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Touch of Topaz ad-7

Page 11

by N. J. Walters

  The doorbell chimed and she set the glass down on the granite countertop. Right on time. But she wouldn’t expect anything less from him.

  She checked the peephole to make sure it was John—better safe than sorry—and then she opened the door. As always the sight of him made her stomach flutter. He was so big and strong and solid. He was wearing a charcoal-gray sports coat, black dress pants and a pale-blue shirt that matched his eyes. He looked good enough to eat.

  She held the door wide. “Come in.”

  John’s fingers automatically curled inward as he struggled not to reach for Topaz. He wasn’t early, so she must be running late. She wasn’t dressed. Well, she was dressed, but not to go out. She was covered from her neck to her ankles in a soft robe that made him want to peel back the edges to uncover her beauty. It had been a while since he’d seen her naked—fifteen days and about fourteen hours to be exact.

  Her hair was tousled and sexy and her lips were tinted a lush red that made him want to kiss them. He wasn’t certain she was wearing anything under her robe. His body roared to life and his dick came to attention.

  He cleared his throat. “You’re not ready?”

  She closed the door and locked it, the snick of the lock echoing like a bomb blast. “Oh, I’m ready. I’ve been ready for weeks.” She stepped up to him and rested her hands on his chest. “You’re the one who’s taken a step back.”

  He frowned. Is that what she thought? He shook his head. “No, babe, I’m not taking a step back.” He cupped her precious face in his hands and rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks. “But you deserve to be courted. To be shown just how special you are.”

  Color flooded her face and the pulse in her neck fluttered wildly. She swallowed and stared up at him. He almost lost himself in her luminous golden-brown eyes. “You asked me to give our relationship a chance,” she began.

  He nodded and let his hands slide down to her shoulders. “I did. And I know I rushed you when we were at the cabin.” He took a step back and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “Heck, I was all over you.”

  She smiled and he almost lost his train of thought. “You didn’t hear me complaining, did you?” Her sultry voice made his balls ache. She flicked open the button on his jacket and pushed the garment off his shoulders.

  “No. You didn’t complain.” His voice was hoarse and his nostrils were filled with her sweet scent. He loved her natural scent mixed with the lotion she used and buried his face in the curve of her neck. He dropped a quick kiss there and straightened.

  “Well then.” She took a step back and her hands went to the tie on her robe. “I’ve made my decision.” He caught the faint tremor in her fingers as she untied the knot. He reached out and covered her hands with his.

  “You don’t have to do this.” A voice in the back of his head was yelling at him to shut the fuck up.

  She reached out and caught his face in her hands. Her robe slid open and he manfully tried to ignore the glimpse of the curve of her breasts and her pale stomach. His cock was throbbing like a toothache, nonstop and painful.

  “I don’t know where our relationship might end up, John, but I’m willing to give us a try.”

  His heart almost stopped before it took off like a racing horse. He knew this wasn’t easy for her and that made it all the more special. “Thank you.” His voice was strained, but it was taking everything in him not to lift her into his arms, turn her back to the door and fuck her until neither of them could speak.

  She took a deep breath and the robe parted a slight bit more. John’s eyes almost crossed as he strained to see more of her. “I didn’t have a choice, you see.” The seriousness of her voice caught his attention and he forgot all about her robe.

  “What is it, babe?” He wanted to fix whatever was wrong. Old fashioned, maybe, but that’s just the way he was built.

  “I love you,” she blurted out.

  John lost his ability to think as those three simple words hit him hard. Topaz—this beautiful, intelligent, kind, funny, sexy woman—loved him. It was everything he wanted, but more than he’d thought he would ever have, especially not so soon.

  “Are you sure?” His voice was rough, his words demanding. She had to be sure. There was no taking it back once she said it.

  She nodded and he pounced, his primal side roaring to the fore. He swept her into his arms and carried her to her bedroom. He wanted to pound his chest and roar his possession of her to the world. Doing either would probably not be wise, so he’d settle for making love to her.

  He set her down by the side of the bed and did what he’d been dying to since the moment she opened her door. He slid the robe down her shoulders. It fell and pooled at her feet, leaving her gloriously naked.

  John simply stared at her. It had only been two weeks since he’d seen her this way, but even in his memories she hadn’t looked this good and he had excellent recall. Having her tell him she loved him made her appear even more beautiful. There was a glow about her, a loveliness he knew he’d never tire of seeing for as long as he lived, and it went far beyond the physical. “You are incredible. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  And, by her own admission, she was his.

  Arousal swamped Topaz, but beneath it was a tinge of disappointment. She’d told him she loved him, but John hadn’t returned the sentiment. Maybe it was too soon. Men didn’t like to admit their feelings. He was a man of action and that’s what she’d pay attention to. It was easy for a guy to say he loved a woman, but it was how he treated her that truly mattered. And John Knight treated her as if she was precious and special.

  She needed to get him naked so she went to work on the buttons of his shirt. He brushed aside her hands and undid the few at his neck and then yanked the shirt over his head, tossing it aside. Several buttons were ripped away from the fabric and bounced off the floor before rolling away.

  Immediately, her attention was diverted to the broad expanse of flesh he’d exposed. Muscles jumped beneath her fingers as she explored him, relearning every inch of his chest.

  He groaned when her fingers teased his flat brown nipples. “You’re playing with fire.”

  She liked the sound of that and leaned inward, licking one of the hardened nubs. She was feeling extremely hot herself, her entire body revved and wanting more. His fingers tangled in her hair and he held her to him as she continued to taste and tease.

  “Enough.” He tugged her away from him, lifted her and tossed her lightly onto the bed. She sprawled across the mattress and watched as he swiftly removed the rest of his clothes. He came down beside her, took her into his arms and she was lost.

  Time lost all meaning as they touched one another, finding the spots that gave the most pleasure. Now that they were naked the sense of urgency subsided and they immersed themselves in the sensual sensations of rediscovering one another.

  The swish of the sheets beneath them, heated moans and gasping breath were the only sounds in the room. The smell of her lotion mixed with the darker scent of musk and arousal.

  Topaz didn’t think she’d ever tire of touching John. His body delighted her. He was all hard angles and planes, bands of muscle and thick bones. She reached down and gripped his shaft, running her fingers up and down his hard length. So much strength covered with such soft skin.

  He groaned and flexed his hips, pushing deeper into her palm. She loved pleasing him, loved the way his excitement fired hers.

  He rolled her onto her back and, starting at her toes, worked his way up her body touching her everywhere. There was no spot too small or ordinary. She’d had no idea her toes could be an erogenous zone, but with John stroking and licking them she soon found out differently.

  By the time he was nibbling on her neck she was burning with desire, her skin aching for his touch, her body longing to be filled by him.

  “John. Now.” She wrapped her legs around his flanks and dug her fingernails into his butt.

  “Protection,” he gasped, trying
to pull away.

  She shook her head. “I’m on birth control. It’s okay.” She didn’t want any barriers between them, not any longer. She was totally committed to their relationship.

  John stilled, every muscle in his body tensing above her. “You’re sure?”

  She wiggled until the head of his cock was nestled against the opening to her channel. “I love you.”

  John swore and surged forward, going balls-deep in one stroke. She gasped as her body stretched to accommodate his large shaft. The full feeling was delicious, but not enough. She flexed her hips, shifting forward and back, needing him to move.

  “Topaz.” He gasped her name and then began a slow rhythm she thought might drive her completely mad. She clutched at his butt and tilted her pelvis toward him, trying to get him to move faster, but he was relentless and kept to measured thrusts, pulling almost all the way out before surging inward again.

  His breathing quickened and so did hers. She closed her eyes and let herself go, let him control the pace. He slid his fingers between them, found her clit and stroked. Topaz cried out as her orgasm flooded through her like thick, melted chocolate. It wasn’t the most explosive orgasm she’d ever had, but it was the most fulfilling one. She’d just made love with the man who owned her heart.

  With his balls pulling up tight, John knew he was out of time. He wanted their lovemaking to last. She loved him. He felt as if he was half drunk, his pleasure was so great. Tension built low in his balls before exploding up through his shaft.

  For the first time there was no barrier between them. Her silky channel hugged his cock tight, rippling around it. It was an unbelievable sensation as he jetted his release into her and felt her fingers dig into him, holding him close.

  He never wanted her to let go.

  When they were both spent, he got out of bed long enough to get a facecloth to clean them both. Then he settled back in bed with Topaz. He was the luckiest man in the world.

  She was quiet as she rested against his chest. She’d given him everything without reserve—her love, her trust and her body. He could do no less.

  He ran his fingers lightly up and down her spine. “I love you, Topaz.”

  She froze beneath his touch and raised her head, her gaze troubled. “You don’t have to say that.”

  He shook his head. “I know I don’t, but it’s the truth.” He shifted her out of his arms, reached over the side of the bed and snagged his pants. Reaching into the pocket, he closed his fingers around the present he’d brought her. He pulled it out and turned back to her, opening his palm. The ring was a one-carat diamond set in a platinum band. Simple and classy, just like her.

  “I love you,” he repeated. “That’s not going to change.” Her eyes filled with tears. He couldn’t tell if they were good tears or bad tears, all he knew was he didn’t want her to cry. “Will you marry me?”

  She sniffed and words seemed to tumble from her. “But what about your work? Where will we live?” She bit her lip to stop herself.

  He smiled at her, knowing how difficult it was for her not to want to have everything planned out before she took this next step. “We can work it all out. Together.” He took the ring in one hand and grasped her left hand with the other. “Will you marry me?”

  A tear slid down her cheek. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He slid the ring on and she threw herself into his arms. As he held her close to his heart, he whispered in her ear. “We’ll work it out. Don’t you know by now all I want is for you to be happy?”

  Sheer joy burst from inside Topaz. She was still scared, but she knew she and John could work through all her fears. She loved him enough to let him be himself and she trusted him to always be there for her. He loved her. For a man like John to say the words aloud meant his feelings were as solid as a rock. He loved her. They could figure out everything else later.

  She kissed him then, kissed him with everything she had inside her. He held her, as always careful of his strength, protecting her, cherishing her. There were no doubts in her mind. This was the right man for her.

  She leaned back and smiled. She’d always thought she’d end up with a conservative man. John was excitement personified, but she was no longer afraid of a life with him. It wouldn’t be staid and boring, but it would be filled with love.

  He took her lips again and lowered them both back to the mattress. She could feel the weight of the ring on her finger, a tangible reminder of their love. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer.

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