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The Mirror

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by Carl East

  "Yes, but you've seen the spells, they conjure up a different partner every time, I mean, who wouldn't like to fuck someone new, every single time?" said Stephen.

  "So I'm not enough for you then?" said Janet, with a hurt look on her face.

  "Only a woman would say that. No, I'm talking about people that are lonely in life. Look let me read this letter to you, because this was written by one such person," Stephen said, holding up the letter.

  I am truly happy for the first time in my life; I would like this to be my home for all eternity. Having been here now for over ten years I cannot imagine my life anywhere else. But if someone is reading this letter then I am free, and you are a very lucky person. I curse the day that I am freed.

  "Ok, I can see that it would appeal to some people, but I'm not one of them, so what are we going to do?" said Janet.

  "Well, I've been thinking."

  "That's a first," said Janet, quickly.

  "Ha…ha, very funny, no listen what if it's a simple matter of repeating the words that got us in here, but backwards," suggested Stephen.

  "As if the others wouldn't have thought of that," retorted Janet. "But just in case, 'cessare aetas-atis perpetualis,' see nothing," she said

  "On the contrary my dear, you’ve freed me," said a voice behind them.

  Upon turning around they found a middle aged man, sporting a beard, and wearing a cloak.

  "Who are you?" asked Stephen.

  "My name is Azamond, and you are my saviors, how can I repay you?" he replied, in a deep voice.

  "Can you get us out of here?" said Janet.

  "You could have freed yourself at any time," he replied.

  "How?" said Stephen.

  "Simple…you just had to say the words on the mirror backwards."

  "We did that, and all that happened was you appeared," replied Stephen.

  "No, you pronounced the words how they were printed, not truly backwards," said Azamond.

  "I'm not with you, what do you mean?" said Janet.

  "Put it this way, what is dog backwards?" replied Azamond.

  "God, oh, I see what you mean, the actual words pronounced backwards."

  "Yes, but don't say them just yet, I wish to learn what has happened since I last walked the earth?" said Azamond.

  Janet then proceeded to fill him in on all the more important events of history, leading up to the present day.

  "So, science truly has taken over?" he said, bowing his head.

  "Where did we rescue you from, exactly?" asked Stephen.

  "If you have time I would like to tell you my tale?" He replied.

  Stephen glanced at Janet in a look that said 'I would like to hear this story,' kind of way, and she nodded.

  Azamond's story

  Hundreds of years ago, sorcery was common amongst the people of this earth, but science started to gain ground, attempting to prove that magic was not needed. A few loyal friends and I tried to prove that magic had its place in this world. But we were few in numbers, where as the thinking man was numerous. In the last days of Atlantis, we hoped to prove that magic was still a valuable tool, for we could see into the future, and knew that disaster was about to strike. The thinking men or men of science told the king that we were frauds, and convinced him to banish us. Even then we felt we had to stop this catastrophe, but we overlooked the stupidity of man. For when the earthquake came, which took Atlantis, the men of science blamed us, saying we had tampered with things we do not understand. By then it was too late, for the damage could not be reversed. So we wandered far and wide, finding the same sort of ignorance wherever we traveled.

  Finally a good friend was killed, I decided that I would leave this realm, and spend my days watching for when magic might be needed once more. I’d created the mirror a few years before all this, and decided to make it my home for all eternity if need be, but before I could put myself in it, I was killed. However, a good sorcerer has always got a few tricks up his sleeve, mine was the mirror. You see, when you spoke the words, they were supposed to summon me five minutes before I died, that is how I know I died, or they would not have worked. I also had to allow others access to the mirror via the inscription, or nobody could have saved me.

  "That was very clever, but why the sex spells?" asked Janet.

  "Well, would you be happy, trapped in a room with nothing to pass the time, and if you haven't tried them yet, you don't know what you're missing," replied Azamond.

  "If you don't mind I'd like to go now," said a disgusted Janet.

  "I'm afraid she's not your typical female, she believes in the old fashioned one partner for life type affair," whispered Stephen.

  "Would you both do me a service, before you go?" asked Azamond.

  "If we can," replied Stephen.

  "Would you take the mirror with you, so that I know it's in good hands?" he asked.

  "I don't see why not," replied Janet, surprising Stephen.

  With that they spoke the words on the mirror backwards as instructed, and found themselves back in the store standing next to the mirror. They haggled with the storekeeper over the price, and then phoned a friend who had a van. Once it was loaded they were off; and pretty soon they were home and setting it up.

  "Well, I hope he's alright in there?" said Janet.

  "Yes, he'll be fine, but why did you agree to his request, so readily?" asked Stephen.

  "Because I think he's had a tough time of it, and besides I do like that mirror," she replied.

  Later that night when Stephen knew that Janet was asleep; he crept down the stairs to look in the mirror.

  "Perpetualis aetas-atis cessare." he said, quietly.

  Suddenly he was back in the mirror, standing in front of Azamond.

  "I wasn't sure if I could get back in?" said Stephen.

  "Normally you couldn't, but I can have visitors if I allow it," said Azamond, smiling, "what can I do for you?"

  "I would like to sample some of that wonderful magic you possess," he replied, sheepishly.

  "Very well, may I suggest a certain spell that is one of my favorites?"

  "Yeah, sure," was the short reply.

  Azamond spoke a couple of words that Stephen didn't quite catch, and found he was in the presence of two very attractive naked females.

  "When you’ve finished, just say my name and I will reappear," said Azamond, and then vanished.

  Stephen nodded without taking his eyes off the beauties that stood in front of him. He spoke to them, but got no response, and then he reached out and touched a breast nearest to him. The women suddenly came alive, and started to undress him. Once his clothes were off they proceeded to take him where every man should go, heaven and back. They started by sharing his cock with one another, mouthing it in turn. He had had head before but never like this. He was lying on the bed that had appeared at the same time they had. Looking down he could see his cock being devoured by one and then the other, making him want to cum far too quickly. But cum he did, with not even a pause taken by the two women now servicing his ejaculating cock. He came hard and long, never before experiencing such a forceful exit, yet they lapped it up keeping him hard so that he could fuck them both.

  One of them sat astride his manhood, while the other held his cock to guide it in. Once she was perched on his weapon, she pulled herself down taking it in as far as it would go. He gasped at how tight she was, and then allowed the other to straddle his face. Her cunt was totally devoid of pubic hair; his tongue was parting the lips of her tender soft pussy, as she got into position. The servicing of his cock was magnificent, with the woman taking in his entire length with ease. He knew at that point, that he for one could quite easily spend the rest of his life in this mirror. The juices flowing from the woman over his tongue made him realize that she was in the middle of an orgasm, and her moans were just a bonus that he was doing it right. His cock was ready to blow again, which he never tried to stop. She could feel it, for she slowed to make sure he was deep inside her.
  Once he had finished, she got off to allow access to the other. When she straddled his cock and started to fuck him, he could feel the other's tongue on his balls, licking and stimulating him back to life. They really knew their business, as his cock plunged into another pussy. He had rarely cum three times in one night, but knew that that was about to change. His moans of pleasure echoing through out the room, as this awesome display of professional sex continued. After another fifteen minutes he was coming once more, and loving every moment. All too soon it was over, and he was dressed and summoning Azamond.

  "Well, did you enjoy it?" asked Azamond.

  "That was awesome," replied a delighted Stephen.

  They talked for a while before Stephen left, knowing that he would come back another day.

  Chapter 4

  Janet walked into the lounge wearing Stephen's pajama bottoms, and completely forgetting that the mirror had an occupant. She stretched her arms to yawn; revealing a large well-developed bust that stretched with her. Then she remembered the mirror, and quickly placed her arms across her chest. Finding a blouse she slipped it on and then stared at the mirror. The mirror in question had been found in an antique store, its long intricate design being the first thing that Janet had spotted from the window.

  But they had also found it held many secrets, not least of which, that a sorcerer was its creator. A man going by the name of Azamond, who even now, was inside the mirror making it his home, Janet was a bit of a prude where sex was concerned, so when she had found out that this mirror could bestow wild and wonderful sexual experiences, she was disgusted. Having now thought about it some more, she couldn't help thinking that perhaps she was being too judgmental. She looked at the inscription at the base of the mirror, thinking how she had met Stephen, a lesson in Latin that proved to be invaluable. Reading the words she found herself standing in front of Azamond.

  "Are you well?" was the first thing she asked?

  "I am," he responded, "I am also glad you have chosen to visit me at this time," he added.

  "Oh, why is that?"

  "Because I intend to leave for a while and look upon your world, I desire to see the changes made during my absence," he concluded.

  "Well, we will keep the mirror safe for you, until your return," she replied.

  "For that I thank you, but you have not yet told me how I can repay you for setting me free, is there anything I can offer you in way of a reward?" he said.

  "No, I cannot think of anything, but what kind of reward are you talking about?"

  Azamond suddenly spoke a language that Janet couldn't quite understand, and then a chest appeared next to her feet. She bent down to open it, upon doing so she found it contained magnificent treasures of gold coins and pearl necklaces, with a tiara or two thrown in for good measure.

  "Oh, these are beautiful," she said, picking a necklace up to admire it, "but you don't have to do this."

  "It is a pleasure my lady, there are lots of such treasures, just lying on the bottom of the ocean floor waiting to be discovered," he told her.

  "In that case I accept, but I think I'll leave it in here, I can't think of a safer place," she replied placing the piece she had been admiring back in the chest.

  "I will leave the mirror active in that case, if you need me for anything just utter my name and I will return," with that he was gone.

  Janet was about to leave herself when she had a sudden desire to try one of the spell books out. Reaching for one of them she flicked through the pages, the words 'pleasure fest,' making her wonder what it meant. She said them out loud, which in turn made three naked men appear, all with erect nine-inch cocks. She was shocked and saying sorry she brushed by one of them to place the book back on the shelf. This touch was all that was needed to animate the three men; she suddenly had hands all over her body. She told them to stop, but they ignored her.

  They were pressing up against her, their hands finding their way into her pajama bottoms. Pulling them down, she tried to push them back, but they were too strong. Hands were now removing her blouse revealing her large breasts; a finger was being inserted into her pussy from behind. Lips were covering her nipples, whilst another finger was inserted into her pussy. She pleaded with them to stop, but her protests fell on deaf ears. A cock could be felt running up her leg from behind, yet before she could protest further, it was entering her pussy. Suddenly, she was forcefully bent forward and made to take a cock into her mouth. She gagged at first but then started to suck feeling it was the only way.

  The cock in her cunt was making her very wet as it pounded into her, the inhibitions that she had felt started to melt away as this unintentional rape continued. Then she was guided to the bed and made to sit astride the cock that had entered her pussy from behind. She then felt another cock at her ass, she shouted that she had never had anal sex before, but he pushed it in. She screamed both with pain and longing, for this was starting to really turn her on. The third one stood in front of her presenting his cock to her mouth, she at this point was too far gone to care.

  Placing her mouth over his member, she started to rock back and forth, feeling his prick deep in her throat. She now had three holes being filled her pussy wetter than ever before, the feelings her orgasms were producing, were totally alien to her. She had never experienced anything as erotic as this, yet at the same time she felt dirty, but she didn't care for they were making her cum again. Suddenly she had a mouth full of sperm; she tried to swallow it all but failed miserably, for it was running down her chin and onto the bed. Then she felt the one in her pussy start to jerk, knowing that he was coming, she tried to grip his cock with her pelvic floor muscles, but found that she hadn't the strength left. His warm seed filled her pussy as the one in her ass also started to cum.

  Normally at that point, the spell would be over, but Janet uttered the words, 'I want it again,' and found they had renewed vigor. She was placed on her back next, with all three taking turns to fuck her cunt, her screaming was echoing throughout the small but solid room. She had two of them playing with her nipples while one screwed her, making her want it harder and faster, never before knowing this feeling of wanton lust. They repeatedly took her orgasms over the edge, making her cum in a way that she hadn't known possible. When it was over for the second time, she allowed the spell to come to an end, and then sat on the edge of the bed.

  "What have I done?" she said to herself.

  Then she realized that she could have stopped it at any time, just by repeating the spell. She knew at that point, it was something she had wanted to do, and knew that from this day forth she would not be so prim and proper. She got up and dressed herself, and then saying the words that would get her out of the mirror she ran up the stairs. Upon entering her room she found that Stephen was still asleep, she carefully and slowly pulled the covers back, revealing his cock.

  Then she placed her mouth over it, bringing it to life. Stephen awoke to find Janet sucking his cock, and then lay still to enjoy the moment. She was unusually good today, thought Stephen, watching her head going nearly all the way down the full length of his shaft. He placed a hand on the back of her head, running his fingers through her hair. She started to moan which in turn started to turn him on; he could feel his cock was about to erupt. His seed entering her mouth with such a force he arched his back, somehow thinking that this would make it feel more comfortable. She swallowed every last drop, and then placed her head on his chest and held him tight. "I love you," she said.

  "I love you too," he replied, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  "You've been in the mirror, haven't you?" Stephen said, knowingly.


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