact and composure accompanied that little ditty of truth.

  His answer was to recapture her mouth. Lucien smothered her with a kiss so powerful; she gave up trying to make sense of anything she said from here on out. Successful in placing her into a stupor of sexual need, he resumed his previous torment. Back to holding her above him as he feasted on her breasts, he made certain to give each breast the attention he wanted to bestow on it. When Quinn thought she’d faint from the overload of sensations, Lucien pulled her back down to look into her eyes.

  “I want you.” He said nothing else after that, pinning her in the crosshairs of his concentration.

  Well, how you do?

  There wasn’t a sliver of a chance to confuse or misunderstand that. Quinn fought to catch her breath as he peered into her, again with that look as if attempting to dissect her soul.

  “Yes—condoms.” Was all she could get out.



  They were up and out of the chair before it registered. He carried her as if she weighed no more than a child. She could get used to that—if she had any plans to stick around. A man as good with his tongue as this one would always be on the off limits list for her. Quinn was done with the sexy Lothario type.

  Before tonight, Quinn believed Craig had been the best she’d ever have. In hindsight, it was silliness to think she could turn him into a boyfriend, let alone a husband. Craig had played along, giving her the illusion that she’d won something with him, only to take her for everything she had.

  He’d been a good enough kisser and sexually compatible in bed to hook her. That’s what had been her downfall. Good dick had made her dumb, blind and broke. Quinn knew Craig’s charm, and that cock of his had made her blind to a lot of things. Never before had thoughts of Craig made her so sick to the stomach. Quinn had thought she was in love, but it all faded like a skillfully crafted illusion when he left.

  Here Lucien was, putting him to shame with a fucking kiss. If she had any sense, she’d get out of his arms and run for the hills. Just this once, she reasoned. She’d only give in to her desire for Lucien this once. In the face of confronting a man who made Craig pale in comparison, Quinn had already flunked the test. She’d gone from loathing to lusting for him in a matter of mere hours. Her best hope was that a taste of him would be adequate to satisfy her hunger, and enough to help her make a clean break. Highly doubtful, but for the sake of research, she’d have to finish the experiment.

  Lucien had carried her the length of the room to the entrance of another room. The new room opened to the left of the original space, forming an L-shape with it. It was when he was about to enter the new area that her attention came back fully to experience the moment. When he stepped into it, darkness was invaded by the soft light spilling in from the other room. From that light, she could make out a bedroom that seemed to go on for yards. He ate up the space and deposited her on the bed with care. When he left her side to go into what must be the bathroom, Quinn stole a look toward another dim light source.

  She almost screamed at the sight. Wide double French doors were open to the cold, January night air. That wasn’t the issue. The problem was a polished concrete deck that spanned a good bit of the length that side of the room. It had no railing.

  The cold moved like a slow predator into the room, giving Quinn a chill. Before the cold did its work to slap her back into sanity, Lucien was there by her side. He followed her gaze and looked at the opening into the room. Quiet as the night that shrouded them, he rose from the bed again. Lucien closed the wide doors and grabbed a heavy throw from a chest next to the doors. Watching him move about the room in the dark heightened her awareness of this deep attraction she’d developed for him. It was irrational at best and dangerous. Knowing this could be one of the worst things she’d done up until this point, Quinn still didn’t care.

  She’d find out why there was an unprotected ledge outside his bedroom later. As for the cold, it appeared he shunned it due to the heat he produced. He was back at her side with the heavy throw that up close was a blanket.

  “Here.” He gave it to her.

  With him so close to her again, the last thing she wanted was a barrier, even if it was in the form of a blanket.

  “Come here. I’ll use you for warmth,” she said, allowing the drawl of arousal to tint her voice.

  He obeyed coming to her in the large bed. Tonight, she’d allow him to take control and guide them. Tiredness ruled her; the kind that inched in deep down between bone and morrow. Mental fatigue had taken its toll and tonight she’d give in to primal need. Months of worry, expending copious amounts of mental capacity on surviving and then the events of today were more than she could take. Lucien would be her respite, if only for this night.

  He bent down, hovering over her body. On her back in this huge bed with him, Quinn refused to pay attention to the feelings of safety and completion that perfumed the air about them. Instead, she focused on ignoring any hopes of interaction with him past tonight. This would be her Cinderella moment with this hot, rich guy, Lucien Drake. When his chest covered hers skin to skin, the contented sigh that left Quinn was a nice punctuation.

  His lips were back on hers, taking from her what he wanted. Lucien stroked the length of her arm as he moved to make a trail of kisses down her throat, branding each spot with his heat. When he made it back to her waiting breasts, Quinn had to remind herself to breathe. To her amazement and dismay, he spent only a passing kiss on each breast in his trail of kisses. Downward he moved, pushing her body up the bed, until he landed at the mound of her sex.

  Her pussy was soaked with want for him. Quinn didn’t care. For the first time, not a single thought about how he’d view her body or if he’d like what she wore, crossed her mind. Instead, she’d been in the moment with him, enjoying the enhanced sensations coming at her from every angle. Following every request, Quinn allowed him to remove the rest of her clothing. The cold of the room wasn’t enough to tear her attention away from every movement he made.

  When he removed her shoes and socks, Lucien cupped each of her feet. He kissed the soles, lingering to place little kisses on each of her toes and then a long warm kiss on her insteps. His version of seduction had her feeling like a goddess he worshipped. This was hot as fuck. He brought the blanket up to cover her body and Quinn wanted to scream no. Her fear that he was done took a back seat when he pushed the blanket up, exposing her lower half to his probing gaze. At times, snatches of moonlight caught his eyes. She could swear they glinted with a brightness that was other worldly. In spite of that, she luxuriated in the attention he lavished on her.

  “Open up for me,” he said, heat licking her sex at his closeness. You smell so good; I have to taste you.”

  Opening her legs to accommodate him, she gulped when he cupped her full ass cheeks with his hands and pulled her into his face. To say she’d been missing out was an understatement. Every lick, suck, breath and plunge of his tongue increased her inability to control anything about herself. Her arms did as they wished. The things that came out of her mouth descended into gibberish and repetitive chants of yes.

  Lucien played maestro of her body, conjuring up heights of arousal she’d never encountered, only to hold off and until she grunted and groaned in frustration. She was a goner. Lord help and Devil drive her out of here when this was over. There was no way she’d be able to play it cool after this. It was as if he’d received a manual on how to make her purr, sigh and even beg if he kept on.

  “Come for me,” he whispered into the entrance of her sex so that only she could hear and feel it.

  “No, not yet. I want you to come with me” she breathed, wanting to make sure he got pleasure as well.

  “I’m good. This is for you, Quinn. I want to watch as you come by my doing.”

  “I can’t, not like this. I need and want you so badly; my teeth ache from the pressure of it.”

sp; “Haha, that’s some pressure you’ve got going on.”

  “And you’d leave me like this? I thought you’d surely finish what you started—the right way?”

  “Did you not enjoy my exploration of your sweet, hot pussy? It continues to call to me. Should I answer?”

  His dirty talk yanked an involuntary shudder of delight from her. He was everything she wanted and nothing she had any business dealing with. Tonight only was the phrase that played on repeat in the background of her mind.

  “Hell yes!” When he ducked down, giving the lips to her sex a long, lingering lick, she squirmed with need. “Stop torturing me and do it. Take me now.”

  “That’s not possible. Not tonight.”

  “What?” She wanted to cry out of frustration. “Don’t leave me like this.”

  “Alas, I must.”

  “Really and truly, are you fucking serious? Tell me.” Quinn fought to keep the anger out of her voice. This was some bullshit. He’d gotten her worked up only to leave her hanging. See, this was why she didn’t need to mess with him. This right here was proof that if she got to finish up with him, she might lose her mind. If being with him was as good as her body sensed, there was nothing to stop him from having her do about anything. If he was half as bad as Craig that was still a win. Grasping enough composure to string a sentence together, Quinn said, “Lucien, I now understand on an intimate level what being a tease is like. This is all kinds of wrong.”

  He moved back up her side to line up with her face. “I know dear one, but I never want to cause you to question my motives. I’d like nothing better than to explore your body with my own. But, I don’t have any condoms. I know that’s important to you. What I can and want to do is make sure you reach pleasure. I don’t wish to leave you frustrated.”

  “But what about you? How can you be so calm? Don’t I arouse you in the least bit?” She didn’t want to hear a truthful answer, just the right one to keep her ego from shattering into a thousand pieces.

  “You have touched me far beyond physical attraction. I haven’t had the urge to be with any one as much as I want you. Quinn, you’ve come out of nowhere and wrecked my entire concept of what I’m supposed to be doing.”

  This was intriguing. “How so?”

  “Let’s have that discussion for another time. We can continue to enjoy each other when the time is right.”

  Pouting at not getting what she wanted, Quinn lie there trying to stop the incessant hum of want that still pulsed through her. Her sex quivered and clenched in anticipation of Lucien’s touch. Taking in hand, she placed it on her pulsing sex.

  “Do you feel that?” She waited for him to comprehend what he’d done to her body. On cue, her sex contracted at the heat and weight of his hand at her entrance. “You did this to me. I need release, and you’re the only one who can give it to me now.”

  He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. Uh-uh, this spelled the death of her plan to get some tonight. Lucien didn’t remove his hand, but he didn’t do anything with it either.

  “Why don’t we lie here together and rest for a moment. You’ve had a long day. I don’t want the events of the day to cloud your judgment. I apologize for my actions tonight. I sense you may not be in the best frame of mind to engage in what I want from you.”

  “You don’t know what happened to me. If you did, you’d be willing to do this for me—to help me have one thing I wanted today—you.”

  His chuckle was deep and rumbled through the room. “Dear Quinn, I wish it was that easy. Trust me; there will be plenty of other times for us to have each other. I assure you of that.”

  “I don’t think so. After tonight, I’m going back home. This wasn’t the great idea I thought it would be.”

  He pulled her in, wrapping her into his arms. “Would you please consider rethinking that? Now that you’re here, I can’t let you slip away so fast. Quinn, you came into my life, and I don’t think I can let you go without at least putting up a fight.”

  “Then finish what you started.” She knew it was wrong to challenge him like this, but her body physically ached for him. Lucien holding her right now wasn’t doing a damn thing to help her situation get any better. Going for bust she made her case, “I know we just met, but I’m going to put it out there. I’m clean and on the pill. If you’ve been tested within the last six months like I have and want to give it a go, I’m game.” He was quiet, and the silence loomed over her like a judgmental tyrant. She was begging this man for sex! How low she’d sunk when it came to men. In an attempt to salvage some of her dignity, she added as upbeat and confident as possible, “Not sure if it matters, but I’m not a THOT, you know—That Ho Over There? Um, some loose woman. I’ve never done this before and can’t explain to myself why I want you so badly, but I do. Hell, my body yearns for you in the worst way. But… if you want to wait, I’ll respect that. I wanted to leave that there for you to consider.” She shut up. He could ponder on it and let her know.

  Lucien leaned in and kissed her with the softest touch.

  “When I have you, it will be right, with both of us fully understanding what that means. Nothing is going to stand in the way of me having you—nothing. But… I won’t take you any kind of way. Quinn,” he said, lifting her chin to see him in the dark of the room. “I won’t be a rebound or one night stand. When I make love to you, yes I’m going to make love to you and not fuck you, I want you to come to me with everything. I want the entire package—not just your body. I want you to think about that and decide if you can get past whatever or whoever it is clouding your heart. I’m playing for keeps. The moment I know I have that,” he placed his hand on her bare chest, “Is when I take you and make you completely mine.”

  His words seared her thoughts like a brand. This moment was way too heavy. “So, it was the condom request then?”

  “No, my love, it was you. I want you, not just your body. I want all that makes you, you.”

  Quinn closed her eyes, pulled the blanket over her body and snuggled into him. She’d rest for a bit and then get up and make the trek home.

  She’d rolled the dice, and it wasn’t to be.

  The movement of the bed startled her. Groggy and a little disoriented, Quinn’s eyes popped open to see it was still night and she remained in Lucien’s bed. He leaned over to see her eyes open. When he bent to give her a light kiss on the forehead, her insides melted with the sweet gesture. Lucien was kind and not at all like she’d imagined.

  “One of the guys is at the door. I’ll go answer and be right back.” His voice was low, matching the quiet darkness of the room.

  “No, I need to be getting back. What time is it anyway? I didn’t mean to drift off into a deep sleep like that.” Quinn tried to sit up, before he came back to her, urging her to lie back down.

  “Please, stay here. Pulling a mobile phone out of the back pocket of his jeans, he looked at the screen. “It’s a little after one in the morning. Stay, I’ll return soon, promise.”

  “No, it’s late and I’d better go. Thanks for everything, including you know, making me feel special.” She cringed at the dorkiness of what she said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that. What I meant was that—”

  “No, please, I’m the one who doesn’t want you to go. Quinn, please stay the night with me. Let me see who this is and then I’ll be back.”

  His request was the sweetest thing. There was no way she could deny when he asked so nicely. “Okay, but if it’s Wren wanting to go home, I’m out of here.”

  He looked back at her, smiled and said, “Fair enough.”

  Then he was gone, and Quinn drifted back into a deep sleep in spite of being in an unfamiliar place.


  Lucien… 5th floor or The Lair

  Pulling his top back on, Lucien raced back to the door in the common area. There was no way he wanted to have any of the guys sense how far he’d gone with her or see his Quinn naked. Good thing he could sense everyone in the Lair, or he
might not have had time to stop them before they barged in. Pushing out his perception to pick up on movement, he sensed the familiar resonance of Greg.

  “It’s only me. I’m alone.” Greg said, using their mental link.

  “I know,” Lucien returned in on the same mental frequency.

  “Then open the door, why don’t you?”

  He snatched the door open, prepared to beat Greg to a pulp.

  “What do you want?” The last thing Lucien had wanted to do was leave Quinn.

  Greg was unfazed by the gruffness of his voice. “Where is she?”

  “She’s asleep in the bedroom. Why are you up here, Greg? Is her friend looking for her?”

  “Actually no, Wren’s in Matt’s room, asleep too. It seems like being in the Lair has finally conked them out.” Greg gave Lucien a once over. Seeing his clothes were intact, the Gryphon smiled. “Let’s cut to the chase. You know why I’m here. It’s so powerful; the other guys woke up out of their deep sleep. Instead of them bum rushing up here, I decided to be the sacrificial lamb and come as a representative of the Clan. Don’t kill me.” Greg laughed at his stale joke.

  Lucien did know why Greg was here. From the moment Quinn had shaken his hand, she’d shaken up everything else in the Lair. The atmosphere was pregnant with promise. Everything was so full of life that it was almost visible in the Earthly realm. It would be futile to stall the guys any longer.

  “Well? Lucien don’t make me pull it out of you. Answer the question. Is it… is she?”

  Lucien looked his closest friend and bond brother in the eye. He wouldn’t drag it out. That was the right way to handle this. “Yes and yes.”

  “I knew it! From the moment we walked in to see them here, I knew it. Wow!”

  “Shh! Didn’t I just say Quinn’s sleep in the other room?”

  “Oh—sorry about that. Just too excited to keep a lid on it. Man, you’ve got to be feeling all kinds of emotions. Your mate is here.” Lucien didn’t know how to take Greg like this. He was hopping up and down like he’d gotten the best gift ever. He acted like it had happened to him. “Man—you got to love the Goddess’s style. She delivered not one but two mates and dropped them right in the Lair.”


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