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Seduction in the Sun: Adult Romance Box Set (9 Sizzling Tales with BBW, Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males)

Page 67

by Hawkeye, Lauren

  He did. Lowering his head, he crushed his lips to mine, and the kiss was angry and tasted of salt and desperation. Crying out gutturally, I tried to free myself, and succeeded only in becoming pinned beneath the long weight of my husband’s body.

  It was hot as hell.

  Swearing, I bucked underneath him and clawed my nails down his back. He grunted as his absorbed the little shock waves of pain, and after fisting his hands in my hair and pulling tight, sank his teeth into the tender skin of my neck.

  “Fuck.” I reached down, groping without finesse at the cords of his arm, the planes of his chest, the curve of his ass. I traced a finger roughly through the cleft that divided his cheeks, and he shuddered violently.

  “Fuck me.” It wasn’t a request or a plea, and I hardly recognized my own voice as the words left my mouth. “Fuck me now.” With a feverish glint in his eye, he tore at my T- shirt, and I heard the cheap cotton tear. Burying his face in the swell between my breasts, he scooped my right leg up behind my knee, up over his shoulder.

  On the first thrust I screamed. My cunt was tight, tight and hot, and I felt my muscles contracting and releasing as they did their best to accommodate the foreign flesh that was invading my own. Our movements were awkward, as rough and unsynchronized as they had been during our first time, but the sound of flesh slapping together as we fucked for the first time in months was erotic to me nonetheless. I shuddered as he laved his tongue messily over my nipples, leaving splotches of dampness behind. He bent his head to attack my mouth, to plunder with his tongue as he thrust inside of me, and the intrusion of his cock, which I could see if I looked down my body to where we were joined, was both foreign and familiar. My fingers scrabbled for purchase, first on the widely muscled planes of his back, then in the slick sheets. I could feel the friction of his coarse pubic hair on my cunt every time he hilted, and that combined with the tunneling in and brought me to the crest, to the very edge of the cliff before I fell. My body was wound as tightly as a toy top before it was released to spin into a sinuous blur, and when Austin grunted, shifted and came between my legs, I cried out with need for my own release.

  It didn’t come right then; I’d never been able to let go that easily. But it hadn’t been so long that he didn’t remember that, and after a moment of full silence in which he lay as though dead on top of me, pushing me down into the bed with his dead weight, he hoarsely whispered, “roll over.”

  The knowledge of what was to come had my stomach rolling with anticipation. Tucking a pillow beneath my belly, I did as he asked, burying my face in the newly sweaty covers of the bed and raising the quivering flesh of my ass into the air.

  “Aah.” I had forgotten the pure pleasure of that first flicker of tongue on clit. Restlessly I rolled my hips, urging him on, but he chose instead to lap steadily, slowly, circling the hard, tight bud and driving me methodically out of my mind.

  “Austin...” I wanted his tongue, or his finger, anything to fill the aching cleft between my legs. He ignored me and continued to nibble, sampling my juices as if he’d never tasted anything so good.

  “Austin...” I was so close. So close. If he would have just concentrated in one spot for just a minute, I could have let go and cried out with the joy of blessed release.

  “Austin!” I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to fly. When he slid his tongue inside of me, nuzzled the silky strands of his hair against my very core my world went black, and then white, and I felt as though I had been taken apart and put back together all over again.

  “Austin.” I whispered his name, barely noticing when he crawled up to lay his head beside mine on the pillow. I shuddered, overcome with emotion as he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close. Tears prickled again at my eyes, and a single fat drop rolled out of the toffee colored depths to plop, fat and wet, on the tip of my nose. There were positive tears, though— a much needed release.

  “I love you, Anna. You know that, right?” Austin nuzzled my neck as images of the day swam before my eyes.

  “I love you too, Austin.” Clearing my mind was impossible, so I took a deep breath, seeking... well, I wasn’t sure what, exactly. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so confused.

  Austin ran a seeking, curious hand down the long planes of my back, coming to rest in the hollow just above my ass.

  I squirmed, unable to hold still, edgy as hell.

  He placed his face against mine, sweaty cheek glued to sweaty cheek, and nuzzled again, trying to look into my eyes.

  Though it made me feel sick, I couldn’t return the stare, afraid that if I did I would reveal the adulterous thoughts that had been plaguing me since that afternoon. So I slipped out from under his arm, slid off of the bed, muttering words so quietly that I barely heard them myself.

  “I want to clean up.” Austin nodded slightly, a tiny jerk of his chin that I caught from the corner of my eye as I stood, crossed the room to where the bathroom light was housed in the slickly painted wall. I felt my skin burn with the touch of his eyes as I moved, slithering over my breasts, my belly, my ass, and in a fit of self-consciousness I wished desperately for a towel, a t shirt, anything.

  Ridiculous, really. We’d been married for a year, and were together for two before that. He’d seen every bit of me that there was to see, over and over and over again.

  I forgot all about my self-consciousness when he spoke.

  “I looked at your e-reader.”

  His words held no inflection, but I flinched, regardless. Turning slowly, I forced myself to meet his eyes.

  “You did?” I couldn’t help it; I was mortified. My e-reader held clues to all of my most private desires.

  Oh God, what would Austin think? Probably that he’d married some kind of perverted nymphomaniac.

  “Anna...” he started, and I watched as resolve settled over his features. I stood frozen as he climbed off the bed and made his way toward me.

  “Don’t you dare feel ashamed of what you want,” he ordered... there was no other way to describe the way he spoke. And even though I was angry and embarrassed, something hot began to unfurl in his belly when he spoke to me like that.

  Crossing the room, he caught my chin in his hands.

  “I looked because you wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. And I think I found my answer.

  I couldn’t look away.

  “You’re bored.” His expression told me that I didn’t have to respond; he already knew the answer. “With us. And you found something that didn’t bore you. And instead of telling me about it, you pulled away.”

  I was unprepared for him to whirl me around and press me against the wall. The plaster was cool against my skin, and when he pressed against me from behind, I felt myself shiver with anticipation.

  “Did it ever occur to you that I might want the same things?” Austin nipped at my neck, and even though we’d just had sex, I felt heat pool between my legs. When I didn’t answer he closed his teeth over the tender spot below my ear, right over my pulse.

  “I... but you... you’ve never...” I couldn’t help but stammer. Shit, but he was right. It had never occurred to me that my friendly, easy going husband would have even considered some of the things that I dreamt about.

  I was an idiot.

  “Liam and I went to college together, Anna.” Austin kept his mouth against my ear, and it send delicious waves of pleasure cascading over my skin. “And while we were in college we found that we both had a taste for kink. He continued on, learning everything he could and becoming a Dom. I, however...”

  He nipped again, then pulled back, turning me around so that I had to face him. His lips were set in a wistful line.

  “I met you. And I loved you more than I loved kink. So I pushed everything away.”

  My mouth fell open. Could we really have been so stupid? Were we so unhappy because we hadn’t communicated, because we’d kept secrets?

  “If I’d told you I wanted to spank you and use clamps on your nipples back then, Anna, you would hav
e run screaming into the night.” Austin spoke the truth.

  Now, though... now the words shoved a picture into my head that was absolutely delicious. I ran my tongue over lips that were suddenly dry.

  “And now...” I couldn’t ask the question. But I hoped.

  “And now we take this weekend to explore.” Austin placed his hands on my shoulders, then slid them down, cuffing my arms behind my back. It was a simple thing, but the gesture—that he was taking away my control—caused my pulse to skitter.

  “Explore what?” I finally managed, and my voice sounded strange even to my own ears. I held my breath, waiting for him to respond.

  “Explore pleasure.”

  Chapter Six

  There was no point in asking where we were. It was only too obvious.

  Before we left our room Austin blindfolded me with a sheer pair of stockings. He then took me by the hand and trusted that I would let him guide me.

  I supposed that I had given him that trust when I’d married him.

  I felt the drop in my stomach that signaled when we were in the elevator and it was descending, and then heard the noise when the metallic doors opened to the lobby. The anticipation that balled tightly in my belly told me where Austin was leading me, though he didn’t say a word until we stopped at what I knew, I just knew, was the entrance to Lead Me Not.

  “Liam Phillips,” he said, and I heard a rustle of paper and a grunt of assent.

  And then we moved again, the air shifting in a way that told me we were passing through a doorway.

  It was like we’d entered another world.

  We stood still for a long moment, just inside the door, and though I couldn’t see, my other senses felt like they were on high alert. The air was thick with sensual promise, caressing my skin like a kiss, and it was both silent and screaming at the same time.

  The silence was reverent, as though we were in a house of worship, and I supposed we were. But the reverence was overlaid with noises of satisfaction—the slap of flesh on flesh, the crack of a whip, murmurs and sighs and groans.

  I felt dampness pool between my legs as I registered it all. No matter how upset with him I’d been, Austin had brought my most treasured fantasy to life, one that I hadn’t even admitted to myself.

  We were about to explore one another.

  It was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

  Still silent, Austin squeezed my fingers, which were clutched tightly in his hand. When he again moved, I followed him willingly, my legs trembling with anticipation.

  Finally, finally we stopped. I heard the rattle of chains, and then felt Austin’s fingers trail through my hair.

  “Everything good, Anna?” His breath fanned out over my lips. I swallowed, hard, and nodded.

  “I need to hear you say it.” His voice was unmistakeably his, but there was a note of steel that I’d never heard in before.

  It turned me on.

  “Yes,” I whispered, then cleared my throat. “Yes. I’m good.”

  “Good.” His fingers caressed my cheekbones, then dropped to my hipbones. “If at any point you want to stop, say so. Okay? We trust each other. I’ll listen, no safe words needed.”

  Safe words. Austin. The two things were incongruous to me and I couldn’t help the slightly hysterical giggle that bubbled up from my throat.

  “Sorry,” I whispered, trying to swallow it back. “This is... I just... I’ve never seen you like this before.”

  A quick kiss was dropped on my lips, then his hands caught in the hem of the sundress that he’d allowed me to pull on. He pulled it over my head, leaving me naked in public.

  My instinct was to cover myself, but he grabbed my hands, held me tight.

  “Austin,” I hissed, but even as I spoke I knew that my protests were empty.

  I liked this. I had been craving it.

  “Even before I met you, I was always a bit easier going with BDSM than Liam was,” Austin’s voice held affection and amusement as, with hands still on my wrists, he tipped me backwards. I thought I would fall, but what felt like suspended fabric of some kind caught my weight.

  “I wasn’t a vanilla sex kind of guy, but I was more interested in a bit of kink than in true dominance and submission.” His hands slid between my legs as he spoke, delving between my folds, discovering just how wet I already was. “And looks like you’re the same. I wish we could have done this sooner, but you weren’t ready.”

  I groaned as his fingers explored my labia, but didn’t slide inside of me, which was what I really wanted. Unconsciously I leaned backward, which settled me more firmly into the sling that held my weight.

  It shifted back and forth as Austin took my hands and curled them around lengths of chain. A swing—he had me in a swing.

  Oh my God.

  I was naked in public, in what I was pretty sure was a sex swing. And I only knew that because I’d read about one once.

  I should have been mortified.

  Instead, it felt like I’d come home.

  Still, I would have dared anyone to say that they didn’t have any nerves at all in my position, as Austin moved his hands to my upper thighs and began to slowly slide them down, down, supporting the weight of my legs until he reached my ankles.

  When his fingers curled around my anklebones, he slid first one of my bare feet, then another, into a loop of something that supported them, straight out in front of me and splayed.

  Holy shit. I had no illusions about how vulnerable this made me, spread open and visible to anyone who walked by. I strained, listening for comments, for whispers.

  All I heard were the same sounds that I had when we’d walked in. The sounds of pleasure.


  “Austin... take off my blindfold.” It was unnerving not being able to see him, to not know with absolutely certainty that it was him who touched me.

  “No.” One word, full of a confidence that I’d rarely heard from him before.

  “Excuse me?” I wasn’t sure whether to yell at him or not. This was terribly exciting and yet... I’d told him to take my blindfold off.

  “Trust, Anna. That’s what this kind of sex play is all about.” He had moved without me being aware of it, and the whisper sounded against my ear. “I want you focused on me, not on anyone around us. The blindfold stays.”

  He trailed his hand over my cheekbone, my collarbone, into the valley between my breasts, not pausing to give attention to either nipple, though my body was screaming for it. I sensed him moving down my body as his touch lowered, then lowered still more.

  I felt a damp kiss on my lower belly, just above the dark curls that lay between my legs, and I couldn’t hold back the moan.

  “I thought this was about pleasure.” I choked out, my hips arching, which set the swing to rocking. Austin’s chuckle vibrated over the sensitive skin on my inner thigh, making me tense with need.

  I hadn’t been this aroused since we’d started dating. Maybe not even then. This was insane, a fantasy come to life.

  I felt one of his fingers settle on my clit, circling the engorged nub firmly, and I cried out loud.

  “I wanted to take my time with you this first time here, to show you how good kink can be.” His thumb pressed unerringly to my clit, then circled again, and I felt my arousal pulling tight. Then the hot, wet cavern of his mouth settled on the flesh currently occupied by his thumb, and he sucked, hard, bringing me right to edge and screaming over, faster than I’d ever climaxed before in my life. The pleasure was bright and blinding, and I thrashed in the swing, which set me to rocking, a strange weightless feeling, my control taken away in the most delicious of ways.

  The climax left me panting, the wave receding as quickly as it had crashed, and impossibly, leaving me even hungrier than before.

  “Please, Austin,” I found myself whimpering, my body arching towards him. “Please.”

  “Please what, Anna?” He licked his tongue over my too sensitive flesh, and I cried out.

�Please... more. I need more.” He laughed again, the vibrations making me shiver.

  And then I felt the head of his rock solid erection, pressing against the slickness of my entrance.

  Yes, was all I could think. Oh yes.

  “Like I said, I wanted to take it slow. But seeing you here like this... open to me in a swing...” His fingers linked with mine on the chains, holding me steady as he slid in. Then he rocked me back, then forward again, holding perfectly still himself, and we both groaned as his cock slid through my wet cavern.

  “I need you, Anna. So much.”

  I wanted to say the same words back to him, but then he moved me back and forth again. My flesh slammed against the jut of his hipbones, his cock filling me to the point of pain with every thrust, and I couldn’t do anything about it, laid out as I was in the swing.

  It was thrilling. It was exciting.

  It was fucking hot.

  “Austin,” My voice turned to unintelligible whimpers as he slammed me into him again, and yet again. My inner thighs were bruised from the bones of his pelvis, my pussy swollen with my need, my desire leaking down the side of my thigh.

  And I wanted more. Grabbed for more, as I felt it coiling in my gut, a spring about to break.

  “Anna. Anna!” As Austin’s voice took on that familiar note that told me he was about to reach his own climax, he took one hand from the chains, his swings of my body becoming shorter and faster. His free hand slid over my hip, slid over the smooth curve of my ass, and into the cleft of my ass. His questing finger found the tight pucker, and as I gasped, he pushed the tip of a finger past the firm ring of muscle, making the nerves sizzle with sensation.

  The coil winding tight inside of me burst, and I screamed as I came. Austin began to thrust his own hips in time to the movements of the swing, and he made a soft sound of wonder deep in his throat, a sound I’d always loved that told me his orgasm was imminent.

  He thrust into me one last time, hard, as he came, hard on the heels of my own climax. I shuddered against him, his arm wrapping around my waist to pull me closer to him as we both reached completion.


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