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I Hate You, Fuller James

Page 18

by Kelly Anne Blount

  “Thank you again for dinner, Mrs. James,” I said to Fuller’s mother. “It was delicious.”

  Reaching down, Fuller took my hand in his and led me into the family room. Anticipation shot through my veins.

  “What’s in there?” I asked, arching an eyebrow and pointing to the bag with my other hand.

  “Oh, in here? Eh, nothing.” Fuller shook his head, but his grin was unmistakable.

  I tried reaching around him to grab the bag, but he twisted in the opposite direction and then held the bag above my head.

  “Hey, that’s not fair! You’re, like, a foot taller than me.” Balancing the two containers in my hands, I jumped for the bag, but he somehow managed to lift it even higher.

  Fuller laughed. “Okay, okay, I’ll trade you. Hand over the containers and I’ll give you what’s in the bag.”

  “Here you go.” I handed him my lunch for tomorrow and held out my hand.

  “And here you go.” He held out the bag, but just out of reach.

  I jumped up, but he held it even higher.

  “Hey! Hand it over, mister,” I said with a smile.

  “Okay, okay.” Fuller smiled as he passed me the bag and waited for me to open it.

  There were two things inside. I pulled out a box of strawberry and grape Nerds first. “Ah, my favorite.”

  “Sweets for my sweet.” His dark lashes swept up and his gaze met mine, sending the familiar rush of shivers racing through my body. “There’s something else in there, though…”

  I reached in and pulled out a maroon and gray T-shirt. On the front, it read “Magnolia Valley Cougars.”

  “Turn it over,” Fuller said, biting his lower lip.

  I flipped the shirt, and a massive grin spread over my face. On the back was Fuller’s last name and the number eleven, the same number he’d had since freshman year.

  “I was thinking you could maybe wear it to the game tomorrow?”

  I held the shirt to my chest. “This is really sweet.”

  He grinned. “So you’ll wear it, then?”

  “Of course I will.” I sprang forward, the box of Nerds jiggling in my hand, and wrapped my arms around his toned midsection.

  He hugged me back as I laid my head against his chest. I felt so safe in his arms, like nothing could ever go wrong, just as long as he held me this close.

  He kissed me on top of the head. “Wren, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”


  The next day at school flew by in a blur. I’d thought about wearing his shirt to school but decided on the floral dress I’d worn to Fuller’s house for our first date instead.

  I had plans to Dutch braid my hair, add maroon and gray ribbons, and get all decked out for the game. Fuller’s shirt would be the cherry on top.

  After the last bell rang, Fuller kissed me and then headed off to practice. I smiled as I made my way to my locker to meet Dae.

  All my happiness evaporated the moment I saw Marissa heading toward me. She had on a black skirt and shiny pink lip gloss.

  I held my breath as she drew nearer. Marissa used to have a hold over me, but that was because I let her. No more. I was done shrinking down in front of Marissa. Holding my shoulders back and raising my chin, I prepared to ignore whatever insult she’d choose to throw at me.

  “You look nice today, Wren.”

  The words came out of Marissa’s mouth as if she handed out compliments like that to me all the time.

  Flustered, I adjusted my backpack, tightening the straps under both arms. “Oh, um, ah, thanks.”

  “No problem. Will you be at the game tonight, cheering on Fuller?”

  “Yeah.” My voice quavered slightly. I braced myself for the nasty insult that was surely coming my way.

  “I guess I’ll see you there.” She smiled before walking past me.

  As her stilettos clicked down the hallway, I stood perfectly still. Did that really happen? Did Marissa talk to me without making fun of me or calling me Wrentainer?

  Fuller had told me that he’d called Marissa and that they’d cleared the air. I figured that would prompt her to come at me with even more venom, but maybe hell had frozen over and she’d decided to be nice instead.

  “Hey, Wren. Wait up.”

  I spun around and came face-to-face with Brandon and Dae.

  “You’re never going to guess what happened a few seconds ago.” I shook my head in disbelief as I recounted my interaction with Marissa.

  Dae leaned against a locker with a look of disbelief plastered across his face. “Yeah right. There’s no way Marissa would be nice to you. No offense or anything.”

  Brandon stood next to me, listening intently but not saying anything.

  “None taken and I’m so not kidding. It was literally the first time she’s been nice to me since seventh grade. Wait, do you think she’s screwing with me?”

  “Probably,” Brandon grumbled. “She’s always trying to mess with someone.”

  “She could be faking it,” Dae agreed. “Or maybe she really is capable of change? I mean, you did say that Fuller talked to her, so maybe what he said actually resonated?” He didn’t sound confident in what he was saying.

  “Yeah, maybe she finally realized that she and Fuller aren’t getting back together and that she’s wasting her time?” Now I was the one who didn’t sound confident.

  “I’ve gotta head to our pregame meeting,” Brandon said. He shifted his weight from side to side before looking me directly in the eyes. “I just wanted to get something off my chest first. You know Fuller isn’t my favorite person, but if you trust him… Well, if you trust him, then I’m happy for you.”


  “Aw, thanks, Brand.” I gave him a quick hug. “That really means a lot to me.”

  He shrugged and appeared to attempt a smile. “All right, I gotta go before I’m late.”

  “We’ll be there cheering you on tonight,” I said, patting him on the back.

  “Yeah, man. Good luck,” Dae said as our friend made his way through the crowded hallway.

  “Looks like Brandon’s come around,” Dae said.

  I nodded and faked wiping sweat from my brow. “Talk about a big relief.” Best-friend-hating-boyfriend scenarios never work out. Thank goodness that’s fixed!

  “Anyway, enough about him,” I said. “Are you still bringing Jenna Marie to the game tonight?”

  He grinned. “Yup, I’m picking her up around six fifteen. We should get back to school by quarter to seven.”

  “Perfect.” We’d planned to sit next to each other, but I hadn’t told Dae about the shirt that Fuller had given me yet. It was going to be a surprise, not for Dae but for everyone. I would officially show up as Fuller James’s girlfriend. I’d planned out my entire outfit last night after getting home from Fuller’s house. A pair of ripped dark wash jeans, the maroon and gray shirt with Fuller’s name and number, and a cute pair of hoop earrings.

  I shoved my Calculus book into my locker and grabbed a thick Physics book from the bottom shelf. Even though all I wanted to do during study hall was flirt with Fuller, we’d made a pact to continue to study together and do our homework in the library. That way, we could hang out or talk after he got done with the team’s pregame meeting. Thanks to our productive session, all I had to do this weekend was study for my AP Physics test next week.

  Dae and I made our way toward the parking lot. Freshmen scurried by to get to their buses in time, while juniors and seniors talked about their weekend plans on the way to their cars.

  I tightened my backpack straps; the strain of carrying heavy books all day hurt my back. “I’m nervous for the guys. Sounds like there are going to be at least three scouts at the game. Brandon was kind of freaking out. I don’t blame him, though…there’s a lot of pressure on the team tonight.”<
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  Dae moved his head up and down in agreement. He appeared to be paying attention, but I saw him looking at his phone.

  “Do you think Brand’s going to get drafted into the NBA next year?” I said, trying to keep my voice even.

  “Yeah, totally,” Dae said, still looking at his phone.

  “Is that before or after he runs for president?”

  No response.

  “Or destroys the alien invaders taking over our planet?” I suppressed a chuckle.

  His eyes were still glued to his screen. “Ah, yeah. Sure.”

  “Dae,” I said, shoving my friend’s shoulder.

  He tucked his phone into his back pocket. “Huh?”

  I shook my head. “You’ve got it bad for Jenna Marie, huh?”

  He grinned. “I do.”

  “Why don’t you ask her to be your girlfriend? Make things official?” I elbowed him lightly in the ribs.

  “Well…” Dae trailed off as a massive smile took over his face.

  “Dae Kang, what are you hiding from me?” I stopped and placed my hands on my hips.

  He stopped walking and spun around. “I asked her last night.”

  I let out a loud squeal. “Did she say yes?”

  Arching a brow, he ducked his chin. “Do you think she would say no to all this?” He pointed to his muscular abdomen.

  “You’re ridiculous, you know that, right?” I joked.

  “That’s not what Jenna Marie said last night.”

  I sprang toward him and gave him a massive hug. “Yeah, yeah, enough with the jokes.” Letting go, I couldn’t stop grinning. “I’m really happy for you, Dae.” We walked side by side to the back row where we’d both parked this morning.

  Dae ran a hand through his black hair. “My mom wants her to come over for dinner tomorrow night.”

  My eyes lit up. “Aw, meeting Mommy and Daddy Kang. That’s a big step. You haven’t brought anyone home since…” I softened my tone. “Well, since Eva.”

  The perma grin on Dae’s face flickered. “Let’s not talk about her.”

  I held up my hands. “My bad.” It had taken him months to get back on his feet after Eva doused their relationship in gasoline and lit the match. He’d been a lot more guarded since then, going out on dates but never getting serious with another girl. Jenna Marie had changed all of that, and I couldn’t be happier for the both of them.

  I flipped my key ring around my finger. “All right, I’m going to head home and get ready. See you back here at quarter to seven?”

  “Sounds good. Meet by the concession stands?”

  “See you there.”


  “Wow, kiddo. You look great.”

  “Thanks so much, Gramps,” I said, spinning around. “Check out Fuller’s shirt. Pretty cool, huh?”

  Gramps scratched his head. “Isn’t he that nice boy who came over? We talked about Charles Barkley.”

  My heart swelled with happiness at the small memory achievement Gramps had displayed. “Yup.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t make it to the game.” He looked down at his cast. “Doc wants me to take it easy.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll be sure to go to a game together as soon as you’re feeling better.” My heart broke as I said the words out loud. Gramps and I never went to games anymore; they were too much for him. “But if you’re feeling up for it, would you like to watch the game on TV with me tomorrow morning? I have the DVR set up and ready to record it.”

  “That sounds great, Wrenny.”

  The nickname made me smile. He and Grandma had called me that when I was a little girl, but he rarely used it anymore. I thought he’d forgotten it for good. “Sounds great. I’m going to head out now, Gramps. I’ll see you later.”

  “Night, sweetheart.”

  I grabbed my coat and shouted goodbye to my parents before heading outside and slipping into my car.

  It was only six fifteen, but I was too anxious to wait around the house any longer. I’d get to school before Dae and Jenna Marie, but I didn’t mind. I might even be able to see the guys warm up.

  The drive through town felt different. Almost like the perfect light during the golden hour had settled down on our little mountain town and stayed there. I’d started to see places as opportunities for cute dates with Fuller. I looked at the quaint general store on the corner of Main and Third Street. Maybe Fuller and I can grab a malt next weekend?

  I let out a chuckle as I drove by a new business called Escape Me! Allegedly, there was a guy dressed up as a zombie inside and, if you didn’t solve the clues to escape the room fast enough, he’d pretend to attack you. I bet Brandon and Dae would love that place. I wondered if Fuller and I could set up Brand with someone. That way, we could triple date.

  By the time I got to school, I had a huge smile on my face. I never thought I’d be one of those girls who got all mushy when she started dating someone, but Fuller brought it out in me.

  Leaving my coat in the car, my hands trembled slightly as I locked my car and headed into the school. Trying to shake the nerves, I gave myself a little mental pep talk. Fuller is going to do great tonight. He’s going to be super excited to see you in the stands. Dae and Jenna Marie are going to be there, too, which is awesome.

  Everything is going to be perfect.

  Posters for the game lined the school walls. Our basketball games usually drew in a huge crowd, but tonight’s would be an even bigger spectacle than usual. We were playing the Falcons, our rivals. We’d lost our only game to them during the regular season, and they’d almost knocked us out of the state tournament in the playoffs. The competition would be tough, but I knew the guys could take them down. Especially with their improved free throw percentages.

  The familiar sounds of basketballs being dribbled up and down the court echoed off the brick hallway leading to the gymnasium. Ducking inside the door, I scanned the court. Fuller stood with a basketball in his hands, getting ready to take a shot from the three-point line. His feet were totally squared, and his balance was perfect. A grin spread across my face. Looks like my advice has helped already.

  As the ball sailed through the hoop, he looked over at me and waved. I waved back as giddy excitement shot through my body.

  “Nice shirt,” he shouted before catching a pass from TyShaun.

  Brandon nailed two layups in a row, grinning as the ball rebounded off the backboard and swished through the net. He was hands down the best point guard in our entire division. Fuller and the other guys on the team were lucky to have him.

  With pride bursting in my chest for Fuller and Brandon, I decided to play it cool. Turning around, I exited the gym and made my way toward the concession stands. I ordered some Red Vines and a bottle of water. That would keep me occupied until Dae and Jenna Marie got here.

  Twenty minutes later, students, parents, and teachers had flooded the commons, where the concession stands were set up. The crowd buzzed with excitement as basketball fans of all ages milled about.

  Dae and Jenna Marie showed up right at six forty-five. After waiting in line for popcorn and soda, we made our way toward the gym.

  “Wren, your outfit is super cute.” Jenna Marie smiled.

  “Thanks.” I grinned. “Fuller gave me one of his basketball shirts last night.”

  “Totally adorable.” Jenna Marie squeezed Dae’s hand.

  I wasn’t sure if she was talking about my shirt or Dae, but either way, it made me happy.

  As we entered the gym, I smiled. The atmosphere was perfect, from the sound of squeaking sneakers, to the smell of popcorn, and best of all, the excited buzz of the students and parents getting ready for tip-off.

  “Magnolia Valley Cougars! Magnolia Valley Cougars,” the cheerleaders shouted in unison. They stood at the far end of the gym, wa
ving their pom-poms in the air. The fans chanted along and clapped.

  We made our way up and across the crowded bleachers, taking a seat at the half-court line. It was my favorite spot to watch the game.

  Fuller and his teammates appeared to be finishing their warm-up. They’d switched from shooting hoops to dribbling and passing drills.

  “Hey, Wren.”

  I froze. I knew that voice, and it sent shivers down my back, even if she’d been abnormally nice to me earlier in the day. Dae scowled.

  Spinning around, my eyes landed on Marissa and Courtney. They were wearing matching maroon tank tops that left nothing to the imagination, and super-short jean shorts. The pockets were sticking out by at least three inches. Shockingly, they must have forgone their high heel death contraption rules for the game. Instead, they wore bright white sneakers.

  “Hey, Marissa. Courtney.” I greeted them with abundant caution, unsure of what they wanted or why they were talking to me.

  Marissa smoothed out her shirt before sitting down on the bleacher behind us. Which, of course, meant I had to look up at her as she continued the conversation.

  “That’s a cute shirt.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder.

  “Thanks, Fuller gave it to me.” I kept my voice level, trying not to give her the satisfaction of making me nervous.

  “Listen, I think it’s really sweet that you and Fuller have this little thing going on.” She looked at Courtney and laughed. “But there’s something I think you should know.”

  The air whooshed out of my lungs, and just like that, I felt like we were back in seventh grade again. The confidence that I’d felt the night before in Fuller’s family room vanished.

  “Marissa, why don’t you go sit somewhere else?” Dae’s eyes narrowed in on her.

  “Oh, trust me, I wouldn’t be caught dead sitting next to the three of you. The only reason I’m here is to let Wrentainer in on Fuller’s little secret.” She leaned forward, locking eyes with me.

  My blood turned to ice. “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, see,” she said, brushing something off her leg, “Fuller and the guys…” She stopped and shot a snide look at Courtney before bursting into laughter.


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