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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

Page 17

by Mychal Daniels



  Warm hands got hotter and more welcoming as they continued to make contact with her skin. Lucien rubbed Quinn’s arm up and down. He set a hypnotic pace that kept her from screaming at the farce that her life had morphed into. It was him that kept her calm. Lucien held her in his lap, quiet and sitting with her in the now empty room.

  “So you’re not going to kill Wren and me for what we saw?” she asked barely above a whisper.

  His hands stop moving.

  “What? Why would you ask me something like that? Kill you? What do you think I am—some monster? I’d never do anything to harm you or Wren. None of us would.”

  “But I know what I saw. You mean you won’t try to change my mind about that?”

  “Quinn, I’d never try to play mind games with you. I care about you too much to be so cruel. Plus, you deserve to know what’s going on around here.”

  “Not really. What y’all do here is your business. I just want to be able to go about my business without any issues. That goes for Wren to. You know, your home and what goes on in it is private. I won’t push the issue.”

  “Yes you can, and I insist you do. You’re part of our family now.”

  “I can’t be. I don’t know anything about any of you, except I know what I saw and Hildy’s not human.” She looked at him, wishing his words weren’t so kind. Quinn needed to find that side of him that was mean or callous and not this understanding, patient man before her. Whatever he or his family were, they were nice about it. The desire to caress his strong jaw was enough for her hand to reach up. Then the reality of her situation slammed back into her, knocking her back into the land of common sense. After studying him for a few more minutes, she asked, “Lucien, why are you being so nice to me? I have nothing. I can give you nothing in return, pay you back or offer any sort of trade in kind. I’m all tapped out.” Numbness from her situation had relented to allow this new phase of raw irritation to creep in.

  “Good to know, but not needed since I don’t want or need any payment, except for your spending time with me.”


  “Why what?”

  “Lucien, don’t play coy, it’s not a good look for you. Come on and fess up. Why are you so nice to me?”

  “Because you’re mine. I want you to see that nothing you say or do will make me go away. Quinn, please open up to me.”

  She wiggled to get off his lap. A firm arm looped around her to lock her in place.

  “Stop it and let me go. You can’t keep me here against my will.”

  “True, but is it your will to leave me?” He adjusted her in his lap to face him. “The truth, Quinn.”

  Unable to look away or down, she was forced to look into those eyes that pulled her in more and more. “Yes, my will is to leave here.”


  “You can’t tell me what I feel.”

  “I don’t have to. Everything in your body and facial expressions tells me what I want to know.”

  “Why ask me then?” she asked hating the huff that followed. She didn’t want Lucien to think he’d gotten under her skin.

  “To see how much you trust me. From that little doozy of a lie, I guess not as far as you can throw me, right?” he asked. Heat suffused her cheeks as she was caught red handed. “Why is that, my Quinn? Why don’t you trust me?”

  “Because my paw-paw taught us that. He’d say, ‘In God we trust, everyone else we check out.’ I didn’t remember that in time and now I’m paying the price for it. I won’t make that mistake again. Plus, there’s something about you I can’t put my finger on. It’s like there’s another side to you that you’re withholding from me. With what I saw of Hildy, I don’t know what you and the guys might be hiding. Lucien, real talk? How am I supposed to trust you when that feeling that reaches down into my gut is riding me?”

  He was quiet for a few moments. Quinn didn’t have the itch to get off his lap she’d expected. The spot she’d found on his lap had become comfortable, feeling like it was the natural place to be with him around. When Lucien spoke again, his voice was tender and soft.

  “You’re right about me. There is something I’ve been hiding. I’ve been stalling in having that conversation with you.”

  Every muscle in her body locked and stiffened in response to his words. The other shoe to her poor track record with men had finally dropped. At least she hadn’t slept with this one. Bracing for the inevitable bad news of why she should pick up and race out of here, Quinn dropped her eyes to her lap and waited for the force of the crushing words to overtake her.

  Stop being a drama queen and buck up. You just met this man. It’s not the end of the world that you picked another wrong guy to fall for. Whoa—fall for? Can’t be, too soon. She had to stop the tumble of mental thoughts as she heard Lucien speak.

  “Okay, so I guess I’ll get to it then,” he said, starting to rub her back this time.

  If she were a cat, a long pleasurable purr would have surely escaped. No matter what he said, she’d give it to him; he had the gift of touch where she was concerned.

  “Quinn, like Hildy, I’m not completely what I appear to be.”

  He paused. She refused to say anything. Correction, she was unable to say anything. A silence stretched between them until his voice filled the space again.

  “What I’m trying to say in the most awkward way possible is that I’m able to change my body into something else.”

  The first thing that flashed in her mind was a vision of a huge wolf. Still unable to look him in the eyes, she asked, “Are you saying you’re a werewolf or something?”

  “Let’s go with the ‘or something’ part of that. You said Hildy wasn’t human and you’re right in some regard. She appears to be part human. As for me and the guys, we’re all from a distant planet from another solar system. We’re stationed here as Guardian protectors of this planet from other not-so-nice travelers who’d like to come here and cause havoc.”

  This time Quinn did look up to make sure he wasn’t joking. She was met with searching eyes that scanned her face for any reaction. “Go on,” she said, hesitance evident in her voice.

  Lucien encased one of her hands with his hot one, continuing to rub her back with his other as he said, “I’m what your world calls a Dragon.”

  Boom, there it was.

  The other side of him was that he was bat-shit crazy. Before she could think, Quinn had scrambled off his lap and was standing in the middle of the area formed by the semi-circle of chairs. Making the sign of the cross hadn’t helped her with Hildy, so it would be futile to use it now. The man appeared to believe what he said. Lucien Drake thought he was an alien from a far off planet who also happened to be a Dragon.

  “Christ, can I pick ‘em or what?” she asked more to herself than him. Frustration mixed with a little bit of confusion and a tiny dash of fear tickled the edges of her resolve. Inching backward in the direction she prayed was the door, Quinn asked, “You’re a Dragon and an alien from another planet?”

  Lucien stood, nice and slow as if trying not to startle her. Too late for that shit.

  “Yes, I am. I can see you don’t believe me, but I’m telling the truth. Quinn, my Quinn—”

  “Don’t call me that! It messes with me. Lucien, I believe that you believe what you say. Its just that Dragons don’t exist and aliens… well, the jury is still out on that one. Why don’t we call it a scratch? I’ll go now, and you can return to your day and way of living. I apologize for getting so… emotional earlier, but I’m better now.” She didn’t like the glint forming in his eyes or the hard set of his man-gorgeous jaw. “Lucien? Are you listening?”

  “Not to this. You haven’t allowed me the chance to offer evidence and proof of what I say. Until then, I’m not listening or entertaining any talk of you not being here with me.”

  “You’re starting to sound like a stalker.”

  “My understanding of the definition for a stalker is an obse
ssed person who bestows unwanted attention onto the person of his or her attraction. Are you implying that I’m doing that to you? Am I giving you unwanted attention and focus?”

  All she could manage was a shake of the head in the negative.

  He continued. “Are we both mature enough to have a discussion? If so, then let’s proceed. And remember, just because you’re not winning or getting what you want doesn’t mean I’m a stalker, Quinn Bradford.”

  “That’s enough with the lecturing. Don’t use my full name on me like I’m a child who’s in trouble, Lucien Drake!”

  “Stop acting like one and allow me to show you I speak the truth then!” His voice wasn’t a shout but still managed to fill the room. It was much like it had when he woke her speaking to his brothers earlier. He looked back at the cup of coffee, snatched it up and said, “Here, drink some more of this. I need you as alert and ready for what I’m going to show you as possible.”

  Quinn eyed the tall cup of strong coffee. “See there you go trying to bribe me like I’m a child. I’ll take that coffee on my way out. Thank you.” She inched closer to grab the drink from his extended hand only to be whisked back into his firm chest. “Let go of me you brute!”

  “Not until I’ve had a chance to prove to you that what I’m saying is true.”

  Quinn struggled against him as sloshes of her precious brew escaped through the vent of the cup he haphazardly held. By the time she’d given up getting loose, they were back in the bedroom and walking through those double doors. On the slick polished concrete of the outdoor platform, instead of pushing him away when he let her down, Quinn hung onto him for dear life.

  “Take me back inside. I told you I don’t like heights. There’s no railing out here. Lucien, it’s settled. Not only are you crazy, but you’re also trying to kill me by fear of falling.”

  His voice was deeper and rumbled like rocks moving each other. Quinn looked up to see the pupil of his eyes had changed from circular to slits and the green of the irises had intensified. She took a step back no longer fearing her perch on this ledge.

  That supernaturally deep voice rumbled as he said, “Don’t step back too far.” Then he swooped in and moved her back to the entrance of the bedroom before she could complete a full blink of the eye. “Watch, and afterward, I’ll answer any questions you have. Quinn, please allow me to show you I’ll never lie or try to hide who I am to you.”

  The squeak that left her accompanied his leap off the platform. Not daring to step back out to see his demise, Quinn turned to get the others. The sound and force of large amounts of air being displaced came up and pushed against her back and ears. She turned back in time to see a majestically magnificent flying Dragon. Iridescent hues of green, brown and gold of its hide played with the few streams of sunlight that peeked through the cloudy January sky. She watched, unable to blink, breathe or move as the creature made loops and patterns close enough to the ground for her to have a good look.

  Snippets of familiar dreams pushed forward begging acknowledgement and to be remembered as she continued to take in the sight. It was spectacular, surreal and also something that shouldn’t occur in reality. Shaking her head for clarity and to refocus, Quinn had to admit the sight before her was real. The beast was large and graceful, soaring up and then descending in smooth arcs and loops. If she wasn’t suffering from a slight case of shock, Quinn would dare say, his undulations were seductive and even sensual. Yep, definitely sensual as she started to regain a rhythm to her breathing only to realize how fast her heart beat with the sight of him.

  His aerial acrobats pulled on her coercing her to take a few steps back out onto the platform. After a few more loops, the Dragon expanded massive wings and glided back toward her. Fear seized her, freezing her to the spot where she stood. Shielding her body with her hands covering her face, Quinn waited for the impact of the winged creature, only to feel a gush of wind and then nothing. Her eyes opened in time to see the metamorphosis of the beast back into the man, clothes materializing as if by magic as he took the remaining ten or so steps to stand before her.

  Seeing Lucien change with her own eyes still wasn’t enough to help her believe what she’d just experienced.

  “Whoa! How’d you do that?” She stammered giving into her current state of shock. Quinn’s brain fought to catch up with the event that had happened.

  Lucien stood before her—close—heat pouring off him in gusts. He said nothing, holding her gaze without blinking, or so it seemed. Quinn took in the rise and fall of his chest, his larger-than-life presence and the electric hum of anticipation that swirled around them. What she didn’t notice was the fear that had gripped her from before—it was gone. When he was in the air and now, Lucien was still himself, powerful, graceful and attentive to her.

  He’d given her a private show of his secret other side and taken a chance that she wouldn’t flip out on him. Quinn wasn’t sure if it was some grace left over from a banked blessing or two that allowed her to stand here with confidence, but whatever it was, she was thankful.

  “Are you going to say something or continue to stand here breathing?” she asked.

  Quinn didn’t want to blurt out all the questions she had. She wanted to take it slowly, getting to a better chance at understanding what he was and how to interact with him.

  “I’m waiting for your questions. Proof has been given to support my claims. Now I wait for your questions, my Quinn.”

  She ignored the term of endearment that had started to make her lose her ability to stay focused. He was intent on using that, “my Quinn,” and she was determined to figure out what to do with what he was and why she wanted him—even more.



  “Can we go back inside for the Q&A part of our mature discussion? I’m cold, this ledge still gives me the heebie-jeebies, and I can’t think straight out here.” She punctuated her request with true shivering.

  Quinn needed to gain a modicum of control of the situation. The best way to do that was to act fast to gain the upper hand. Everything about her was on high alert. Quinn moved into the fight response that was her natural reaction to shock and weird shit.

  This, what they had going on right here, more than qualified. Lucien was more than human and what he could do defied everything she knew to be true. Fuck waiting for him to give her permission. She turned and headed back into the bedroom with plans to make it back to the main seating area from before.

  Lucien grabbed her elbow swinging her back to look at him before she could make it out of the bedroom.

  “Oh no you don’t. I have the right to go where I please and staying in here with you isn’t where I want to be.”

  Lucien looked around the bedroom, sizing up what she meant and nodded, releasing her. In a hushed voice that sounded more hurt than anything, he said, “I understand. But remember, we’re meant for each other.” Then he turned and began to walk back out the double doors to that scare show concrete slab.

  “Uh-uh. You don’t get to walk away from me. Lucien, I want answers and I want them now. Meet me in the other room where we can talk like civilized people.” When he didn’t turn around, anger and fire rose within her. “Get back in here now, Lucien Drake!” Quinn didn’t mean to but the force of her command shook even her.

  She took off walking, fearing the look and response she’d get from some a fearsome character. Thoughts of how to deal with a real-life man-Dragon fired on all cylinders, making her head hurt a little. She could do this. Quinn was open-minded. She wouldn’t judge or act like a prick either. After she got all the questions out and had time to assemble what this meant, they could move from there. In her heart, she felt a closeness to him like never before. He’d shown her this side to himself, and she wasn’t doing the best job of handling it as she’d hoped.

  Putting her faith out there that he’d follow her back into the room, Quinn marched over to his chair and flopped down into it. It was huge without him in it. The room was empty. Sh
e waited. The coolness of the air from the other room had made it into this one. She shuddered a little from the crispness of the air temperature. Still, she waited. There was no sound coming from the other room either. Anger licked at her insides at his refusal to come back in and have a talk with her.

  Quinn was determined to do this. Swallowing her pride at having the upper hand, she shot up out of the chair and over to the other room. Once she was inside, large hands grabbed her up.

  “Whoop! What the hell!” It took a moment for her to realize Lucien had her up in the air heading over to the bed. “Put me down you brute!”

  “I will as soon as we get in the right place to have this little talk of yours. I need to be comfortable if I’m going to be interrogated by the mighty Quinn Bradford.” His smile was wicked and sexy. She was mute from the power it had over her.

  He placed her on the bed and jogged over to the open doors to close them. Quinn remained quiet, watching the large man move about the room. When he came back over to her, he motioned for her to come back closer to the edge of the bed. She obeyed. Lucien grabbed one of her feet and began to take off her athletic shoes and socks. She watched, not caring that she held her breath. One and then the other, he took his time removing the items and then tossing them over his shoulder.

  Once done with those, his eyes moved up to the waistband of her pants as if asking permission. She was wrong. In that deep beyond human voice he said, “Either you remove them, or I do. You have three-seconds to decide. One-two-three,” he hooked an arm around her waist pulling her even closer as he attacked the poor buttons of her pants. Quinn was dizzy with arousal and confusion.

  “Wait, what’s happening here? I thought you were going to answer my questions?”

  “I am. Every single one of them, but on my terms.”

  “In the bed with me naked?”

  “I was going to go down to your panties, but if you insist, I like naked way better.” He removed the other leg from her pants. She felt like a toy as he maneuvered her around like she weighed nothing. Next, her sweater was gone before she had time to protest.


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