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Touch of Topaz ad-7

Page 2

by N. J. Walters

  John caught the subtext. She’d be glad when he was finally out of her life. Not going to happen. Not until they’d talked. If, after that, she wanted him gone, he’d go, but not until he tried to talk her into giving their relationship a chance. They had been together under nothing but stressful situations. John wanted to be a part of her everyday life when it wasn’t quite so crazy.

  “Let’s go.” He took her coat from her and held it until she reluctantly accepted his help in putting it on. He caught a whiff of her subtle perfume and his fingers brushed against her neck as he fixed her collar. A delicate shiver went through her, but she squared her shoulders and turned toward her family. He patiently waited while she hugged and kissed her sisters and mother. He’d been around the Jewel family long enough to know they never went anywhere without saying a prolonged goodbye. They were fascinating to watch and he found himself drawn to their warmth and the obvious love they shared for one another. He wanted that for himself.

  He glanced toward his brother, but Jake had eyes only for Sapphire. He stood behind her, his big body blocking her from the view of all but her family. He understood his brother’s need to protect his woman, and it went far beyond just doing a job, for both brothers.

  As if sensing someone watching him, Jake turned his head and met John’s gaze. He inclined his head, but the connection between them was broken seconds later when Sapphire spoke. Jake leaned down to listen to whatever she was saying to him.

  He wished his brother luck with her. He’d need it. They both would. Although, he thought he had it harder than Jake did. Topaz was the eldest sister and the most stubborn and bossy of the bunch.

  John stood back and kept one eye on Topaz and the other on the people milling in the hallway. If they stayed here long enough the media hounds outside might think they’d already sneaked out and disperse. They should be so lucky. Some of those guys would do just about anything for a story and a few minutes waiting wouldn’t deter them.

  Topaz finally turned to him, her smile slightly strained. “I’m ready.”

  He wasn’t sure either of them was ready for what was coming, but he knew it was what needed to be done. He glanced at her father. “I’ll take care of her.”

  “I’ll see you this afternoon,” she promised her family.

  John put his hand on the small of her back and led her toward an elevator at the far end of the corridor. It would take them down to the basement so they could slip into the parking garage where he’d left the car.

  Chapter Two

  John’s hand burned where it rested against the base of her spine. Topaz had never been so aware of a man’s touch. It frightened her and made her angry at the same time. What was it about John Knight that drew her like the clichéd moth to a flame? He was always ordering her around in his overbearing, arrogant way.

  No, that wasn’t fair and she knew it. He was simply doing his job, which was to protect her. It wasn’t his fault that she didn’t like taking orders from anyone, especially not a man who fired up her sex drive in a way it never had before.

  That made him dangerous to her peace of mind and her plans. She had too much she wanted to accomplish with her life before she was ready to take on a full-time relationship. She had goals and plans, and John Knight threatened all of that simply by existing.

  She took a deep breath and slowly released it, trying to pull her tattered composure around her. She’d be glad when this trial was behind them and their lives could go back to normal. The media that had hounded them for months would quickly find another story and leave them to pick up the pieces of their lives.

  And John Knight would disappear from her life once again.

  She counted off the seconds as the elevator descended to the garage level, acutely aware that they were alone. She could hear his even breathing but she couldn’t see his face. The moment the elevator doors slid shut, he moved in front of her, maneuvering her behind him, his manner protective. When the bell pinged and the door slid open, she didn’t move. After all this time, she knew the routine. John stepped out ahead of her and scanned the area before allowing her to leave the safe confines of the elevator.

  His hand on her back once again, he guided her toward the car. His gaze never rested on one thing but was constantly moving, checking to make sure no one was lurking, waiting for them to appear. He was always hyper-alert, hyper-aware of his surroundings.

  She’d never met anyone like him. And that was part of the problem.

  Topaz knew how to deal with men who wore three-piece suits, civilized men who conformed to the standards of society. She knew what to expect from them and how to act.

  John made his own rules and didn’t care what anyone else thought of them. He dominated a room simply by walking into it. He didn’t need to flex his muscles or throw his weight around to get people to defer to him. All he had to do was breathe.

  It was annoying as hell. And, if she was being honest, incredibly hot too.

  “Watch your step,” he murmured. She glanced down in time to keep from stumbling over a slight rise in the concrete floor.

  His arm tightened around her waist as they hurried across the almost deserted lot. There were several other people getting into their vehicles but, thankfully, they weren’t paying any attention to them. John unlocked the car and held the door while she slid onto the leather seat. He shut the door and she locked it immediately. It was second nature to her now after all these weeks.

  She couldn’t help but watch him as he walked around the front of the black Mercedes, his ever-watchful gaze continuing to study his surroundings. He was six-foot-three and all of it muscle. The brown leather jacket he wore clung to his broad shoulders and the black pants clung to his thick thighs. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him.

  She knew that for a fact after getting naked with him last summer.

  He kept his blond hair cropped short, which emphasized his icy blue eyes and high forehead. The cleft in his chin accentuated his stubborn jaw. The only softness on his entire face was his lips. They were incredibly smooth and full for a man, sexy as all get out.

  And she had to stop thinking about his lips. Heat climbed up her face and she feared she was blushing. John slid into the driver’s seat and locked his door before glancing her way.

  “You okay?” His deep voice slid over her skin like an expensive silk and she barely suppressed a shudder of arousal that snaked down her spine.

  She stared out the front windshield, refusing to look at him. “I’m fine. The courtroom was a bit warm.” That wasn’t exactly a lie, but it wasn’t the full truth either. “I’m glad the trial is wrapping up today.”

  John started the car and pulled out of the lot, smoothly maneuvering on to the road. In the distance, Topaz could see the front of the courthouse and the large group of reporters all clamoring for a quote. She knew they were just doing their jobs, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

  She shivered as a chill went through her. The nightmare was almost over for her family and her life would soon go back to normal. She absently toyed with the wide band of silver around her neck. It was set with chunks of amber and was her favorite necklace, and not only because her sister Sapphire had made it for her.

  She’d be happy to get back to work at Sisters’ Jewels, the boutique she co-owned with her sisters. They sold accessories, scarves, journals, stationery, cards and jewelry. Her sisters were more of the creative force behind their line of products. Emerald used her creativity and artistic ability to design their accessory line, while Sapphire designed all their jewelry. But she ran the store itself on a day-to-day basis. It was her baby, and she loved it. Her sisters might not like the business aspect of owning a store, but she thrived on the challenge of making everything work.

  “You hungry?”

  John broke into her musings. “Not really.” She hadn’t been hungry since the trial started.

  He gave her a quick frown before returning his gaze to the road. “You need to eat. You’re too thin.”

  Her spine straightened and she shot him a haughty glare. “Whether I eat or not is none of your business.”

  “Sure it is. It’s my job to keep you safe and healthy.”

  Topaz snorted. “I don’t think worrying about what I eat falls under your job description.” She never missed a chance to remind herself and him that this was a temporary situation, that she was a job. He’d leave her soon, probably within a day or two, and she’d probably never see him again.

  Which was for the best. They had little in common, other than explosive sex.

  She chewed on her bottom lip and desperately tried to put that September afternoon out of her mind. One minute they’d been fighting, and the next they’d been having smoking-hot sex in her foyer. She fought the urge to fan her face with her hand and managed not to squirm in her seat. With arousal slowly seeping through her body, it wasn’t so easy.

  John stopped the car and Topaz was pulled out of her reverie and back to the present. They were in the parking lot of a small family-style restaurant. “Come on. You might not need to eat, but I do.”

  John slid out of the car and came around to the passenger side. Resigned, Topaz unlocked the door and climbed out when he opened the door. He kept her close to him, blocking the bulk of her body with his own. She could smell the earthy scent of his soap, mingled with the musky smell of the man himself.

  Her nipples tightened beneath her bra and she was thankful she was wearing a blouse, suit jacket and coat. He watched her like a hawk and wouldn’t miss the telltale sign of her arousal.

  His left arm was around her waist and she felt the heat of it through all the layers of her clothing. She concentrated on the restaurant and not on the man beside her, which was next to impossible. John Knight was not a man any woman ignored.

  He was rough looking and tough as nails, but he exuded an animal magnetism, a sensuality that drew female attention wherever he went. There was no denying he was a dominant male and Topaz knew he could easily take over the life of any woman who was with him, and without even trying or meaning to.

  It was one of the reasons she was determined not to fall under his sensual spell again. She was afraid that the one time they’d been together had already spoiled her for other men. After being with John, all the other men who asked her out seemed less somehow. Which wasn’t fair to them.

  John held the door open for her and they walked inside. The heat and wonderful aroma of food hit her and her stomach growled. When he grinned at her, she knew he’d heard her stomach complain. Thankfully, he said nothing about it as he led her to a table in the far corner. If he’d gloated she didn’t think she’d be able to keep from committing violence against his person.

  She slid off her coat, which he hung over the empty seat next to her. Then he seated her with her back to the room so people wouldn’t be able to easily see her face, which was plastered all over the media these days. He kept his coat on and sat with his back to the wall, where he commanded a full view of the place.

  It was how they always sat when they went out. He was always security conscious no matter what they were doing.

  A young twenty-something waitress, wearing a black skirt and white blouse, hurried to their table and set menus in front of them. “Afternoon. Today’s soup is chicken noodle and the special is stuffed chicken breast with mashed potatoes and peas.” She flashed a bright smile at John. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “Coffee for me.” He glanced over at her.

  There was no way she wanted coffee. She was jittery enough as it was. “Just water for me, please.”

  John frowned, but the waitress simply nodded and went to get their drinks. Topaz looked down at the menu. She could feel John’s eyes on her and barely resisted the urge to squirm. Honestly, the man could make her forget she was a successful, polished businesswoman with no more than a look. Another strike against him.

  “Do you know what you want?” His voice was low and intimate even though they were in a crowded restaurant.

  Now that was a loaded question if she’d ever heard one. What would he do if she said she wanted him in her bed once again? That she wanted another afternoon of unforgettable, hot sex.

  Not that she would. She wasn’t the kind of woman who indulged in one-night stands. John was the only exception she’d ever made to that rule. She had to date a man for quite some time before they went to bed together. And then both parties knew it wasn’t going to lead to anything more serious. It sounded colder and more calculated than it was in reality. She had a genuine affection for the men she’d had in her life. She just hadn’t wanted any of them there on a permanent basis.

  Their waitress came back and plunked a glass of water in front of Topaz and set a mug of coffee in front of John. She gave him another dazzling smile. Topaz noticed that she’d freshened her lipstick since she was here last. Unaccountably, jealousy began to creep into her brain and she was filled with the urge to tell her to stop looking at John, that he belonged to her.

  Which couldn’t be farther from the truth.

  They’d spent a steamy afternoon together. Nothing wrong with sex between two healthy, consenting adults, but they didn’t have a relationship beyond that. He’d walked away when his job was over last summer and would again this time. Yes, he’d called her once or twice, but she hadn’t returned his calls. There was no point. They both had their own lives. She had to remember that.

  Topaz glanced at the menu. “I’ll have the chicken noodle soup and the chicken sandwich on multigrain bread with mustard, not mayo.”

  The waitress, whose nametag read Maria, dutifully wrote down her order before turning to John. “And what will you have, sir?”

  Topaz wasn’t imagining the flirty tone in the waitress’s voice, nor the way she shifted closer to John. To give the man credit, he didn’t acknowledge the flirtation in any way.

  “I’ll have the same.” He handed his menu back to the waitress. “Thanks.”

  Topaz could clearly read the other woman’s disappointment, but she smiled, took the menus and left them. “Should be about ten or fifteen minutes.”

  John sat back in his chair and his jacket fell open to reveal a tight, black button-down shirt. The material clung to his broad chest and Topaz’s fingers itched to slide her fingers under it and touch his bare skin.

  “Everything will be okay. This entire ordeal will be over soon.” His sincerity struck her hard and she blinked back tears. This past year had been hell for her family, and it was hard to believe it was almost coming to an end.

  “I know. Emerald’s been so amazing through it all.” She was so proud of her sister and the strength she’d shown. Topaz wasn’t certain she would have fared half as well.

  “You did great today in court.” He picked up his coffee and brought it to his lips. Topaz watched as he parted them and sipped the hot liquid. Her panties grew damp, and she grabbed her glass and guzzled half of the tepid water to keep from saying something stupid.

  “I’m going to the ladies’ room.” She hated having to announce such things, but John had to know where she was at all times. “Please don’t follow me. It’s only right there.” She pointed to a sign just off to her right.

  John rose when she did and walked her to the corridor. She knew he was checking for other possible entrances to the building, but he relaxed when he saw the small corridor was a dead end and the only doors were those to the restrooms.

  “Don’t be long,” he ordered.

  She felt like sticking her tongue out at him, but managed to refrain from such a childish gesture. Honestly, the man constantly rubbed her the wrong way, except for that one afternoon when he’d rubbed her the right way. Her pussy clenched hard at the memory and she stumbled through the bathroom door. Thankfully, it was empty.

  She shut the door, locked it and used the facilities. When she was done, she washed her hands and splashed water on her face.

  This wouldn’t do. She wasn’t some young impressionable woman. She was
thirty-two, owned her own business and had dated her fair share of successful men. Why then did John affect her so greatly? She wasn’t sure she was ready to delve into the answer.

  Topaz dearly loved her parents, but her childhood had been less than conventional. They’d grown up with famous people dropping by, taking trips to exotic locales and being on the road with her parents when they were performing. It had been a wonderful, if unpredictable childhood. They’d never known when their impetuous parents would whisk them away, never stopping to ask their children if they’d actually wanted to go.

  She wouldn’t trade her childhood for anything, but Topaz craved stability and she’d made a life for herself that was predictable and calm. And she liked it that way.

  John was anything but calm. He made her feel hot and uncomfortable in her own skin. She liked fine clothes and wine, and he was jeans and beer. Nothing wrong with that, but their lifestyles didn’t mesh. Her mother would say that it would add spice to her life, but she much preferred it bland, thank you very much. Her childhood had had enough spice in it to last her a lifetime.

  She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes that no amount of makeup could cover. She pulled a compact out of her purse and dabbed at her skin. She hadn’t slept well these past two weeks and planned on sleeping for two days straight when the trial was finally over.

  She knew she couldn’t procrastinate any longer or John would be barging into the ladies’ room. She dumped the compact back into her purse, took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and walked out of the bathroom and back to their table. Her timing was perfect, as the waitress had just arrived with their meal.

  Topaz slid into her chair, thanked the waitress and picked up her spoon. The soup was warm and surprisingly good. She could feel John watching her, but she concentrated on eating. The quicker they were done, the quicker they could go back to the courthouse. She wanted this day over and done. Then it would be a matter of waiting for the jury’s verdict.


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