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Seduction in the Sun: Adult Romance Box Set (9 Sizzling Tales with BBW, Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males)

Page 51

by Hawkeye, Lauren

  What Jane does next comes as a complete surprise to me. She tilts Misty’s face even farther back and kisses her with a fierce possessiveness.

  I crawl to the edge of the bed and slip my legs over, looking desperately for my panties, trying to block out the whimpering sounds Misty is making behind me. I find my panties and manage to get them on and then sift through the clothing on the floor to find my bra.

  “Jane,” Misty says her partners name like a moan.

  “Ah, sweets.” Jane’s voice is husky. “I told you you’d like it if you tried.” She cups her cheek and kisses her again, even more deeply. “You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you, luv?”

  “Oh Jane.”

  I turn in time to witness the huge grin that splits Jane’s face. “Well don’t let me stop you.” She sees me dressing and says, “Don’t go.” Then she starts pulling off her clothes until she’s completely naked. “This will be fun.”

  She turns toward Nicolai who is still gloriously naked. “And who’s this then?”

  “Nicolai. He’s local,” Misty offers in a breathless voice.

  Nicolai doesn’t speak as Jane walks up to him, completely nude. His face is flushed and his eyes flash with apprehension.

  “Is he your boy toy?” Jane glances at me then focuses on Nicolai again, a slow smile inching over her lips. “Handsome devil, aren’t yah? Like a young stallion, you are.”

  I’ve found my bra and struggle to put it on as I watch Nicolai back away from Jane. “We have to go,” I say.

  “Go?” There’s displeasure on Jane’s face as she turns to me. “Don’t go.” She walks straight up to Nicolai and cups his crotch. He grimaces, whether it’s from Jane’s rough touch or from the fact he’s still sensitive after what happened, could be both. “It’s been a long time since this cunt has seen cock.” She gives the front of herself a little rub. “But for you, luv, I’ll make an exception.” Tugging on his hand, she attempts to pull him toward the bed. “Come give us a fuck, then, why don’t you?”

  “Jane,” Misty says her name with a soft appeasing tone.


  Her eyes flick from me to Nicolai, I can’t be sure, but I think she winks. “I want to be alone. Just you and me.”

  “Just us?” Jane’s attention is back on Misty. “But...are you sure?”

  Misty nods and smiles. Jane visibly melts as she crawls across the bed to her lover.

  I’ve got my skirt on and do up my blouse while Nicolai finishes dressing. Just before heading through the door, I glance back at the bed. Jane and Misty are lying limbs entwined, rolling and kissing, making soft sounds of love and we’re not even there.

  “Let’s go,” Nicolai says, holding the door for me.

  We don’t say another word until we’re back in the car.

  “Well, that was interesting.” My alcohol buzz has faded and I’m feeling...I don’t know. I should feel good about all that transpired this evening but instead I feel uncertain.

  “Mmm.” Nicolai intones. “Very interesting. Very educational.”

  “Was it?”

  He turns to me for a quick look before focusing on the road again. “You have no idea.”

  A lovely warmth spreads over me as I smile and snuggle down into the seat. I guess I was just worried about Nicolai, but it sounds as if he enjoyed himself, so everything is good. Soon I fall asleep and wake up to Nicolai carrying me inside and up the stairs to my suite. It’s so wonderfully cozy in his arms, I pretend to stay asleep. When he reaches my door, I hold him tight, nestling my head in the warm crook of his neck, letting him know I’m awake now.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “Hey,” I whisper, breathing deeply of his scent.

  He sets me on my feet but I keep my arms wrapped around him.

  “Let’s go inside,” he says.

  I don’t make a move to unlock the door, instead I kiss him lightly and say, “Not tonight.”

  He looks down at me with a silent question in his eyes. Eventually he says, “What about practicing control?”

  I lift a hand to his cheek. “One problem. I have no control left. If you stay in my bed tonight, I will make love to you.”

  He looks away smiling. “Is that such a bad thing?”

  “It’s late and I’m tired. But I’m also horny as hell. It’s your decision. You tell me what you want to do.” I rub the front of his chest. “I am still yours to command.”

  “How I wish that were true.” He moves, trapping me between his body and the wall. It’s so different from that first night. He tilts my face up and softly places his lips on mine. His right hand reaches for the back of my head and carefully tilts me for a better angle. The pressure of his lips increase and his tongue finds entrance.

  Confident. Cocky. Delicious. His kiss is perfect. The only problem with it is that it ends. He rests his forehead against mine and exhales slowly. Then he backs away. “Good night, Tessa.”

  He turns and walks down the hall to the stairs without looking back.

  I touch my lips and whisper, “Wow. You definitely pass this lesson...bastard.” But I smile because even though I’m disappointed he didn’t decide to stay, I’m also too tired to have done his initiation justice. The longer we wait, the more determined I am to make Nicolai’s first time perfect. He deserves nothing less.


  I always know when I’ve had too much to drink because I wake up at four in the morning—after only a couple of hours sleep—wide awake. Like now.

  I try to go back to sleep, but I only end up tossing and turning with thoughts of Nicolai swirling through my mind. A part of me can’t believe what happened a few hours ago, it all seems so crazy and dreamlike. I replay the evening over and over, except in this fantasy, Nicolai and I are alone and we’re making love. His cock inside me. His orgasm taking place while his cock is fully embedded.

  In me.

  Oh yes.

  There’s no way I can go back to sleep. After half an hour, I give up and head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I’d been too sleepy to do it before bed. I also take a couple of aspirin to soften the low grade pressure at the front of my skull. With the extra blanket from my bed, I go out to the kitchen, grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge and head out to the terrace.

  There’s a bit of a breeze and I wrap the blanket around me as I relax on the cushioned lounger, staring out at the dark beyond. The sun isn’t up yet and the sky is indistinguishable from the sea with the stars reflected in the water, bright and endless. I get lost in the enormity and beauty of the universe.

  I am not surprised when I hear the sliding door of the terrace open behind me.



  “Is everything okay?”

  I sit up. “Yes. Come sit.”

  Nicolai pulls the other lounger right up beside mine, and I admire the flash of his bare chest and arms as he moves. The man is unfairly good-looking and as soon as he sits, I go back to staring at the sky so he won’t notice how I’m salivating over him. “You couldn’t sleep, either?” I ask.

  “No.” He reaches for my hand. “Perhaps I’ve become accustomed to having a warm body in bed beside me.”

  Inclining my head toward him, I say, “Don’t get too accustomed to it. You know I’m leaving in a couple days.”

  “Yes,” he says softly, “I know.”

  We stay like that for a long time, staring at the sky, listening to the surf, not speaking. It’s peaceful—a marvel really. My life is filled with many wonderful moments, but for the most part, it is combined with a sense of urgency and adrenaline. This is something different altogether and I react unpredictably...with moisture building behind my lids.

  I am thankful for the cover of darkness because I don’t want Nicolai to misinterpret my unexpected emotions.

  Perhaps he senses my mood, because he breaks the silence to say, “After my mother died, my grandmother told me that if I wanted to speak to her, I only
needed to come out at night and talk to the stars.” He points. “Do you see that red one there? That’s her. Or, at least, that’s the star I spoke to.”

  I shift closer.

  “Do you see how it blinks? I thought it was her answering me.”

  I wipe my cheek and slowly turn to look at him but he’s staring at the sky.

  “Of course, now I know it isn’t a star at all. It’s Mars. But when I was a child, it gave me comfort.” He glances at me and smiles. “I hated being in London because I couldn’t see the stars, I couldn’t talk to my mother. So, when I returned to Molyvos, I spent every night there,” he points behind us toward the roofline. “I’d crawl out of my window and sit on the roof and talk to her.”

  A strange tickly sensation awakens in my tummy. “Every night?” I ask softly, thinking back to my time in Molyvos seven years ago.

  “Every night.”

  “Did you ever happen to see...anything else besides stars?” I’m thinking about how much time I spent out on this terrace during my four month stay.


  Oh no. I clear my throat. “Really? Um...what did you see?”

  It takes him a while to answer. “I saw you. You’d come out here and stare at the stars too. Sometimes I’d hear you speak. I couldn’t make out the words, but I could hear your voice.”

  I wait for him to go on, to talk about the other things I did on the terrace.

  “You sounded...sad.”

  How could I have forgotten? The memory of those early days in Molyvos come back in a spasm of emotion, reminding me of the failure of my marriage and kick-starting the build-up of tears all over again.

  “I felt—umm, what’s the word?—kinship with you. Even though you didn’t know I was there, maybe you didn’t even know who I was, I felt closer to you than to anyone else.”

  The stars and sky above become a blur; blackness streaked with starlight. I work hard at keeping my breathing even as I recall all the one-sided conversations I’d had with Chase, right here on this balcony, as I stared out at the stars.

  “And brought home a lover.”

  “Oh God,” I whisper, more recollections of that time surfacing.

  “I knew it was wrong to watch. But, I was young and I had never seen...” he suppresses a chuckle. “Well, I’d seen plenty of pictures. I went to an all-boys school after all.”

  I rub my forehead. “You must have thought I was terrible.”

  “Quite the opposite.” He shifts beside me. “I thought you were wonderful. It was very...enlightening.” He pauses and though I’m still staring at the sky, I can tell he’s looking at me. “It’s only fitting that my enlightenment should continue with you.”

  “Nicolai, I—”

  “Tessa, don’t.” He moves closer until he’s half on my chair, half on his. “Don’t pull away. Not now.”

  Pull away? Is that what I was doing? I open my mouth to speak but he presses a finger to my lips. “Shh.”

  With the other hand, he reaches around the side of the chair and releases the lever so that the backrest reclines to its lowest position. Then he rolls on top of me, pinning me beneath his oh-so-large body.

  “Don’t think of me then. Think of me now.” With his hands on either side of my face, he kisses me. His lips move generously over mine, like he’s been doing this for years, not days. He doesn’t push me like some eager school boy, he takes his time, enjoying himself.

  As much as I want to forget who we were and enjoy who we are, I can’t.

  “You’re tense,” he whispers.

  “I know.”

  “Why?” He props himself a little above me. It’s still so dark I can’t really make out his features. “Is it because of what happened earlier?”

  “No.” I lick my lips. “It’s because. This suddenly feels...I don’t know. It feels wrong.”

  He doesn’t move. He simply stares down at me in the darkness. Finally, he says, “What would make it right?”

  Nicolai being ten years older—at least—that would make things better, but I don’t say it. Among other feelings that are elusive but still bothersome, maybe even more so because of how elusive they are.

  As if reading my mind, he says, “My age didn’t bother you yesterday or the day before that. What’s changed?”

  What’s changed? Excellent question. I wish I knew the answer because something has changed. I sensed it all day yesterday, and whatever it is, I think that’s why I’d been avoiding being alone with him. Why else would I make him take me to the festival instead of staying home with him? Why else would I agree to hook up with Misty, letting Misty touch me in ways he had yet to, encouraging him to touch her intimately before he’d had the chance to touch me? Sharing our first oral session with a stranger?

  I’m the queen of impatience yet I asked him to stay in his own room tonight when all I really wanted was for him to join me in my bed. All I want is to make love to Nicolai. So why haven’t I? Why don’t I right now?

  “Maybe you need to be in control.”

  Is that the problem? Do I need to be in control? I shake my head, confused by my own feelings and actions. The truth is, I like giving up control when I’m with a man, maybe because I pride myself on having control in every other aspect of my life. It’s a relief to be with someone who’s dominant; to let them take over, take care of me, tell me what to do.

  But from day one, things have been different with Nicolai and I’ve enjoyed calling the shots. Maybe this unfamiliar territory is the thing that is leaving me feeling unbalanced.

  “Or...” he whispers softly. “Do you need me to take over? Like you asked me to do tonight?”

  Am I that transparent? His ability to read me is exhilarating, sexy and incredibly scary.

  He takes my hands and threads his fingers through mine. “You are thinking very hard about something.” He lightly kisses my knuckles. “I’m going to change that.” He crawls off of me and tugs on my hand, pulling me to my feet. Bending down, he picks me up and carries me through the open doorway.



  He nudges the bedroom door open with his foot and carries me inside. He sets me on my feet beside the bed and with utmost care, lifts the bottom of my nightshirt over my head. I’m helpless to do anything. My tummy is quivering and my heart’s hammering as his gaze rakes over me, standing there in only my panties.

  “Lie down on your stomach,” he says quietly.

  I do as he says, feeling suddenly lightheaded. Is this what the problem has been? I’ve needed Nicolai to take over? I’ve needed my typical pattern of having a dominant male in my bed? I’m still not sure.

  The lotion is sitting on the bedside table. He straddles my back and reaches for it. “You’re still thinking too much, Tessa.”

  I hear him rubbing his hands together and then he’s touching me; his lotion-slick fingers running along the tight cords of my neck only to move lower so he can knead my shoulders. He plays my muscles like he’s playing a piano, each finger individually pressing and it feels divine. I sigh and begin to relax.

  He moves lower and works the tight muscles along my spine, using his thumbs with just the right amount of pressure up and down on either side of my backbone.

  “Do you know what amazed me the most?” Nicolai asks as he rakes his fingers down my back.

  “Hmm?” I’m not sure which conversation we’re continuing and I don’t care.

  “You never just fucked.”

  I inhale sharply at his choice of words.

  “You always made love. Even back then, I could tell the difference.”

  Ahh, he’s not talking about tonight. He’s talking about my previous visit.

  His hands rest on the small of my back. Then...very carefully, he runs a finger just beneath the band of my panties. “Turn over, Tessa.”

  I swear his voice has become deeper with every day we’ve spent together. Before I can do as he asks, I have to get my breathing under control bec
ause that deep voice of his speaks to me on a visceral level, making me pant with readiness. I take a few inhalations and then slowly exhale as I roll beneath his straddled legs.

  His face is flushed and his hair is damp on his forehead, as if we’ve been doing more than just talking and massaging. His eyes appear sleepy and sexy as he leisurely takes in my naked torso. He lowers himself beside me on one elbow while lazily grazing my jaw with his knuckles. His hand pauses, only to sweep lower to my collarbones and then—yes—to my breasts.

  Does he realize he’s accomplished what he set out to do? I’m no longer thinking. My heart is directing blood to every other organ except my brain. I find myself arching toward him, my body unconsciously asking—no pleading—for his touch.

  He circles my nipple with the very tips of his fingers.

  “Each lover was special.” He focuses on one nipple, rolling it between his fingers. “I wanted to be one of them.” His mouth closes over my erect bud and he sucks.

  Hol-ee Moses! It’s like I’ve never had a man kiss my breast before, the sensation is so new, so pleasurable. I’m not even processing his words—I can’t—I’m simply reacting to his touch and the timbre of his voice.

  “The way you touched them.” He lifts his head and brushes my erect nipple with his knuckles. “The way you looked at them.” He meets my fevered gaze. His eyes are dilated and dark.

  “The way you kissed them.” He moves up on level and pauses for a second, poised for a kiss.


  He interrupts me by dropping his mouth to mine. So soft. So gentle. He kisses me like he’s the teacher and I’m the pupil, moving first, instructing me to follow along.

  I have no more doubts. Or at least, if I do, they are buried beneath the weight of desire. I wrap my arms around him and pull him on top of me.

  Nicolai frames my face, holding my ardor in check. “You are the most sexual woman I’ve ever met.” His breath is soft and sweet against my cheek. “I want you, Tessa. I’ve wanted you for seven years.”

  “I want you too,” I whisper, arching for a kiss.

  “No more games, Tessa.”

  I nod. “No more games.”

  Chapter Sixteen


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