Black Dahlia, Red Rose
Page 35
Dillon’s erasure of ledger entries, 108–9
and grand jury investigation, 181
Tommy Harlow and, 135
as one of Dillon’s LA residences, 114
Ardis, Mrs., 57–58
Ashford, Mrs., 181
Aster Motel, 130–45
after BD case, 270
author’s visit to, 259–62
blood tests of cabin 3, 168, 250, 252–54, 260–61
and circumstantial evidence against Dillon, 250–53
discovery of blood and feces in cabin 3, 131–34
Gangster Squad investigation, 130–45, 151
grand jury investigation, 184–86, 192
Mark Hansen and, 136, 137, 141–44, 192, 202
Herald-Express article, 152–55
and Jemison’s preliminary report on BD case, 174
press coverage, 152–56, 323
re-interviewing of witnesses for grand jury, 201–3
in Fred Witman’s report, 167–68
Augele, Edward, 65
autograph book, 38
autopsy, 10–13, 291–92
Aztec Theater (San Diego), 24
“Babes of Inglewood,” See “Inglewood, Babes of” case
“Babes of Inglewood” case, 9, 84–86, 279
Bailey, Melvin Robert, 65
Balsiger, Carl, 244–45
Barnes, John, 116, 189, 275
Barrett, Ed, 172, 174, 175, 199–203
Barrett, Joe, 207
Bartholin gland/Bartholin’s cyst, 12, 292, 297
benzedrine, 106
Benzidine test, 252, 260–61
Bersinger, Anne, 5
Bersinger, Betty, 4, 5, 275
Bersinger, John, 4
Biltmore Hotel (Los Angeles), 31–32, 53, 67, 200–201
Black Dahlia (as name of case)
origin of, 22–23, 295
in popular culture, 266
Black Dahlia, The (Ellroy), 266
“Black Dahlia Murders, The” (True Detective article), 90
blood tests, 168, 252–53, 260–61
“Bloody Christmas” beatings, 218–19
Blue Dahlia, The (movie), 22–23
Boddy, Manchester, 25
Bond, Thomas, 85n
Bowron, Fletcher, 93–95, 146–48, 275
Boynoff, Sara, 124
Bradley, William, 116, 118–19, 121–22
Briargate Lodge (Palm Springs, California), 102–7
Brown, Ben H., 45, 47
Brown, Finis Albania, 275
as assistant to DA investigation, 172
Jeff Connors interview, 122
and corruption, 77–78
and Dillon investigation, 98
and Dillon’s release from custody, 119
in early stages of investigation, 76
and Gangster Squad reports, 185
grand jury testimony, 190–94
Mark Hansen and, 77, 99, 157, 158, 182–83, 185n, 190–93, 198, 203, 226–27, 247
and Jemison’s preliminary report on BD case, 174, 175
at Leimert Park, 6
life after BD case, 269
re-interviewing of witnesses, 185–86
Lola Titus incident, 157, 158, 191–92
as witness to opening of parcel from BD killer, 49
Brown, Thaddeus Franklin “Thad”
appointment as chief of detectives, 150, 151
as Finnis Brown’s protector, 78–79
coverup of Mark Hansen’s connection to BD case, 198, 247
denial of Aster Motel revelations, 156, 323
and end of BD investigation, 210
and Hugh Farnham’s secret trip to eliminate Dillon as suspect, 172, 173, 179–80
life after BD case, 269
as potential chief of LAPD, 214, 215
secret grand jury meeting with, 198–99
and suppression of BD file, 165–66
Lola Titus incident, 157, 158
Burns, William “Willie,” 276
Dillon’s arrest, 112
and Gangster Squad, 95
grand jury testimony, 180, 183, 185, 186
JJ O’Mara and, 100–101
preparations for meeting with Dillon, 98, 99, 102, 107
removal from chief of detectives post, 150
secret grand jury meeting with, 198–99
and Waggoner’s removal from Gangster Squad, 144
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 22
Byrne, William, 158
Campbell, J. B. T., 7
Camp Cooke (Lompoc, California), 17, 19–20, 40, 245
Carlos Avenue, Mark Hansen house on, 56–61
Grace Allen and, 122
bugging of, 191–92
ES’s stay at, 57–61
phone calls shortly before ES’s murder, 199–200
Lola Titus incident, 157
Carriere, Mr., 129–30, 181
Case, Archie, 128, 276
Aster Motel investigation, 138–40, 151, 202
grand jury testimony, 183, 185, 187
and Intelligence Division, 150
Chance, William, 111–12
Chancellor Apartments (North Cherokee, Los Angeles), 59–60, 67, 206
Chandler, Harry, 24, 25
Chandler, Raymond, 22
Chang, Madam (Margaret Chung), 72, 210
Cheatham, Chuck, 77–78, 246, 295
Chesterton, G. K., 14
Chipley, Amalia, 104
Chung, Margaret (“Madame Chang”), 72, 210
cigarette burn marks, 315
clandestine investigation of Leslie Dillon, 128–29
Clinton, Clifford, 93–94
Cohen, Myer Harris, “Mickey,” 55, 56, 146–49, 215, 276
Comfort, Mattie, 328
Compoli, Phil, 178, 179
“confessing Sams,” 64–65, 229
Connors, Jeff, 276
arrest of, 118–19
and Aster Motel blood tests, 168
changes in stories from, 122–23
Dillon and, 102–4, 117
and Dillon’s release, 121
and “Jack Sand” letter, 90–92
questioning of, 121–22
search for, 106, 110–11
Cook, Naomi Tullis, 23n
coroner’s inquest, 45–47
Costa, Harold, 57
Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles, 62–63, 114, 135–36, 248–49
Crissman, Mary Ruth, 72–73
Cuff, Ellery E., 212, 223–24, 276
Cummings, Sergeant, 49
Davis, Chloe, 86–88, 124
Davis, Daphne, 86, 87
Davis, Deborah Ann, 86
Davis, Frank Barton, 86, 87
Davis, James “Two Gun,” 94
Davis, Lolita, 86–87
Davis, Marquis, 86
Debs, Ernest Eugene, 125, 213, 276
DeCarlo, Yvonne, 55
De River, Gloria, 217
De River, Jacqueline, 216–18, 224, 276
De River, Joseph Paul, 276
A1 Trailer Park, 108–9
“Babes of Inglewood” case, 84–86
City Council hearing, 124–27
Chloe Davis case, 86–88
Dillon interview, 102–7
Dillon meeting plans, 101–2
and Dillon’s arrest, 113, 115–16
and Dillon’s “creative writing” samples, 240
and Dillon’s probable guilt, 115–16
and Dillon’s release from custody, 119
and Dillon’s sketch of Aster Motel layout, 168
early years, 84
firing of, 215–16
grand jury testimony about, 180, 182, 187
grand jury testimony by, 172, 187
James Hamilton and, 216–17
on Mark Hansen’s involvement with BD murder, 246
and initials on corpse, 256
interview with Wally Klein and Donald Freed, 222–28
and “Jack Sand” letter, 89–92
Jemison’s preliminary report on BD case, 174–75
on killer’s craving for publicity, 66, 83
life after BD case, 268
persecution/discrediting by LAPD, 211–14
psychological profiling of BD murderer, 83
in San Francisco with O’Mara and Dillon, 110–11
and secret evidence, 174–75, 315
secret grand jury session, 172
secret meeting about tracking Leslie Dillon, 95
and shifting of BD probe to 1950 jury, 196
in 12 Against Crime, 219–21
Aggie Underwood and, 88–89, 152, 218–19, 227–28
Fred Witman’s report, 165, 167
De River, Margaret, 217
Devlin, Tommy, 19, 23–24, 26, 36
Devonshire Hotel (San Francisco), 173, 177–79
Dillon, Elizabeth, 233–35
Dillon, Georgia (Stevenson), 111, 113–15, 129, 173, 179, 277
Dillon, Henry, 135
Dillon, Leslie Duane, 277
at A1 Trailer Park, 108–9, 114, 129
arrest of, 112–17
and Aster Motel, 130, 134–37, 139, 140, 143–44, 184
Aster Motel sketch, 167–68
attempts to create alibi for, 119, 167, 172–74
attempts to verify alibi, 176–80, 190, 192–94
body build of, 103–4
Finis Brown’s grand jury testimony, 190–91
Finis Brown’s involvement in reports about, 185–86
circumstantial evidence against, 248–51
clandestine investigation of, 128–29
Jeff Connors and, 121–23
“creative writing” samples, 236–40
and DA’s suspect list, 170
death of, 234
De River’s interview with, 101–7, 124
De River’s plans for interview with, 97–99
De River’s theories on personality type, 225–29
Elizabeth Dillon and, 234
early years, 96
end of inquiries about, 206
false arrest claims of, 126–27
first contact with Jimmy Richardson, 48–49
forensic testing related to, 252
grand jury investigation, 172–73
grand jury report on, 197
Mark Hansen and, 116, 123, 143–44, 181–82, 186–90, 193, 226–27, 246, 248–50
and initials on corpse, 256–58
and Jemison’s preliminary report on BD case, 174–76
and “juvenile penis,” 104, 241
letter to Examiner, 51–52
life after BD case, 268
in Miami, 96–98
mortuary experience, 102
parcel sent to Examiner, 49–50
physical description, 96
as psychopath, 265–66
questioning after arrest, 116
release from police custody, 118–21
response to release, 119–20
as “Jack Sand,” 89–92, 95–97, 113, 120n, 312, 313
search for Jeff Connors in San Francisco, 110–11
and secret details of murder, 113, 168–69, 174–75, 225–26, 256
trailing by Officer Jones, 95–98
as Aggie Underwood’s prime suspect in BD murder, 218
in Fred Witman’s report, 166–69
Dillon, Mamie, 96, 116, 130
Dillon, Ray, 96
dog leash, 112–13, 167, 252, 324
Domanick, Joe, 79
Donahoe, Jack, 277
and address book, 52–53
ES’s trunk, 36–37
Jeanne French murder, 65
postcard from “Black Dahlia Avenger,” 51
theories on ES case, 75–76
Dragna, Jack, 333
drugs, 106
Dumais, Joseph, 64–65, 277
Durant, Lila, 132–33, 139
Dyer, Albert, 9, 85–86, 224, 235, 277
El Cortez Hotel (San Francisco), 178
Elias, John B., 104
Ellroy, James, 266
embalming, Dillon’s knowledge of, 102, 114
Encinitas, California, 30–31
Evening Herald-Express, See Los Angeles Evening Herald-Express
Everett, Madeline and Melba, 84
Examiner, See Los Angeles Examiner
Faith, Forest, 36
Fanucci, Larry, 97
Farnham, Hugh, 172–73, 177, 194, 277
FBI, 15, 16, 52, 96–97
female killer theory, 66–72
Fickling, Joseph Gordon, 35, 42–44, 57, 129, 130
fingerprints, 15–18, 52, 116, 302
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 25
Fitzgerald, Will, 6
Florentine Gardens, 55, 56, 142, 247, 248, 332
Flower Street, See Aster Motel
Ford sedan or coupe (car driven by Dillon), 47, 115, 135–36, 179, 200, 249
Fowler, Gene, 28–29
Fowler, Perry, 28
Fowler, Will
on ES’s sexual “coldness,” 297
at Leimert Park, 6, 290
on Aggie Underwood, 34
unreliability of accounts of ES, 297
Fox, W. Turney, 87, 124
Freed, Donald, 222–28, 277, 315
Fremont, Harry S., 28–29, 219
French, Dorothy, 24, 34–36, 60, 140n, 277
French, Elvera, 24, 34–36, 42, 277
French, Jeanne, 65–66, 109n, 257–58
Gangster Squad
Aster Motel investigation, 130–45
clandestine investigation of Dillon, 128–45
grand jury testimony, 180–88
and Homicide Division, 150–52, 156, 185, 194–95, 198, 210
origins of, 95
removal from Aster Motel investigation, 151–52, 156, 185
and reshuffling of LAPD, 150, 151
roadblocks to investigation of Dillon, 144–45
Geise, Tanya “Sugar,” 247
Giese, Ray, 295
Giesler, Jerry, 111, 121, 207, 208
Girl From Hollywood, The (Burroughs), 22
“girl problem,” 21–22
Gordon, Matthew Michael, Jr., 34–35, 41–42, 72, 301
Graham, Marjorie, 57, 58, 130, 278
grammar, Dillon’s, 71, 91, 240
grand jury investigation, 170–76
Aster Motel investigation, 184–86, 201–3
Finis Brown testimony, 190–94
final report, 203–5
Gangster Squad/Homicide Division rift, 194–95
Gangster Squad testimony, 180–88
Harry Hansen’s testimony, 188–90
Mark Hansen–Finis Brown connection, 182–83, 203
Mark Hansen–Dillon connection, 181, 186–90, 193
Mark Hansen’s connections to BD case, 197–98
Homicide Division testimony, 188–94
investigation of LAPD’s handling of BD case, 152
Frank Jemison’s preliminary report on BD case, 175–76
Frank Jemison’s report on Dillon, 197
Frank Jemison’s San Francisco trip, 177–80
jewelry scam discussion, 183–84
jury selection, 171
LAPD Vice Squad scandal, 148–49
official purpose, 171
secret meeting with Willie Burns and Thad Brown, 198–99
shifting of BD probe to 1950 jury, 196–97
Fred Witman’s report, 165, 166, 169–70
Granlund, Nils Thor (“NTG” or “Granny”), 55, 56, 226, 227, 278
graphology, 256
Green, Ardis, 130
Guthrie, Woody, 72–73
Hacienda Club (Mission Valley, California), 30
Hahn’s Funeral Home (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), 102, 314
Hall of Justice, Los Angeles, 9–10, 166, 170
Hamilton, James, 216–17
Hampton, Benjamin, 22
Hansen, Harry “the Hat,” 23, 64, 76–78, 278
Jeff Connors interrogation,
Dillon arrest, 112
Dillon investigation, 98
Dillon’s release from custody, 119
early stages of BD investigation, 76–77
grand jury testimony, 188–90
at inquest, 46, 47
at Leimert Park, 6
life after BD case, 269
Hansen, Ida, 56
Hansen, Mark Marinus, 278
and address book, 54, 61, 246, 248
Grace Allen and, 122
and Aster Hotel, 136, 137, 141–44, 192, 202
Finis Brown and, 77–78, 99, 157, 158, 182–83, 185n, 190–93, 198, 203, 226–27, 247
Carlos Avenue house, 56–61
“Madame Chang” and, 210
and DA’s suspect list, 170
Dillon and, 116, 123, 143–44, 181–82, 186–90, 193, 226–27, 246, 248–50
Examiner article on connection to BD case, 197–98
first encounter with ES, 57–58
grand jury interviews, 200–201
grand jury investigation, 181–84
Herald-Express article on Aster Motel, 155
Herald-Express article on connection to BD case, 159–60
life after BD case, 268
motives for ordering ES’s murder, 246–48
at police station after ES’s murder, 61
pre–Los Angeles years, 54
Lola Titus incident, 157–58, 191–92
Ann Toth’s depiction of relationship with ES, 199
Harlow, Tommy
Dillon and, 135–37, 173n, 178, 184, 248, 320–21
and ES–Aster Hotel connection, 156n
and ES–Dillon connection, 140, 143–44
Mark Hansen and, 141
and “missing week,” 177n
Harper, William, 173n
Haskins, Jesse W., 46
Hawkinson, Walter E., 67
Hawthorne Hotel (Los Angeles), 57
Hays Code, 68
Hearst, William Randolph, 25
Hecht, Ben, 71
Henderson, Fred, 116
Herald-Express, See Los Angeles Evening Herald-Express
Himmel, Nieson, 78, 219, 247
Hinshaw, Nellie Mae, 114, 135, 278
Hirsch Apartments, 73–74
Hodel, George Hill, 206–10, 242–44, 278, 331–32
Hodel, Steve, 242, 243, 315, 331–32
Hodel, Tamar, 207, 244
Hoffman, Clora, 278
and Aster Motel investigation, 131–32, 134–35, 137, 139, 143, 151
and grand jury, 201
Hoffman, Henry, 278
and Aster Motel investigation, 131, 132, 135, 137–38, 141–44, 151
and grand jury, 185, 201
and Herald-Express article on Aster Motel, 154–55
Hoffman, Pamela, 132, 251, 279
Hohmann, Arthur C., 93
Homicide Division
cover-up of Hansen connections to BD murder, 198
early stages of investigation, 76–77
and Gangster Squad, 150–52, 156, 185, 194–95, 210
grand jury testimony, 188–94
at Leimert Park, 6
preparations for meeting with Dillon, 98–99