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Saving Angel (A Divisa Novel, Book 1)

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by Weil, J. L.



  BOOK 1

  A novel


  J.L. Weil

  Kindle Edition Copyright 2012

  by J.L. Weil

  All rights reserved.

  Second Edition March 2013

  ISBN-10: 1479201359

  ISBN-13: 978-1479201358

  Edited by Elena Boteva

  Kindle Edition, License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  Novels by J.L. Weil

  Saving Angel (Divisa #1)

  Losing Emma (Divisa .5)


  Amethyst Tears (Coming soon)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 1

  This sucked.

  We had been here for three days. Three. Long. Boring. Days. I regarded the stacked boxes littering my new room. The idea of unpacking made me groan, and there was still so much to do.

  Moving blows.

  I hated the thought of unpacking all these boxes as much as I hated being here.

  Not only did I have to leave everything I’d ever known behind, I was now stuck in some ho-dunk town in the middle of nowhere.

  No freaking joke. I am not even sure that Spring Valley, Illinois was a blip on the map.

  The one-stoplight town was freakishly small, nothing like Tuscon. There were more wheat fields here than residents. I felt so isolated. The closest city was Princeton, a good twenty minutes away. A country girl I was not. They had grain elevators for God sake. What the hell were grain elevators? I couldn’t even Google it.


  Thank God it had a library, or I might have never stepped foot inside this town – if you could call it that. So far the library was the only thing the town had going for it.


  Even the house we now reside in was eerie. I was jumping at every creak and groan. It was like the house was alive, haunted, or in reality uber old. Sure it was a ton bigger than the condo we used to live in, but there hadn’t been any ghosts lurking in the corners or cobwebs the size of my head. I shuddered to think about what kind of spiders spun webs like that.

  What had my mom been thinking?

  Apparently that we were in need of a fresh start. A chance to start over and leave the past behind.

  A past I was glad to say au revoir to.

  I sighed, wishing that at least the Internet had been hooked up. Was that too much to ask after everything? My emails were probably flooded with junk, my Xbox was heavily collecting dust, and I was having Call of Duty withdrawals. Not having the Xbox to tool around with was like having my arm or leg cut off.

  I was a complete gamer. My mom didn’t understand my gaming obsession, or the escape it gave me from my real life. Right now, it was all I had to keep me grounded and sane. The move, my friends, my dad… Fascinating worlds, zombie maps, and enthralling stories were my safe haven.

  Sitting on the edge of my unmade bed, I brushed my dark hair out of my face.

  I missed the Arizona heat. It was like a slap in the face – crack. Nothing would ever be the same. Miles and miles stretched between everything I left behind, willingly, and where I was now. It wasn’t so much that I hated Tuscon, my condo, or even my old school. Those were all things I would mourn.

  I missed my life before everything changed.

  Before my dad turned into a raging alcoholic.

  Before all the heated fighting, before the drunken late nights, before I lost my dad and what felt like part of me. When everything had been perfect and we had been happy.

  Our family vacations to Florida, swimming, and picnicking, swatting away the overeager seagulls trying to steal our food. Mom rolling on the sand laughing, or curled up on the couch with my dad…It all seemed like yesterday.

  Now our family was broken. Torn apart. There were no more goodbye kisses before work, no movies on Saturday night. Instead it was just mom and me. Well mostly just me.

  My eyes welled up, and I swiped the tears away quickly, not letting them roll down my freckle dusted cheeks. I refused to cry. Crying didn’t change the past, and it wouldn’t change the fact that I now lived in Hicktown, USA.

  Sure I had been all for a fresh start, but I was thinking more along the lines of somewhere exciting, like Miami, Chicago, or Laguna Beach. The kids there always looked happy. Not the middle of nowhere.

  Thanks daddy dearest.

  Oh my dad wasn’t dead, but my mom might wish he was.

  He was now a ward of the Arizona Department of Corrections. How’s that for dysfunctional family? Mine pretty much took the cake.

  As soon as the divorce papers had been signed, ink not even dry, I found myself in a mad dash across borders. Everything we owned trailing behind us and some guy, a mere shadow of the man I remembered, was locked behind bars.

  I know he was my dad, but after everything, he was as good as dead to me.

  My mom wanted to forget his existence. Their problems dated back way before the accident. I have chosen to block most of it from my mind. A little self-induced blackout never hurt. My heart ached for the loss of both parents.

  She was no longer the same either.

  Gone was the maternal mother with her whiskey colored eyes so opposite of my own dark blue. In her place was a woman given a second chance. She was still my mom but with a carefree youth to her – a single woman for the first time in twenty years. I think she decided life was too short. Sometimes she was more like my best friend than a mom, always saying something totally inappropriate.

  Ever since my dad disappeared, she’d been working like a madwoman, doing everything in her power to create a better life for us, including breaking her back with long hours at the station.

  Mom worked second shift for the Princeton police department as a dispatcher. Her schedule included many twelve hour-plus days, meaning I spent a lot of time alone. No big deal, except the whole dilemma with the no-Internet-yet-thing. Who in their right mind would want to spend the remaining of their summer vacation clamped up in this spooky house with no access to the real world?

  Hell no. Not me.

p; I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I had bought a slew of new Xbox games before leaving Tuscon. Only problem, I didn’t know which box they were in.

  Opening one of the boxes in front of me, I realized they weren’t going to unpack themselves. I wasn’t even sure what to do with my new room.

  Decisions. Decisions.

  Since we were going for a fresh start, I thought it was time my room got a makeover as well. New bedding, new paint, this whole country living vibe wasn’t working for me. If I had to live in Hickville then at least I could make it my own.

  First order of business – get Internet. This wasn’t the blasted stone ages. Please God tell me we get cable in the backwoods.

  Looking around the room, I decided to screw the boxes. There was always tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.

  I raced down the stairs into the kitchen.

  My mom was at the stove whipping up an early dinner before she headed into the station for her shift. The air was permeated with smells that sent my belly rumbling, reminding me that I had skipped lunch. If there was one thing my mom had going for her, it was she was an amazing cook.

  She was also beautiful. Her body was curvy in all the right places, which I could thank her for. Tied at her waist was a geometric apron which looked ridiculous against her tight jeans and halter top. That was another thing that changed. She dressed like a Victoria Secret’s model now. Was it normal to be jealous of your own mother?

  The light brown of her shiny hair caught against the lamplight. She had boobs that were envious, where I had virtually none to speak of. Okay maybe I didn’t have the chest of a twelve year old boy, but seriously an A-cup was nothing to boast about.

  “Hmm,” I murmured. “What smells so good?” I asked, plopping my skinny butt onto one of the bar stools.

  “Hi honey, hungry?” She flipped a mess of pasta and chicken smothered in some kind of garlic sauce.

  My mouth literally watered on sight. I put a hand to my stomach to try and quiet the grumbling. “Starved.”

  Her smile beamed at me over the counter, flashing perfect pearly teeth. “Good. I got this new recipe from Paula Dean. It’s almost ready.” My mom was a Food Network whore. It was pretty much the only channel she ever watched.

  “What time is your shift today?” I asked, wondering when she would be home. I wasn’t exactly thrilled at being in the haunted house by myself.

  “I’m set to work from three-to-three. Then I have a few days off. We could get this place in…” she scanned the array of boxes strewn all over the rooms. “…order while I’m home.” She finished cringing and placed a steaming plate of pasta in front of me.

  I closed my eyes in appreciation. Forking a heap into my readily waiting mouth, I sighed. Yum. Heaven. “This is amazing,” I declared with a mouth full of garlic paradise. The flavors popped.

  Most parents thought twice about leaving their teenage daughter alone so often. Not mine. She didn’t even bat an eye, mostly because I never gave her a reason not to trust me. First off, I was kind of boring and preferred the company of my laptop and my Xbox. Not that I was socially awkward or anything, gaming just happened to be my thing. Also I was a decent kid. I got good grades, I’d never been in trouble before, and overall I was pretty darn responsible.

  She sat beside me with her plate. “Good, I’m glad you like it.”

  I was thinking that if she always cooked like this, I’d have to start exercising more than just my fingers hitting the keyboard, which was about the extent of my workout.

  After a moment of her eyeing me thoughtfully, I couldn’t stand it anymore. “What?” I asked.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? I know how hard this has all been on you.” Meaning the move, my dad, a new school, the list was growing.

  “Mom, I’m fine,” I assured. She didn’t look convinced. “Really,” I stressed. That seemed to pacify her for now. I didn’t want her worrying about me. She had enough of her own stuff to deal with, without adding my pile of crap on top.

  “Are you excited for school? I bet they have some really hot guys here,” she dangled like it was a tempting Snickers bar.

  I choked on my pasta, the sauce burning up my nose. She couldn’t possibly be serious. “I guess,” I managed after taking a swig of water to ease the burn and wash down the pasta stuck in my throat. “If you’re into hillbillies in overalls, accents thick enough to cut glass, and beer bellies.” I don’t really know if anyone from around here actually had accents, but I don’t see how they wouldn’t.

  Mom always said my smart mouth was going to get me in trouble. At this moment however, she didn’t find my mouth very funny, and her eyes let me know it. “You might be surprised. I bet there is a hottie or two.”

  Goodie gumdrops. Wasn’t I the lucky one?

  “Gross Mom stop. If you dig a hole any deeper, I won’t be able to pull you out.”

  “Have you met our neighbors yet?” she asked with a cunning smile, like she had a secret she was dying to spill.

  I gave her a strange look, wondering if she was self-medicating. “No, should I be stalking them or something?”

  “I just thought we should be neighborly, that’s all. I want us to get off on the right foot here.”

  That was all my ass.

  Whatever. I had more important things to talk about than my farm lovin’ neighbors. “When are we getting the Internet?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Angel, a few days without your Xbox won’t kill you.”

  I wasn’t so sure about that. “Tell me we are getting it at least.” I was on the verge of whining here.

  “Yes,” she assured me. “They should be out this weekend on my day off.”

  Someone up there must love me. I said a silent prayer of thanks.

  Rinsing off my plate, I looked over my shoulder. “Any chance I could go shopping? I was thinking of remodeling my room. You know, part of the whole starting over thing.” I felt guilty as soon as the words left my mouth. She didn’t need me rubbing it in and taking advantage of the situation. I almost opened my mouth to tell her to forget it, I didn’t need to redecorate. What I had was fine.

  She smiled at me sadly. “Of course.” Digging in her purse, she pulled out a wad of the green stuff and set it on the counter. “Will that be good?”

  “Yeah Mom…thanks.” I went over and gave her a hug. Her arms tightened around me.

  “Do you remember how to get into town? Oh and maybe you should get a new outfit or two,” she added, eyeing my clothes.

  “What?” I said, glancing down at my tattered jeans, just the way I liked them, and my Arizona State t-shirt.

  She lifted a brow.

  “How about I just run around naked?”

  She never missed a beat. “You always were at the height of fashion. Just don’t expect me to pick up on that trend.”

  “Mom! Fine,” I huffed. “And yes I remember how to get to town. There is only one street in and out anyway. How hard can it be? I’ll probably go tomorrow.” Someone had to start on these boxes. It was evident that someone was going to be me.

  She gathered her purse and paused in the doorway. “Angel?”


  “I love you.”

  My throat constricted. I swallowed hard. “I love you too.”

  “Call me if you need anything and don’t work yourself too hard. We’ll tackle most of these boxes together this weekend. Got it?”

  I nodded, watching her walk out the squeaking old door.

  Great. Does anything not make a creepy noise in this house?

  Relinquishing, I decided that if she could make an effort, so could I. Once upstairs I started attacking the boxes. Each item I uncovered brought a new spear of yearning for my old life. The family photos I had in cutesy rhinestone frames, the fabric board with memorabilia of my old friends and school. They were all reminders of what I no longer had.

  When I finally found the box with my video games, it was like finding an old friend.

>   Score.

  Gathering the empty cardboard boxes, I dragged them outside and placed them at the end of the driveway for pickup.

  Looking up, the sky was murky and cloudy. Did the sun ever shine here in this hellhole? The warmth was nothing like Arizona with its constant sun and dry heat. By nature I was a sun seeker. The monotonous sky made me miss the blinding brightness of Tuscon. I doubted I could get a proper tan here. The people in this town probably looked like ghosts.

  Dusting off my hands, I turned to head back inside and nearly jumped out of my skin. There was a girl about my age a few feet in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. She didn’t look like any girl I’d ever seen before.

  She was extraordinary. Perfect blonde hair, killer body (great boobs and all), sexy dimples from the smile she aimed at me. Her clothes looked like something you would get on Hollywood Boulevard, which suddenly made me feel like I was the hick.

  Just great, I thought. Why hadn’t I at least combed my hair this morning?

  And to think I thought I was going to stand out like a sore thumb. She would have stood out even in Tuscon. Her legs went on forever, but it was her eyes that captivated me the most. They were the craziest turquoise, like shinning gems. Her smile was warm and friendly.

  “Hi. I live next door,” she indicated to the only other house for miles around. Her voice sounded sweet and innocent. “I’m Lexi. I hope I didn’t startle you. I’m forever doing that.”

  I brushed a hand over my hair trying to smooth any flyaways. “I just didn’t hear you. I’m Angel. We just moved in.”

  She smiled brighter as I introduced myself. It was a little weird, like she found me funny. I was pretty sure I hadn’t said anything funny. I usually know.

  “I saw you guys move in, and I’ve been meaning to find an excuse to stop over and introduce myself. When I saw you come outside, I figured it was as good a time as any. I didn’t want to inconvenience you right after you moved in. Unpacking can be such a hassle.”

  “You have no idea,” I muttered. She chattered like a mile a minute. I wasn’t entirely sure how I was able to keep up, but I liked her enthusiasm. It was nice a change to all the dull wheat growing everywhere.


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