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The Battlefield Series 7: Disguising the Truth (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “So fucking tight and wet. I love this ass.” He ran his palm along her asscheek and squeezed hard.

  “Please, Stephan. I need you,” she said as he slid the rest of the way in. The three of them moaned and then he and Tobias began to work their cocks in and out of her body. She was moaning and swaying between them when Tobias cupped her breasts then pinched a nipple. “Tobias,” she screamed and that was it. Stephan and Tobias began to thrust into her body faster and faster until she cried out with her release and then he and Tobias followed.

  They hugged her between them and then Stephan eased out of her ass and kissed along her skin. Tobias rolled to the side, sliding out of her cunt and caressing her cheeks.

  “I love you,” Tobias whispered.

  “I love you, too.”

  Stephan smiled. He never would have imagined being able to love Celeste after he thought he’d lost her—let alone share her with his brothers who loved her, too.

  “Want to take that bath now?” Tobias asked as he caressed her hair from her cheeks.

  “I think I can’t move. It seems making love to four very demanding men takes a lot out of me on days I work, too.” She closed her eyes and cuddled up next to Tobias.

  “You’ll get used to it and maybe you can work from home,” Stephan said to her.

  “Work from home? Bartending?” she asked, eyes squinted and confused.

  Stephan stroked his finger from her shoulder down over her breasts to her hip.

  “No, working here and being here all the time for us. So we can love you whenever we want, and can enjoy times like this more often.”

  She smiled. “Now, Stephan, are you trying to tell me you want me to be your personal sex slave?” she asked.

  He looked over her body and held her gaze.

  “Sex slave sounds kind of shady. Maybe personal love goddess.”

  “Oh brother,” she said and tossed a pillow at his head. Tobias laughed.

  “We’ll think of something,” Tobias said to her.

  “I’m sure you and your brothers could come up with something very interesting, but for now, I’ll continue bartending.”

  “I’ll start that bath,” Tobias told her.

  “Thank you.” He leaned down and kissed her softly before Tobias walked toward the bathroom.

  Stephan slid up over her and lay on top of her.

  “Sex slave, huh?” she asked.

  “I’ll be your personal sex slave if it makes you feel any better.”

  She chuckled and gave his ass a slap.

  “Hm, you taking orders from me in bed? I could get used to that.”

  “Never going to happen,” he said and kissed her. Chloe was more than perfect for him and his brothers, and very soon they would ask her to be their wife and move in with them, so they could be with one another permanently.

  He felt the slight ache of fear hit his gut. The thought of her going to her home and staying there instead of with them every night worried him.

  He kissed her fully as his mind wondered why he felt so apprehensive, as if she was still danger. Was it because of the scars and the ordeal they went through? Was it because he knew Copias was still out there somewhere? Would he ever get over her nearly dying? He wasn’t certain but the sooner she moved in with them the faster these feeling of worry would disappear.

  He hoped.

  Chapter 8

  “Damn it to hell. Are you serious? You saw them, Theo?” Tobias asked. He was standing by the dirt driveway of Theo Berk’s ranch. He and his brothers ran a small horse training business and owned several acres of land. They had ATVs they used with small trailers to carry out fencing material when the fencing needed mending and for other excursions like hunting. Tobias wanted to finish things up at work and head to the Filling Station to be with his brothers as they waited for Chloe to finish working, but it seemed he was going to be late.

  “The one I saw was wearing a blue shirt and black pants, black hiking boots and a cap on his head. It was a faded red. Now, I’m trying to do things right here, Tobias. I could have taken him out or one of my brothers could have with one shot, but it looked like a kid.”

  Tobias was pissed off, especially as it was getting darker out and soon there wouldn’t be any sunlight.

  “So you think it was someone from the Willis family?”

  “It was one of the teenagers. I think Woody,” Clay, one of Theo’s brothers, told him. Tobias looked at the four men. Theo, Clay, Poe and Mercy were pretty badass and Tobias knew they could have easily taken a shot at the thief who stole their ATV, but they didn’t.

  “I appreciate you not taking the shot at the kid. I’m going to go see them now.”

  “You better be careful, Tobias. Those kids and even the older children have no respect for the law,” Mercy warned him.

  “I know. I won’t be going alone.”

  “You want us to come along?” Poe asked.

  “That won’t be necessary. This is a police matter and we’ll handle it. I’ll be in touch,” Tobias told them. He headed to the patrol truck and called it in to the station.

  “Cameron, we’ve got a situation with the Willis boys again. Who else is available right now besides you?”


  “Okay, the two of you meet me by the main entrance to their place,” he said and then explained the situation.

  “Those damn kids. Does Theo think it was one of the younger kids or Turner or Crane?” Cameron asked.

  “Younger, by the description. I recalled when Jack and I went by there a couple of weeks ago there were a few kids yelling things out and telling us to get off the property. Absolutely no respect for authority. One of them was wearing a red baseball cap, worn out and a blue shirt that was ripped under the right armpit. I took notice because I thought how something like that would annoy the crap out of me.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. They haven’t exactly been brought up right. All of them have been in trouble since they could ride a bike. Look what the youngest ones did to Cesar’s mom, causing her to fall and break her ankle.”

  “Yeah, I remember that. Well, get here and we’ll all go in together.”

  He disconnected the radio call and continued to drive down the road toward the Willis property. The sun had already set and it was growing dark quickly. Just as he started down the main road to their property he heard the roar of an engine and looked to the right to see an ATV and a kid on it wearing the red cap, blue shirt, black pants, and black boots.

  He sped up the driveway, calling into the radio.

  “I got him in my sight. The ATV, and the kid with the red cap, black jeans, and blue shirt just as Theo described.”

  “I’m right on the main road. I’ll be there in one minute,” Cameron said and then Zeke radioed in.

  “Coming in on the backside now. I see him, too. He’s headed to the barn,” Zeke called into the radio.

  Tobias flipped on the sirens and lights as he came up on the kid. The kid swung to the right and Tobias didn’t want to crash into him and hurt or kill the kid. He looked like he was fifteen, tops.

  The kid drove the ATV into the barn. Tobias came to a stop, jumped out of the truck, and pulled his gun and the flashlight out. He heard the sirens, then heard the sound of tires stopping short on dirt and gravel when suddenly shots were fired.

  He felt the hit to his chest and fell back to the ground.

  “Stop! Stop right now!”

  He was shocked and the pain was incredible but thank God he wore the bulletproof vest. He roared in anger and tried to get up.

  “Lie still, Tobias.”

  “Fuck that.” He forced himself up and could hardly catch his breath as he roared, but then Turner and Crane came out from the barn holding their little brother Woody by his hair. Crane was carrying a gun but holding it by the handle.

  “Don’t shoot us. We stopped him,” Crane said.

  “Let go of me,” Woody yelled at his brothers and tried to get free.

; Zeke grabbed Woody and threw him down on the ground. He pulled his arms behind his back and kept his knee in the center of his spine.

  “You stupid fucking kid. You could have killed him. A cop. Are you that fucking stupid? All over an ATV that isn’t yours?” Zeke lifted him up and Tobias leaned back against the police truck.

  “We’ll return the ATV to whomever it belongs to, Tobias,” Crane said to him. The pain in his chest was getting worse and worse and he was trying not to pass out. He was fucking shot.

  “What’s going to happen to him?” Turner asked and now the other Willises were coming out from the house.

  “This is serious shit. He shot a cop. If the assistant chief wasn’t wearing protective gear he would be dead right now,” Cameron yelled at them.

  “What’s going on? What happened? Why is Woody in the back of the police cruiser?” their mom asked.

  “Because he stole an ATV and then shot the assistant chief. He’s going to jail and will be charged accordingly,” Cameron told them.

  “Are you okay?” Mr. Willis asked Tobias.

  He stared at him. “No. I’m fucking not okay. This is not okay. You know what, Mr. Willis, I may be fairly new around these parts and I may not know the whole fucking story about your beef with this town, and with the law and following rules and regulations, but I don’t give a shit. You’re raising your children wrong.”

  “Tobias,” Zeke tried to interrupt.

  “No!’ he yelled and stood up straighter, taking a few unsteady breaths.

  “No, this is fucking bullshit. When you allow your children to commit crimes, to take things that don’t belong to them and condone it, then you’re saying you don’t care about those kids, your own flesh and blood. Your son, one of the youngest, has learned from the older ones, and from you. He took a gun and shot a cop. He shot me and that is insane. He’s going to jail. He’s going to get charged with everything the chief and the judge feel will teach this boy that life is precious and that God gave him one chance. Get your heads out of your fucking asses and start raising these kids right or they’ll end up behind bars or dead. Put that bullshit from the past behind you and leave it there.”

  He pushed away from the door and felt the terrible pain. He grabbed on to the doorframe and he heard Mrs. Willis gasp and then felt Mr. Willis and Zeke grab him to steady him.

  “We’ll call in to the station and get someone out here to drive the patrol car back. You need to go to the hospital,” Zeke said.

  “I’ll drive myself to the fucking hospital.”

  “The hell you will,” Cameron said. “The chief and the others are on their way,” Cameron added.

  Tobias looked at the Willis family all staring at him and not saying a word. Then Theo and his brothers pulled up with a trailer and truck. It was total chaos and now that things were settling in he felt like he was going to throw up, but he was trying not to show how much pain he was in. Then the ambulance arrived along with Cesar, Wallace, and Scottie. He closed his eyes and breathed through the pain then thought about Chloe. She was going to be upset. She got shot three times with no protection, and here he was feeling like he could pass out and moan from the pain of getting shot wearing a bulletproof vest. He steadied his breathing as he stood up straight and started to undo his uniform shirt and prepared to remove the vest.

  * * * *

  “What’s going on? Tell me,” Chloe demanded.

  She noticed the reaction around her at the bar and then Stephan looked pissed off and then Scottie and Wallace hurried out of the bar along with Cesar and a few others. Something was going on.

  “Stephan?” she asked again and he looked at Ledger. The bar was crowded but Ledger, Selena, and Tessa were handling things just fine.

  “There was a police situation and they needed additional assistance,” Stephan told her.

  “So why would Wallace and Scottie go?”

  “Cesar asked them to come along. You know he’s trying to get them to join the force.”


  “I didn’t know that either,” Ledger said, adding to the conversation.

  Despite Stephan looking calm he kept glancing at the cell phone. Then she saw Lori appear and she had changed from casual clothes to her uniform. She had been here with her men and their friends enjoying the night. Brooklyn followed.

  “Lori is going to take over now,” Brooklyn informed her.

  “Take over, why?” Chloe asked. Stephan stood up and she looked at him.

  “What happened? What didn’t you tell me?” she asked, now feeling scared and worried.

  “Tobias is going to be fine,” Stephan said.

  “Tobias got hurt? How bad is it? Why didn’t you tell me right away? That’s why Scottie and Wallace left?”

  Ledger placed his hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him.

  “He’s going to be okay. You can head out with Stephan to see for yourself that he’s fine.”

  “What happened?” Selena and Tessa asked them.

  Stephan looked at Selena strangely but didn’t answer her.

  “Chloe is leaving. Come on and we’ll head to the hospital,” Stephan stated.

  “The hospital? Oh God, it’s that bad?” Chloe asked but Stephan was straight-faced as he told her to grab her things so they could go.

  Once she was in his truck he explained the situation.

  “The kid shot him? What if he wasn’t wearing the vest? My God, he could have died. How bad is he? I know that even when you get shot wearing the vest it still causes damage.”

  “Scottie texted that he was refusing to go to the hospital. Cesar ordered him to go.”

  “Thank God he listened. Oh my God, I can’t believe this happened. Here in Repose, no less.”

  “I know it’s pretty screwed up. It really pisses me off about that damn Willis family.”

  “Is that why you were giving mean looks to Selena?”

  “I couldn’t help it. They’re all the same.”

  “She isn’t. She doesn’t even live with them. She left for college and did her own thing. She rents a small place in Keanter.”

  “I don’t know her really or her story. It’s just that the whole family has no respect for the law, or for life. That kid who shot Tobias is only thirteen years old. What the fuck?”

  She couldn’t help but to think of losing Tobias, and of the fact that something like this should have never happened. She realized as they made their way to the hospital that she would do anything to protect her men, all of them, from ever getting shot or hurt. She wanted them to be happy and safe. She thought that was what life would be like with them here in Repose. Now she wondered if danger was such a part of life, of their careers, that there would always be that worry, even in a town as perfect as Repose?

  “Hey,” Stephan said and squeezed her hand and brought it to his lap. “He’s going to be just fine.”

  She nodded but felt the tears in her eyes. They had been telling her to trust them, to let her guard and defenses down more because they were here to protect her and Repose was so safe. She understood the realities of criminal minds and that bad things happen everywhere. That sometimes a person just reacts and doesn’t think about all the consequences to their actions. This was probably the situation and she would learn exactly what happened as soon as they got to the hospital, but it didn’t make her feel less angry. It upset her that a kid wouldn’t think twice before shooting at a police officer. What was wrong with that family? What was Cesar going to do about them? She prayed that Tobias was okay and knew that she needed to be strong for him.

  When they got to the hospital the place was swarming with cops. Chloe spotted the guys and Cesar, Scottie, and Wallace greeted them.

  Scottie pulled her into a hug. “He’s fine. Just really badly bruised and they think two ribs are broken.”

  “Oh God. This is crazy. Why did that kid shoot him? What the hell happened?” she asked and Cesar explained.

  “Can we see him?” she asked.
br />   “Of course,” Cesar said and led the way.

  As soon as she entered the room she spotted him on the bed, shirt off, with the nastiest looking bruise she’d ever seen that covered his whole chest and left side over his ribs in a scraggly circular form.

  “I’m fine, Chloe. It barely hurts,” he said to her and she hurried to him and caressed his hair and his cheek.

  “Liar,” she said and leaned down to kiss him. “What did the doctor say?” she asked and looked at the wound.

  “He’s going to wrap my ribs,” he told her.

  “Good, that will help with the pain, that and of course some pain meds.”

  “Not for me.”

  “You’ll take them,” she told him and looked at all his tattoos—the military designs and the American flag—and knew he’d served his country and now was serving Repose and could have died after surviving that battle zone. It was very upsetting to her.

  He reached up and cupped her cheek and cringed from the movement. “I’m fine, baby.”

  “You’re going to be in a lot of pain. Whatever the doctor gives you, you take it for a least a few days.”

  Wallace placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed up against her. “He’ll listen and follow the doctor’s orders. We’ll make sure,” Wallace said.

  “Okay, I’m going to head to the station. Damon is picking up the Willis kid and bringing him to the county jail. He’ll be arraigned first thing tomorrow morning,” Cesar told them.

  “I can’t believe that family, and that a thirteen-year-old would steal an ATV and wouldn’t just give up from being caught but instead shoot a cop. What the fuck. Someone needs to talk to those parents and set that family straight,” Stephan stated.

  “From my understanding, your brother pretty much told them off and whatever he said affected them. Whether they’ll take action accordingly remains to be seen,” Cesar said.

  “Well, if they don’t then more of those kids will wind up behind bars or even dead,” Tobias said and they all agreed.

  * * * *

  The week passed and it was Friday night and Tobias sat at the bar with his brothers and their friends. He watched Chloe do her thing and he couldn’t believe how much more in love with her he was now from when they’d first met. She took such good care of him at home. She also spoke with the members of the Willis family. He just found out from Stephan that she went there after they’d sent over a bunch of food for him and his brothers. They took his words to heart and were truly upset about what Woody had done.


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