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Chosen: Book 2 A Realms of the Otherworld Book

Page 7

by Jana LaPelle

  Once I become more lucid, I try to understand where these unwanted thoughts are coming from because they are so unlike me. They must be a bi-product of the blood contract. I wrestle internally to break free. All the while, I crave his touch. As we enter my chambers, my Sentries stay behind as Tarron carries me into the bedchambers and lays me on my bed. I look up at him to see concerned emerald eyes staring back at me. He reaches over to cup my cheek in his hand and closing my eyes, I lean into the touch before I can help myself.

  He whispers, “This can’t be wrong. What I feel for you. You are mo solas.”

  Conflicted, I reach up to trace his strong jaw line, lost in the moment and my internal struggle, and then I see my binding marks and the spell is broken. This is wrong. So very wrong, we are not kindred. I miss my Elf-Man. I smile up at Tarron sadly and say, “You will meet her someday, you know? You will meet your kindred. She will be your exact opposite in every way, and together you will balance one another. Together you will rule. Your father will never measure up to the man and leader you will become. Your role in Faerie will be greater than you know.”

  He looks at me curiously and says, “You saw this in your vision? Tell me what you saw.”

  Exhaustion has set in, and my eyes flutter closed, and I say, "Perhaps another time, dark prince." I'm so drained that I cannot continue. Between the child I carry and the vision I just had, sleep tugs me under and wraps me in its sweet embrace.

  I wake some time later, and the room is quiet. Jasmine is sleeping on one of the pillows on the large bed. The afternoon light is fading to dusk. The daylight hours only last about seven or eight hours a day here, this time of year. I notice that the ache in my chest has intensified. It seems with each passing day it does. I absently rub at the spot, but it doesn’t seem to help ease the depth of the ache. Looking down, I realize that I am still in the dress from earlier. Slowly, I get up and meander around the room, I see to the fire and stoke it into a roaring blaze before going to change. In the overly large closet, I find some silky lounge drawstring pants with a matching cotton pullover tank. I quickly change into them and remind myself to ask about obtaining some jeans and tee shirts. I pull on a silk robe and wander back to the bedroom. I notice that the day has slipped further into night as I look out toward the ocean. Rain is headed in our direction again. This must be one of the dreariest places that I have ever been but seems appropriate as it reflects my mood most of the time.

  Walking over to the fire I stand before its warmth as it begins to take the edge off the chill in the room. I decide to leave Jasmine to her sleep. I don't think she has had much since arriving here and I can tell that she’s exhausted. In her sleep her wings are retracted, I had no idea her wings could disappear altogether. I pull a bit of a blanket up to cover her so she will stay warm in her sleep. I’m so thankful that she’s here with me.

  My decision made, I turn to open the door to the outer room of my chambers, I see that Garrik and Dorlan are standing guard. How very boring. Looking at Garrik, I ask, "Where is Tarron?"

  A blush creeps up his neck, and he looks rather uncomfortable before he replies, “It has been several days since he last fed.”

  Something inside me clenches, and I find that I'm jealous of the encounter. I know that I have no right to my jealousy. I know that it's the dark majic at work, and even in all of the wrongness of this unnatural binding, I find that I'm quickly falling for the dark prince. He is kind and unpretentious. He is everything I thought he wouldn't be and my pull to him is intensifying the longer we are thrown together. I struggle to find balance. I picture Alaric's face, and those brilliant blue eyes and the ache in my chest quite literally knocks the breath out of me.

  As I regain my composure, I see that Garrik is eying me curiously and I ask, "How about dinner and a movie? I assume since we are in the Mortal Realm that there is a TV in this place along with a DVD or blue-ray player. What do you guys say?"

  They bring in the other three and quickly make plans. A TV and DVD player are brought into the outer room and set up. I'm asked what type of movie I what to watch and decide that action, fantasy, or action sci-fi would be good. Before long, Underworld is playing. Everyone is munching on roast chicken, green beans, and garlic roast potatoes. I have Garrik on my right and Nym on my left. For whatever reason, in the short time that we have been together, Nym has become oddly protective. Camoryn, Dorlan, and Khatar are sitting behind us as we have made a makeshift theater sitting area. It's been a while since I’ve seen Underworld and I find that I jump at all the right spots and the guys are actually amusing, poking fun at me at my expense, and the six of us fall into an easy comradery. My appetite has finally been sated, and I continue to nibble on what's left of the roast chicken. As the night wears on, Underworld is exchanged for Underworld: Evolution and my energy begins to wane. These guys have been real troopers.

  My eyes close of their own volition. Note to self, carrying a child requires a lot more sleep. Nym is purring to my left, as I dose off I realize that he’s a cat shifter. I drift off knowing that he’s there to keep me safe.


  My chosen is all I can think about, and she is constantly in my thoughts. My concentration is completely shot during the day, and at night she plagues my dreams. I, like her, am struggling to find balance. I have a war to prepare for and cannot afford to become distracted from my primary objective. The image of her is burned into my memory, and even now I can feel the pull of the blood majic. The call to be with her is all consuming, and I vow to have her but the time is not right. She must choose me of her own volition. Of this, there will be no compromise, and I must put my internal conflict aside.

  My reserves are low, and I must feed. My females are very unhappy with me at the moment, but I know that not one of them will turn me away. Their loyalty to me is unquestionable. Daria has always been my favorite. She is an exotic beauty and like my mother is a nymph and by design a very sexual creature. Her breasts are ample, and her hips are lush, and she makes her intentions quite clear every time that we are together. Her advances are meant to seduce me, and before Ashlinn I eagerly gave into her wanton invitations. Since laying eyes on my chosen, the night of her binding ceremony, I have refused Daria's sexual advances. Make no mistake I have fed from her, and she has been left sated but to do anything more would not sit right with me.

  My females are housed on the opposite side of the manor from Ashlinn, and they occupy an enormous suite. Before my visits to spend time with them was something that I look forward to but now I'm torn, and I know that my visit here should be primarily to bolster my energy and not for pleasure. I don't bother knocking as I swing the door open, and stride into their suite. Daria is the first to notice me, and her glare tells me how very angry she is with me.

  “My, my, if it isn’t the dark prince, I take it that your lady love has refused to sustain you. That is why you are here, isn’t it?” Daria sneers.

  "Daria, jealousy is not a good look on you. If you want to remain here, then you will conform to my wishes. You all have been made very well aware of your station, and I will not abide by acts of jealousy or disrespect pointed towards me or toward the princess. Do I make myself clear?" Compulsion drips from my words and the females fall into line. I don't like using compulsion, but I will not take any chances where Ashlinn is concerned.

  My intent is clear, and my females ready themselves for me. Tonight I take no pleasure in my feeding, but I will make sure that each will find the experience intoxicating and a sensually, satisfying experience as I allow my pheromones to permeate the room. Each of these females have willing given themselves to me for this primary purpose, and if after tonight they no longer want to be of service to me I will willingly release them from their vow to me. Tonight I'm starved, and I take my time with each not wanting to drain them too low. I make my rounds to each in turn, and when I'm done, they are sated and drift off to sleep.

  Daria is the last that I encounter. Her eyes are sad as she says, "You
punish me. You punish yourself. She is not right for you. You starve yourself so you will not feel guilt over coming to us. She cannot sustain you as we can. She is not loyal to you as we are. She cannot pleasure you as I can."

  By now I feel drunk off of all the essence that I have consumed tonight. I know that my eyes are glowing a brilliant green and my canines have lengthened into fangs. The one thing that I rarely indulge in is the essence that can be found in the blood of my willing female companions. Daria stands before me, her hand goes to the clasp of her sheer, black gown on her left shoulder and with one quick motion her garment drops to the floor exposing her tantalizing breast for my gaze to feast on. In two determined steps, she is pressed against me, molding her naked body to mine. The darkness within me takes over, and I succumb to her seduction. I'm desperate to feel a female's hands on my body. She is not the female that I desire. She is not the one that I crave but in my over indulgence this night the darkness within me wins out as I allow this female to pleasure me as I selfishly devour more essence than I need to sustain myself, and I drink from Daria's blood essence which is so much more potent. Now I'm gorging myself for the sheer power that I feel, and I allow the darkness consume me. As our sexual encounter comes to an end, I look down to see Daria's wickedly satisfied smile, and I know that I have royally screwed up.

  “See, my prince, she cannot pleasure you as I can.” Her hips arch up to meet mine once again, and her hand is splayed over my bare buttocks pressing me down to her as she continues, “We are made for one another. You and I are alike. I know that I pleasure you in a way that the others do not. Send her back Tarron, and it can be just you and me, the way it is supposed to be.” Daria implores, looking up at me through her shuttered eyelashes, looking every bit the temptress that she is.

  Regaining my senses, I pull away from her and stand, putting some distance between us. Turning my back on her, I begin pulling on my trousers and say, “Daria, you overstep. I have made it very clear as to your station here. You and the others are my consorts, you are here to sustain my energy. In return for allowing me to feed I see to your needs. If you are unhappy with this arrangement, then you are free to go. You are not to speak of the princess. She is off limits to you.” I say sternly.

  “But, Tarron, we-“

  I cut her off abruptly, “Daria, I’m not sure where this is coming from, but you need to stop. Now. As I said before, if you are unhappy with your station, then you are free to go.” With that, I turn to leave a disgruntled Daria.

  Ashlinn can never know of this encounter. I would have thought that the blood contract would not allow me to want or take another and that bothers me as I make my way back to my chambers to shower and change. The time is getting late, and I intended to see how Ashlinn is doing after the vision that she experienced earlier today. She has given me much to ponder. If I choose to keep Ashlinn, what will happen if I do meet my kindred? If Ashlinn and I complete the bond of the blood contract will I be drawn to both? The question at this point is what if what Ashlinn saw comes to pass? I never thought I would have a kindred; that is why the blood contract became so very appealing.

  Now that my focus has shifted to my chosen, I feel the pull to be with her, once again, and make my way to her chambers. The guilt that I feel over my encounter with Daria weighs heavily on me as I approach her doors. I knock once and quietly enter her outer chambers to find my chosen curled up beside of Nym. Her head is lying on his shoulder, and he has his arm around her and has pulled her close to him in a protective embrace. Jealousy rears its ugly head, and my rage explodes from me.


  I wake to a furious Tarron. He is beyond angry, and Nym is his target. As I wake, I shout, “Stop! He is the protector you appointed! You will not punish him for being here for me tonight!”

  Tarron is in a rage as he says, “He takes advantage!”

  “No. He does not. He has been very professional. This is my fault. I got comfortable. I was tired and fell asleep.” I retort as most of my five gather round, yet keeping their distance.

  His eyes are glowing a neon green as he growls, “You are mine!”

  “No. I am not!”

  Before I know it, I'm pulled into his embrace. Dark majic takes hold, and I find that I'm pressed close to him. My body arches into his embrace of its own accord. The pull is undeniable, and I'm still trying to wake as I succumb to the darkness. His gaze is locked on my lips, and I cannot deny the pull. His lips crash down on mine, and I open to him. Darkness has wrapped itself around me, and I give into the pull. Tarron's lips are demanding, but he wants more than I can give. I whimper under the assault of his mouth even as I arch into him I'm trying to pull away. His strong, masculine arms gather me close as he continues his assault on my lips. My wanton behavior has triggered something in me to stop. Alaric. I can't do this. Alaric will be devastated. I pull away, "No… no… Please stop."

  Tarron growls, “You will be mine!”

  More forcefully I say, “No!” As I attempt to pull out of his arms.

  Garrik intervenes, “My Lord. You must restrain yourself.”

  Garrik’s intervention is just what I need to pull myself together. I pull out of Tarron’s arms and swing my accusing gaze on him and say, “You have no right to come in here and unleash your anger on my five! You were absent all night. No doubt in the arms of the one I saw earlier. The one who wishes me dead, you can’t have it both ways, Tarron. I will not allow you to ruin a perfectly good night!”

  Tarron's anger is undeniable, but it is also waning as he says, "Nym should not be the one holding you."

  "First of all, I do not need to explain myself to you, but I can see that you are not going to let this go. I arranged for a movie night. I fell asleep well into the second film. I must have, in my sleep, curled up against Nym. His cat was content, and his purr was comforting. It was perfectly innocent. I will not have you upset with these five for being here with me and trying to keep me entertained when you are nowhere to be found! They made sure that I was well fed and did their duty by being here with me this evening. You, on the other hand, want to stand here in righteous indignation and cast accusations while being absent the entire evening. It's well after midnight! Did you enjoy the fruits of your harem?" I finish off my tirade. With that last comment, I see Tarron visibly flinch before I continue. "Tarron, I understand that you need to feed. I am not faulting you for that, but you are giving mixed signals to everyone here. No doubt everyone is confused, especially the females that feel entitled to you. It's really late, and I'm going to bed. Why don't we regroup in the morning?" I ask finally.

  Tarron narrows his eyes and then nods. His handsome face is almost glowing as are his eyes. I can see now how he appears after having his hunger thoroughly satiated. Power rolls off of him in waves, and I can now understand why the five kept their distance during our exchange. He appears to be locked in an internal battle as he assesses me, before saying, "My apologies. Sleep well, mo solas." Then he marches out of the rooms without a backward glance.

  Chapter 9


  Day 7

  The next few days drag by with little to no contact with the dark prince, which is a relief. No doubt he is busying himself with other matters. For all I know, he could have decided to spend his time with his willing females. The thought of that irritates me. I am aware that it's irrational and that I have no claim to him but the dark majic of the blood contract twists my thoughts and feelings. My jealousy over the matter pisses me off because I know that I'm being manipulated, but it is there, none the less. The days have been dark and dreary. The rain has been light but steady. Once again a depression has set in, and I'm in a constant battle for balance.

  I have learned that I have been gone from this Realm for over a year. It is December of the following year since I left to go to Faerie. That still blows my mind, and I cannot fathom how that works. My request for a computer was granted. That was when I learned the date here in the Mortal Realm as I continu
e to research any information I can find on the web about the Garden of Eden and the Cherubim protectors. So far my search has not turned up much of anything. I realize that I may have to change my perspective and search parameters if I'm going to find any clues at all as to what happened to the Sword of Light. Since my vision several days ago, I’m now also looking into any information that I can find on the Stone of Fál. I believe that these are the two lost relics of the Tuatha Dé Danann that we must find first and foremost.

  My request for more casual clothes was also granted, and I now have several pairs of skinny jeans, several warm sweaters and turtlenecks, and even some yoga pants and workout gear. Since I have been instructed that I may not wander the manor, I have taken up yoga, and I find that it helps to clear my mind while also giving me an amazing workout. I've spent several hours a day over the last couple of days practicing yoga. It is helping me to find the balance I desperately crave.

  In the meantime, I've been spending a lot of time with my Fab Five, as I have nicknamed them, and Jasmine. They really are quite fetching. Nym is a large muscular male and has a dark exotic look about him. I've learned that he too is a cat shifter, but I'm not sure if he is a panther, like me. He is the sensitive one of the five and tends to take things very seriously. He will sit by quietly observing conversation, rarely saying much. The one thing that has become apparently obvious with Nym is that he has become extremely protective of me. He is never far from my side and is constantly making sure that I eat regular meals. If he doesn't think that I have had enough to eat, he admonishes me. My connection to him is different from the rest. His presence brings me comfort, and I find that I tend to gravitate to him as he does to me. Maybe that's a shifter thing, but I think it's more. If I didn't know better, I could swear that he knows of my hidden pregnancy.


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