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The Battlefield Series 7: Disguising the Truth (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She turned away. And he pressed her hard against the railing. She felt the tip of the knife against her side.

  “You will obey me.” She felt the tiny pinch as the sharp knife cut her skin.

  She was breathing heavier, her heart pounded inside of her chest so fast and hard. She didn’t want to die. It wasn’t fair that this was happening to her. She had never thought she’d fall in love with a man but she had times four and now she had to give all that up and never see them again. That was pain and torture in itself.

  The straps on her tank top fell down and then she heard the rip from the knife cutting her skirt. He pressed her harder against the railing. She could feel his muscles against her back and ass and then his palm ease up her inner thigh.

  Breathe. Breathe. I’m not going to die here. Not without a fight.

  The tears filled her eyes and she made her decision. He would have to kill her before she would succumb to his control and possession.

  His fingers pressed hard between her legs and she gasped. “Ouch,” she said. He was hurting her, bruising her. The knife stuck against her side, pinching her skin. Any move to resist his touch and the bastard would cut her.

  In her mind she thought of what to do. What techniques, counter moves, and their outcomes. They each could be effective but then what? If she escaped where would she run? She hadn’t been out these doors since she’d been unconscious when she’d arrived.

  She cried out as he bit her shoulder, breaking the skin.

  “Focus on me. On pleasing me,” he said and moved her hand over his cock. She had to do this. Whatever happened, happened. No one was coming. No one knew where she was. Her life was over and if she couldn’t have her men then life wasn’t worth living.

  She closed her eyes and built up her strength. She leaned her head back against his chest and his hand eased against her wrists. The knife moved away from her skin, and she gripped on to the railing.

  Just as he began to push his fingers into her, she leaned forward and shoved her head back hard and fast.

  “Grrr.” He roared in pain, fell back and she turned to run. She saw the blood splattered all over his face, his nose broken when he cut her side with the knife. She countered with a kick to his stomach and delivered yet another kick and punched him, reaching for the heavy planter pot and slammed it over his head.

  She ran for the door, the darkness stunning her as her eyes tried to adjust. She ran barefoot, feeling the sticks and rough terrain cutting her feet and ankles as she put her hands out in front of her and ran blindly through the jungle.

  Her feet went out from under her quickly as she hit some sort of deep drop. She slid, cutting her thighs, her ass and back as she slammed her shoulders against rocks and then rolled to her back. She was panting for breath, scared, and shaking as she turned around in a circle, unsure of where to go. Suddenly she heard something in the distance and ran away from the sounds. She didn’t know where she was going or if she would get out of this forsaken jungle but she didn’t care. As long as she got away from Copias.

  * * * *

  Stephan, Tobias, Scottie, and Wallace could hear the men speaking in Spanish and communicating about finding the woman. Copias was hurt.

  “She got away?” Wallace whispered.

  They had on their night vision glasses and saw the multiple men running through the jungle and to the hut that supposedly held Chloe.

  “There he is,” Stephan said.

  “If she got away we need to take those men out first or they might come up on us,” Scottie stated.

  “Let’s do this,” Tobias said and they nodded and then made their way up closer to the hut.

  “You cannot run, Celeste. There is nowhere to go. No one to help you. Just bad things in the jungle to kill you. Come back to me now and we will finish making love,” he said.

  Stephan heard whispers and saw Copias’s soldiers go down. He entered the hut, his gun drawn on Copias as he stood by the railing, no shirt on, and his pants undone.

  “When I find you, Celeste, you will suffer greatly.”

  “Not happening,” Stephan said and Copias turned around, his face a bloody mess and his eyes wide in shock at seeing him there. He felt proud of his woman for doing that damage and escaping.

  “You? How?”

  Stephan smirked. “Celeste saved me.”

  Copias’s face turned red and he growled loudly as he lifted the knife he held in his hand and lunged toward Stephan. Stephan fired numerous times, killing Copias on the spot.

  He looked at him with disgust and hatred. Copias gurgled and stared up at him.

  “She’s my woman, always has been and always will be. Take that to the grave, pendejo.”

  * * * *

  “What do we do?” Wallace asked as everyone gathered around.

  “She’s out there, she’s scared, and she doesn’t know this jungle. It isn’t good,” Wolf said to them.

  “She’s resourceful and a good hiker. Since she is scared then she’ll leave a trail for us to find. That’s your specialty, right, Vanderlain and Monte?” Scottie stated.

  “We need some light,” Vanderlain said and they began to look for tracks, matted down leaves, broken branches—anything that could indicate her direction. As they continued to head down the mountain, they saw the drop.

  “Fuck, she fell and went down here,” Monte said and they descended the deep drop.

  “Blood,” Cameron said and looked at the ground.

  “She must have fallen hard. She could be hurt,” Scottie said.

  “More blood here. Whatever her injury, she’s bleeding good.”

  “Damn it. Let’s move,” Wolf said and they all continued. The intensity of the situation was overwhelming. Their woman got away from Copias, broke his nose, and avoided being recaptured. Now she was injured, bleeding, and there was no light to see.

  “Keep the night vision on and look everywhere. She could be lying down on the ground somewhere hurt,” Tobias whispered and they spread out a little wider, searching more area as they made their way down the treacherous jungle.

  * * * *

  Chloe was shaking and her side was burning. That son of a bitch cut her. Even if she didn’t die from his hands she was now going to get some sort of infection and die here in the jungle alone, or maybe some animal might eat her.

  She saw a bit of light through the trees. She would head that way. Maybe it was toward the water. As she started to see some other huts, she lowered down, being careful not to be noticed. Copias could have more guards. She wondered why no one was running through the jungle after her, when suddenly she heard noises and branches breaking.

  She went to turn and move and her foot hit a hole, twisting her ankle. She fell down, and grunted as her body hit the rocky ground.

  Tears hit her eyes and she knew she twisted her ankle badly. Why was this happening to her? What the hell.

  She heard the sounds getting closer and she pulled herself to the tree. She reached around and felt the long thin branch like a stick with no leaves. She squeezed it tight. The sounds got closer. Boots.

  She closed her eyes, gathered her strength and jumped out to slam the stick against the person as she screamed out. The man ducked and grabbed her around the waist.

  “Chloe!” Tobias yelled her name.

  Her eyes widened with recognition and she grabbed on to him and kissed him, hugged him and cried.

  “I got you, baby. We’re all here. Jesus, woman, you move fast. You didn’t even give us time to rescue you,” he said and when he set her feet down she gasped and grabbed him tight.

  “Where are you hurt?” Stephan asked and Wallace and Scottie touched her body.

  A dull light shone on her.

  She saw that it was Wolf, and then she saw Vanderlain, Coastal, Memphis, Cameron, Toro, Goose, and Monte. She was shocked.

  “You came to rescue me,” she said as Scottie pulled up her straps on the tank top that was ripped.

  She felt the hand on her waist
and grunted.

  “She’s got a nice gash to her side. Lots of cuts,” Wolf stated.

  “And a badly twisted ankle,” she whispered.

  “We got you, honey. Let’s get you the hell out of here,” Stephan said.

  Wallace picked her up and carried her farther down the treacherous terrain. When he got tired, Scottie took her, then Tobias, and finally Stephan.

  She was shaking so hard, they were worried.

  As they got her onto the boat and slowly got out of the area she started to feel worse and worse.

  “Wolf,” she whispered as he tended to her injuries.

  He stroked her cheek and looked into her eyes as Scottie held a dull light. They couldn’t have too bright a light or they would be detected.

  “I don’t feel right,” she said.

  “I need to get her warmed up. She’s going into shock,” he said and then she felt herself being lifted up, warmth covering her skin as jackets were pressed over her and arms wrapped around her. She was lying on top of Wallace. Scottie lay partially over her and her body continued to shake until she felt warmer and warmer, relaxed until darkness overtook her vision.


  “Everyone is here and waiting to see you,” Wallace told her and he scooped her up into his arms and began to carry her from the bedroom.

  She moved her hand under her skirt to make sure she wasn’t showing her rear. Her ankle was wrapped and in a soft cast. The stitches on her waist were removed two days ago, and the bruises and scratches were healing at their own speed. She held on to Scottie’s neck.

  “I could walk, you know.”

  “You shouldn’t be yet. You have another week before that cast is removed and then physical therapy to follow. Plus, you just got your stitches out.”

  She smiled and kissed his cheek as he descended the stairs. She could hear the party going on, the country music, the laughter, and she even smelled the barbecue going.

  As she entered the kitchen her friends cheered at seeing her. Antonia, her men, Brooklyn and her men, Mia, Cali, Ledger, Dominick—everyone was there from work. All her friends, coworkers, and of course her men had all come to see her at the hospital when she was transferred there. Everyone had been helping out, cooking food, and sending it over.

  Scottie brought her outside where their other friends were. Tessa, Vienna, and even Selena were there. Scottie placed her down on a chair by the large set of tables. Her friends all gathered around and Wallace kissed her softly on the lips. She smiled at him. Then Tobias came over and kissed her next. Finally Stephan took the seat next to her, handed her a margarita and kissed her before she took a sip.

  She never really had a family before. Just her grandparents and some distant relatives she never saw. She had devoted her life to the police department as an agent hired to help gather evidence to take down one major arms and drug dealer. She would feel a lot better at night knowing Copias was dead. When she learned that his buddy Pueblo Cruz had killed Michael Crown and Synad Barker the moment they delivered her to him, she felt like they got what they deserved.

  She never wanted to leave Repose. She suddenly wanted to expand their family, set roots down permanently in Repose, and raise kids with her men who would be strong, resilient, determined, loving, and incredible just like them. She learned quickly that a lot of the members of Repose had their personal battle wounds. Yet it seemed to her that they overcame them, learned from them, and now provided whatever they could to all their neighbors and friends. She was thrilled to be part of this special town, too, and would have to thank Brogan the moment she had a chance.

  “There she is.” She was shocked when Brogan approached from behind and smiled wide. She reached up and opened her arms wide to him.

  “Get over here, Brogan. You deserve a huge hug.”

  Her men squinted their eyes with shock and Brogan turned red but he bent down and she hugged him tight then kissed his cheek.

  “What was that for?” he asked as he stood back up.

  “For always being there for me and Stephan, for recognizing true love even in the most dangerous of circumstances, and for sending me here to Repose, so I could start a new life with four men I love and adore.”

  She lifted her glass. “A toast. To Repose,” she said.

  “To Repose,” everyone cheered and then Stephan kneeled down next to her chair and kissed her neck.

  “To moving in permanently. And to maybe starting to work on that family we all discussed,” he said to her.

  She looked at him, Scottie, Tobias, and Wallace. “I don’t recall anyone asking me to be their wife or anyone placing a ring on my finger.”

  Wallace banged the glass and got everyone’s attention. Then he, Scottie, Tobias, and Stephan got down on their knees in front of her and everyone. The tears filled her eyes and she heard the gasps and the sighs.

  “Celeste Fiore,” Stephan said.

  “Also known as Chloe Miller,” Scottie said and everyone chuckled.

  “We love you so very much. We want to start a family with you, love you every day for the rest of our lives,” Wallace said to her.

  “Will you do us the honor of being our wife?” Tobias asked.

  “Will you marry us and make us the happiest men alive?” Stephan concluded and then opened up a pretty red velvet box that contained a very large clear diamond surrounded by blue sapphires.

  “I will. Yes, yes, yes, and yes,” she said, looking at each of them.

  Everyone cheered as her men each kissed her and then placed the ring on her finger. She felt the tears roll down her cheeks and Wallace wiped them away.

  “Happy tears, I hope,” he said.

  “Of course.”

  “Good, so tonight we can start working on making babies. It’s the most fun part of it all,” Scottie said and suckled her neck, making her giggle and she swatted at his shoulder and reprimanded him.





  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendants of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Enjoy The Battlefield Series 7: Disguising the Truth and allow your imagination to soar freely.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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