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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

Page 15

by Mychal Daniels

There was no mistaking the stress and odd mixtures of shame and confusion that oozed out of her. The stench of the emotional cocktail wafting off Quinn was as potent as its clutch seemed to smother her. Quinn refused to look anywhere but at his chest in front of her line of sight. He wanted to get to the bottom of what was bothering her and fix it. Maybe the shock of seeing Hildy in her shifted form and then the loss of her car were too much for her to handle? Quinn seemed stronger than this. Lucien hoped it wasn’t something as materialistic as her car missing. As best he could tell, there was nothing life threatening about not having a car.

  In all his years he’d never understood how easily the mundane cares of this world sidelined so many people. If they only knew what was hiding in plain sight and the dangers that could happen if he and his kind didn’t stay diligent to guard the portals, life would be different and way more eventful for the average person.

  If his hunch was right, in addition to the Hildy and Jax fiasco she was smarting over her car. It was gone. From her reaction and acceptance, it appeared she knew what had happened to it. It was just a car though, and not the end of her world. He didn’t want Quinn or Wren to get the chance to form any crazy ideas about them. And, he wanted to find out what had happened to make her break down over a missing car like that.

  Refusing to put her down, Lucien climbed the stairs to reach the fifth floor. When he stepped into the main meeting area, his chair pulled at him. Looking down at her, he debated putting her in the bed to rest. The idea of separation from her while she was in this state of mind grated on him. Instead, he opted to take her with him over to the chair.

  For her sake earlier, he’d closed the doors and windows before they’d gone down for breakfast. Now the room was a bit toasty for his taste, but Quinn was no longer shivering. What he didn’t like was how distant and reserved she’d become. She continued to stare at his chest, not speaking or making any sort of expressions. Lucien’s heart tore a bit at feeling and seeing the distance between them. He wanted to do whatever he could to close the rapidly growing gulf. Hell, he’d buy her a fleet of those cars if it made her snap out of this chasm of despair.

  “Quinn, my love, can you hear me,” he asked as Lucien eased back into his chair while continuing to cradle her.

  The softness of her body against his was the sweetest sensation, yet her essence was far away. Lucien forced his memory to ramble through ideas on how to comfort and soothe her. The newness of holding his mate while she was in despair highlighted his awkwardness in this area. Give him legions of invading intruders and he’d adapt, adjust and find a way to vanquish them all. This… seeing her hurting and not knowing what to do to ease it, was pain like he’d never encountered before.

  Defeat wasn’t an option. Not only did he have to get her to snap out of whatever it was keeping her from interacting with him or anything else, Lucien had to get his anger in check for when the others joined them. The last thing he’d wanted was for Quinn to see anything out of the ordinary before he had a chance to speak with her about their mating. Right then he swore by the Goddess that if Hildy and Ajax’s antics had cost him Quinn, they may as well relocate to a distant planet.

  She didn’t respond. He’d take it slow. Pulling her more into his body, Lucien rocked her like he’d seen his mother do when his brothers were hatchlings all those years ago back on his planet. It took a few more minutes before the tension began to ebb out of Quinn’s body. Taking advantage of her softening muscles, Lucien pulled her in closer still. He rested her head on his chest and continued to rock her back and forth.

  He took a chance and spoke again. “I’m not going to rush you, but I want you to know I’m here and you have nothing to fear. Neither will I demand that you tell me what it is that bothers you. If you’re concerned about your car or… what you saw outside before that, it can and will be fixed. All I want is for you to know that I’m here. You have me, and I’ve got your back—always.”

  He waited. No answer came forth except for a soft release of air from her. She was so small and fragile in his arms. Lucien wanted to rip apart whoever had taken her car. His gut rejected that notion as soon as he thought it. There was more haunting her than the car. He’d bet on it. There was another who’d caused her pain. That person or persons would need to find a hole to hide in if he ever found them. No one would ever cause his Quinn pain or haunt her like this ever again.

  Sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs echoed in the distance. He reached out through his mental link locating Greg.

  “It hasn’t been an hour yet. Give me more time to get Quinn settled.”

  “Not coming up there yet. Making a stop at our apartments before the ass chewing we’re about to receive,” Greg came back with a hint of humor.

  “I’m not going to do that—at least not in front of Quinn. She’s still pretty shaken.”

  “Well, well, the mighty Lucien Drake is not going to take an opportunity to roar and hiss at us.”

  “Stop it before I do make good on your expectations. I need everything and everyone to be calm. Quinn isn’t back to herself yet. Don’t want all the rattle and shake that we can get up to going on is all.”

  “Got it. We’d already planned to give you the hour and more if you need it. No one wants to give your mate any more reasons to leave. I’d say her car being repoed has the Goddess’s touch all over it.”

  “How do you know that’s what happened?” Lucien hated to hear this, knowing the woman in his arms had a lot of pride.

  “Wren let Matt know she was having some financial challenges. That’s the reason she was trying to get out of here. Wren said she was attempting to find new business clients.”

  “Enough. I’ll get the rest of the information from her—when she’s ready to tell me. As for Matt, he needs to learn to stop telling you things his mate shares with him.”

  Greg’s response wasn’t immediate, as if he considered what Lucien said. “True and I’ll stop asking him for information she gives him. He definitely needs to tread lightly with her as well. She’s not aware she’s his mate. Matt thinks she sees him as some sort of anomaly of a man with special abilities instead of a real person who is her mate. You know, like he’s a novelty she’s fascinated with. He wants to spend more time with her to win her over.”

  “Interesting and I understand the winning her over part. Let’s deal with this one mate at a time then. As long as she isn’t freaking out about the Hildy episode, I’m happy.”

  “No, she’s fine. It seems they told her a lot this morning and she’s taking it all in like a champ.”

  “All right. Let me get back to Quinn. Tell everyone when they do come up here to come in quietly. Quinn is still spooked a bit. We’re in the meeting area. When you do come in, take your seats and wait for my instruction.”

  “Will do. Does your mate need anything like hot tea, milk, or something sweet like chocolate to calm her down?”

  “What? I don’t know. How do you know that’s a thing?”

  “I’ve seen it on television. When things get them down, a lot of human women like something warm or sweet to drink or eat, especially chocolate.”

  “Why don’t I know things like this?”

  “Because you’ve been focused on your job and position as our leader—like you should. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back and won’t let you make too many mistakes if I can help it.”

  “Thanks bro, seems there’s a learning curve with this whole mating thing too. Hold on, let me ask her then,” Lucien thought mentally kicking himself for not thinking of this himself. “I’ll get back to you if she does. Thanks Greg, great looking out.” Before he’d end the link, the problem from earlier popped into his memory. “What of the issue downstairs?”

  “I sense you lifted the severity of the wards. Trying to give me a chance to study your little lab experiment?”

  “In a way. Stay on alert and keep me in the loop if anything is breached or accessed. Not trying to make this a fatal experiment, but my patience is w
aning thin on this one.”

  “For real? And I thought you admired persistence.”

  “I do when it’s for the right cause. This is nothing more than delusional lust and greed.”

  “True enough. You take care of Quinn. I’ve got this.”

  Lucien broke the mental link but could still sense Greg making his wishes known to the others who were in the building for them to comply.

  Looking down at the top of Quinn’s head, he was greeted with a mass of unruly coils of curls. The sight was comical in how right she’d been about her struggle to control it. Now wasn’t the time for mirth though. Instead, he had to meet his mate’s needs.

  “Quinn, my Quinn, would you like something warm to drink—tea, coffee or milk? Or something sweet like chocolate to help soothe your body?”

  She nodded. That was a start. But which one?

  “Good, which one would you prefer? You can have whatever you’d like.”

  Her voice was faint at first, but he could make it out. “Yes. Coffee, if you have it. Or see if Wren can get my usual from Starbucks.” She snuggled in more, making him want to moan from the pleasure of her body against his. “Oh, never mind. I forgot—my car is gone. Don’t trouble anyone to leave if you don’t already have coffee here. Wren doesn’t drive.”

  He couldn’t stand not seeing her beautiful, expressive eyes and tilted her face up to look at him. “We’ll get whatever you like. What’s your usual or favorite order?”

  She blinked as if his words didn’t register. “Um, I get a Double Venti Blonde from Starbucks.”

  It was his turn to blink. Lucien never touched the stuff but knew this was strong coffee. “No milk, or foam?”

  “No, it gets in the way of the coffee. If I’m drinking coffee, I want the ultimate experience.”

  “The ultimate experience, huh? That order sounds more like you drink rot gut instead of coffee.”

  “Don’t judge me, strong with nothing but coffee in the cup. That’s how my Madea, my grandma, used to drink it when I was little. She used to try to put that milk crap in mine, but I wanted it like hers—straight, no sugar or fluff.”

  “I see.” He was glad she was talking. A few more minutes and hopefully Quinn would be back to herself. In less than a day, he’d fallen hard for this woman. A craving to have her safe, healthy and happy was mounting like a drive he couldn’t control. His Dragon was on high alert, just under the skin as well. His Dragon was tuned into Quinn’s distress, and it was hard keeping that part of himself in check or at bay. Wanting to pour his guts out and tell her how much he wanted her to consent to become his mate, Lucien opted for the more sane response of, “Your wish is my command.”

  After he had reached out to Greg mentally to get the order placed, Lucien was determined to get her talking again. Refusing to use any mental nudges or other things that would intrude on her ability to act autonomously, Lucien assembled what he’d say next to get her to confide in him.

  “Quinn? What has you so stressed out?”

  He waited for a response, when none came, he honed in to listen to her. Instead of quiet contemplation and the static of mental engagement he expected to hear, Lucien was greeted with deep even breaths and a hum of a resting mind and body. Quinn was asleep.

  The air was stifling and he was getting hotter by the minute. He debated getting up to open a door or window. Quinn whimpered in her sleep. It was settled, he’d sweat buckets before disturbing her. The Dragon within him settled down in response to his mate’s sleeping state. Lucien had to get the Clan ready to accommodate having Quinn and possibly Wren around the Lair.

  It was settled. Quinn would stay here with him. He’d make sure to rectify any and everything he could that had her rattled. Lucien was the leader of one of the most fearsome Clans and protected the portal to Earth. Whatever had his Quinn in pain would have to go through him to continue to torment her. She was his mate and deserved nothing less.



  His mind whirled with plans and points he’d need to share with the Clan. The lingering issue was when would he be able to speak with Quinn about what was happening. And there was still the possibility that she’d reject him too. Caught up in his thoughts, Lucien didn’t hear the others until they were on the floor and about to open the door. Quinn was in a deep sleep by now and softly snoring here and there.

  Greg was the first through the door. Lucien held up a finger to his lips in a motion to be quiet as the others filed into the room. He was thankful when a breeze of cold air came in from the windows Greg went around the large room opening. Quinn burrowed in more in response to the crisp air infiltrating the room.

  When Wren came in and stood before the chairs, he watched her watching him holding Quinn in his lap. She spoke in a hushed voice. “Wow, you’re like the Quinn whisperer. She’s never that peaceful or in a deep sleep like that. It’s been so long since she was able to get a good night’s sleep. Thank you for helping her to rest. You two look good together.” She approached and gave him one of the biggest cups of coffee he’d ever seen. “Here you go. It’s her usual—a Double Venti Blonde. It has an extra shot of expresso in it. This is what fuels and keeps our Quinny going.”

  At that moment Quinn’s head stirred in reaction to the aroma of coffee. Without opening her eyes, she reached for the cup. Lucien marveled at the woman’s response to the steaming cup of coffee.

  “You might as well give it to her. She’s smelled it now. Hell hath no fury like a Quinn denied her coffee,” Wren said, still smiling at both of them.

  Lucien gave a still closed-eyed Quinn the cup and watched as she put it to her lips and drank. When she’d taken a healthy sized sip, Quinn held the cup out until he took it and nuzzled back into his chest. Amazing. He placed the large cup of liquid on one of the tables that separated each of the chairs before looking back up to give the others his attention.

  Wren continued to stand before him looking a bit out of place. This was interesting. Lucien wanted to see if she’d have a similar reaction to the chairs that Quinn had. He’d give her no sign about what to do. While the others found their chairs and Hildy sat in Jax’s lap in his chair, Wren turned around in a circle and considered the empty ones. The shake of her head was almost imperceptible, but it was there.

  He couldn’t believe it. The young woman had rejected the empty chairs even if her mind hadn’t caught up to that fact yet. Collective breaths were held by some in anticipation about what she’d do. Still, she continued to stand, not making a move toward Matt. It wasn’t until Matt motioned for her to come to him, did she move. He offered her his chair as everyone watched.

  “No, I couldn’t put you out of your seat. I don’t know, I guess I’ll stand over there,” Wren said, pointing to one of the desks that were against the wall in the other section of the room.

  “I’ll have none of that,” Matt said. “I know, how about we share this seat? There’s plenty of room.”

  When Wren’s expression broke out into a shy smile, Lucien felt his grin grow with how gentle Matt was with the young woman. That would never be a trait he mastered, and somehow he knew Quinn wouldn’t need that level of patience or guidance.

  Once Wren was seated on a smiling Matt’s lap, Lucien said, “Who wants to tell me why it was a good idea to allow the Dragonling and his mate to perform drills while we have guests?”

  Ajax spoke up. “Hello? I’m sitting right here. First, off Luc, I have a name, and it’s not your damn little Dragonling. Next, stop referring to me like that. Start recognizing me as a grown man and know that we weren’t reckless.”

  “I didn’t say you were intentionally reckless. What I want to know is how you didn’t realize Wren or Quinn might see you.” Lucien watched his tone and level. Quinn was still asleep, and he didn’t want to wake her by yelling at his idiot brother, Jax.

  “We didn’t see Quinn’s car when we got done with breakfast. That’s why we were out back practicing. We thought the ladies had left when Quinn�
��s car was gone. Plus, Wren already knows about us.”

  “But Quinn didn’t,” Lucien said barking it out in a loud whisper.

  Ajax ran a hand through his thick mane of chestnut hair. “Bro, we did think they were gone.” Ajax tried to hide the sharpness of frustration in his tone, but a little of it managed to sneak in. Lucien had to admit he would have come to the same conclusion, had he been out and not seen Quinn’s car.

  “I understand about the car, but you hadn’t seen me this morning. That should have been a clue to check to make sure it was good to practice. You know if I’m not in my deep sleep, I’m normally up before everyone else.” It might be knit picking the issue, but Lucien wanted everyone to recognize how much their lives would need to change. “Since Hildy has joined us, nothing has been the same. Not meaning that in a negative way, Hildy.” She nodded, continuing to rub Jax’s chest to keep him calm. “I’m saying that we need to have some new protocols around here, now that…” He looked over at Wren who was paying rapt attention to everything he said, “Now that we may have more people here.”

  Nolan sat up in his chair. Lucien knew he was going to do something to annoy Jax. That had been his way. Even though Nolan was third born, he’d always had it out for their youngest brother, Jax, and loved to pick on him. Lucien wouldn’t have a problem punching him in the face if he did something to start a brawl with the women here. Hildy could take care of herself, as she’d proven over the last few weeks. But Quinn and Wren were delicate. Lucien waited to hear Nolan out, but one false word and he’d have Nolan tossed out through the doors in the other room.

  Nolan said, “Luc, don’t be too hard on Jax and Hildy. I too made the mistake of thinking the ladies were gone. I could have easily been, you know, in a different way coming back in when we did. Isn’t that right, Blaise?” Their other brother, Blaise nodded with a grunt of agreement. “Plus, aren’t we forgetting something else?” Nolan looked around and then over to Hildy. “We’ve got a birthday girl in the building. Jax had reminded me before we left on our… trip, that Hildy’s birthday was this week. Can’t we cut the Birthday Girl some slack on this one, Luc? Oh, and Hildy when’s the day again?”


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